229 resultados para 130209 Medicine, Nursing and Health Curriculum and Pedagogy

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This article explores recent shifts in health-care policy and the implications for rural nursing in Australia. Health-care reforms have resulted in the implementation of a 'market forces' ideology, creating tensions between economic imperatives and the need for equity and greater access in rural service delivery. New models of health-service delivery have been developed that have significant implications for the way rural health care is defined, practised and received. The issues surrounding the context of rural nursing practice and service delivery are discussed.


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This exploratory mixed method study investigated the factors, including access to nature (i.e. parks and gardens), impacting on inner city high-rise residents' health and wellbeing. Analysis of the integrated findings revealed that a range of factors (including accessibility, choice and control and tenure) impact on residents' health and wellbeing.


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This research investigated the benefits of children's contact with nature as perceived by adult educators. It was found that contact with nature is perceived to: increase self-confidence and self-esteem; provide opportunities to experience mystery, privacy, and sensory engagement; connect children with school; and accommodate different learning styles and abilities.


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There are missed opportunities for General Practitioners to assist overweight patients with dietary and exercise weight management and additional assistance may be required. An online weight loss program has potential, although no difference in weight loss was observed whether the participants received exercise advice only or exercise plus dietary advice.


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Workplace practices form an overarching social determinant of health for Victorian jockeys and their families. This research highlights the importance of riding opportunity, coping with risk and danger, and the gratification associated with the lifestyle to be key characteristics that impact on jockey family health for the better or worse.


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This thesis was an exploration of the health-related understandings and experiences of older Anglo-Celtic-Australians from a disadvantaged metropolitan locality. New insights were gained about the relationship between disadvantage and poor health outcomes; particularly the impact of limited self-care practices in combination with difficulties relating to the health care professionals.


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This study examines preservice elementary teachers' reported experiences of posing open-ended mathematics problems. Responses of 33 students in a mathematics teacher education course were analysed for the strategies participants used, what they learned and the challenges encountered from an opportunity to collect digital images and pose open-ended problems related to those images. Results indicate that preservice teachers reported a shift in the ways they viewed mathematics and how it might be taught. The school curriculum both constrained and provided possibilities for preservice teachers in noticing mathematics beyond the textbook and mathematics classroom. This study adds to our understanding of teaching as a learning practice and the art of posing mathematical problems as a significant aspect of that practice.


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The research was commenced to understand why patients submissively accept compliance in the nursing relationship. To understand this phenomenon, an anthropological perspective about nursing was sought through ethnographic processes, utilising The Ethnographic Research Cycle and The Developmental Research Sequence as detailed by James Spradley (1980). Ethnographic methods of fieldwork and participant observation were undertaken over a three month period in a district nursing service in a rural area of Victoria, Australia. There are three over arching aims. The first is to record information at risk of being lost, hence the ethnography is an archival record describing insiders' perspectives of nursing practice. Description brings into view broad contextual issues that shape nursing practice, the daily routines and cultural norms of nursing, whilst also giving voice to patients' experiences about being nursed. The early part of the thesis is descriptive of the mundanity of nursing practice and of being a patient as these interactions are of fundamental significance in giving meaning to people's lives. Secondly the inquiry seeks to capture the meaning patients attach to nursing. Further description continued to uncover perspectives of nursing that were layered to present an integrated whole that still acknowledges the integrity of individuals and structures that make up that whole. As the cultural picture gained detail, the expected norms of being a nurse and a patient became evident, revealing how culture gives shape to nursing and being nursed. Notions of time and space were found to be constructs of being a patient which shape the illness experience. They are not necessarily within a patient's control, nonetheless, there is a norm and deviation from this norm has consequences for patients. Thirdly, the ethnography conveys the expected behaviour for a person who becomes a patient, to make known the implicit meanings, norms of behaviour and unwritten rules that a patient needs to understand as they pass through various stages of the health care system. In conclusion, the ethnography consistently reveals the underlying conflict between what nurses believe they do and the meaning attached to the experience of being nursed. For example, some nurses practice with patients' values as central to practice; others believe they care, yet observation and patient conversations suggest that they do not. The ethnography revealed that society expects nurses to elicit and reinforce compliance. Similarly, the power of culture shapes the experience of patients as the desire to be accepted, as a personal need, and as a means of having their nursing needs met, means that patients will invariably be passively compliant. The consequence is that nurses have a dominant power differential over patients, therefore, if nursing is to continue to describe practice as humanistic and caring, they ought to actively seek to be aware of patients' values and be motivated to accept these as central to practice.


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One of the biggest obstacles identified in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was the lack of available qualified health personal to meet the health needs of the global population. With nurses being the main workforce  component in health systems, the human resource challenge for most  countries is to address the reported shortage of nurses. Skill mix is one suggestion.

In Australia, workforce projections indicated a shortage of 40,000 nurses by 2010. Toward the reform of the Australian health workforce, one project aimed to develop a nationally consistent framework for nursing and midwifery specialization based on knowledge and skills to generate the first national  database iteration for designated specialties. A literature review looked at the way nursing specialty practices were defined in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. Three international and three national sources of criteria for specialty nursing practice were mapped against each other. The result was six criteria synthesized to define nursing practice groups as Australian  nursing specialties. Each criterion was operationalized with criteria indicators to meet Australian expectations. The nurses in Australia commented on the criteria before they were finalized. An audit of national workforce databases identified nursing practice groups. The criteria were applied to identify nursing specialties and practice strands that would form a national nursing framework. This paper reports on the criteria developed to assess specialty practice at a national level in Australia.


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Fibromyalgia is an unexplained but often debilitating syndrome, characterised primarily by widespread pain. This thesis provides direct evidence that physical and emotional stress exacerbates pain, fatigue and other symptoms of Fibromyalgia and supports the assertion that symptoms may be related to disordered stress-response mechanisma in the human brain. The professional portfolio presents four clinical case studies that demonstrate the utility of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in the psychotherapeutic treatment of people with chronic illness.


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Social ideologies appeared to influence dietary behaviour, physical activity and BMI. These influences varied through different pathways in younger and older baby boomers. Studies provide insight into the segmentation of baby boomer population in relation to concrete social ideologies that could be used for policy development and effective health promotion.


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This research investigated the impact of playing violent videogames. Aggressive or anxious responses were most likely: when the player perceived the violence in the games to be extreme, when the player experienced a heightened sense of becoming 'absorbed' into the game, and during a relatively brief exposure to the game. The portfolio explores the use of manualised interventions in psychology research and practice. Four illustrative case studies regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of adapting manualised interventions for clients with chronic health conditions are presented.


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Acute stress did not alter sucrose and salt preference. A dietary pattern low in sodium and high in potassium and magnesium improved overall mood. Modest weight loss did not alter the daily secretion of cortisol, but did reduce the blood pressure response to stress which may improve cardiovascular risk.


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This thesis comprises three studies aimed at examining viewers' responses to filmed violence. The first focused on habituation, the second desensitisation and the third compared the paradigms. Results indicated that several factors influence how an individual responds to filmed violence and provide some insight into the impact of repetitive exposure to media violence. The portfolio presents four case studies emphasising the difficulties for assessing risk and associated interventions in the client population of individuals found not guilty because of mental impairment. This as an area of fundamental discord between psychology and law.


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This thesis found that a brief maximal acceleration, followed by a steady effort thereafter is the most effective pacing strategy for intense, short-term cycling performance. This strategy leads to an increase in aerobic energy supply early in exercise, which contributes to a faster speed throughout the race.