16 resultados para Aspartic peptidase

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Plasmodium falciparum causes the virulent form of malaria and disease manifestations are linked to growth inside infected erythrocytes. To survive and evade host responses the parasite remodels the erythrocyte by exporting several hundred effector proteins beyond the surrounding parasitophorous vacuole membrane. A feature of exported proteins is a pentameric motif (RxLxE/Q/D) that is a substrate for an unknown protease. Here we show that the protein responsible for cleavage of this motif is plasmepsin V (PMV), an aspartic acid protease located in the endoplasmic reticulum. PMV cleavage reveals the export signal (xE/Q/D) at the amino terminus of cargo proteins. Expression of an identical mature protein with xQ at the N terminus generated by signal peptidase was not exported, demonstrating that PMV activity is essential and linked with other key export events. Identification of the protease responsible for export into erythrocytes provides a novel target for therapeutic intervention against this devastating disease.


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Abnormalities in glutamatergic signalling are proposed in schizophrenia in light of the schizophreniform psychosis elicited by NMDA antagonists. The metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) interacts closely with the NMDA receptor and is implicated in several behavioural endophenotypes of schizophrenia. We have demonstrated that mice lacking mGluR5 have increased sensitivity to the hyperlocomotive effects of the NMDA antagonist MK-801. Mice lacking mGluR5 also show abnormal locomotor patterns, reduced prepulse inhibition (PPI), and deficits on performance of a short-term spatial memory task on the Y-maze. Chronic administration of the antipsychotic drug clozapine ameliorated the locomotor disruption and reversed the PPI deficit, but did not improve Y-maze performance. Chronic clozapine increased NMDA receptor binding ([3H]MK-801) but did not alter dopamine D2 ([3H]YM-09151), 5-HT2A ([3H]ketanserin), or muscarinic M1/M4 receptor ([3H]pirenzepine), binding in these mice. These results demonstrate behavioural abnormalities that are relevant to schizophrenia in the mGluR5 knockout mouse and a reversal of behaviours with clozapine treatment. These results highlight both the interactions between mGluR5 and NMDA receptors in the determination of schizophreniform behaviours and the potential for the effects of clozapine to be mediated by NMDA receptor regulation.
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Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors are a class of oral antidiabetic drugs that improve glycaemic control without causing weight gain or increasing hypoglycaemic risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The eight available DPP-4 inhibitors, including alogliptin, anagliptin, gemigliptin, linagliptin, saxagliptin, sitagliptin, teneligliptin, and vildagliptin, are small molecules used orally with identical mechanism of action and similar safety profiles in patients with T2DM. DPP-4 inhibitors may be used as monotherapy or in double or triple combination with other oral glucose-lowering agents such as metformin, thiazolidinediones, or sulfonylureas. Although DPP-4 inhibitors have the same mode of action, they differ by some important pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties that may be clinically relevant in some patients. The main differences between the eight gliptins include: potency, target selectivity, oral bioavailability, elimination half-life, binding to plasma proteins, metabolic pathways, formation of active metabolite(s), main excretion routes, dosage adjustment for renal and liver insufficiency, and potential drug-drug interactions. The off-target inhibition of selective DPP-4 inhibitors is responsible for multiorgan toxicities such as immune dysfunction, impaired healing, and skin reactions. As a drug class, the DPP-4 inhibitors have become accepted in clinical practice due to their excellent tolerability profile, with a low risk of hypoglycaemia, a neutral effect on body weight, and once-daily dosing. It is unknown if DPP-4 inhibitors can prevent disease progression. More clinical studies are needed to validate the optimal regimens of DPP-4 inhibitors for the management of T2DM when their potential toxicities are closely monitored.


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Alogliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor that is a class of relatively new oral hypoglycaemic drugs used in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other anti-diabetic agents, including metformin, pioglitazone, sulfonylureas and insulin with a considerable therapeutic effect. Alogliptin exhibits favorable pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles in humans. Alogliptin is mainly metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP2D6) and CYP3A4. Dose reduction is recommended for patients with moderate or worse renal impairment. Side effects of alogliptin include nasopharyngitis, upper-respiratory tract infections and headache. Hypoglycaemia is seen in about 1.5% of the T2DM patients. Rare but severe adverse reactions such as acute pancreatitis, serious hypersensitivity including anaphylaxis, angioedema and severe cutaneous reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome have been reported from post-marketing monitoring. Pharmacokinetic interactions have not been observed between alogliptin and other drugs including glyburide, metformin, pioglitazone, insulin and warfarin. The present review aimed to update the clinical information on pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects and drug interactions, and to discuss the future directions of alogliptin.


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Lactobacillus plantarum and subspecies of Lactobacillus casei were isolated from good quality mature Cheddar cheese and characterized with respect to metabolic functions that would allow their use in cheesemaking. In this way microbiological control of the maturation process with particular emphasis on protein catabolism was achieved. The lactobacilli isolated were selected for low growth rates (and acid production) in milk, and low proteinase activity to allow for their addition in high numbers to cheesemilk together with the normal starter flora (group N streptococci). The growth and acid production of the starter bacteria were unaffected by the presence of the lactobacilli during cheese manufacture and it was found that the added lactobacilli were able to grow and function under the conditions prevalent in Cheddar cheese during maturation. It was also demonstrated that the lactobacilli could be grown in an artificial medium to high numbers under controlled conditions and could be harvested for the preparation of cell concentrates, a necessary characteristic for commercialization. The lactobacilli also metabolized citrate, a potential problem in cheese maturation associated with C02 production but this did not adversely affect the maturation process under the conditions used. Compared to the group N streptococci the non-starter lactobacilli possessed a proteinase system that had a higher temperature optimum and was less affected by heat and sodium chloride. They also possessed a more active peptidase system although both the lactobacilli and the starter organisms possessed a similar range of peptidases. Non-starter lactobacilli were added to normal cheese and cheese made with proteinase negative starter. The added organisms did not adversely affect manufacturing parameters and did not metabolize citrate or lead to the formation of biogenic amines. However protein catabolism rates, particularly with respect to peptide degradation, were increased, as was flavour development and intensity. It was observed that the body and texture of the cheeses was unaffected by the treatment. By controlling both the starter and non-starter microflora in the cheeses a practical system for favourably influencing cheese maturation was possible. The investigation has demonstrated that carefully selected and characterized non-starter lactobacilli can be incorporated into Cheddar cheese manufacture in order to influence flavour development during maturation. Moreover the organisms can be added to the vat stage of manufacture without causing problems to the manufacturing process. This approach is a simple cost effective means of improving the cost of Cheddar cheese production and provides an unique opportunity to improve and control quality of all Cheddar cheese produced.


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In order to survive and promote its virulence the malaria parasite must export hundreds of its proteins beyond an encasing vacuole and membrane into the host red blood cell. In the last few years, several major advances have been made that have significantly contributed to our understanding of this export process. These include: (i) the identification of sequences that direct protein export (a signal sequence and a motif termed PEXEL), which have allowed predictions of the exportomes of Plasmodium species that are the cause of malaria, (ii) the recognition that the fate of proteins destined for export is already decided within the parasite's endoplasmic reticulum and involves the PEXEL motif being recognized and cleaved by the aspartic protease plasmepsin V and (iii) the discovery of the Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins (PTEX) that is responsible for the passage of proteins across the vacuolar membrane. We review protein export in Plasmodium and these latest developments in the field that have now provided a new platform from which trafficking of malaria proteins can be dissected.


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An electrochemical sensor for the detection of Cu2+ is reported which incorporates poly-l-aspartic acid (PLAsp) with 32–96 aspartate units as a selective ligand for the metal ion. PLAsp is covalently attached to a gold electrode modified with a monolayer of 3-mercaptopropionic acid using carbodiimide coupling via an N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester intermediate. The acid side groups and deprotonated peptide nitrogens on two aspartate moieties are thought to be primarily responsible for chelation of Cu2+, which remains bound when reduced to Cu+. A consequence of the multiple binding points that are available with a polypeptide is the low detection limit. The lowest concentration detected was 3 nM (0.2 ppb) achieved with Osteryoung square wave voltammetry. This detection limit compares favourably with that of ICP-OES and previously reported cysteine-modified electrodes. Analysis of tap and lake water samples using the PLAsp-modified electrode agreed well with ICP-OES analysis of the same samples.


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Amino acids and peptides are known to bind metal ions, in some cases very strongly. There are only a few examples of exploiting this binding in sensors. The review covers the current literature on the interaction of peptides and metals and the electrochemistry of bound metal ions. Peptides may be covalently attached to surfaces. Of particular interest is the attachment to gold via sulfur linkages. Sulfur-containing peptides (eg cysteine) may be adsorbed directly, while any amino group can be covalently attached to a carboxylic acid-terminated thiol. Once at a surface, the possibility for using the attached peptide as a sensor for metal ions becomes realised. Results from the authors’ laboratory and elsewhere have shown the potential for selective monitoring of metal ions at ppt levels. Examples of the use of poly-aspartic acid and the copper binding peptide Gly-Gly-His for detecting copper ions are given.


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Incretin-based therapies have a glucose-dependent mode of action that results in excellent glucose-lowering efficacy with very low risk of hypoglycaemia, and weight neutrality [dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors] or weight loss [glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists], in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) complement physician evaluations of efficacy and tolerability and offer insights into the subjective experience of using modern diabetes treatments. We conducted a systematic search of clinical trials of the GLP-1 receptor agonists liraglutide, exenatide and long-acting exenatide, one of which included the oral DPP-4 inhibitor sitagliptin as a comparator. No other PRO data for DPP-4 inhibitors were identified. This review summarizes PRO data from eight clinical trials, the majority of which used the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQ) and/or Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-Lite) to evaluate patient experience. People with T2DM were highly satisfied with modern incretin-based therapies compared with traditional therapies. Treatment satisfaction (including perceptions of convenience and flexibility) was high and generally higher with GLP-1 agonists in association with their greater glucose-lowering efficacy and tendency to facilitate weight loss. Weight-related quality of life (QoL) also improved in people using incretin therapies. The glycaemic improvements achieved with GLP-1 receptor agonists, coupled with the low incidence of hypoglycaemia and ability to cause weight loss, seemed to offset potential concern about injections. It is plausible that superior patient-reported benefits found in clinical trials may translate into improved, clinically meaningful, long-term outcomes through increased treatment acceptability. Long-term, prospective data are needed to ascertain whether this is the case in practice.


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The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor sitagliptin is an attractive therapy for diabetes, as it increases insulin release and may preserve β-cell mass. However, sitagliptin also increases β-cell release of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), the peptide component of islet amyloid, which is cosecreted with insulin. Thus, sitagliptin treatment may promote islet amyloid formation and its associated β-cell toxicity. Conversely, metformin treatment decreases islet amyloid formation by decreasing β-cell secretory demand and could therefore offset sitagliptin's potential proamyloidogenic effects. Sitagliptin treatment has also been reported to be detrimental to the exocrine pancreas. We investigated whether long-term sitagliptin treatment, alone or with metformin, increased islet amyloid deposition and β-cell toxicity and induced pancreatic ductal proliferation, pancreatitis, and/or pancreatic metaplasia/neoplasia. hIAPP transgenic and nontransgenic littermates were followed for 1 yr on no treatment, sitagliptin, metformin, or the combination. Islet amyloid deposition, β-cell mass, insulin release, and measures of exocrine pancreas pathology were determined. Relative to untreated mice, sitagliptin treatment did not increase amyloid deposition, despite increasing hIAPP release, and prevented amyloid-induced β-cell loss. Metformin treatment alone or with sitagliptin decreased islet amyloid deposition to a similar extent vs untreated mice. Ductal proliferation was not altered among treatment groups, and no evidence of pancreatitis, ductal metaplasia, or neoplasia were observed. Therefore, long-term sitagliptin treatment stimulates β-cell secretion without increasing amyloid formation and protects against amyloid-induced β-cell loss. This suggests a novel effect of sitagliptin to protect the β-cell in type 2 diabetes that appears to occur without adverse effects on the exocrine pancreas.


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Despite the extensive utilization of biomolecule-titania interfaces, biomolecular recognition and interactions at the aqueous titania interface remain far from being fully understood. Here, atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, in partnership with metadynamics, are used to calculate the free energy of adsorption of different amino acid side chain analogues at the negatively-charged aqueous rutile TiO2 (110) interface, under conditions corresponding with neutral pH. Our calculations predict that charged amino acid analogues have a relatively high affinity to the titania surface, with the arginine analogue predicted to be the strongest binder. Interactions between uncharged amino acid analogues and titania are found to be repulsive or weak at best. All of the residues that bound to the negatively-charged interface show a relatively stronger adsorption compared with the charge-neutral interface, including the negatively-charged analogue. Of the analogues that are found to bind to the titania surface, the rank ordering of the binding affinities is predicted to be "arginine" > "lysine" ≈ aspartic acid > "serine". This is the same ordering as was found previously for the charge-neutral aqueous titania interface. Our results show very good agreement with available experimental data and can provide a baseline for the interpretation of peptide-TiO2 adsorption data.


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As part of the nutrition-countermeasures (NUC) study in Cologne, Germany in 2010, seven healthy male subjects underwent 21 days of head-down tilt bed rest and returned 153 days later to undergo a second bout of 21-day bed rest. As part of this model, we aimed to examine the recovery of the lumbar intervertebral discs and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) after bed rest using magnetic resonance imaging and conduct a pilot study on the effects of bed rest in lumbar muscle activation, as measured by signal intensity changes in T(2)-weighted images after a standardized isometric spinal extension loading task. The changes in intervertebral disc volume, anterior and posterior disc height, and intervertebral length seen after bed rest did not return to prebed-rest values 153 days later. While recovery of muscle CSA occurred after bed rest, increases (P ≤ 0.016) in multifidus, psoas, and quadratus lumborum muscle CSA were seen 153 days after bed rest. A trend was seen for greater activation of the erector spinae and multifidus muscles in the standardized loading task after bed rest. Greater reductions of multifidus and psoas CSA muscle and greater increases in multifidus signal intensity with loading were associated with incidence of low back pain in the first 28 days after bed rest (P ≤ 0.044). The current study contributes to our understanding of the recovery of the lumbar spine after 21-day bed rest, and the main finding was that a decrease in spinal extensor muscle CSA recovers within 5 mo after bed rest but that changes in the intervertebral discs persist.


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STUDY DESIGN: Prospective longitudinal study. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the recovery of the lumbar intervertebral discs after bed rest. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Prolonged bed rest is a useful model to understand the modeling and remodeling of tissues due to disuse and reloading, yet this process in the lumbar intervertebral discs has not been examined in detail. METHODS: A total of 24 male subjects completed 60 days of head-down tilt bed rest as part of the 2nd Berlin BedRest Study and returned for magnetic resonance scanning 180 days (n = 22) and 2 years (n = 21) after bed rest. Lumbar disc volume, anterior and posterior disc height, disc signal intensity, intervertebral length, and lordosis were measured on sagittal plane magnetic resonance images. RESULTS.: Compared with prior to bed rest, increases in disc volume, disc height, and intervertebral length persisted 180 days (P ≤ 0.0004) and 720 days (P ≤ 0.024) after bed rest. Disc signal intensity remained increased 180 days (P = 0.034) after bed rest but was then decreased (P = 0.018) compared with baseline at the next measurement date. CONCLUSION: The recovery of the lumbar intervertebral discs after 60-day bed rest is a prolonged process and incomplete within 2 years.