137 resultados para cultural heritage


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This article discusses the role of community consultation in the process of developing a community museum in the Kelabit Highlands in Sarawak. It reflects on the relationships between heritage conservation, cultural tourism and competing community aspirations.   


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The End of the Rainbow is a documentary film about music, about community and a very special place. When the live music venue “The Rainbow Hotel” in the Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy is forced to close down publican Chickk sets out to accommodate the many musicians and customers grieving its closure with a final week of musical activity in which there is organisational chaos, dancing, laughs, beer (lots of), and great music. It is a week of celebration as musicians pay homage to mark “the End of an Era”, but it is also a statement about community places and a protest against property development at the expense of cultural heritage, specifically Australian live music. It’s also a love story with a dramatic twist...


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Around the world coastal areas are witnessing dramatic changes due to the consequences of the growth of human settlements. Rapid urban expansion in coastal settlements due to ‘life style migration’ impacts negatively on environmental coastal amenities that are the driving factor behind the attraction of these areas. The Victorian Coast in Australia is under stress, with the growth pattern of coastal settlements in a sprawling linear fashion resulting in devastating effects on the natural coastal environment, biodiversity and the loss of cultural heritage. The Victorian coast is rich in history, and the coastal towns are often described in literature as places with ‘sense of place’, or referred to as place character. This place character has been formed over many years with the interaction between social histories and natural environments woven together across time. This paper reviews the transition of the landscapes along the Great Ocean Road coastal region, and ask the question how can a potential Generative Plan be developed to establish a process to keep the place character of coastal towns. The proposed plan considers the interrelationships of nature and people as fundamental to forming place character, from the time of Indigenous habitation before European settlement, to the current day of rapid increased developments scattered along this coast.


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This paper is about the experiences of beginning teachers in turning theory learned in universities into practice in the workplace. The research is situated in the context of a preservice teacher education program that explicitly and deliberately seeks to bridge the theory-practice gap in teacher education. The paper argues that, despite long-standing awareness of the theory-practice gap as a central issue faced by beginning teachers, attempts by teacher educators to address this issue remain thwarted. The argument draws on interview and focus group data collected via a study of 1st year graduate teachers of an Australian preservice teacher education program. The theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism is used to focus on the meanings that graduates have of their experiences of turning theory into practice. The data suggest that prospective teachers during preservice training value both the theory that they learn on campus and the practice that they observe in schools. However, once they become practitioners, they privilege the latter. Upon entry to the workplace, graduates come to associate good practice with that of the veteran teacher, whose practice and cache of resources they seek to emulate. The paper concludes that background knowledge and occupational socialization remain key influences on teacher development and continue to play a key role in ensuring the continued transmittal of the cultural heritage. In particular, it proposes the need for innovative disruptions to the conventional model of teacher education.


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The tiny Kelabit community of the central highlands of Borneo was isolated and unconnected with the world outside of the highlands until the middle of the 20th Century. Their response to contact has been to embrace education and seek to understand the language and ways of outsiders. They have achieved high rates of tertiary qualifications and Kelabits now hold major professional, business and government positions in Sarawak and Malaysia disproportionately to the size of their population. The consequence has been a loss of cultural practices and langauge and now they are concerned that they are losing their distinct Kelabit identity.

This film was made as part of the development of a museum proposal and to identify the significant intangible cultural heritage through which the Kelabits wish to preserve and express their identity.


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Iranian architecture is shaped in related to its Hot - Dry climate and has provided interesting answers to the Iranian's needs. In this climate, most of the buildings are constructed by mud or sun - dried bricks. There are so many facilities that Iranian architecture has provided for better living such as: Wind - Catcher (which exhausts warm air from buildings during the day), Cisterns (which have a cylindrical store place in the depth of the earth for storing the cold fresh water during the hot seasons), Ice - Houses with walls behind which water in shallow channels friezes at nights, etc. The great heritage of Iranian architecture and traditions are still not known until now. The cons- tructing traditions of vernacular architecture in Iran, reveals the mystery of using natural energy sources that reduce the need to fossil fuel. Among different Iranian cultural heritage, Ice-Houses are selected as the main subject of this article.


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The Pacific War is an umbrella term that refers collectively to a disparate set of wars, however, this book presents a strong case for considering this assemblage of conflicts as a collective, singular war.


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The book contains thought-provoking discussions on regional Australia's colonial and cultural heritage, and details innovative new methods for measuring cultural assets, as well as reflecting on fostering collaborations with peak cultural ...


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© 2015 Taylor & Francis This paper discusses the empirical manifestations of the notion of active citizenship in the context of the experiences of migrant youth. It focuses on the practices of active citizenship through involvement in social networks and creative civic engagement. In doing so, the article examines the complex and multi-faceted nature of social networking among migrant youth and the extent to which their approach to engagement is dependent on the specificities of the local environment, the type of social issues involved, and the cultural norms of one's own cultural heritage. Key empirical insights are derived from quantitative and qualitative research conducted among migrant youth of African, Arabic-speaking and Pacific Island backgrounds in Australia. These empirical insights are used to examine the changing perceptions of active citizenship among migrant youth, and the possibilities offered through non-traditional networks to engender civic engagement and social participation.


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Balinese architecture was established prior to European colonization and significantly enhances traditional Balinese values that are woven into the predominant Hindu religion. Palaces are integral to the architectural heritage of Bali and were dated back to the Majapahit Empire. Balinese palaceswere constructed for non-ritualistic activities in this historical cultural landscape. Palaces were often located on road corners called catuspatha1andthey possess sacred values embodied in the concept of pempatanagung.Although Bali Province is today governed as one governance unit, these palaces still reflect their own multiple regal associations which arestill respected by Balinese society. The representations and architecture of these palaces andthe communicative symbols of a heyday era of Bali are raising questions as to how they can be accommodated within the over-arching tourism development and globalization of culture that Bali is experiencing. Therefore, this paper reviews pre-colonial Balinese palaces, their architecture, the catuspatha concept, and considers the traditional values of these ancient monuments as to conservation of palaces and their associated cultural heritage. An extensive literature review, surveys and observational inventories were undertaken at several palaces to obtain results that raise new questions about how these complexes can withstand globalization challenges whilst respecting traditional Balinese culture and society.


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The adoption by UNESCO of the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (2011) aimed to re-position issues of development and urban heritage conservation, and outlined a way forward based on community-centred processes and the recognition of the dynamic character of urban settlements. Achieving these goals will depend on the development of new methods and processes, and implementation to specific urban contexts. This paper highlights the importance of local government as a location where this international dialogue can be operationalized and further advanced. Reflecting on the theoretical and practical dimensions of adopting a landscape approach to urban planning and conservation by the City of Ballarat (Australia) has allowed some significant potential shifts in heritage practice to be anticipated.


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Australian Aboriginal Traditional Owner ancestral responsibilities to Country involves listening and exercising vested responsibilities and duties of care, passed down from generation to generation through clan and familial connections. Traditional Owners is a term used to describe today’s descendants of the original Aboriginal inhabitants and have ongoing cultural and spiritual connections to land and water where their ancestors lived. The incorporation of Traditional Owner relationships to Country and the need to engage with Traditional Owners in Western planning regimes are often expressed positively; that Aboriginal needs and aspirations need to be recognized in the urban landscape. However in practice, decisions involving the address of Aboriginal aspirations are usually made in a generic context rather than a Country and knowledge specific context. This can have adverse effects on obligations to Country stewardship, and Custodial perceptions are being ignored and negated. Improving our understanding of how Traditional ancestral obligations to Country are expressed and embodied within the context of generic Western planning instruments, is critical as cities expand and increase the pressures and threats on Traditional Owners Country, their resources, their cultural heritage, their knowledge and their histories. This paper contributes to this understanding by focusing upon Traditional Owner communities in the Brisbane metropolitan region who are attempting to address their responsibility to Country through Western State and local planning instruments. This paper draws on empirical data collected through interviews and observations between 2013-2015 with the Quandamooka communities and a content analysis of current planning instruments. The paper reports on their obligations of and to Country and the consequences that engagement within Western planning instruments has had upon their Traditional Ownership well-being and landscape health. Lessons learned from this case study are discussed to offer future planning policy initiatives that could better meet the needs of Traditional Owners in Australian cities.


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Networked learning practices are impacting the field of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, with implications for the way in which places of cultural significance are understood, managed, documented, engaged with and studied. Our research explores the intersection between walking, photography, technology and learning, investigating how mobile devices can be used to foster community participation and assess social value within a networked framework for digital heritage. The paper introduces CmyView, a mobile phone application and social media platform in development, with a design concept grounded on both digital heritage and networked learning perspectives. CmyView encourages people to collect and share their views by making images and audio recordings of personally meaningful sites they see, while walking outdoors. Each person’s walking trajectory (along with their associated images and audio files) then becomes a trace-able artefact, something potentially shareable with a community of fellow walkers. The aim of CmyView is to encourage networked heritage practices and community participation, as people learn to assess their own and experience others social values of the built environment. Drawing on a framework for the analysis and design of productive learning networks, we explore the educational design of CmyView arguing that the platform offers a space for democratic heritage education and interpretation, where participatory urban curatorship practices are nurtured. CmyView reframes social value as dynamic, fluid and located within communities, rather than fixed in a place. The paper presents preliminary findings of the activity of a group of four undergraduate students at an Australian university, who used CmyView to explore the immediate surroundings of their campus. Participants interacted with the platform, mapping, capturing, audio recording their impressions and sites of interest in their walks. In so doing, they created shareable trajectories, which were subsequently experienced by the same group of participants on a second walk. The paper concludes with a discussion about the impact of our research for the design of mobile technologies that embrace participation and sharing, through a networked learning perspective. The paper brings together concepts that sit at the intersection of previously separate fields, namely digital heritage and networked learning, to find their synergies.


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The Jewish Holocaust Centre (JHC) in Melbourne Australia, set well away from the sites of European atrocity, became one of the first permanent museums dedicated to the Holocaust in the Jewish Diaspora when it opened in March 1984. It was the response to the imminent passing of the survivor generation. You can enter this past from the present through an ordinary, nondescript door, opening from a suburban street. You walk up a short flight of carpeted stairs, as you might in your own house, but there waiting for you is something other than the faces of your children or parents. (Harry Redner).Upstairs in Leo Fink House, the original location for Melbourne's first permanent Holocaust exhibition, where thousands of school students now listen each year to the testimonies of Melbourne's dwindling number of Holocaust survivors, an unremarkable white door shows the original entrance. Before the changes to the location of the exhibition, and the building of the Hadasa and Szymon Rosenbaum Research Centre, the first visitors to the museum would have entered Leo Fink House from the street through Redner's 'nondescript door', past a brass plaque with words in English, Yiddish and Hebrew, and would have climbed the stairs to enter through a white door to view the intimate exhibition.These traces of the former configuration of the JHC reveal changes to the institution as it responded to different priorities, opportunities and a growth in visitor numbers during its 30-year history. The concept of biography helps us think through these changes, but also points to a longer historical focus.