30 resultados para Antero- and retrograde labeling

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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We examine localised sound energy patterns, or events, that we associate with high level affect experienced with films. The study of sound energy events in conjunction with their intended affect enable the analysis of film at a higher conceptual level, such as genre. The various affect/emotional responses we investigate in this paper are brought about by well established patterns of sound energy dynamics employed in audio tracks of horror films. This allows the examination of the thematic content of the films in relation to horror elements. We analyse the frequency of sound energy and affect events at a film level as well as at a scene level, and propose measures indicative of the film genre and scene content. Using 4 horror, and 2 non-horror movies as experimental data we establish a correlation between the sound energy event types and horrific thematic content within film, thus enabling an automated mechanism for genre typing and scene content labeling in film.


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Objective: To analyze the occupational and demographic characteristics for workers participating in the Australian National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance (NHEWS) Survey, who reported the provision of various types of workplace control measures for exposure of the hands to wet-working conditions, and to identify the barriers for the provision of controls. Methods: Computer-assisted telephone interviews were conducted with 4500 workers in 2008. Workers were asked about the types of control measures provided to them in the workplace for exposure of the hands to liquids. Results: Workplace size was the strongest predictor for the provision of control measures. Compared to workplaces with fewer than five employees, workers in workplaces with 200 or more employees were more likely to report provision of gloves, barrier creams and moisturizers, labeling and warning, and ongoing training and education about skin care. Conclusion: Smaller workplaces have poorer access to control measures to mitigate exposure to wet work.


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This paper proposes an alternative algorithm to solve the median shortest path problem (MSPP) in the planning and design of urban transportation networks. The proposed vector labeling algorithm is based on the labeling of each node in terms of a multiple and conflicting vector of objectives which deletes cyclic, infeasible and extreme-dominated paths in the criteria space imposing cyclic break (CB), path cost constraint (PCC) and access cost parameter (ACP) respectively. The output of the algorithm is a set of Pareto optimal paths (POP) with an objective vector from predetermined origin to destination nodes. Thus, this paper formulates an algorithm to identify a non-inferior solution set of POP based on a non-dominated set of objective vectors that leaves the ultimate decision to decision-makers. A numerical experiment is conducted using an artificial transportation network in order to validate and compare results. Sensitivity analysis has shown that the proposed algorithm is more efficient and advantageous over existing solutions in terms of computing execution time and memory space used.


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Sixty percent of milk consumed in China has a long shelf life (UHT), presumably because milk with a short shelf life (pasteurized) is comparatively expensive. This in contrast to Australia, where 10% of consumed milk is UHT and the price between UHT and pasteurized milk is equivalent. Whether UHT is actually more liked than pasteurized milk by Chinese consumers is unknown. However, the potential positive halo around the expensive pasteurized milk might result in Chinese consumers liking milk more when it is labeled as "short shelf-life milk." To test these hypotheses, Chinese (n=48, 20 males, 28 females, 23±7.2 yr) and Australian (n=93, 11 males, 82 females, 24±5.6 yr) consumers tasted and rated (9-point hedonic scale), in a randomized order, 3×30-mL samples of UHT milk (labeled as "long shelf-life milk," "short shelf-life milk," or "milk") and 3×30-mL samples of pasteurized milk (also labeled as "long shelf-life milk," "short shelf-life milk," or "milk"). Australian participants' liking of milk was not influenced by labeling. Regardless of what the label stated, they always preferred the taste of pasteurized milk over the taste of UHT milk. This was different for Chinese participants, who preferred the taste of UHT milk over the taste of pasteurized milk, but in general had a higher liking for any milk that was labeled "short shelf-life milk." Both Australian and Chinese were more positive about pasteurized than UHT milk. In conclusion, Chinese, but not Australian, consumers' liking of milk was guided by the positive expectations of pasteurized milk and the negative expectations of UHT milk. Further research is needed to investigate if the present findings can be extrapolated to a larger and more varied group of Chinese and Australian consumers.


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The Viewpoint by Drs Block and Roberto on calorie labeling on menus and menu boards summarized the possible benefits of this health promotion policy. We would like to emphasize the importance of expanding current evaluations to understand the effect of calorie labeling across socioeconomic backgrounds.


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This paper examines the impact that environmental factors have on the decision of Australian companies to adapt products for Middle Eastern markets. It  concludes that of all product aspects, labeling requires the greatest amount of adaptation and that socio-cultural factors have the greatest influence on overall product adaptation. Furthermore, environmental factors impact on product   adaptation in different ways, reflected in the adaptation of different aspects of the overall product.


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The microenvironment plays a key role in the cellular differentiation of the two main cell lineages of the human breast, luminal epithelial, and myoepithelial. It is not clear, however, how the components of the microenvironment control the development of these cell lineages. To investigate how lineage development is regulated by 3-D culture and microenvironment components, we used the PMC42-LA human breast carcinoma cell line, which possesses stem cell characteristics. When cultured on a two-dimensional glass substrate, PMC42-LA cells formed a monolayer and expressed predominantly luminal epithelial markers, including cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19; E-cadherin; and sialomucin. The key myoepithelial-specific proteins alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratin 14 were not expressed. When cultured within Engelbreth-Holm- Swarm sarcoma-derived basement membrane matrix (EHS matrix), PMC42-LA cells formed organoids in which the expression of luminal markers was reduced and the expression of other myoepithelial-specific markers (cytokeratin 17 and P-cadherin) was promoted. The presence of primary human mammary gland fibroblasts within the EHS matrix induced expression of the key myoepithelial-specific markers, alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratin 14. Immortalized human skin fibroblasts were less effective in inducing expression of these key myoepithelial-specific markers. Confocal dual-labeling showed that individual cells expressed luminal or myoepithelial proteins, but not both. Conditioned medium from the mammary fibroblasts was equally effective in inducing myoepithelial marker expression. The results indicate that the myoepithelial lineage is promoted by the extracellular matrix, in conjunction with products secreted by breast-specific fibroblasts. Our results demonstrate a key role for the breast microenvironment in the regulation of breast lineage development.


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The power of isotopic substitution for the elucidation of a reaction mechanism is illustrated with reactions named after Hofmann and Favorskii. These reactions have important roles in synthetic chemistry; therefore, a wide range of experiments involving isotopic labeling or kinetic isotope effects were employed to establish their mechanistic pathways. The concepts introduced by these investigations are drawn together with an isotopic labeling study of the oxidation of urea with hypohalites. The two mechanisms proposed for this reaction have been described as a Hofmann rearrangement and a nitrogen analogue of the Favorskii rearrangement.


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The use of electricity in buildings constitutes around 16% of Singapore's energy demand. In view of the fact that Singapore is an urban city with no rural base, which depends heavily on air-conditioning to cool its buildings all year round, the survival as a nation depends on its ability to excel economically. To incorporate energy efficiency measures is one of the key missions to ensure that the economy is sustainable. The recently launched building energy efficiency labelling programme is such an initiative. Buildings whose energy performance are among the nation's top 25% and maintain a healthy and productive indoor environment as well as uphold a minimum performance for different systems can qualify to attain the Energy Smart Office Label. Detailed methodologies of the labelling process as well as the performance standards are elaborated. The main strengths of this system namely a rigorous benchmarking database and an independent audit conducted by a private accredited Energy Service Company (ESCO) are highlighted. A few buildings were awarded the Energy Smart Office Label during the launching of the programme conducted in December 2005. The labeling of other types of buildings like hotels, schools, hospitals, etc. is ongoing.


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This study investigated sex differences in the stress-induced activation of neurons containing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of gonadectomized male and female sheep. Groups (n=3) of both sexes were either subjected to 90 min isolation and restraint stress (stress group) or were not stressed. Blood samples were taken every 10 min for 90 min prior to and after stress to monitor cortisol levels in plasma. Brains were harvested after 90 min of stress. Stress caused elevation of plasma cortisol levels to a similar extent in both sexes. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry for Fos and either CRH, AVP or enkephalin was undertaken to quantify the numbers of neurons staining for CRH, AVP and enkephalin that also immunostained for Fos. Stress increased Fos immunostaining in all cell types. There was a greater proportion of CRH than AVP neurons activated in stressed animals. There were no sex differences in the activation of CRH and AVP neurons although females had a greater proportion of enkephalin cells staining for Fos than males in both control and stressed animals. There were no differences between control and stressed animals in the proportion of cells co-staining for CRH and AVP. We conclude that isolation and restraint stress activates neurons producing CRH, AVP and enkephalin in sheep and that CRH may play a greater role than AVP in regulating adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion in response to this stressor in sheep. Finally, isolation and restraint stress does not influence co-localization of CRH and AVP in sheep.


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Stress compromises reproductive function and the major physiological system activated during stress is the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Corticotrophin-releasing hormone and arginine vasopressin (AVP), which are produced in neurones of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), drive the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and are also implicated in the suppression of the reproductive axis. We used retrograde tracing and Fos labelling to map the projections from the PVN to the preoptic area (POA) where most gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurones are found. Fluorogold (FG) injections were made into the POA of gonadectomised male and female sheep (n = 5/sex), the animals were stressed and the brains recovered for histochemistry. All animals responded to stress with an increase in the number of Fos-labelled nuclei in the PVN. Few retrogradely labelled cells of the PVN were activated by stress. Dual labelling showed that very few FG-labelled cells also stained for corticotrophin-releasing hormone, none for AVP or enkephalin. Dual labelling for FG and Fos in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the arcuate nucleus showed that no FG-labelled cells in the BNST and only few in the ARC were activated by stress. No sex differences were observed in the activation of FG-labelled cells in any of the nuclei examined. We conclude that, although cells of the PVN, BNST and/or arcuate nucleus may affect reproduction via the GnRH cells of the POA, this is unlikely to involve direct input to the POA. If cells of these regions are involved in GnRH suppression during stress, this may occur via interneuronal pathways.


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We employed a highly specific photoaffinity labeling procedure, using 14C-labeled S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to define the chemical structure of the AdoMet binding centers on cyclosporin synthetase (CySyn). Tryptic digestion of CySyn photolabeled with either [methyl-14C]AdoMet or [carboxyl-14C]AdoMet yielded the sequence H2N-Asn-Asp-Gly-Leu-Glu-Ser-Tyr-Val-Gly-Ile-Glu-Pro-Ser-Arg-COOH (residues 10644-10657), situated within the N-methyltransferase domain of module 8 of CySyn. Radiosequencing detected Glu10654 and Pro10655 as the major sites of derivatization. [carboxyl-14C]AdoMet in addition labeled Tyr10650. Chymotryptic digestion generated the radiolabeled peptide H2N-Ile-Gly-Leu-Glu-Pro-Ser-Gln-Ser-Ala-Val-Gln-Phe-COOH, corresponding to amino acids 2125-2136 of the N-methyltransferase domain of module 2. The radiolabeled amino acids were identified as Glu2128 and Pro2129, which are equivalent in position and function to the modified residues identified with tryptic digestions in module 8. Homology modeling of the N-methyltransferase domains indicates that these regions conserve the consensus topology of the AdoMet binding fold and consensus cofactor interactions seen in structurally characterized AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases. The modified sequence regions correspond to the motif II consensus sequence element, which is involved in directly complexing the adenine and ribose components of AdoMet. We conclude that the AdoMet binding to nonribosomal peptide synthetase N-methyltransferase domains obeys the consensus cofactor interactions seen among most structurally characterized low molecular weight AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases.


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The dimensions of touch sensations were investigated in a series of human psychophysical experiments using woollen fabrics as stimuli and words from the textile industry literature as verbal descriptors of touch sensations. Roughness was shown to be an important dimension and was found to be encoded by two out of the four receptors in the skin that respond to specific frequencies of mechanical vibration.