49 resultados para 730212 Disease distribution and transmission

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This is the first report of a projected series regarding the comorbidity of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Australia. Comorbidity refers to any two or more of these diseases that occur in one person at the same time. The questions to be answered in this report include: 1. How many Australians have comorbidity of CVD, diabetes and CKD? 2. What is the proportion of hospitalisations with these comorbidities? 3. How much do these comorbidities contribute to deaths? 4. What is the magnitude of comorbidity in the context of each individual disease? 5. Are there differences in the distribution of these comorbidities among age groups and sexes?


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Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) can be used to measure the size distribution and volume fraction of fine scale precipitates in metallic systems. However, such measurements suffer from a number of artefacts that need to be accounted for, related to the finite thickness of the TEM foil and to the projected observation in two dimensions of the microstructure. We present a correction procedure to describe the 3D distribution of disc-like particles and apply this method to the plate-like T1 precipitates in an Al-Li-Cu alloy in two ageing conditions showing different particle morphologies. The precipitates were imaged in a High-Angular Annular Dark Field Microscope (HAADF-STEM). The corrected size distribution is further used to determine the precipitate volume fraction. Atom probe tomography (APT) is finally utilised as an alternative way to measure the precipitate volume fraction and test the validity of the electron microscopy results.


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This study investigated the distribution, habitat and population dynamics of the swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) in the eastern Otway Ranges. The species has a restricted, disjunct distribution and has been recorded at 25 sites between 1969 and 1999. All sites were located within 7 km of the coast, occurred at altitudes up to 80 m above sea level and within 10 m of a gully. Analysis of landscape site variables identified sun index as being significant in determination of the probability of occurrence of A. minimus. The presence of A. minimus is negatively associated with sun index, occuring at sites that have a southerly aspect and gentle slope. A. minimus was located in a range of structural vegetation including Open Forest, Low Woodland, Shrubland and Hummock Grassland and a number of floristic groups, some characterised by high frequencies of sclerophyll shrubs, others by high frequencies of Pteridium esculentum, hummock grasses and herbaceous species. A. minimus occurs in fragmented, small populations with maximum population densities of 1.1–18 ha–1. Populations at inland sites became extinct after the 1983 wildfire which burnt 41 000 ha. These sites have not been recolonised since, while on the coast the species did not re-establish until 1993–97. One population that is restricted to a narrow coastal strip of habitat is characterised by high levels of transient animals. The species is subject to extinction in the region due to habitat fragmentation, coastal developments and fire. Management actions to secure the present populations and ensure long-term survival of the species in the area are required and include implementation of appropriate fire regimes, prevention of habitat fragmentation, revegetation of habitat, and establishment of corridor habitat.


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A study to assess distribution, numbers and habitat of the Rufous Bristlebird was conducted during 1997 and 1998 along the coast at Aireys Inlet, Victoria. Monthly surveys were conducted along selected pathways for 1 h at sunrise, noon and late afternoon. Birds were recorded on the basis of sightings and calls; 75% of records were from calls. The number of records of birds for April–June was significantly lower than for January–March, July–September and October–December. There was no difference in frequency of records due to weather conditions (clear, overcast or rain), presence of wind or difference in temperature. The Rufous Bristlebird inhabited remnant coastal vegetation, but also utilised nearby house gardens and road verges. Birds appeared to occupy distinct territories, with each separate territory occuring along a narrow strip of land on the coastal cliffs. The number of territories identified ranged from 14 to 33. Territories were occupied predominantly by pairs of birds. The minimum number of birds present was estimated for each survey session and ranged from 2 to 34. A conservative estimate of the bristlebird population in the area, based on the assumption that a territory was occupied by a pair, was thus between 28 and 66. A number of threats to the Rufous Bristlebird were identified in the study area including loss and fragmentation of habitat from housing developments and walking tracks. Introduced predators including foxes, cats and rats have been recorded, but their impact is unknown. The effect of people walking along the tracks and the presence of dogs is unclear.


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The impact of time since fire after two consecutive wildfires 44 years apart (1939 and 1983) within the same area, and the distance from the fire boundary «100 m or 500-2000 m), were investigated in relation to the distribution and abundance of arboreal marsupials in 1994. Arboreal marsupials were censused by stagwatching and spotlighting in two relatively young age classes of mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) dominated forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria. Five species of arboreal marsupial were detected, but only three were detected in sufficient numbers to determine habitat preferences. Petauroides volans (greater glider) was statistically more abundant in 1939 regrowth forests, while Trichosurus caninus (mountain brushtail possum) showed no significant preference for either age class of forest. All but one record of Gymnobelideus leadbeateri (Leadbeater's possum) came from young forest, though the effect of age-class was not statistically significant. Distance from fire boundary explained little or no variation in mammal distribution or abundance. While the actual number of hollow-bearing trees was similar in both age classes of forest, the long-term lifespan of hollow-bearing trees in more recently burnt forest is predicted to be lower than in unburnt or not recently burnt forest. Post-fire salvage logging following the 1983 wildfires appears to have reduced the number of hollow-bearing trees at sites burnt in 1983.


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The Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area, on the north-west coast of Tasmania, provides many kilometres of ocean beach habitat for the vulnerable Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis. Hooded Plovers were surveyed along a 43.5 km section of coast which included both rocky shores and sandy beaches. They were absent from the rocky portion of the coastline (17.0 km), but 65 individuals were recorded along the sandy portion of coastline (26.5 km). The recorded population density of 2.45 birds/km compares favourably with reported mean densities for most parts of south-eastern Australia. Careful management and monitoring are required if the current numbers of the Hooded Plover in this area are to be maintained.


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This review synthesises present knowledge of the distribution patterns and habitat requirements of the Yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinus flavipes. Factors influencing the distribution of A. flavipes are examined at several spatial scales ranging from the broad climatic conditions prevalent over the species’ entire range to the characteristics of nest sites used by individual animals. Analysis of the literature suggests that: 1) at the broad-scale, A. flavipes distribution is largely determined by warm, dry climatic conditions, the distribution of dry forests and woodlands and competition with closely related species; 2) at the landscape-scale the determinants of A. flavipes distribution are largely unknown, although initial investigations suggest some tolerance of fragmented landscapes; and 3) at a local-scale the distribution of A. flavipes is largely determined by the presence of large diameter trees, tree hollows, coarse woody debris, rocky crevices and leaf-litter. Directions for future research are suggested throughout the review.


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Knowledge of the spatial arrangement of the seagrass distribution and biomass within the Hopkins Estuary is an essential step towards gaining an understanding of the functioning of the estuarine ecosystem. This study marks the first attempt to map seagrass distribution and model seagrass biomass and epiphyte biomass along depth gradients by the use of global positioning system (GPS) and geographical information system (GIS) technologies in the estuary. For mapping seagrass in small estuaries, ground-surveying the entire system is feasible. Three species of seagrasses, Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers), Zostera muelleri (Irmisch ex Aschers) and Ruppia megacarpa (Mason), were identified in the Hopkins Estuary. All beds investigated contained a mixed species relationship. Three harvest techniques were trialed in a pilot study, with the 25 × 25-cm quadrat statistically most appropriate. Biomass of seagrasses and epiphytes was found to vary significantly with depth, but not between sites. The average estimate of biomass for total seagrasses and their epiphytes in the estuary in January 2000 was 222.7 g m–2 (dry weight). Of the total biomass, 50.6% or 112.7 g m–2 (dry weight) was contributed by seagrasses and 49.4% of the biomass (110.0 g m–2) were epiphytes. Of the 50.6% of the total biomass represented by seagrasses, 39.3% (87.5 g m–2) were leaves and 11.3% (25.2 g m–2) were rhizomes. The total area of seagrasses present in the Hopkins Estuary was estimated to be 0.4 ± 0.005 km2, with the total area of the estuary estimated to be 1.6 ± 0.02 km2 (25% cover). The total standing crop of seagrasses and epiphytes in the Hopkins Estuary in January 2000 was estimated to be 102.3 ± 57 t in dry weight, 56% (56.9 ± 17 t, dry weight) seagrasses and 44% (45.4 ± 19 t, dry weight) epiphytes. Of the seagrass biomass, 39% (39.7 ± 13 t, dry weight) was contributed by leaves and 17% (17.3 ± 7 t, dry weight) by rhizomes.


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An Al6061-20%Al2O3 powder metallurgy (PM) metal matrix composite (MMC) with a strongly clustered particle distribution is subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at a temperature of 370 °C. The evolution of the homogeneity of the particle distribution in the material during ECAP is investigated by the quadrat method. The model proposed by Tan and Zhang [Mater Sci Eng 1998;244:80] for estimating the critical particle size which is required for a homogeneous particle distribution in PM MMCs is extended to the case of a combination of extrusion and ECAP. The applicability of the model to predict a homogeneity of the particle distribution after extrusion and ECAP is discussed. It is shown that ECAP leads to an increase of the  uniformity of the particle distribution and the fracture toughness.


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A systematic BEKK-GARCH model with multiple switch points in the variance equations captures the structural changes that have taken place in the Hong Kong markets. Abolishment of the uptick rule in the Hong Kong stock market, increase of initial margins, and electronic trading of Hang Seng Index Futures are found to have significant impacts. These changes affect the volatility structure of the HSI and HSIF and hence their lead-lag relationship. The multivariate GARCH model with three specific switching points is found to be superior to any other combination of up to six separate switch points.


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We have studied the intracellular distribution and internalization kinetics of the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor (G-CSF-R) in living cells using fusion constructs of wild-type or mutant G-CSF-R and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Under steady-state conditions the G-CSF-R localized predominantly to the Golgi apparatus, late endosomes, and lysosomes, with only low expression on the plasma membrane, resulting from spontaneous internalization. Internalization of the G-CSF-R was significantly accelerated by addition of G-CSF. This ligand-induced switch from slow to rapid internalization required the presence of G-CSF-R residue Trp650, previously shown to be essential for its signaling ability. Both spontaneous and ligand-induced internalization depended on 2 distinct amino acid stretches in the G-CSF-R COOH-terminus: 749-755, containing a dileucine internalization motif, and 756-769. Mutation of Ser749 at position –4 of the dileucine motif to Ala significantly reduced the rate of ligand-induced internalization. In contrast, mutation of Ser749 did not affect spontaneous G-CSF-R internalization, suggesting the involvement of a serine-threonine kinase specifically in ligand-accelerated internalization of the G-CSF-R. COOH-terminal truncation mutants of G-CSF-R, found in severe congenital neutropenia, lack the internalization motifs and were completely defective in both spontaneous and ligand-induced internalization. As a result, these mutants showed constitutively high cell-surface expression.


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Habitat loss and modification is a major factor driving reductions of seabird populations. The white-faced storm petrel (Pelagodroma marina) is restricted to three breeding colonies within Victoria: Mud Islands and South Channel Fort in Port Phillip Bay, and Tullaberga Island off Mallacoota. The numbers of storm petrels breeding on Mud Islands and South Channel Fort have declined considerably, possibly a result of the significant vegetation changes, together with increases in local populations of other species of birds, most notably, silver gulls (Larus novaehollandiae). On Mud Islands the breeding area available to the storm petrels appears to be limited by the recent arrival of the Australian white ibis (Threskoirnis molucca), and straw-necked ibis (T. spinicollis) which now breed on the islands in large numbers (approximately 15,000 pairs). The impact of these changes on the storm petrels is poorly understood. The current status of storm petrels at Tullaberga Island is unknown. This study estimated the size of the breeding population at all three sites by determining burrow densities, and a burrow-scope was used to determine occupancy. Burrow density was found to be related to vegetation type and other habitat factors. This study has highlighted important information on the breeding habitat of the white-faced storm petrel and the implications for management are discussed.