40 resultados para Bacterial colonisation

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Short peripheral intravenous cannulae (pIVC) are prone to specific problems such as thrombophlebitis, infiltration and bacterial colonisation. This paper presents data from a study of 80 polyurethane pIVC in 59 children within a general paediatric population. There was no significant colonisation of any cannula by bacterial or fungal organisms. This study provides evidence that it is safe not to routinely replace pIVC in this population. It supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for intravenous cannula (IVC) management in children.


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Mitochondria and chloroplasts arose from bacterial endosymbionts about a billion years ago. This ancestry is now showing us how these organelles divide in modem cells.


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The size and pace of change in meiofaunal assemblages suggest that meiofauna make excellent subjects for testing theories about how ecological communities change. A field experiment was performed in which the  abundance and composition of epibionts and meiofauna on natural,  transplanted and mimic pneumatophores were monitored over a 47 wk period. Meiofaunal density increased with growth of algal epibionts, both reaching maximum values after 24 wk, at the end of winter. At this time the assemblages from the 3 substrata were similar, although the combined abundances of meiofauna on transplants and mimics were only 28% of the average on natural pneumatophores. Meiofaunal abundance on all substrata decreased rapidly during spring as algal cover declined due to desiccation. Twenty-three species of nematode were recorded from mimics compared with 8 and 7 from transplants and pneumatophores, respectively. A temporal sequence of feeding groups occurred in the order of epigrowth feeders, deposit feeders, and omnivore/predators, with the latter 2 adding to rather than replacing earlier trophic groups. Scavengers were found only on natural pneumatophores. The turnover rates of nematode species between all census times were similar, peaking at 63%, but there was no trend in the turnover rates with time. We conclude that mimics are more suitable than transplanted pneumatophores for colonisation studies because of their greater persistence and more easily standardised surface area. Moreover, the composition of colonising assemblages on them closely resembled assemblages on natural pneumatophores at the time of peak meiofaunal abundance.


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Mitochondrial fission requires the division of both the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. Dynamin-related proteins operate in division of the outer membrane of probably all mitochondria, and also that of chloroplasts – organelles that have a bacterial origin like mitochondria. How the inner mitochondrial membrane divides is less well established. Homologues of the major bacterial division protein, FtsZ, are known to reside inside mitochondria of the chromophyte alga Mallomonas, a red alga, and the slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, where these proteins are likely to act in division of the organelle. Mitochondrial FtsZ is, however, absent from the genomes of higher eukaryotes (animals, fungi, and plants), even though FtsZs are known to be essential for the division of probably all chloroplasts. To begin to understand why higher eukaryotes have lost mitochondrial FtsZ, we have sampled various diverse protists to determine which groups have retained the gene. Database searches and degenerate PCR uncovered genes for likely mitochondrial FtsZs from the glaucocystophyte Cyanophora paradoxa, the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, two haptophyte algae, and two diatoms – one being Thalassiosira pseudonana, the draft genome of which is now available. From Thalassiosira we also identified two chloroplast FtsZs, one of which appears to be undergoing a C-terminal shortening that may be common to many organellar FtsZs. Our data indicate that many protists still employ the FtsZ-based ancestral mitochondrial division mechanism, and that mitochondrial FtsZ has been lost numerous times in the evolution of eukaryotes.


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A field experiment was run to assess how grazing affects meiofaunal colonisation of mimic pneumatophores in a temperate mangrove. The effects of two manipulated factors were tested: mimics (made from wooden dowel rods) were either implanted into the sediment, or suspended just above the substratum; and in addition were either fitted with an aluminium 'snail barrier' or left without. The abundance of meiofauna was estimated on the 4 treatments after 2, 4, 8 and 16 weeks in situ in the intertidal region. After 16 weeks the meiofaunal assemblage was dominated by copepods, and the effect of suspension was highly significant on abundance of the epibiotic assemblage. Mimics suspended above the sediment, out of reach of snails, were fouled with a green algal layer whereas implanted units were not. In contrast, 'snail barriers' were found to be relatively ineffective in preventing access by the dominant herbivorous gastropod Bembicium melanostomum. Meiofaunal assemblages were more abundant on suspended units, but there was greater taxonomic richness at levels of phylum and class on implanted units than on   suspended units. The colonising meiofaunal assemblage was less abundant on implanted mimics than in previous experiments at this study site, and this was attributed to the present experiment being carried out during the dry summer period, when meiofauna on pneumatophores is in decline.


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Many views of stream invertebrate populations centre on drift as the major route of larval dispersal, but few studies have presented unambiguous information about the role of drift. We present the results from an experiment designed to determine whether the major route of colonisation of substrata by hydropsychid larvae (commonly found in the drift) is by drifting directly onto substrata or by walking along the stream bottom. The experimental design contained four treatments: substrata open to drifters and walkers; fenced substrata open to drifters only; and two treatments open to drifters and walkers that provided forms of fence controls. Fifteen replicates of each treatment were set out at random locations within a riffle at each of three sites, with each site on a different river (the Little River, the Steavenson River and the Acheron River) in the Acheron River catchment. The experiment was run twice, once during autumn (April 1999) and once during early summer (January 2000). Both experiments were colonised by three species of hydropsychids, Asmicridea sp. AV1, and Smicrophylax sp. AV1 and AV2. We found that 2nd/3rd instars of Asmicridea sp. AV1 walked as well as drifted, whereas all others primarily drifted. No relation between numbers of recruits and water speed was found when substrata were open only to drifters, whereas substrata open also to walkers gained more recruits in faster flows. Additionally, larvae more frequently abandoned nets in slow than fast flows, indicating that drifting into unfavourable flow environments may result in mortality or redispersal of larvae. These findings demonstrate that, although drift is important, it is not necessarily the only method used by hydropsychids to colonise substrata. Larvae may have more capacity to choose substrata in fast flows when they colonise substrata by walking. Spot measures of hydropsychid distribution cannot distinguish between these explanations. The finding that walkers can sometimes comprise significant numbers of recruits raises the prospect that hydropsychids can be sourced locally and have not inevitably drifted in from upstream locations.


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The earliest stage in bacterial cell division is the formation of a ring, composed of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ, at the division site. Tight spatial and temporal regulation of Z-ring formation is required to ensure that division occurs precisely at midcell between two replicated chromosomes. However, the mechanism of Z-ring formation and its regulation in vivo remain unresolved. Here we identify the defect of an interesting temperature-sensitive ftsZ mutant (ts1) of Bacillus subtilis. At the nonpermissive temperature, the mutant protein, FtsZ(Ts1), assembles into spiral-like structures between chromosomes. When shifted back down to the permissive temperature, functional Z rings form and division resumes. Our observations support a model in which Z-ring formation at the division site arises from reorganization of a long cytoskeletal spiral form of FtsZ and suggest that the FtsZ(Ts1) protein is captured as a shorter spiral-forming intermediate that is unable to complete this reorganization step. The ts1 mutant is likely to be very valuable in revealing how FtsZ assembles into a ring and how this occurs precisely at the division site.


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Postoperative cholangitis is a frequent and unpredictable complication of unknown etiology following bile duct reconstruction (BDR), particularly for biliary atresia. This study was undertaken to correlate the growth of bacteria in the hepaticojejunostomy with that in the liver after BDR. Quantitative bacterial culture was done on the specimens taken from the liver and from the hepaticojejunostomy at 1 week (group 1, n = 7), 1 month (group 2, n = 7), and 2 months (group 3, n = 7) following BDR with Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy in piglets after 2 weeks of common bile duct ligation. The histological examination of the liver and the hepaticojejunostomy, as well as serial monitoring of hemogram and liver function tests, were performed to correlate the findings with the bacterial concentration of the liver and the hepaticojejunostomy following BDR. The bacterial concentration of the hepaticojejunostomy, expressed as log10 colony-forming units per gram (log10 CFU/g) of the hepaticojejunostomy, showed a progressive decrease from 8.38 ± 1.36 in group 1, 7.07 ± 2.54 in group 2, to 3.56 ± 1.31 in group 3 (p = 0.001). The log10 CFU/g of the liver also showed a progressive decrease from 5.02 ± 1.59 in group 1, 3.16 ± 1.56 in group 2, to 2.19 ± 1.09 in group 3 (p = 0.006). There was a significant positive correlation of the log10 CFU/g of the liver (n = 21) with that of the hepaticojejunostomy (n = 21) following BDR (r = 0.600, p = 0.004). Most of the infectious pathogens isolated from the liver were also isolated from the hepaticojejunostomy. The changes in hemoglobin, bilirubin, albumin, and ammonia significantly correlated with the changes of the bacterial concentration of the liver. The results of the study suggests that hepatic bacterial proliferation after BDR is significantly affected by microbial overgrowth in the bilioenteric anastomosis and is associated with deteriorated liver function and hemogram.


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The phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to influence the outcome of the interactions between various hosts with biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Susceptibility to avirulent isolates can be induced in plants by addition of low physiological concentrations of ABA. In contrast, addition of ABA biosynthesis inhibitors induced resistance following challenge of plants by virulent isolates. ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, such as aba1-1, were resistant to virulent isolates of Peronospora parasitica. In interactions of Arabidopsis with avirulent isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, susceptibility was induced following addition of ABA or imposition of drought stress. These results indicate a pivotal, albiet undefined, role for ABA in determining either susceptibility or resistance to pathogen attack. We have found that the production of the cell wall strengthening compound, lignin, is increased during resistant interactions of aba1-1 but suppressed in ABA-induced susceptible interactions. Using RT-PCR and microarray analysis we have found down-regulation by ABA of key genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway especially of those genes involved directly in lignin biosynthesis. ABA also down-regulates a number of genes in other functional classes including those involved in defence and cell signalling.


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This study investigated the possibilities of improvement in the brackish water shrimp culture industry in Sri Lanka. Feeding rates could be further reduced without negative effect on shrimp growth while improving effluent water quality. Improvements of feed quality and pond management practices were also suggested.


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Recombinant α-L Rhamnosidase has several potential applications in citrus fruit juice processing industries. Immobilized recombinant α-L Rhamnosidase further provides an added advantage to this industrially important enzyme. Various techniques have been used to immobilize native rhamnosidase from fungal origin and applications were explored in great details by several workers. (Puri et al., 1996, 2000, 2001)

A recombinant rhamnosidase from a bacterial source was expressed in E.coli has been immobilized in calcium alginate beads (entrapment method). A batch bioreactor was created for the hydrolysis of naringin using immobilized recombinant α-L Rhamnosidase under shaking and stationary conditions and it was found to hydrolyze naringin effectively. The system was efficient to hydrolyze narigin under shaking conditions and was operationally stable up to 9 days. A high percent hydrolysis of naringin was achieved at pH 7.5 and 60˚C by immobilized rhamnosidase. Entrapped rhamnosidase was able to hydrolyze naringin content in kinnow juice repeatedly and this feature makes this technique economically suitable for debittering of fruit juices.


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This study presents a new computational method for guanine (G) and cytosine (C), or GC, content profiling based on the idea of multiple resolution sampling (MRS). The benefit of our new approach over existing techniques follows from its ability to locate significant regions without prior knowledge of the sequence, nor the features being sought. The use of MRS has provided novel insights into bacterial genome composition. Key findings include those that are related to the core composition of bacterial genomes, to the identification of large genomic islands (in Enterobacterial genomes), and to the identification of surface protein determinants in human pathogenic organisms (e.g., Staphylococcus genomes). We observed that bacterial surface binding proteins maintain abnormal GC content, potentially pointing to a viral origin. This study has demonstrated that GC content holds a high informational worth and hints at many underlying evolutionary processes. For online Supplementary Material, see www.liebertonline.com.


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Bacterial genomes reflect their adaptation strategies through nucleotide usage trends found in their chromosome composition. Bacteria, unlike eukaryotes contain a wide range of genomic G + C. This wide variability may be viewed as a response to environmental adaptation. Two overarching trends are observed across bacterial genomes, the first, correlates genomic G + C to environmental niches and lifestyle, while the other utilizees intra-genomic G + C incongruence to delineate horizontally transferred material. In this review, we focus on the influence of several properties including biochemical, genetic flows, selection biases, and the biochemical-energetic properties shaping genome composition. Outcomes indicate a trend toward high G + C and larger genomes in free-living organisms, as a result of more complex and varied environments (higher chance for horizontal gene transfer). Conversely, nutrient limiting and nutrient poor environments dictate smaller genomes of low GC in attempts to conserve replication expense. Varied processes including translesion repair mechanisms, phage insertion and cytosine degradation has been shown to introduce higher AT in genomic sequences. We conclude the review with an analysis of current bioinformatics tools seeking to elicit compositional variances and highlight the practical implications when using such techniques.