10 resultados para Androgens.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Understanding underlying physiological differences between the sexes in circulating androgens and how hormonal variation affects morphology-performance relationships may help clarify the evolution of sexual dimorphism in diverse taxa. Using a widely distributed Australian lizard (Eulamprus quoyii) with weak sexual dimorphism and no dichromatism, we tested whether circulating androgens differed between the sexes and whether they covaried with morphological and performance traits (bite force, sprint speed, endurance). Males had larger head dimensions, stronger bite force, faster sprint speed, and longer endurance compared to females. We found that the sexes did not differ in androgen concentrations and that androgens were weakly associated with both morphological and performance traits. Interestingly, high circulating androgens showed a nonlinear relationship with bite force in males and not females, with this relationship possibly being related to alternative male reproductive tactics. Our results suggest that androgens are not strongly correlated with most performance and morphological traits, although they may play an important organizational role during the development of morphological traits, which could explain the differences in morphology and thus performance between the sexes. Differences in performance between the sexes suggest differential selection on these functional traits between males and females. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London.


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It is well known that waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are estrogenic. There has been much less consideration of the androgenic activity of WWTP effluents. To partly address the shortage of information on androgens in Australian WWTP effluents, in August 2006, and again in 2007, we collected discharges from up to 45 Victorian WWTPs (~25% of all WWTPs in Victoria), grouped by treatment process, i.e. activated sludge, extended aeration, and lagoon based treatment, and measured the total estrogenic, androgenic, retinoic acid, and aromatic hydrocarbon hydrogenase activity of the effluents using a hybrid yeast bioassay. This paper will concentrate on the androgenic activity and male hormone concentrations.


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Nestling birds solicit food from their parents with vigorous begging displays, involving posturing, jostling and calling. In some species, such as canaries, begging is especially costly because it causes a trade off against nestling growth. Fitness costs of begging like this are predicted by evolutionary theory because they function to resolve conflicts of interest within the family over the provision of parental investment. However, the mechanism that links these costs with nestling behaviour remains unclear. In the present study, we determine if the relationships between nestling androgen levels, nestling begging intensities and nestling growth rates are consistent with the hypothesis that testosterone is responsible for the trade-off between begging and growth. We test this idea with a correlational study, using fecal androgens as a non-invasive method for assaying nestling androgen levels. Our results show that fecal androgen levels are positively correlated with nestling begging intensity, and reveal marked family differences in each trait. Furthermore, changes in fecal androgen levels between 5 and 8 days after hatching are positively associated with changes in nestling begging intensity, and negatively associated with nestling growth during this time. Although these correlational results support our predictions, we suggest that that experimental manipulations are now required to test the direct or indirect role of testosterone in mediating the trade-off between begging and growth.


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Women presenting with hirsuties/polycystic ovary syndrome have increased production of androgens. Clinical lore suggests that these women may have increased sexual desire. Treatment of hirsuties commonly involves antiandrogen therapy, a form of therapy with a potential for reducing sexual desire. The present study investigated sexual desire in 29 hirsute women aged 19 to 43 years presenting for therapy. We conducted a questionnaire appraisal of the women's sexual desire, body and self-esteem, and affect at baseline, 3 months, and 12 months and compared the data with a control group of 30 nonhirsute women of similar mean age. Those in the treatment group also had their Ferriman and Gallwey scores and body mass indices calculated at baseline and end of study for those in the treatment group. We determined hormone levels for those in the treatment group with baseline blood tests. Our hypotheses were that the hirsute women would experience different levels of sexual desire than the control group prior to therapy and that therapy would have a demonstrable effect on the self-reported sexual desire of these women. The study demonstrated that women with hirsuties had mean levels of sexual desire and body esteem that were significantly lower than the control group women. During the year-long course of therapy, the sexual desire levels of the hirsute women decreased progressively, while their self-esteem increased. The women's Ferriman and Gallwey scores fell, indicating diminishing hirsutism. These findings provide empirical data upon which clinicians can base advice to patients seeking therapy.


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Nonmammalian vertebrates possess some unusual features in their hormonal systems/ when compared to mammals. As a consequence, they can make an important contribution in investigations concerning the fundamental mechanisms operating in endocrinology. Such studies concerning androgens include inter alia their effects on developmental aspects in the brain of birds and related singing behaviour; the role of neural enzymes in reproductive processes in fish; and the relation between androgens and the stages of spermatogenesis in amphibia, The present thesis examines the biochemistry of androgens in the Australian lizard Tiliqua rugosa. The major compounds studied were testosterone and epitestosterone, which are known to be present in high concentrations in the plasma of the male animal. Previous investigations are expanded, particularly in the areas of steroid identification and testicular biosynthesis. In addition, preliminary studies on the metabolism in the brain (and other tissues) and plasma protein binding are reported. The presence of epitestosterone as a major free androgen in the plasma of the male lizard was confirmed. Other steroids were found in the sulphate fraction. Testosterone sulphate was the most rigorously identified compound, while some evidence was also found for the presence of conjugated 5-androstene-3β,17-diols, etiocholanolone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA). Epitestosterone does not appear to be extensively conjugated in this animal. Steroids were not found to be conjugated as glucuronides. The identification studies employed a novel method of electrochemical detection of steroids. This technique was investigated and extended in the current thesis. Biosynthetic studies were carried out on androgen interconversions in the testis, in vitro. The major enzyme activities detected were 17α-arid 17β-oxidoreductases (17α-OR and l7β-OR) and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD)/isonerase. No evidence was found for the presence of a steroid-17-epimerase that would directly interconvert testosterone and epitestosterone. The 17-oxidoreductases were found to be dependent on the cofactor NBDFH. Testosterone appears to be formed mainly via the 4-ene pathway, whereas epitestosterone is formed from both the 4- and 5-ene routes. The compound 5-androstene-3β, 17α-diol was found to be an intermediate in the synthesis of epitestosterone from DHA. Temperature was found to significantly affect 17α-OR activity (maximum at 32°C). In contrast,17β-OR activity was independent of this factor in the testis. Androgen metabolism in the testis was found to be regulated by cofactors, temperature and season. The major enzyme activities found in the male brain were 17α- and 17β-OR. 3βHSD/isomerase was not found; however a low activity of 5α-reductase was identified. Aromatase activity was not positively identified, but preliminary results suggest that it may be present at low levels. The 17-oxidoreductases were widespread throughout the brain. The 17α-OR was significantly lower in the forebrain than other brain sections. The 170-OR activity did not vary significantly throughout the organ, although there was a trend for its activity to be higher in the midbrain region (containing the hypothalamus in these sections). The concentration of endogenous steroids in brain tissue was estimated by radioimmunoassay. Epitestosterone was found throughout the organ structure, whereas testosterone was found mainly in the midbrain (containing hypothalamic regions in these sections). Correlations between enzyme activities and steroid concentrations in brain regions suggested that the main function of 17α-OR is to produce epitestosterone, whereas the 17β-OR may catalyse a more reversible reaction in vivo. Temperature was found to significantly affect both 17α- and 17β-OR activities in the brain. In contrast to the testis, the maximum activity of the brain enzymes occurred at 37°C. The level of 17α-OR activity in the male lizard (100 nmol/g tissue/h) is the highest reported for this enzyme in vertebrates. Both activities were found to be quantitatively similar in the whole brain homogenates of male and female animals, and did not vary seasonally when examined in the male. The 17-oxidoreductases were also found in most other tissues in T.rugosa, including epididymis, adrenal, kidney and liver (but not blood). This suggests that the high activities of both 17α-OR and 17β-OR are dominant features of the steroid system in this animal. The formation of 11-oxygenated compounds was found in the adrenal, in addition to the formation of polar metabolites in the kidney and liver (possibly polyhydroxylated and conjugated steroids). A preliminary investigation into the plasma binding of androgens was carried out. The insults suggest that there are several binding sites for testosterone; one with high affinity and low capacity; the other with low affinity and high capacity. Binding experiments were carried out at 32°C. At this temperature, specific binding was greater than at 25 or 37°C. From the results of competition studies it was suggested that epitestosterone (with a K(i)= 3 X 10 (-6)M for testosterone binding) regulates the binding of testosterone (K(i)=10(-7)M) and hence the concentrations of the latter steroid as a free compound in plasma. In general, the study has shown that the biochemistry of androgens in the reptile T.rugosa is largely similar to that found in other vertebrates. The major difference is a greatly increased activity of 17α-OR, which causes a higher concentration of 17α-compounds to be present in the tissues of this lizard. The physiological roles for epitestosterone are not yet clear. However it appears from this study that this steroid regulates testosterone concentrations in several tissues by either steroidogenic or binding mechanisms. Several major influences on this regulation include temperature, availability of cofactors and seasonal effects.


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The solicitation behaviours performed by dependent young are under selection from the environment created by their parents, as well as wider ecological conditions. Here we show how mechanisms acting before hatching enable canary offspring to adapt their begging behaviour to a variable post-hatching world. Cross-fostering experiments revealed that canary nestling begging intensity is positively correlated with the provisioning level of their own parents (to foster chicks). When we experimentally increased food quality before and during egg laying, mothers showed higher faecal androgen levels and so did their nestlings, even when they were cross-fostered before hatching to be reared by foster mothers that had been exposed to a standard regime of food quality. Higher parental androgen levels were correlated with greater levels of post-hatching parental provisioning and (we have previously shown) increased faecal androgens in chicks were associated with greater begging intensity. We conclude that androgens mediate environmentally induced plasticity in the expression of both parental and offspring traits, which remain correlated as a result of prenatal effects, probably acting within the egg. Offspring can thus adapt their begging intensity to variable family and ecological environments.


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Two experiments were conducted to investigate the efficacy of three androgens applied through immersion treatments on the sex ratio of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry. In experiment 1, 14 days post-hatching (DPH) larvae were exposed to a single immersion treatment in 17α-methyltestosterone (MT), 17α-methyldihydrotestosterone (MDHT) or 17α-ethynyltestosterone (ET) at 200, 600 and 1800 μg L−1 over 4 h (130 larvae per treatment). In experiment 2, Nile tilapia larvae were exposed to the higher androgen concentration (1800 μg L−1) applied as either a single immersion (14 DPH) or double immersion (10 and 14 DPH) over 4 h (125 larvae per treatment). Change in sex proportion within each experiment as well as between experiments was analysed by the chi-square test. In experiment 1, MT, MDHT and ET were equally effective in significantly increasing the proportion of males when applied at 1800 μg L−1 (86.0%, 90.0% and 86.7% respectively). At 200 μg L−1 none of the androgens altered sex ratio. At 600 μg L−1, only MDHT slightly, but significantly skewed the sex ratio towards males (73.0%). In experiment 2, a single immersion treatment at 14 DPH (1800 μg L−1) significantly increased the proportion of males, but at this time the response was significantly hormone dependent (MDHT, 100.0%; MT, 91.6%; ET, 76.9%). When compared with a single immersion, two-immersion treatments significantly increased the proportion of males in the MT-treated group (from 91.6% to 98.3%), decreased the proportion of males in the MDHT group (from 100.0% to 93.4%) and had no significant effect the ET-treated group (change from 76.9% to 82.5%). The overall comparison of the sex ratio among same treatments from different experiments (a single immersion in 1800 μg L−1) was not significantly different.


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The molecular factors targeted by androgens and estrogens on muscle mass are not fully understood. The current study aimed to explore gene and protein expression of Atrogin-1, MuRF1, and myostatin in an androgen deprivation-induced muscle atrophy model.


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Here, we studied the life-long monogamous zebra finch, to examine the relationship between circulating sex steroid profiles and pair-maintenance behavior in pairs of wild-caught zebra finches (paired in the laboratory for >1 month). We used liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to examine a total of eight androgens and progestins [pregnenolone, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenediol, pregnan-3,17-diol-20-one, androsterone, androstanediol, and testosterone]. In the plasma, only pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone were above the limit of quantification. Sex steroid profiles were similar between males and females, with only circulating progesterone levels significantly different between the sexes (female > male). Circulating pregnenolone levels were high in both sexes, suggesting that pregnenolone might serve as a circulating prohormone for local steroid synthesis in zebra finches. Furthermore, circulating testosterone levels were extremely low in both sexes. Additionally, we found no correlations between circulating steroid levels and pair-maintenance behavior. Taken together, our data raise several interesting questions about the neuroendocrinology of zebra finches.