25 resultados para BRIGHTNESS

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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While white cashmere is preferred by processors, its whiteness and brightness is affected by country of origin, amino acid composition, nutrition and cashmere production of goats. This work aimed to quantify the factors which affect the whiteness and brightness of 36 batches of processed Australian white cashmere sourced from nine different farms. The cashmere was tested for tristimulus values brightness (Y) and whiteness, as measured by yellowness (Y-Z). Linear models, relating Y and Y-Z were fitted to farm of origin and other objective measurements. Mean attributes (range) were: mean fibre diameter, 16.9 µm (13.9–20.4 μm); fibre curvature, 45°/mm (31–59°/mm); clean washing yield, 91.3% (79.5–97.3%); Y, 78.7 (74.7–82.2); Y-Z, 11.9 (10.3–13.6). Farm alone accounted for 72% of the variation in Y and 65% of the variation in Y-Z (P < 0.001). Once farm had been taken into account only fibre curvature (P = 0.003) was significant in predicting Y and only clean washing yield (P = 0.047) affected Y-Z. Neither the proportion of the fleece present as guard hair (clean cashmere yield) nor cashmere staple length was a significant determinant of Y or Y-Z. For each 10°/mm increase in fibre curvature Y increased 1.3 units. For each 10% increase in clean washing yield Y-Z declined 0.9 units. Variations in Y and Y-Z among farms were probably related to differences in geographic and climatic conditions and were significantly correlated to cashmere production. The effect of clean washing yield was probably related to a reduction in suint content.


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This work aimed to quantify factors affecting the reflectance attributes of Australian white mohair sourced from five different farms and to evaluate the effect of season and year on mohair grown by goats of known genetic origin in a replicated study. For the season study the mohair was harvested every three months for two years. All goats and their fleeces were weighed. Mid-side samples were tested for fibre diameter attributes, clean washing yield (CWY), staple length (SL) and for tristimulus values X, Y, Z and Y-Z. For the farm study (n = 196), linear models, relating Y, Z and Y-Z were fitted to farm of origin and other objective measurements. For the season and year study (n = 176), data were analysed by ANOVA and then by linear analysis. The variation accounted for by farm alone was: X, 22%; Y, 24%; Z, 12%; Y-Z, 30% (P < 0.001). Once farm had been taken into account, the regression models for X, Y and Z had similar significant terms: mean fibre diameter (MFD), CWY, SL and fibre diameter CV; and correlation coefficients (057–0.65). For Y-Z, in addition to farm only MFD was significant (P = 1.8 × 10−9). While X, Y, Z and Y-Z were significantly associated with clean fleece weight (CFwt), CFwt was not significant in any final model. Season affected mohair Y (P = 2.5 × 10−24), Z (P = 2.3 × 10−20) and Y-Z (P = 6.8 × 10−22). Autumn grown mohair had higher Y and Z, and summer grown mohair had lower Z than mohair grown in other seasons. This resulted in summer grown mohair having the highest Y-Z and winter grown mohair having the lowest Y-Z than mohair grown in other seasons. The differences between years in Y, Z and Y-Z were significant but not large. When Y, Z and Y-Z were modeled with season and other mohair attributes, MFD, CWY, CFwt, incidence of medullated fibre (Med) and sire were also significant terms. This model accounted for 62.1% of the variance. Over the range of Med (0.3–4.2%), Y-Z increased by 11 T units. Increasing CFwt 0.5 kg was associated with a decline in Y-Z of 7.5 T units. The variation in Y, Z and Y-Z associated with sire effects were respectively 2.66, 3.77, and 1.04 T units. In the farm and the season studies increasing MFD was associated with lower Y and Z and higher Y-Z. The extent of the differences in tristimulus values between seasons and years, were unlikely to be of commercial importance. The extent of the differences between farms, and to variations in MFD and Med were large enough to be of commercial importance. Clean mohair colour was artefactually biased by MFD.


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Colour properties are measured prior to the sale of merino wool as they are of commercial importance when greasy wool is sold and when wool is dyed. With the paucity of knowledge of the colour properties of commercial mohair, this study aimed to identify and quantify the factors affecting the brightness (Y) and yellowness (Y-Z) values of commercial lots of Australian mohair. The research database comprised 520 sale lots (>500,000 kg mohair), which had tristimulus tests, and was sold during the period 2001–2009. Mohair was subjectively classed and sale lots objectively tested using international standard methods for mean fibre diameter (MFD, μm), fibre diameter coefficient of variation (%), International Wool Testing Organization (IWTO) clean wool base (IWTO yield, %w/w), vegetable matter (VM, %w/w) and the tristimulus values X, Y and Z (T units). The tristimulus values of Australian mohair were affected by the objective measurements of MFD, VM%, the subjective classing of stain, cotting, kemp and length and by the year and selling season. Variation in Y was more easily predicted with 90.5% of variance explained by the best model compared with variation in Y-Z, where the best model explained 51.6% of the total variance. Visually assessed properties of the mohair were very important in separating mohair of different Y properties, accounting for almost 80% of the total variance, but were far less important in accounting for the variance in Y-Z, accounting for about 9–10% of the total variance. The most important effects on the Y of mohair were associated with subjectively determined fault categories determined before the sale of mohair. In particular, stain fault explained about two-thirds of the variance in brightness of mohair sale lots. Stained mohair had much lower brightness than mohair free of stain but stain fault explained very little of the variation in yellowness of mohair sale lots. The extent of the differences in tristimulus values between seasons and years were not large for Y but were more important for yellowness (Y-Z), and these effects are likely to be of commercial importance. Generally, brightness decreased and yellowness increased as MFD increased up to about 30 μm. Both cotting and kemp fault were associated with reduced brightness and increased yellowness. The effects of VM% on tristimulus values were small. IWTO yield was associated with changes in tristimulus values, but in the best model, IWTO yield was not a significant determinant. This study indicates that commercial Australian fleece (nonfaulted) mohair was essentially white. Faulted mohair on the other hand exhibited poorer colour characteristics. The mohair subjectively identified as stained prior to sale comprised all the mohair which would be regarded as not white, and this investigation indicates that the effect of staining is on the brightness of mohair rather than the Y-Z measurement. Unlike the situation with merino wool, there was little relationship between the naturally occurring contaminants, as measured by the IWTO washing yield, and either Y or Y-Z.


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Previously, we proposed a new method of frequency domain analysis based on the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform to objectively measure pilling intensity in sample fabric images. We have further evaluated this method, and our results indicate that it is robust to small horizontal and/or vertical translations and to significant variations in the brightness of the image under analysis, and is sensitive to rotation and to dilation of the image. These results suggest that as long as precautions are taken to ensure fabric test samples are imaged under consistent conditions of weave/knit pattern alignment (rotation) and apparent interyarn pitch (dilation), the method will yield repeatable results.


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The importance of stress as a factor in influencing life history strategies has received considerable attention in recent years, because it appears to have a substantial impact on an individual's behaviour and physiology. Birds respond to environmental and social stressors by the production of corticosterone, a glucocorticoid hormone released by the adrenal gland. In this experiment, we tested whether female zebra finches preferred males selected to produce low or high peak levels of circulating plasma corticosterone. Plasma corticosterone and testosterone levels of the males were recorded, as were morphometric measurements and perch activity. Spectrophotometric measurements were also taken from several putatively sexually selected regions of the males. The females preferred the males from the low corticosterone lines to the high corticosterone males. In addition to, and consistent with this effect, females preferred males with the lowest corticosterone titres. Male activity, testosterone level, body size and mass had no effect on female preference. Leg and beak brightness were important, however, as were the brightness and chromaticity of the male cheek patch. These results are discussed in relation to contemporary hypotheses in sexual selection, particularly in the context of stress-mediated signalling.


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This paper presents the use of the wavelet transform to extract fibre surface texture features for classifying cashmere and superfine merino wool fibres. To extract features from brightness variations caused by the cuticular scale height, shape and interval provides an effective way for characterising different animal fibres and subsequently classifying them. This may enable the development of a completely automated and objective system for animal fibre


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Previously, we proposed a new method to identify fabric pilling and objectively measure fabric pilling intensity based on the two-dimensional dual-tree complex wavelet reconstruction and neural network classification. Here we further evaluate the robustness of the method. Our results indicate that the pilling identification method is robust to significant variation in the brightness and contrast of the image, rotation of the image, and 2 i (i is an integer) times dilation of the image. The pilling feature vector developed to characterize the pilling intensity is robust to brightness change but is sensitive to large rotations of the image. As long as all fabric images are adjusted to have the same contrast level and the sample is illuminated from the same direction, the pilling feature vectors are comparable and can be used to classify the pilling intensity.


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Fabric pilling is a serious problem for the apparel industry. Resistance to pilling is normally tested by simulated accelerated wear and manual assessment of degree of pilling based on a visual comparison of the sample to a set of test images. A number of automated systems based on image analysis have been developed. The authors propose new methods of image analysis based on the two-dimensional wavelet transform to objectively measure the pilling intensity in sample images. Initial work employed the detail coefficients of the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2DDWT) as a measure of the pilling intensity of woven/knitted fabrics.

This method is shown to be robust to image translation and brightness variation. Using the approximation coefficients of the 2DDWT, the method is extended to non-woven pilling image sets. Wavelet texture analysis (WTA) combined with principal components analysis are shown to produce a richer texture description of pilling for analysis and classification. Finally, employing the two-dimensional dual-tree complex wavelet transform as the basis for the WTA feature vector is shown to produce good automated classification on a range of standard pilling image sets.


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Despite major differences between human and avian colour vision, previous studies of cuckoo egg mimicry have used human colour vision (or standards based thereon) to assess colour matching. Using ultraviolet-visible reflectance spectrophotometry (300-700 nm), we measured museum collections of eggs of the red-chested cuckoo and its hosts. The first three principal components explained more than 99% of the variance in spectra, and measures of cuckoo-host egg similarity derived from these transformations were compared with measures of cuckoo-host egg similarity estimated by human observers unaware of the hypotheses we were testing. Monte Carlo methods were used to simulate laying of cuckoo eggs at random in nests. Results showed that host and cuckoo eggs were very highly matched for an ultraviolet versus greenness component, which was not detected by humans. Furthermore, whereas cuckoo and host were dissimilar in achromatic brightness, humans did not detect this difference. Our study thus reveals aspects of cuckoo-host egg colour matching which have hitherto not been described. These results suggest subtleties and complexities in the evolution of host-cuckoo egg mimicry that were not previously suspected. Our results also have the potential to explain the longstanding paradox that some host species accept cuckoo eggs that are non-mimetic to the human eye.


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Many captive birds are kept in artificial lighting that is typically deficient in ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths. Most birds can perceive the range of light that humans see but also have an additional retinal cone type that is tuned to UV wavelengths. Consequently, artificial lighting may be detrimental as it might limit the functionality of their vision. We examined the preferences of European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, for various artificial light environments. In our first experiment, groups of starlings showed a preference for environments that contained UV (UV+) over those where UV wavelengths had been removed (UV -). This preference was not affected by the sex of the individuals within the group or, as shown in a later experiment, by whether the birds had been previously housed in UV+ or UV - conditions. In contrast, individual starlings showed no preference for UV+ over UV - environments, although the power of our test was low. In a subsequent experiment, starling groups preferred the higher of two light intensities that were presented; however, equalizing the overall quantal flux between UV+ and UV - extinguished any preference for UV+ over UV -. The group preference for UV+ conditions in the first experiment may therefore have resulted from a preference for brighter conditions rather than a specific preference for UV. However, equalizing the quantal flux may not equalize perceived brightness, because it is not known how birds' visual systems weight input from each cone type. We conclude that, for nonbreeding, group-housed captive starlings, there is no positive evidence of a preference for the presence of UV as a specific wavelength. (C) 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The preference of female blue tits, Parus caeruleus, is correlated with the brightness of the ultraviolet (UV) crest; there is also assortative mating with respect to the crest's UV/violet chroma. However, manipulation of plumage reflectance is necessary to infer a direct causal link between UV plumage and mate choice. We gave both male and female blue tits a choice between a W-reflecting ('UV+') partner and a partner whose UV plumage reflectance had been removed ('UV-'). Male blue tits significantly preferred UV+ females. Similarly, female blue tits tended to prefer UV-reflecting males, but their UV+ preferences were nonsignificant. Neither sex showed a preference when conspecifics were replaced by a heterospecific. This study suggests mutual mate choice but male choice may be more strongly influenced by the visual appearance of potential mates. This is one of a few studies to show male mate preferences and the first demonstration of a direct relationship between UV reflectance and;male mate choice. (C) 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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Gaudy plumage coloration is a widespread ornamental trait in birds and thought to be sexually selected. Although much attention has been devoted to structural coloration reflecting in UV, the signaling function of structural colors lacking UV reflectance and those that exhibit iridescence coloration are poorly documented. The train of the peacock (Pavo cristatus), a classical example of a sexually selected trait, is composed of iridescent structurally colored eyespots not reflecting in UV. Until today, the role played by the structural color of the eyespots in female mate choice has never been investigated using spectrometry. We measured eyespot coloration from a stationary angle (static coloration) and the change in coloration resulting from different angles (iridescent coloration). We assessed coloration with reflectance spectrometry, and we analyzed reflectance spectra using 2 methods. First, we extracted the reflectance spectra shape descriptors hue, brightness, and chroma. Second, we computed color and brightness contrasts signaled by eyespot feathers, taking peafowl color visual sensitivity into account. Iridescence was estimated by the maximal change for all parameters. Brightness was correlated with male mating success. The maximal change in color contrast was correlated with both the frequency of male visitation by females and male mating success. These results suggest that peahens can use both static and dynamic (i.e., iridescent) aspects of plumage structural coloration as signals to detect and choose their mates.


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As in many parrots, the plumage of the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus reflects near-ultraviolet (UVA) wavelengths (300-400 nm) and exhibits UVA-induced fluorescence. However, there have, to our knowledge, been no tests of whether the yellow fluorescence observed under intense UVA illumination has any role in signalling. Four experiments were carried out on wild-type budgerigars, where the presence and absence of UV reflectance and fluorescence were manipulated using filters. Few studies have attempted to separate the contribution of UV reflectance to plumage hue as opposed to brightness or distinguish between a role in sexual as opposed to social preferences. However, our first experiments show that not only do females consistently prefer UV-reflecting males, but also that the observed preferences are due to removal of UV affecting the perceived hue rather than brightness. Furthermore, we found no effect Of the light environment on male response to females, suggesting that the female preferences relate to plumage colour per se. Whilst UV reflectance appears important in heterosexual choice by, females, it has no detectable influence on same-sex association preferences. The results from the second series of experiments suggest that enhancement of the budgerigar's yellow coloration through fluorescence has no effect on male attractiveness. However, the fluorescent plumage may play a role in signalling by virtue of the fact that it absorbs UVA and so increases contrast with nearby UV-reflecting plumage. Our study provides convincing evidence that UV reflectances can play a role in mate choice in non-passerines, but no evidence that the yellow fluorescence observed under UVA illumination is itself important as a signal.


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Ultraviolet (UV) vision is well documented for many species of vertebrates. UV cues are known to be used in foraging, navigation and in mate choice. We conducted a series of behavioral experiments to investigate the role of UV perception in mate choice in both female and male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). In our experiments the visual appearance of potential mates was manipulated using either UV transmitting (UV+) or UV blocking (UV-) filters. Female guppies significantly preferred UV+ males. Male guppies tended to prefer UV- females, but their preferences were marginally nonsignificant. Further experiments investigating the role of luminance, indicate that UV wavelengths are probably being used for color discrimination rather than for detecting differences in brightness. These experiments raise the possibility that UV is used in mate assessment in different ways by male and female guppies. This may reflect the different strategies that the two sexes have in order to maximize reproductive success. To our knowledge, these are the first data showing that UV is used by any fish species in mate selection.


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Whereas humans have three types of cone photoreceptor, birds have four types of single cones and, unlike humans, are sensitive to ultraviolet light (UV, 320-400 run). Most birds are thought to have either a violet-sensitive single cone that has some sensitivity to UV wavelengths (for example, many non-passerine species) or a single cone that has maximum sensitivity to UV (for example, oscine passerine. species). UV sensitivity is possible because, unlike humans, avian ocular media do not absorb UV light before it reaches the retina. The different single cone types and their sensitivity to UV light give birds the potential to discriminate reflectance spectra that look identical to humans. It is clear that birds use UV signals for a number of visual tasks, but there are few studies that directly demonstrate a role for UV in the detection of chromaticity differences (i.e. colour vision) as opposed to achromatic brightness. If the output of the violet/UV cone is used in achromatic visual tasks, objects reflecting more UV will appear brighter to the bird. 11, however, the output is used in a chromatic mechanism, birds will be able to discriminate spectral stimuli according to the amount of reflected light in the UV part of the spectrum relative to longer wavelengths. We have developed a UV 'colour blindness' test, which we have given to a passerine (European starling) and a non-passerine (Japanese quail) species. Both species learnt to discriminate between a longwave control of orange vs red stimuli and UV vs 'non-UV' stimuli, which were designed to be impossible to differentiate by achromatic mechanisms. We therefore conclude that the output of the violet/UV cone is involved in a chromatic colour vision system in these two species.