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One of the areas of concern raised by cross-border reproductive travelregards the treatment of women who are solicited to provide their ova orsurrogacy services to foreign consumers. This is particularly troublesome inthe context of developing countries where endemic poverty and low standardsfor both medical care and informed consent may place these womenat risk of exploitation and harm. We explore two contrasting proposals forpolicy development regarding the industry, both of which seek to promoteethical outcomes and social justice: While one proposal advocates efforts tominimize cross-border demand for female reproductive resources throughthe pursuit of national self-sufficiency, the other defends cross-border tradeas a means for meeting the needs of vulnerable groups. Despite theconflicting objectives of the proposed strategies, the paper identifiescommon values and points of agreement between the two, including theimportance of regulations to safeguard those providing ova or surrogacyservices.


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Supervised machine learning techniques generally require that the training set on which learning is based contain sufficient examples representative of the target concept, as well as known counter-examples of the concept; however, in many application domains it is not possible to supply a set of labeled counter-examples. This paper proposes an objective function based on Bayesian likelihoods of necessity and sufficiency. This function can be used to guide search towards the discovery of a concept description given only a set of labeled positive examples of the target concept, and as a corpus of unlabeled examples. Results of experiments performed on several datasets from the VCI repository show that the technique achieves comparable accuracy to conventional supervised learning techniques, despite the fact that the latter require a set of labeled counter-examples to be supplied. The technique can be applied in many domains in which the provision of labeled counter-examples is problematic.


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Transnational reproductive travel is symptomatic of insufficient supplies ofreproductive resources, including donor gametes and gestational surrogacy services,and inequities in access to these within domestic health-care jurisdictions.Here, we argue that an innovative approach to domestic policy makingusing the framework of the National Self-Sufficiency paradigm represents thebest solution to domestic challenges and the ethical hazards of the global marketplacein reproductive resources.


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The dark history of transplant tourism in Pakistan demonstrates the hazards of unregulated cross-border markets in human organs. Trading on existing national and international social inequities, ‘transplant tourism’ offers dubious benefits for transplant recipients and attractive profits to those facilitating the industry at the expense of the world’s poor. The impact of Pakistan’s 2007 Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissue Ordinance and the sustained efforts of transplant professionals and societal groups led by the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation, show that organ trading can be effectively discouraged and equitable programs of organ procurement and transplantation pursued despite multiple challenges. In this paper, the factors that have contributed to Pakistan’s progress towards self-sufficiency in organ transplantation are identified and discussed. The case of Pakistan highlights the need for countries to protect their own organ and tissue providers who may be vulnerable in the global healthcare market. Pakistan provides an excellent example for other countries in the region and throughout the world to consider when regulating their own transplantation programs and considering the pursuit of national self-sufficiency.