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Aluminium nitride (AlN) branched nanostructures with tree shapes and sea urchin shapes are synthesized via a one-step improved DC arc discharge plasma method without any catalyst and template. The branched nanostructures with tree shapes and sea urchin shapes can be easily controlled by the location of collection. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies show that the branches of tree shaped nanostructures grow in a sequence of nanowires, nanomultipeds and nanocombs. The growth mechanisms of these branched nanostructures are discussed in detail. The optical properties of AlN branched nanostructures with tree shapes and sea urchin shapes are investigated.


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The purpose of the study was to quantify the strength of motor-unit coherence from the left and right first dorsal interosseous muscles in untrained, skill-trained (musicians), and strength-trained (weightlifters) individuals who had long-term specialized use of their hand muscles. The strength of motor-unit coherence was quantified from a total of 394 motor-unit pairs in 13 subjects using data from a previous study in which differences were found in the strength of motor-unit synchronization depending on training status. In the present study, we found that the strength of motor-unit coherence was significantly greater in the left compared with the right hand of untrained right-handed subjects with the largest differences observed between 21 and 24 Hz. The strength of motor-unit coherence was lower in both hands of skill-trained subjects (21–27 Hz) and the right (skilled) hand of untrained subjects (21–24 Hz), whereas the largest motor-unit coherence was observed in both hands of strength-trained subjects (3–9 and 21–27 Hz). A strong curvilinear association was observed between motor-unit synchronization and the integral of coherence at 10–30 Hz in all motor-unit pairs (r2 = 0.77), and was most pronounced in strength-trained subjects (r2 = 0.90). Furthermore, this association was accentuated when using synchronization data with broad peaks (>11 ms), suggesting that the 10- to 30-Hz coherence is due to oscillatory activity in indirect branched common inputs. The altered coherence with training may be due to an interaction between cortical inhibition and the number of direct common inputs to motor neurons in skill- or strength-trained hands.


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In a four-step method starting from pyrrole, the synthesis of 3-iso-butylpyrrole and 3-iso-pentylpyrrole, was achieved in 45 and 44% yields, respectively. Polymerization studies of these branched alkyl pyrroles are described and the results compared with those obtained for the unbranched structural isomers n-butyl and n-pentylpyrrole. A series of conductive textiles were produced by the chemical polymerization of the iso-alkylpyrroles using both solution and vapour polymerization techniques. Fabrics coated with poly-iso-alkylpyrrole formed using the solution polymerization method had a lower surface resistance than those formed using the vapour polymerization method. These conductivity results were in direct contrast to those previously obtained for 3-n-alkylpyrroles on fabrics. A remarkable crystal-like growth on the surface of the textile fabric was observed when solution polymerization of 3-iso-pentylpyrrole was employed—reinforcing the notion that subtle changes in monomer structure can drastically affect bulk polymer properties.


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Thermosetting polymer blends of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and bisphenol-A-type epoxy resin (ER) were prepared using 4,4′-methylenebis(3-chloro-2,6-diethylaniline) (MCDEA) as curing agent. The miscibility and crystallization behavior of MCDEA-cured ER/PEO blends were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The existence of a single composition-dependent glass transition temperature (Tg) indicates that PEO is completely miscible with MCDEA-cured ER in the melt and in the amorphous state over the entire composition range. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) investigations indicated hydrogen-bonding interaction between the hydroxyl groups of MCDEA-cured ER and the ether oxygens of PEO in the blends, which is an important driving force for the miscibility of the blends. The average strength of the hydrogen bond in the cured ER/PEO blends is higher than in the pure MCDEA-cured ER. Crystallization kinetics of PEO from the melt is strongly influenced by the blend composition and the crystallization temperature. At high conversion, the time dependence of the relative degree of crystallinity deviated from the Avrami equation. The addition of a non-crystallizable ER component into PEO causes a depression of both the overall crystallization rate and the melting temperature. The surface free energy of folding σe displays a minimum with variation of composition. The spherulitic morphology of PEO in the ER/PEO blends exhibits typical characteristics of miscible crystalline/amorphous blends, and the PEO spherulites in the blends are always completely volume-filling. Real-time small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments reveal that the long period L increases drastically with increasing ER content at the same temperatures. The amorphous cured ER component segregates interlamellarly during the crystallization process of PEO because of the low chain mobility of the cured ER. A model describing the semicrystalline morphology of MCDEA-cured ER/PEO blends is proposed based on the SAXS results. The semicrystalline morphology is a stack of crystalline lamellae; the amorphous fraction of PEO, the branched ER chains and imperfect ER network are located between PEO lamellae.


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Creatine (Cr) plays a key role in cellular energy metabolism and is found at high concentrations in metabolically active cells such as skeletal muscle and neurons. These, and a variety of other cells, take up Cr from the extra cellular fluid by a high affinity Na+/Cl--dependent creatine transporter (CrT). Mutations in the crt gene, found in several patients, lead to severe retardation of speech and mental development, accompanied by the absence of Cr in the brain.
In order to characterize CrT protein(s) on a biochemical level, antibodies were raised against synthetic peptides derived from the N- and C-terminal cDNA sequences of the putative CrT-1 protein. In total homogenates of various tissues, both antibodies, directed against these different epitopes, recognize the same two major polypetides on Western blots with apparent Mr of 70 and 55 kDa. The C-terminal CrT antibody (α-CrTCOOH) immunologically reacts with proteins located at the inner membrane of mitochondria as determined by immuno-electron microscopy, as well as by subfractionation of mitochondria. Cr-uptake experiments with isolated mitochondria showed these organelles were able to transport Cr via a sulfhydryl-reagent-sensitive transporter that could be blocked by anti-CrT antibodies when the outer mitochondrial membrane was permeabilized. We concluded that mitochondria are able to specifically take-up Cr from the cytosol, via a low-affinity CrT, and that the above polypeptides would likely represent mitochondrial CrT(s). However, by mass spectrometry techniques, the immunologically reactive proteins, detected by our anti-CrT antibodies, were identified as E2 components of the agr-keto acid dehydrogenase multi enzyme complexes, namely pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase (BC-KADH) and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (α-KGDH). The E2 components of PDH are membrane associated, whilst it would be expected that a mitochondrial CrT would be a transmembrane protein. Results of phase partitioning by Triton X-114, as well as washing of mitochondrial membranes at basic pH, support that these immunologically cross-reactive proteins are, as expected for E2 components, membrane associated rather than transmembrane. On the other hand, the fact that mitochondrial Cr uptake into intact mitoplast could be blocked by our α-CrTCOOH antibodies, indicate that our antisera contain antibodies reactive to proteins involved in mitochondrial transport of Cr. The presence of specific antibodies against CrT is also supported by results from plasma membrane vesicles isolated from human and rat skeletal muscle, where both 55 and 70 kDa polypeptides disappeared and a single polypeptide with an apparent electrophoretic mobility of ~ 60 kDa was enriched This latter is most likely representing the genuine plasma membrane CrT.
Due to the fact that all anti-CrT antibodies that were independently prepared by several laboratories seem to cross-react with non-CrT polypeptides, specifically with E2 components of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, further research is required to characterise on a biochemical/biophysical level the CrT polypeptides, e.g. to determine whether the ~ 60 kDa polypeptide is indeed a bona-fide CrT and to identify the mitochondrial transporter that is able to facilitate Cr-uptake into these organelles. Therefore, the anti-CrT antibodies available so far should only be used with these precautions in mind. This holds especially true for quantitation of CrT polypeptides by Western blots, e.g. when trying to answer whether CrT's are up- or down-regulated by certain experimental interventions or under pathological conditions.
In conclusion, we still hold to the scheme that besides the high-affinity and high-efficiency plasmalemma CrT there exists an additional low affinity high Km Cr uptake mechanism in mitochondria. However, the exact biochemical nature of this mitochondrial creatine transport, still remains elusive. Finally, similar to the creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes, which are specifically located at different cellular compartments, also the substrates of CK are compartmentalized in cytosolic and mitochondrial pools. This is in line with 14C-Cr-isotope tracer studies and a number of [31P]-NMR magnetization transfer studies, as well as with recent [1H]-NMR spectroscopy data.


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Background and objectives The digestion rate of proteins and subsequent absorption of amino acids can independently modulate protein metabolism. The objective of the present study was to examine the blood amino acid response to whey protein isolate (WPI), β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI, hydrolysed WPI and a flavour-identical control.

Methods Eight healthy adults (four female, four male) were recruited (mean±standard error of the mean: age, 27.0±0.76 years; body mass index, 23.2±0.8 kg/cm2) and after an overnight fast consumed 500 ml of each drink, each containing 25g protein, in a cross-over design. Blood was taken at rest and then every 15 min for 2 h post ingestion.

Results Ingesting the β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI drink resulted in significantly greater plasma leucine concentrations at 45-120 min and significantly greater branched-chain amino acid concentrations at 60-105 min post ingestion compared with hydrolysed WPI. No differences were observed between WPI and β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI, and all protein drinks resulted in elevated blood amino acids compared with flavour-identical control.

Conclusions In conclusion, whole proteins resulted in a more rapid absorption of leucine and branched-chain amino acid into the blood compared with the hydrolysed molecular form of whey protein.


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Background: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a soft-tissue disease of unknown origin. It causes soft-tissue pain and stiffness, often with chronic fatigue, disrupted sleep, headaches and irritable bowel. Fibromyalgia affects an estimated six million Americans of which 80 to 90 percent are female.

Objective: To determine whether dietary intake of protein, Tryptophan, and Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) meet Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommendations, and whether there is a difference in animal and vegetable protein intake in subjects with FM compared to healthy controls.

Methods: Thirty subjects with FM and an equal number of controls completed a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) regarding dietary intake over the previous month. The FFQs were then computer analyzed to determine dietary intake.

Results: Protein intake of all subjects was more than adequate to meet DRI recommendations and there was no significant difference in intake of protein, BCAA, Tryptophan, animal or vegetable protein. Subjects with FM had significantly higher body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) than controls, and reported having a higher incidence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms than controls.

: There was no significant difference in dietary intake of protein, Tryptophan, BCAA, or amounts of animal or vegetable protein in FM subjects compared to healthy controls. Significant differences in body weight and BMI in FM subjects might be related to less physical activity or possibly to malabsorption problems associated with IBS. Malabsorption related to IBS might increase the potential for protein malnutrition, FM, and associated symptoms like chronic fatigue.


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This study examined the differences in the chemical composition, particularly fatty acids, of the lipid extracted from the fibre of bucks, does and castrated goats. The study provides a more detailed understanding of the chemical composition of buck fibre lipid and how it varies throughout the year, and also details the effect of body region and nutrition on the production and chemical composition of lipid from buck fibre. Lipid was extracted with either petroleum ether (non-polar) or chloroform/methanol azeotrope (polar) and analysed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The more polar solvent system extracted larger amounts of lipid and more of each individual fatty acid. The following buck specific ethyl branched fatty acids were identified: 2-ethylhexanoic, 4-ethylhexanoic, 2-ethyloctanoic, 4-ethyloctanoic, 6-ethyloctanoic, 2-ethyldecanoic, 4-ethyldecanoic, 2-ethyldodecanoic, 6-ethyldodecanoic, 4-ethyldodecanoic, 2-ethyltetradecanoic, 6-ethyltetradecanoic, 4-ethyltetradecanoic, 2-ethylhexadecanoic and 4-ethyloctadecanoic acids. Of these buck specific fatty acids only 4-ethylhexanoic (T), 4-ethyloctanoic, 4-ethyldecanoic, 4-ethyldodecanoic, 6-ethyldodecanoic (T), 4-ethyltetradecanoic, 2-ethylhexadecanoic (T) and 4-ethylhexadecanoic acids have been previously identified or tentatively identified (T) in buck fibre extracts. This shows that the chemical composition of buck fibre lipid is more complex than previously reported, and that it may be more difficult than previously thought to artificially duplicate the odour of the buck. Buck fibre samples had lower average concentrations of 2-methylpropanoic, 2-methylbutanoic, iso-pentadecanoic, anteiso-pentadecanoic, iso-hexadecanoic, anteiso-heptadecanoic, iso-octadecanoic and anteiso-nonadecanoic acids as compared with fibre samples from does, spayed does, or wethers that were castrated at one month of age. The reduced concentrations of these fatty acids in buck fibre extracts were likely to be due to the synthesis of ethyl branched derivatives of iso and anteiso fatty acids. Buck fibre samples had higher concentrations of benzoic acid as compared with fibre samples from does, spayed does, or wethers that were castrated at one month of age. The significance of these results is that non buck specific fatty acids may also make a contribution to the odour of bucks. When fibre samples were collected at various times throughout the year, it was found that the bucks had increased amounts of lipid and ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples shorn from March to September, as compared with fibre samples shorn in November and January. The increase in the amount of lipid and ethyl branched fatty acids corresponded with both the rutting period of the buck and the period when the buck odour was increased. This suggests that ethyl branched fatty acids could be pheromones. The variation in lipid content and fatty acid composition was also examined between fibre samples collected from different body regions of the buck during April, as alterations in sebaceous gland activity around the neck during rutting have been reported. It was found that the average amount of lipid in the neck region of the bucks was not statistically higher than the average amounts in the midside and hind regions. However, the ethyl branched fatty acid concentrations were statistically higher in the fibre from around the neck as compared with the fibre from the other body regions, which is consistent with the odour of the buck being most pronounced around the head and neck region. The lipid content and composition of fibre samples from bucks fed high and low quality diets (lucerne and pangola grass, respectively) was examined to determine the effect of nutrition on buck specific components. The high quality diet increased the amount of lipid and ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples collected in April from the neck, midside and hind regions, as compared with fibre samples from the corresponding body regions from bucks fed the low quality diet. Thus it may be possible for the pheromone levels of bucks to be increased by simply providing them with good nutrition. The lipid content and ethyl branched fatty acid concentrations of fibre samples increased earlier in the year for the lucerne fed bucks as compared with the pangola grass fed bucks. The lucerne fed bucks had increased concentrations of ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples shorn during December to June (6 months) whereas the pangola grass fed bucks had increased concentrations of ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples shorn during April to August (4 months). These observations show that good nutrition can result in both the earlier production of ethyl branched fatty acids and an extended period when ethyl branched fatty acids are produced. This suggests that nutrition can be used to manipulate pheromone levels in the buck. The period when the ethyl branched fatty acids were increased corresponded with the period when the plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations, odour and sebaceous gland volume of the bucks were increased, which supports the assumption that ethyl branched fatty acids are involved in odour production and act as pheromones.


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This study investigated the nature of previous termvasodilator mechanismsnext term in the dorsal aorta of the giant shovelnose ray, Rhinobatus typus. Anatomical techniques found no evidence for an endothelial nitric oxide synthase, but neural nitric oxide synthase was found to be present in the perivascular nerve fibres of the dorsal aorta and other arteries and veins using both NADPH-diaphorase staining and immunohistochemistry with a specific neural NOS antibody. Arteries and veins both contained large nNOS-positive nerve trunks from which smaller nNOS-positive bundles branched and formed a plexus in the vessel wall. Single, varicose nNOS-positive nerve fibres were present in both arteries and veins. Within the large bundles of both arteries and veins, groups of nNOS-positive cell bodies forming microganglia were observed. Double-labelling immunohistochemistry using an antibody to tyrosine hydroxylase showed that nearly all the NOS nerves were not sympathetic. Acetylcholine always caused constriction of isolated rings of the dorsal aorta and the nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside, did not mediate any dilation. Addition of nicotine (3×10−4 M) to preconstricted rings caused a vasodilation that was not affected by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, Image -NNA (10−4 M), nor the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (10−5 M). This nicotine-mediated vasodilation was, therefore, not due to the synthesis and release of NO. Disruption of the endothelium significantly reduced or eliminated the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. In addition, indomethacin (10−5 M), an inhibitor of cyclooxygenases, significantly increased the time period to maximal dilation and reduced, but did not completely inhibit the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. These data support the hypothesis that a prostaglandin is released from the vascular endothelium of a batoid ray, as has been described previously in other groups of fishes. The function of the nitrergic innervation of the blood vessels is not known because nitric oxide does not appear to regulate vascular tone.


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Cathodic disbondment (CD) performance of a range of modified polyethylenes (PE) compression molded on to steel plates at 320[degrees]C is reported. Adhesion strength was measured by the 90[degrees] peel test and good dry adhesion strength was obtained for all modified polyethylene materials and blends, as well as for the neat polymer. It is shown that dry bond strength does not correlate with CD performance. Initial results of wet peel tests of samples in various concentrations of NaOH are presented where it is observed that for samples with improved wet adhesion strength, CD performance was also Improved. Surface polarity was determined from contact angle measurements, and it is shown that increased surface polarity of the coating was not the only determinant for improved CD performance. Inorganic fillers such as talc were also found to improve CD performance by changing the bulk properties, with little measurable change in polarity. Some mechanistic aspects of CD performance are also discussed.


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Cross-strand pair correlations are calculated for residue pairs in antiparallel β-sheet for two cases: pairs whose backbone atoms are hydrogen bonded together (H-bonded site) and pairs which are not (non-H-bonded site). The statistics show that this distinction is important. When glycine is located on the edge of a sheet, it shows a 3:1 preference for the H-bonded site. Thestrongest observed correlations are for pairs of disulfide-bonded cystines, many of which adopt a close-packed conformation with each cystine in a spiral conformation of opposite chirality to its partner. It is likely that these pairs are a signature for the family of small, cystine-rich proteins. Most other strong positive and negative correlations involve charged and polar residues. It appears that electrostatic compatibility is the strongest factor affecting pair correlation. Significant correlations are observed for β- and γ-branched residues inthe non-H-bonded site. An examination of the structures showsa directionality in side chain packing. There is a correlation between (1) the directionality in the packing interactions of non-H-bonded β- and γ-branched residue pairs, (2) the handedness of the observed enantiomers of chiral β-branched side chains, and (3) the handedness of the twist of β-sheet. These findings have implications for the formation of β-sheets during protein folding and the mechanism by which the sheet becomes twisted


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When Rhododendron pollen tubes are cultured in the dark, electron-dense bodies are present that appear to be a metabolically altered form of a proplastid that is difficult to fix for electron microscopy, and whose membranes may not be intact. When similar pollen tubes are cultured in a dark/light regime, ultrastructurally well-defined proplastids are present after fixation in glutaraldehyde with PIPES buffer and tannic acid, followed by osmic acid. This fixation technique also gave the best ultrastructural images of those proplastids in pollen tubes grown in the dark. Pollen tube plastids have the potential to become chromoplasts when cultured in a dark/light regime as evidenced by the presence of branched tubules characteristic of these organelles. Light appears to be a hitherto neglected environmental factor involved in regulating pollen tube growth. This improved fixation procedure demonstrates the bilayered nature of the membranes surrounding sperm cells and the existence of cytoplasmic channels connecting sperm cell and pollen tube plasma membranes.


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Objective: To examine the relationship between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) before the age of 16 years and later onset of bulimia and anorexia nervosa symptoms in females.

Design: A longitudinal cohort study of adolescents observed from August 1992 to March 2003. The cohort was defined in a 2-stage cluster sample using 44 Australian schools in Victoria.

Setting: Population based.

Participants: A total of 1936 persons participated at least once and survived to the age of 24 years, including 999 females. The mean (SD) age of females at the start of follow- up was 14.91 (0.39) years; and at completion, 24.03 (0.55) years.

Main Exposure: Self-reported CSA before the age of 16 years was ascertained retrospectively at the age of 24 years.

Outcome Measures: Incident Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition)–defined partial syndromes of anorexia and bulimia nervosa were identified between waves 4 (mean age, 16.3 years) and 6 (mean age, 17.4 years) using the Branched Eating Disorder Test.

Results: The incidence of bulimic syndrome during adolescence was 2.5 (95% confidence interval, 0.80-8.0) times higher among those who reported 1 episode of CSA and 4.9 (95% confidence interval, 1.9-12.7) times higher among those who reported 2 or more episodes of CSA, compared with females reporting no episodes, adjusted for age and background factors. The association persisted after adjusting for possible confounders or mediators measured 6 months earlier, including psychiatric morbidity and dieting behavior. There was little evidence of an association between CSA and partial syndromes of incident anorexia nervosa.

Conclusion: Childhood sexual abuse seems to be a risk factor for the development of bulimic syndromes, not necessarily mediated by psychiatric morbidity or severe dieting.