168 resultados para aerobic metabolism


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In this paper we show how animal personality could explain some of the large inter-individual variation in resting metabolic rate (MR) and explore methodological and functional linkages between personality and energetics. Personality will introduce variability in resting MR measures because individuals consistently differ in their stress response, exploration or activity levels, all of which influence MR measurements made with respirometry and the doubly-labelled water technique. Physiologists try to exclude these behavioural influences from resting MR measurements, but animal personality research indicates that these attempts are unlikely to be successful. For example, because reactive animals “freeze” when submitted to a stress, their MR could be classified as “resting” because of immobility when in fact they are highly stressed with an elevated MR. More importantly, recent research demonstrating that behavioural responses to novel and highly artificial stimuli are correlated with both behaviour and fitness under more natural circumstances calls into question the wisdom of excluding these behavioural influences on MR measurements. The reason that intra-specific variation in resting MR are so weakly correlated with daily energy expenditure (DEE) and fitness, may be that the latter two measures fully incorporate personality while the former partially excludes its influence. Because activity, exploration, boldness and aggressiveness are energetically costly, personality and metabolism should be correlated and physiological constraints may underlie behavioural syndromes. We show how physiological ecologists can better examine behavioural linkages between personality and metabolism, as required to better understand the physiological correlates of personality and the evolutionary consequences of metabolic variability.


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A large number of team games require participants to repeatedly produce maximal or near maximal sprints of short duration with brief recovery periods. The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between a repeated sprint ability (RSA) test that is specific to the energy demands of Australian Rules football (ARF), and the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. 

Seventeen ARF players participated in the study. Each participant was assessed for VO2 max, accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD), best 20 m sprint time and RSA. The RSA test involved 12x20 m sprints departing every 20 s. When including the work performed during the time taken to decelerate, the test involved a work to rest ratio of approximately 1:3. Total sprinting time and the percentage decrement of repeated sprinting times were the two derived measures of RSA.

The results indicate that the best 20 m sprint time was the only factor to correlate significantly with total sprinting time (r = 0.829, P<0.001) and percentage decrement (r = -0.722, P<0.01). VO2 max and AOD were not related to the total sprinting time or the percentage decrement that was produced by the RSA test. This was interpreted to signify that the phosphagen system was the major energy contributor for this test.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is an important vasodilator and regulator in the cardiovascular system, and this link was the subject of a Nobel prize in 1998. However, NO also plays many other regulatory roles, including thrombosis, immune function, neural activity, and gastrointestinal function. Low concentrations of NO are thought to have important signaling effects. In contrast, high concentrations of NO can interact with reactive oxygen species, causing damage to cells and cellular components.

A less-recognized site of NO production is within skeletal muscle, where small increases are thought to have beneficial effects such as regulating glucose uptake and possibly blood flow, but higher levels of production are thought to lead to deleterious effects such as an association with insulin resistance.

This review will discuss the role of NO in skeletal muscle during and following exercise, including in mitochondrial biogenesis, muscle efficiency, and blood flow with a particular focus on its potential role in regulating skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise.


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An increase in the concentration of serotonin in the brain has been shown to cause fatigue during exercise in humans and experimental animals. This type of fatigue is referred to as central fatigue and is likely to be mediated by the concentration of serotonin as well as serotonin receptor sensitivity. Serotonin (5-HT) receptor antagonism in humans and experimental animals has been shown to improve endurance performance. A previous report has shown decreased receptor sensitivity in athletes compared to sedentary controls. It is unclear whether this is due to a training adaptation or if individuals are predisposed to enhanced athletic performance due to their inherent decreased receptor sensitivity. The present study investigated changes in 5-HT receptor sensitivity in response to aerobic exercise. Subjects completed 3 × 30 min of stationary cycling at 70% of their peak aerobic power (V̇O2,peak) for 9 weeks. Serotonin receptor sensitivity was assessed indirectly by measuring the neuroendocrine response following administration of a serotonin agonist (buspirone hydrochloride). The neuroendocrine response following administration of a placebo was also investigated in a blind crossover design. A group of sedentary control subjects was also recruited to control for seasonal variations in central receptor sensitivity. The training caused a significant increase in V̇O2,peak (3.1 ± 0.16 to 3.6 ± 0.15 l min−1, P < 0.05) and endurance capacity (93 ± 8 to 168 ± 11 min, P < 0.05), but there was no change (P > 0.05) in the neuroendocrine response in the presence of a serotonin agonist. However, one-quarter of the subjects in the training group demonstrated decreases in receptor sensitivity. These results suggest that despite increases in V̇O2,peak and endurance performance, there was no measurable change in 5-HT receptor sensitivity in the presence of a serotonin agonist. In addition, it is possible that changes in receptor sensitivity may take longer to occur, that the training stimulus used in the present investigation was inadequate and/or that changes occurred in receptor subtypes that were not probed by the agonist used in the present investigation.


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In an effort to compare the disturbances in leg muscle pH during sprint running, muscle biopsies were obtained from the gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis muscles of six healthy men (three endurance-trained and three nonendurance-trained) before and after a treadmill sprint run (TSR) to fatigue (54-105 s) at roughly 125% of their aerobic capacities. Following the TSR, repeated blood samples were taken from a hand vein and later analyzed for pH, PCO2, and lactic acid (HLa). The muscle specimens were analyzed in duplicate for pH and HLa. Resting-muscle pH was 7.03 +/- 0.02 (means +/- SE) and 7.04 +/- 0.01 for the gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis muscles, respectively. At the termination of the TSR, the pH in these muscles was 6.88 +/- 0.05 and 6.86 +/- 0.03, respectively. After a 400-m timed run on the track, the pH in the gastrocnemius of four of the subjects averaged 6.63 +/- 0.03, while blood pH and HLa were 7.10 +/- 0.03 and 12.3 mM, respectively. Although no differences in pH and HLa were observed between the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius muscles at the end of the treadmill trial, it is speculated that the lesser disturbance in acid-base balance seen in endurance performers may have been due to a lesser production of metabolites in their running musculature when compared to nonendurance performers.


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Dichloroacetate (DCA), through the inhibition of aerobic glycolysis (the ‘Warburg effect’) and promotion of pyruvate oxidation, induces growth reduction in many tumours and is now undergoing several clinical trials. If aerobic glycolysis is active in multiple myeloma (MM) cells, it can be potentially targeted by DCA to induce myeloma growth inhibition.

Representative multiple myeloma cell lines and a myeloma-bearing mice were treated with DCA, alone and in combination with bortezomib.

We found that aerobic glycolysis occurs in approximately half of MM cell lines examined, producing on average 1.86-fold more lactate than phorbol myristate acetate stimulated-peripheral blood mononuclear cells and is associated with low-oxidative capacity. Lower doses of DCA (5–10 mM) suppressed aerobic glycolysis and improved cellular respiration that was associated with activation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Higher doses of DCA (10–25 mM) induced superoxide production, apoptosis, suppressed proliferation with a G0/1 and G2M phase arrest in MM cell lines. In addition, DCA increased MM cell line sensitivity to bortezomib, and combinatorial treatment of both agents improved the survival of myeloma-bearing mice.

Myeloma cells display aerobic glycolysis and DCA may complement clinically used MM therapies to inhibit disease progression.


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The mechanisms facilitating increased skeletal muscle fat oxidation following prolonged, strenuous exercise remain poorly defined. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of plasma free fatty acid (FFA) availability on intramuscular malonyl-CoA concentration and the regulation of whole-body fat metabolism during a 6-h postexercise recovery period. Eight endurance-trained men performed three trials, consisting of 1.5 h high-intensity and exhaustive exercise, followed by infusion of saline, saline + nicotinic acid (NA; low FFA), or Intralipid and heparin [high FFA (HFA)]. Muscle biopsies were obtained at the end of exercise (0 h) and at 3 and 6 h in recovery. Ingestion of NA suppressed the postexercise plasma FFA concentration throughout recovery (P < 0.01), except at 4 h. The alteration of the availability of plasma FFA during recovery induced a significant increase in whole-body fat oxidation during the 6-h period for HFA (52.2 ± 4.8 g) relative to NA (38.4 ± 3.1 g; P < 0.05); however, this response was unrelated to changes in skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)β phosphorylation, suggesting mechanisms other than phosphorylation-mediated changes in ACC activity may have a role in regulating fat metabolism in human skeletal muscle during postexercise recovery. Despite marked changes in plasma FFA availability, no significant changes in intramuscular triglyceride concentrations were detected. These data suggest that the regulation of postexercise skeletal muscle fat oxidation in humans involves factors other than the 5′AMP-activated protein kinase-ACCβ-malonyl-CoA signaling pathway, although malonyl-CoA-mediated regulation cannot be excluded completely in the acute recovery period.


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Caveolae and caveolin-1 (CAV1) have been linked to several cellular functions. However, a model explaining their roles in mammalian tissues in vivo is lacking. Unbiased expression profiling in several tissues and cell types identified lipid metabolism as the main target affected by CAV1 deficiency. CAV1−/− mice exhibited impaired hepatic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα)-dependent oxidative fatty acid metabolism and ketogenesis. Similar results were recapitulated in CAV1-deficient AML12 hepatocytes, suggesting at least a partial cell-autonomous role of hepatocyte CAV1 in metabolic adaptation to fasting. Finally, our experiments suggest that the hepatic phenotypes observed in CAV1−/− mice involve impaired PPARα ligand signaling and attenuated bile acid and FXRα signaling. These results demonstrate the significance of CAV1 in (1) hepatic lipid homeostasis and (2) nuclear hormone receptor (PPARα, FXRα, and SHP) and bile acid signaling.