37 resultados para Allergens

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Allergy to peanut and tree nuts is characterised by a high frequency of life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and typically lifelong persistence. Although peanut is the most common cause of nut allergy, peanut allergic patients are frequently also sensitive to tree nuts. It is not known if this is due to cross-reactivity between peanut and tree nut allergens. In this study, the major peanut allergen Ara h 2 was cloned from peanut cDNA, expressed in E. coli cells as a His-tag fusion protein and purified using a Ni-NTA column. Immunoblotting, ELISA and basophil activation indicated by CD63 expression all confirmed the IgE reactivity and biological activity of rAra h 2. To determine whether or not this allergen plays a role in IgE cross-reactivity between peanut and tree nuts, inhibition ELISA was performed. Pre-incubation of serum from peanut allergic patients with increasing concentrations of almond or Brazil nut extract inhibited IgE binding to rAra h 2. Purified rAra h 2-specific serum IgE antibodies also bound to proteins present in almond and Brazil nut extracts by immunoblotting. This indicates that the major peanut allergen, Ara h 2, shares common IgE-binding epitopes with almond and Brazil nut allergens, which may contribute to the high incidence of tree nut sensitisation in peanut allergic individuals.


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Background: Asthma incidence has long been linked to pollen, even though pollen grains are too large to penetrate into the airways where asthmatic responses originate. Pollen allergens found in small, respirable particles have been implicated in a number of asthma epidemics, particularly ones following rainfall or thunderstorms.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine how pollen allergens form the respirable aerosols necessary for triggering asthma.

Methods: Flowering grasses were humidified and then dried in a controlled-environment chamber connected to a cascade impactor and an aerosol particle counter. Particles shed from the flowers were analyzed with high-resolution microscopy and immunolabeled with rabbit anti-Phl p 1 antibody, which is specific for group 1 pollen allergens.

Results: Contrary to what has been reported in other published accounts, most of the pollen in this investigation remained on the open anthers of wind pollinated plants unless disturbed—eg, by wind. Increasing humidity caused anthers to close. After a cycle of wetting and drying followed by wind disturbance, grasses flowering within a chamber produced an aerosol of particles that were collected in a cascade impactor. These particles consisted of fragmented pollen cytoplasm in the size range 0.12 to 4.67 μm; they were loaded with group 1 allergens.

Conclusion: Here we provide the first direct observations of the release of grass pollen allergens as respirable aerosols. They can emanate directly from the flower after a moisture-drying cycle. This could explain asthmatic responses associated with grass pollination, particularly after moist weather conditions.


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Backgound Birch pollen allergens have been implicated as asthma triggers; however, pollen grains are too large to reach the lower airways where asthmatic reactions occur. Respirable-sized particles containing birch pollen allergens have been detected in air filters, especially after rainfall but the source of these particles has remained speculative.

Objective To determine the processes by which birch pollen allergens become airborne particles of respirable size with the potential to contribute to airways inflammation.

Methods Branches with attached male catkins were harvested and placed in a controlled emission chamber. Filtered dry air was passed through the chamber until the anthers opened, then they were humidified for 5 h and air-dried again. Flowers were disturbed by wind generated from a small electric fan. Released particles were counted, measured and collected for immuno-labelling and high-resolution microscopy.

Results Birch pollen remains on the dehisced anther and can rupture in high humidity and moisture. Fresh pollen takes as long as 3 h to rupture in water. Drying winds released an aerosol of particles from catkins. These were fragments of pollen cytoplasm that ranged in size from 30 nm to 4 μm and contained Bet v 1 allergens.

Conclusion When highly allergenic birch trees are flowering and exposed to moisture followed by drying winds they can produce particulate aerosols containing pollen allergens. These particles are small enough to deposit in the peripheral airways and have the potential to induce an inflammatory response.


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In Melbourne, Australia, grass pollen allergens, especially from ryegrass, are a major cause of allergic hayfever and asthma. This review outlines recent developments in our understanding of how grass pollen allergens find their way into the atmosphere and how they are transported in particulate form. Much of this work has relied on antibody technology in immunological and immunocytochemical investigations. The localisation of allergens in situ has proved difficult due to their water-soluble character. Recently, allergens have been localised in developing ryegrass pollen by dryfixation, rapid-freeze and freeze-substitution techniques. This involved anthers being substituted in a mixture of aldehydes, organic solvents, and 2,2-dimethoxypropane. Incubation in dimethylsulfoxide prior to embedding in LR Gold resin provided good infiltration with freeze-substituted material. Immunogold-labelled sections show that the major allergens, Lol p 1 and Lol p 5, are synthesised in the pollen cytoplasm from the early bicellular stage, soon after the first starch granules are formed. From the early tricellular stage, Lol p 5 moves into the starch granules where it remains until maturity. Lol p 1 is localised in the cytoplasm of mature pollen grains. The incidence of airborne grass pollen, as measured in pollen traps, correlates with hayfever symptoms. Forecasting models which rely on rainfall and temperature data have been produced for the grass pollen (daily and seasonal) counts in Melbourne. Research over the past six years has shed light on the causes of grass-pollen-induced asthma. Micronic particles in the atmosphere may be starch granules originating from pollen grains osmotically ruptured by rainwater. Ultrastructural and immunological characterisation of micronic particles collected from outdoor air filters confirm the presence of airborne starch granules. These are loaded with grass pollen allergens, occur in the atmosphere especially after rainfall, and correlate significantly with instances of allergic asthma. Diesel particles might also play a role in the transmission of grass pollen allergens and thus become an extra asthma trigger. A variation in the mode of release of micronic particles occurs in other species, such as birch, where such particles are derived from burst birch pollen tubes. These particles are positive for Bet v 1 and are starch granules which are released into the atmosphere after light rain as a result of pollen germination on, e.g., leaves. After subsequent rupture of pollen tubes their contents are released when conditions become drier.


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Grass pollen allergens are the most important cause of hay fever and allergic asthma during summer in cool temperate climates. Pollen counts provide a guide to hay fever sufferers. However, grass pollen, because of its size, has a low probability of entering the lower airways to trigger asthma. Yet, grass pollen allergens are known to be associated with atmospheric respirable particles.

We aimed (1) to determine the concentration of group 5 major allergens in (a) pollen grains of clinically important grass species and (b) atmospheric particles (respirable and nonrespirable) and (2) to compare the atmospheric allergen load with clinical data to assess different risk factors for asthma and hay fever.

We have performed a continuous 24 h sampling of atmospheric particles greater and lower than 7.2 μm in diameter during the grass pollen season of 1996 and 1997 (17 October 1996–16 January 1997) by means of a high volume cascade impactor at a height of about 15 m above ground in Melbourne. Using Western analysis, we assessed the reactivity of major timothy grass allergen Phl p 5 specific monoclonal antibody (MoAb) against selected pollen extracts. A MoAb-based ELISA was then employed to quantify Phl p 5 and cross-reactive allergens in pollen extracts and atmospheric particles larger and smaller than 7.2 μm.

Phl p 5-specific MoAb detected group 5 allergens in tested grass pollen extracts, indicating that the ELISA employed here determines total group 5 allergen concentrations. On average, 0.05 ng of group 5 allergens were detectable per grass pollen grain. Atmospheric group 5 allergen concentrations in particles > 7.2 μm were significantly correlated with grass pollen counts (rs = 0.842, P < 0.001). On dry days, 37% of the total group 5 allergen load, whereas upon rainfall, 57% of the total load was detected in respirable particles. After rainfall, the number of starch granule equivalents increased up to 10-fold; starch granule equivalent is defined as a hypothetical potential number of airborne starch granules based on known pollen count data. This indicates that rainfall tended to wash out large particles and contributed to an increase in respirable particles containing group 5 allergens by bursting of pollen grains. Four day running means of group 5 allergens in respirable particles and of asthma attendances (delayed by 2 days) were shown to be significantly correlated (P < 0.001).

Here we present, for the first time, an estimation of the total group 5 allergen content in respirable and nonrespirable particles in the atmosphere of Melbourne. These results highlight the different environmental risk factors for hay fever and allergic asthma in patients, as on days of rainfall following high grass pollen count, the risk for asthma sufferers is far greater than on days of high pollen count with no associated rainfall. Moreover, rainfall may also contribute to the release of allergens from fungal spores and, along with the release of free allergen molecules from pollen grains, may be able to interact with other particles such as pollutants (i.e. diesel exhaust carbon particles) to trigger allergic asthma.


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The increase in the incidence of food allergy is a growing problem for the western world. This review will focus on the findings from several macromolecular epithelial transport experiments and drug permeability studies to provide a recent comprehension of food allergen intestinal epithelial cell transport and the allergen-epithelial relationship. Specifically, this review will aim to answer whether allergens can permeate the intestinal barrier directly via intestinal epithelial cells, and whether this mode of transport affects downstream immune reactions. By improving our understanding of the interactions which take place during exposure of food allergens with the intestinal epithelium, we can begin to understand whether the epithelial barrier plays a major role in the allergic sensitization process rather than simply restricting the entry of allergens to the underlying lamina propria.


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Allergen absorption by epithelia may play an important role in downstream immune responses. Transport mechanisms that can bypass Peyer's patches include transcellular and paracellular transport. The capacity of an allergen to cross via these means can modulate downstream processing of the allergen by the immune system. The aim of this study was to investigate allergen-epithelial interactions of peanut allergens with the human intestinal epithelium.


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 The study demonstrated that peanut allergens were able to adhere and cross a model of the intestinal epithelium. Peanut contact causes a decrease in barrier integrity and mislocalisation of tight junctions. Both allergens are endocytosed by multiple endocytotic mechanisms, which are useful targets for the development of future therapeutics.