192 resultados para investment criteria


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Objective - Universal newborn hearing screening for bilateral permanent congenital hearing impairment is standard practice in many developed economies, but until there is clear evidence of cost-effectiveness, it remains a controversial use of limited health care resources. We conducted a formal systematic review of studies of newborn hearing screening that considered both costs and outcomes to produce a summary of the available evidence and to determine whether there was a need for further research.

Methods - A search was conducted of medical and nursing databases and gray literature websites by the use of multiple keywords. The titles and abstracts of studies were examined for preliminary inclusion if reference was made to newborn hearing screening, and to both costs and outcomes. Studies of potential relevance were independently assessed by 2 health economists for final inclusion in the review. Studies that met inclusion criteria were appraised by the use of existing guidelines for observational studies, economic evaluations and decision analytic models, and reported in a narrative literature review.

Results -
There were 22 distinct observational or modeled evaluations of which only 2 clearly compared universal newborn hearing screening to risk factor screening for bilateral permanent congenital hearing impairment. Of these, the single evaluation that examined long-term costs and outcomes found that universal newborn hearing screening could be cost-saving if early intervention led to a substantial reduction in future treatment costs and productivity losses.

Conclusions - There are only a small number of economic evaluations that have examined the long-term cost-effectiveness of universal newborn hearing screening. This is partly attributable to ongoing uncertainty about the benefits gained from the early detection and treatment of bilateral permanent congenital hearing impairment. There is a clear need for further research on long-term costs and outcomes to establish the cost-effectiveness of universal newborn hearing screening in relation to other approaches to screening, and to establish whether it is a good long term investment.


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In this note, we consider the relationship between oil price volatility and firm returns for 560 firms listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Using daily time series data from 2000 to 2008, we find that oil price volatility increases firm returns for the majority of the firms in our sample.


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The use of assisted reproductive treatment to conceive a child provides the opportunity for the state and/or medical practitioners to play a role in deciding who should or should not become a parent. This article explores the primary criteria used to "screen" people wishing to use assisted reproductive treatment and to exclude them from treatment in some circumstances. It argues that idiosyncratic judgment or general legal presumptions against treatment are not satisfactory, as they are unlikely to predict whether the best interests of a child born as a result of assisted reproductive treatment will be compromised. Rather, such judgments may serve to be discriminatory, and are often misinformed. The author suggests that the law and society should rather serve to support children and parents in need, and to protect existing children from actual suffering or risks of harm.


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APEC represents the world's most powerful economies. Although much trade related research has been undertaken on APEC countries, investment in the region is still not well understood. This paper provides an overview of FDI of selected APEC economies. Three main themes emerge from this review. First, APEC economies have experienced phenomenal growth in FDI over the last twenty years although such growth is uneven among countries. Second, FDI appears to shift from the primary sector into the manufacturing and tertiary sectors of the economy as economies grow further. Thus, future FDI in APEC economies will likely be relatively higher in the tertiary sector as the poorer members of APEC continue to grow. Third, FDI is found to contribute positively to economic growth in all economies considered although results show that FDI in the tertiary sector generally leads to higher economic growth.


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The Japanese currency has appreciated substantially against most other currencies over the last two decades. During the same time Japan has become one of the world's largest providers of FDI. Japan's share of total FDI outflows increased from about 6 percent during the late 70's to 21 percent in 1990 while its share of the total stock of FDI in the world increased from less than 1 percent in 1960 to more than 13 percent in 1993. Not surprisingly, Japan's role in international business in general and its FDI activities, in particular, have attracted considerable attention from researchers world wide. However, much of this attention has been directed towards the patterns and determinants of Japanese foreign direct investment, in particular to the United States. The impact of changes in the value of the Yen on Japanese FDI has been largely overlooked. Thus, this paper fills an important gap in the literature by focusing on the influence of changes of the exchange rate on Japanese foreign direct investment. A comprehensive simultaneous equa-tion model of Japanese FDI is developed on a regional level to gauge the extent to which currency fluctuations affect Japanese FDI activities. The results suggest that the exchange rate is an effective mechanism through which to influence FDI. Thus, the exchange rate should not be overlooked by the World Trade Organisation in its efforts to further liberalise investment through the Multilateral Agreement on Investment.


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Purpose – Property performance indices have invariably focused upon prime markets with a variety of approaches used to measure investment returns. However, there is relatively little knowledge regarding the investment performance of property in regeneration areas. Indeed, there is a perception that such locations carry increased risk and that the returns achieved may not be sufficient to offset the added risk. The main objective of this paper, therefore, is to construct regeneration property performance indicators consistent with the CBRE rent index and average yield monitor.

Design/methodology/approach – Local market experts were asked to estimate rents and yields for hypothetical standardised offerings for a range of regeneration locations throughout the UK, covering the period 1995 to 2002.

Findings – The results show that rental growth was similar in regeneration locations compared to the prime market. However, the analysis highlights a major yield shift for property in regeneration areas in the short to medium term. The downward pressure in yields would suggest that once a regeneration area becomes established and rental growth emerges, investor interest is stimulated resulting in increased competition and a shortening of yields.

Originality/value – The significance of this research is the quantification of property investment performance from regeneration areas that previously has not been available to investment institutions and decision makers. From a policy perspective this analysis is of relevance in confirming the maturing of locations that have received high levels of public sector support and indicating the effectiveness of regeneration policy mechanisms in creating sustainable urban environments capable of meeting private sector investment goals.


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Financial service industries in every country have made substantial investments in information and communication technologies (ICTs). What have been the benefits from this investment? This research extends the decades of research into the relationship between ICT investment and organisational performance in several ways. First the study uses the resource-based value framework to propose an ICT Investment Model to comprehensively describe the relationship between ICT investment and organisational performance. Second, the research identifies nine specific benefits the Tuvalu financial services industry (TFSI) has received from ICT investment. Third, the study does so with a qualitative research methodology in a specific industry in a developing country (most studies in this area are quantitative and have a national or multi-industry perspective in an economically developed country). Key benefits from ICT investment in the TFSI include improvements in collaboration, efficiency, data monitoring and communication.


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Realizing value from IT investments continues to be a challenge for most healthcare organizations. IT governance (ITG) is envisaged to solve many of these challenges. ITG is the practice that establishes accountability framework for IT investments by allocating decision rights among major participants involved in IT decision processes. As ITG is relatively new in healthcare industry, it is expected that knowledge about how healthcare organizations govern their IT decisions is limited. This research aims to extend this knowledge and to assist both researchers and professionals by providing insights on how IT decisions are made and governed in healthcare organizations (HOs). This research adopts case-study methodology to investigate IT governance in two distinctly different HOs. The research findings indicate that HOs implement ITG to achieve alignment between business objectives and IT. Both HOs set up a five-stage IT decision process to identify, evaluate and prioritize IT investment ideas. They also established generic committee-structures that clearly defined roles and decision authorities to govern such process. It is suggested here that ITG in HOs is heavily influenced by strategic priorities, organizational structure, governance experience and governmental initiatives. Effective ITG in HOs is challenged by IT alignment, policy government, involvement of healthcare executives, and lack of business metrics to justify and evaluate decisions. The research proposes recommendations to address these challenges.


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There are two fundamental challenges in effectively performing security risk assessment in today's IT projects.The first is the project manager's need to know what IT security risks face the project before the project begins. At this stage IT security staff are unable to answer this question without first knowing the system requirements for the project which are yet to be defined. Second organisations that deal with a large project throughput each year find the current IT security risk assessment process to be tedious and expensive, especially when the same process has to be repeated for each individual project. This also makes it difficult for an organisation to prioritise which projects require more investment in IT security in order to fit within budget constraints. This paper presents a conceptual model that is based on an agile approach to alleviate these challenges. We do this by first analysing two online database resources of vulnerabilities by comparing them to each other, and then compare them to the agile criteria of the conceptual model which we define. The conceptual model is then presented and an example is given of how it can be applied to an actual project. We then briefly discuss what further work needs to be done to implement the conceptual model and validate it against an existing IT project.


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Assessment criteria designed to fully evaluate prescribed learning outcomes is a significant aid to both student and staff alike. For the student, it allows them to fully understand the requirements for a specific grade and for staff, it simplifies marking (grading) and minimises the likelihood of student appeals against assessment. Whilst criterion referencing is common place in the more traditional analytical type taught papers common in the Engineering degree curriculum it is perhaps less commonly utilised for research based papers. Presented here is a case study where both learning outcomes and achievement criteria have been proposed for a postgraduate research methodology paper which prepares students for their thesis. It has significant cross over to a descriptor for the thesis paper itself and is considered a template which could be equally applied to other subject domains where research methodology is taught.


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This paper explores the implications of the neglect of emotions in critical masculinity studies and profeminist masculinity politics. This neglect in part results from feminist and profeminist critiques of the literature on emotional inexpressiveness as a tragedy for men that ignores male privilege and men's social power. To focus on men's emotions is seen by some profeminist commentators as psychologising men at the expense of sociological understandings of men's social power. However, in neglecting the place of emotions in men's lives, critical masculinity studies has overlooked the ways in which men's emotional attachment to privilege can perpetuate oppressive gender relations and male violence against women. By exploring men's emotional investment in unequal gender relations, the article outlines ways in which emotions can also be used as a catalyst to disrupt men's attachment to male privilege.