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em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The metabolism of 52–73-day old Antarctic fur seal pups from Bird Island, South Georgia, was investigated during fasting periods of normal duration while their mothers were at sea foraging. Body mass decreased exponentially with pups losing 3.5–3.8% of body mass per day. Resting metabolic rate also decreased exponentially from 172–197 ml (O2)·min−1 at the beginning of the fast and scaled to Mb0.74 at 2.3 times the level predicted for adult terrestrial mammals of similar size. While there was no significant sex difference in RMR, female pups had significantly higher (F1,18=6.614, P<0.019) mass-specific RMR than male pups throughout the fasting period. Fasting FMR was also significantly (t15=2.37, P<0.035) greater in females (823 kJ·kg−1·d−1) than males (686 kJ·kg−1·d−1). Average protein turnover during the study period was 19.3 g·d−1 and contributed to 5.4% of total energy expenditure, indicating the adoption of a protein-sparing strategy with a reliance on primarily lipid catabolism for metabolic energy. This is supported by observed decreases in plasma BUN, U/C, glucose and triglyceride concentrations, and an increase in β-HBA concentration, indicating that Antarctic fur seals pups adopt this strategy within 2–3 days of fasting. Mean RQ also decreased from 0.77 to 0.72 within 3 days of fasting, further supporting a rapid commencement of protein-sparing. However, RQ gradually increased thereafter to 0.77, suggesting a resumption of protein catabolism which was not substantiated by changes in plasma metabolites. Female pups had higher TBL (%) than males for any given mass, which is consistent with previous findings in this and other fur seal species, and suggests sex differences in metabolic fuel use. The observed changes in plasma metabolites and protein turnover, however, do not support this.


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The distribution, abundance and biomass of seabirds in Western Port, Victoria, were surveyed between April 1991 and August 1994. Individuals were counted along an 81-km series of transects from a boat at approximately monthly intervals. A total of 25 seabird taxa were recorded, of which 18 and 15 were common to those recorded by an earlier study in Port Phillip Bay and waters south of Phillip Island, respectively. The most numerous species by far was the Short-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris) followed by the Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae), Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) and Crested Tern (Sterna bergii). Distribution within Western Port was not uniform, with pursuit divers such as cormorant and grebe species being recorded mostly in the shallow Eastern Arm. In contrast, surface-seizing (e.g. albatrosses), surface-plunging (e.g. Crested Terns), shallow-plunging (Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator) and pursuit-plunging (e.g. shearwaters) species predominated in the deeper Western Arm of Western Port. These species were also seasonally abundant, with peak numbers for most occurring in late summer–early autumn, which coincides with the reported influx of juvenile clupeoid fish into Western Port. Average biomass (686 ± 395 kg) comprised mostly Short-tailed Shearwaters, Little Penguins and Pied Cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius). Biomass density (8.5 kg km–2) was similar to that reported for Port Phillip Bay (8.1 kg km–2) but lower than off the southern coast of Phillip Island (9.9 kg km–2).


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The diet of Powerful Owls (Ninox strenua) living at Christmas Hills, 35km north-east of Melbourne was examined by analysis of 686 regurgitated pellets collected over two years. An aid was also developed to help identify potential mammalian prey species based on hair and skeletal characteristics. The following features were found to be most useful in distinguishing between the three species of arboreal marsupials - Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps): - Cross-sectional width of primary guard hairs. - The size and shape of the nasal, frontal, parietal and squamosal bones of the skull. - Dentition. The size and shape of the upper incisor, canine and premolar teeth. The size and shape of the lower incisor and premolar teeth. - The size of the humerus. The Sugar Glider has a much smaller humerus than that of the Common Ringtail Possum and the Common Brushtail Possum. In the Common Brushtail Possum the entepicondyle ends in a very sharp point but the Common Ringtail Possum this point is not as sharp. - The Common Ringtail Possum’s femur has a very prominent trochanter which projects further than that in the Common Brushtail Possum. The femur of the Sugar Glider is distinguished by having a very large depression between the condyle and the trochanter. - The Common Brushtail Possum’s scapula has a narrower lower blade (relative to length) than that in the Common Ringtail Possum. The scapula of the Sugar Glider is smaller in size than that of the other two possums.The pelvic girdle Of the Common Brushtail Possum has a much wider ischium than those of the Common Brushtail Possum and the Sugar Glider. The ilium of the Sugar is much narrower and smaller than that of the other two possums Mammalian prey was found in 89%, insects in 13% and birds in 10% of the pellets. Of the mammals, Common Ringtail Possums occurred most frequently in the pellets over the year. There was no seasonal difference in the frequency of occurrence of Common Ringtail Possums and Sugar Gliders in pellets. However, Common Brushtail Possums were more likely to be taken in spring than in the other seasons. More adult Common Ringtail Possums were taken as prey than were other age classes over the year, except in summer when high numbers of young were consumed by the owls. The habitat of the Powerful Owl was examined by ground surveys and spotlight surveys in sixteen sites within the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. Four categories of survey sites were chosen with the following features. Category A - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees, as well as many old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. Category B - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees and containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category C - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category D - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but having old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. High prey densities strongly correlated with the presence of hollows at these sites. In the light of the results, management recommendations were made for the future conservation of the Powerful Owls living at Christmas Hills. The following recommendations were particularly important: 1. Cleared or semi - cleared land within the Warrandyte Kinglake Nature Conservation Link be revegetated using indigenous species of eucalypts and waffles in order to provide a contiguous native forest corridor for the movement of possums and gliders between the Yarra River Valley and the Kinglake Plateau. 2. Continued planting of Eucalyptus spp. and Acacia spp. in the forested areas of the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. 3. Continued protection of healthy living trees to provide a continuous supply of hollow trees. 4. No falling of dead standing trees for firewood collecting as these can provide nest hollows for prey species of the Powerful Owl.


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PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to assess the reliability of testing skeletal muscle strength and peak aerobic power in a clinical population of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).

METHODS: Thirty-three patients with CHF (New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Class 2.3 ± 0.5; left ventricular ejection fraction 27% ± 7%; age 65 ± 9 years; 28:5 male-female ratio) underwent two identical series of tests (T1 and T2), 1 week apart, for strength and endurance of the muscle groups responsible for knee extension/flexion and elbow extension/flexion. The patients also underwent two graded exercise tests on a bicycle ergometer to measure peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak). Three months later, 18 of the patients underwent a third test (T3) for each of the measures. Means were compared using MANOVA with repeated measures for strength and endurance, and ANOVA with repeated measures for VO2peak.

RESULTS: Combining data for all four movement patterns, the expression of strength increased from T1 to T2 by 12% ± 25% (P < .001; intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.89). Correspondingly, endurance increased by 13% ± 23% (P = .004; ICC = 0.87). Peak oxygen consumption was not significantly different (16.2 ± 0.8 and 16.1 ± 0.8 mL·kg-1·min-1 for T1 and T2, respectively;P = .686; ICC = 0.91). There were no significant differences between T2 and T3 for strength (2% ± 17%;P = .736; ICC = 0.92) or muscle endurance (-1% ± 15%;P = .812; ICC = 0.96), but VO2peak decreased from 16.7 ± 1.2 to 14.9 ± 0.9 mL·kg-1·min-1 (-10% ± 18%;P = .021; ICC = 0.89).

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that in a population of patients with CHF, a familiarization trial for skeletal muscle strength testing is necessary. Although familiarization is not required for assessing oxygen consumption as a single measurement, VO2peak declined markedly in the 3-month period for which these patients were followed. Internal consistency within patients was high for the second and third strength trials and the first and second tests of VO2peak.


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BACKGROUND: Adolescence is the peak age of onset for mental illness, with half of all people who will ever have a mental illness experiencing their first episode prior to 18 years of age. Early onset of mental illness is a significant predictor for future episodes. However, adolescents and young adults are less likely than the population as a whole to either seek or receive treatment for a mental illness. The knowledge and attitudes of the adults in an adolescent's life may affect whether or not help is sought, and how quickly. In 2007, the Youth Mental Health First Aid Program was launched in Australia with the aim to teach adults, who work with or care for adolescents, the skills needed to recognise the early signs of mental illness, identify potential mental health-related crises, and assist adolescents to get the help they need as early as possible. This paper provides a description of the program, some initial evaluation and an outline of future directions.

METHODS: The program was evaluated in two ways. The first was an uncontrolled trial with 246 adult members of the Australian public, who completed questionnaires immediately before attending the 14 hour course, one month later and six months later. Outcome measures were: recognition of schizophrenia or depression; intention to offer and confidence in offering assistance; stigmatising attitudes; knowledge about adolescent mental health problems and also about the Mental Health First Aid action plan. The second method of evaluation was to track the uptake of the program, including the number of instructors trained across Australia to deliver the course, the number of courses they delivered, and the uptake of the YMHFA Program in other countries.

RESULTS: The uncontrolled trial found improvements in: recognition of schizophrenia; confidence in offering help; stigmatising attitudes; knowledge about adolescent mental health problems and application of the Mental Health First Aid action plan. Most results were maintained at follow-up. Over the first 3 years of this program, a total of 318 instructors were trained to deliver the course and these instructors have delivered courses to 10,686 people across all states and territories in Australia. The program has also spread to Canada, Singapore and England, and will spread to Hong Kong, Sweden and China in the near future.

CONCLUSIONS: Initial evaluation suggests that the Youth Mental Health First Aid course improves participants' knowledge, attitudes and helping behaviour. The program has spread successfully both nationally and internationally.