7 resultados para Aerodynamic Buffeting.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the aerodynamics characteristics (especially the side force/moment and rolling characteristics), to analyze the impacts generated by different parameters of wrap-around fins (WAFs) and to find the corresponding mechanism.Design/methodology/approach – The paper has adopted three different types of WAFs for the rocket configurations and the sub-regions dividedtechnology to investigate the lateral and rolling characteristics of WAFs, including the fins with variations in span to chord ratio, thickness,leading-edge sweep, curvature radius, fin numbers, setting angles and rotated angles. Simulations have been performed at Mach numbers from 3 to 4 through an angle-of-attack range of about 0° to 10° and at model rolling angles of 45° to 90°.Findings – The paper shows that the WAF configurations can greatly improve the longitudinal stability and enhance the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics for the whole rocket. The total drag of the whole rocket is mainly stemmed from the body, while the drag generated by the WAF account for only about 7.42 per cent. The extra side forces and rolling moments are due largely to the unequal pressure distributions on both sides of the fin (windward or leeward). Maintaining a certain negative setting angle (d) can effectively avoid the coning movement and improve the flight stability at high angles of attack. The size of the span and chord are two main factors in controlling the longitudinal characteristics. For the side force/moment and rolling characteristics, different geometric parameters of the WAFs have played different roles.Originality/value – The paper provides the qualitative and quantitative analysis for different WAFs configurations by investigating the curves ofdifferent parameters and contouring of static pressure distributions. Findings can provide some suggestions for the designers for avoiding some significant dynamic problems, such as Magnus instability and roll rate variations during flight.


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In this study, Australian brown coal fly ash particles have been collected from power station and analysed by scanning electron microscopy to obtain morphological information and elemental composition of individual particles. The most common particles found to be the irregular shape particle aggregates. Other shapes include ball shape with smooth surface and with some attachments; and crystal shape fine particles. The X-ray spectra of each fly ash particle revealed five groups of elemental composition, they are Si-rich particles; Ca-rich particles; Fe-rich particles; particles with Mg-Ca Matrix and particles with Si-Ca matrix. A particle sire distribution analysis has been conducted using particle size analyser and found to have a mean particle size of 21fim. The sample then was separated into fine and coarse fractions using aerodynamic classifier, and the elemental composition of both fractions were determined by ICP-AES. Borate fusion and acid dissolution method was used for sample preparation. It is found that some environmental sensitive elements such as Zn, Pb, Ni, K and Cu are enriched in fine fly ash particles. Ca has much higher contents in fine particles as well. Si and Mg have higher concentrations in coarse particles.


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Personal passenger transport faces several challenges in the coming decades: depletion of cheap oil reserves, increasing congestion, localised pollution, the need for reduced carbon emissions and the long term goal of sustainability. One way of solving some of these problems could be to introduce comfortable, energy efficient, battery electric vehicles.

Currently, hybrid vehicles have been presented as a means to reducing the transportation related oil demand. New developments in materials and technologies have made them, cleaner and safer as well as more fuel efficient. However, hybrids will only prolong the use of oil until alternatively fuelled vehicles are developed.

One long term alternative is the battery electric vehicle (BEV). A BEV designed to be light, aerodynamic with high efficiency drive train and latest battery technology would have a performance comparable to a typical internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV). Recent developments in virtual engineering, rapid prototyping and advanced manufacturing might enable low-cost development of niche market BEV’s designed and built in New Zealand for export markets.

This work examines the collaborative development of a twin seat BEV using new materials and latest technologies by the University of Waikato’s Engineering Department and a group of NZ and foreign companies. The car will be used to research the potential of BEVs and will also compete in the Commuter Class of the World Solar Challenge in 2007.


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[1] As part of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)-Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (CLAIRE) 2001 campaign in July 2001, separate day and nighttime aerosol samples were collected at a ground-based site in Amazonia, Brazil, in order to examine the composition and temporal variability of the natural “background” aerosol. We used a high-volume sampler to separate the aerosol into fine (aerodynamic diameter, AD < 2.5 μm) and coarse (AD > 2.5 μm) size fractions and quantified a range of organic compounds in methanolic extracts of the samples by a gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric technique. The carbon fraction of the compounds could account for an average of 7% of the organic carbon (OC) in both the fine and coarse aerosol fractions. We observed the highest concentrations of sugars, sugar alcohols, and fatty acids in the coarse aerosol samples, which suggests that these compounds are associated with primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP) observed in the forest atmosphere. Of these, trehalose, mannitol, arabitol, and the fatty acids were found to be more prevalent at night, coinciding with a nocturnal increase in PBAP in the 2–10 μm size range (predominantly yeasts and other small fungal spores). In contrast, glucose, fructose, and sucrose showed persistently higher daytime concentrations, coinciding with a daytime increase in large fungal spores, fern spores, pollen grains, and, to a lesser extent, plant fragments (generally >20 μm in diameter), probably driven by lowered relative humidity and enhanced wind speeds/convective activity during the day. For the fine aerosol samples a series of dicarboxylic and hydroxyacids were detected with persistently higher daytime concentrations, suggesting that photochemical production of a secondary organic aerosol from biogenic volatile organic compounds may have made a significant contribution to the fine aerosol. Anhydrosugars (levoglucosan, mannosan, galactosan), which are specific tracers for biomass burning, were detected only at low levels in the fine aerosol samples. On the basis of the levoglucosan-to-OC emission ratio measured for biomass burning aerosol, we estimate that an average of ∼16% of the OC in the fine aerosol was due to biomass burning during CLAIRE 2001, indicating that the major fraction was associated with biogenic particles.


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The relationship between mass loss rate and chemical power in flying birds is analysed with regard to water and heat balance. Two models are presented: the first model is applicable to situations where heat loads are moderate. i.e. when heat balance can be achieved by regulating non-evaporative heat loss, and evaporative water loss is minimised. The second model is applicable when heat loads are high, non-evaporative heat loss is maximised. and heat balance has to be achieved by regulating evaporative heat loss. The rates of mass loss of two Thrush Nightingales Luscinia luscinia and one Teal Anas crecca were measured at various flight speeds in a wind tunnel. Estimates of metabolic water production indicate that the Thrush Nightingales did not dehydrate during experimental flights. Probably, the Thrush Nightingales maintained heat balance without actively increasing evaporative cooling. The Teal, however, most likely had to resort to evaporative cooling, although it may not have dehydrated. Chemical power was estimated from our mass loss rate data using the minimum evaporation model for the Thrush Nightingales and the evaporative heat regulation model for the Teal. For both Thrush Nightingales and the Teal, the chemical power calculated from our mass loss rate data showed a greater change with speed (more 'U-shaped' curve) than the theoretically predicted chemical power curves based on aerodynamic theory. The minimum power speeds calculated from our data differed little from theoretical predictions but maximum range speeds were drastically different. Mass loss rate could potentially be used to estimate chemical power in flying birds under laboratory conditions where temperature and humidity are controlled. However, the assumptions made in the models and the model predictions need further testing.


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Green energy targets for coming decades advocates high penetration of wind energy in main energy matrix which also pose incendiary threat to stability and reliability of modern electric grid if their dynamic performance aspects are not assessed beforehand. Considering increasing interest in dynamic performance along with ancillary service assessment related to frequency regulation, development of suitable generic modeling has gained high priority. This paper presents modeling of type 4 full converter wind turbine generator system suitable for frequency regulation focusing on active power control. Complete model is a modification of WECC generic model with additional aerodynamic and pitch control model. Descriptions of individual sub models are presented and performance results are compared manufacturer specific GE type 4 WTG generic model by means of simulations in the MATLAB ® Power System Block set.


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Various parameters including the fins with variable span to chord ratio, curvature radius, and setting angle have been investigated between the flat fin and wrap around fin (WAF) rocket configurations at supersonic flow. The results show that under the same flight condition, the flat fins can provide a higher lift and pitching moments than the WAFs. Due to the symmetric effect, any extra side forces, moments as well as the self-induced rolling characteristics will be not generated as compared to the WAF configurations. The WAFs can greatly improve the longitudinal stability and enhance the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics for the whole rocket. The static pressure distributions at different chordwise positions together with the force variations around the fins have been obtained computationally and analyzed in detail.