169 resultados para Thaipusam festival


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Review of Bob Downe (Mark Trevorrow) show at the Atheneum for the 2014 Melbourne Comedy Festival.


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Review of Adam Richard's Gayapocalypse for the 2014 Maelbourne Comedy Festival.


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Review of commedian Shappi Khorsandi for the 2014 Melbourne Comedy Festival.


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Review of the Australian Burlesque Festival's Gala Event, The Big Tease.


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Solo Exhibition, Framed Photograhs and Video installations as part of the 'Head On Photography Festival'


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 'Conversation' was part of Melbourne Urban Screens Festival at Federation Square from 3 - 5 Oct. 2008 and Rotterdam International Film Festival (38th : 2009 : Rotterdam, The Netherlands) from 21 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2009. Both events curated by Mirjam Struppek


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'Food for thought 'embraces the notion that a revolution can start at the dinner table. In the 1970s Judy Chicago’s work 'The Dinner Party' sparked debate and brought attention to the significant contribution of women throughout history. LEVEL drew from the central idea of this work - the gathering of women around the dining table - in order to explore the richness of ideas that this kind of debate generates as a contemporary form of consciousness-raising.

 As part of the 2012 Next Wave Festival, LEVEL hosted a series of dinner party events and banner making workshops at the Footscray Community Arts Centre. Dinner themes addressed the role of women in the arts and in the media, the significance of feminist generations in Australian art and the role of art to bring about political change for women.


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A music video for Dave Graney


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Process Black was one of 95 posters from the Mandela Poster Project. The exhibition, hosted by the 2014 Melbourne Design Festival. Kelo Kubu from South Africa, a founder of the Mandela Poster Collective launched the exhibition at the Victoria Art Centre garden. She also presented the presented the Mandela Poster Project at the AGIdeas conference during the Melbourne Design Festival.


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‘Something like an emergency’, a sonic poem recorded on CD, investigates the hunger of writing as a desire, not for a return of the dead, but for a breakthrough of impasses in language, both in love and in the writer’s (frustrated) translation of vision. Proceeding from Bachelard’s phenomenological observation that the poetic image puts language in a state of emergence, this work argues, instead, that poetry puts language in a state of emergency. Deleuze and Guattari’s idea of music as a deterriorialization of the refrain; a rhythmic pattern which marks out a territory, is invoked in both the music performance and in the words. The writing uses a ‘matting’ (rhizomatic) effect in its verse fragments which echo and refract others. Reverberation is also explored in the piano and its sonic processing which provides elements of dissonance and consonance, refracting dialogues in the text. Voice and music sometimes argue, sometimes agree, and sometimes are indistinguishable. However, this dialectic is further disturbed: at times the piano and voice seem to pay no attention to each other, taking off on their own ‘lines of flight’, in subversion of ‘collaboration’. In its use of recorded improvisational techniques this work also challenges the ‘superiority’ of live improvisation.
It was first performed at Double Dialogues conference, ‘The Hunger Artist: Food and the Arts’, Toronto, 2010. The text and accompanying discursive article form a book chapter in 2012 Food and Appetites: The Hunger Artist and the Arts, Ann McCulloch and Pavlina Radia(eds). It has been broadcast on RRR, 3CR radios and is released on CD and Youtube. By invitation it was performed at the Midsumma Festival, 2014.


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Featuring the musical compositional techniques of phase, repetition and pulse, with the sounds of New York recorded from a 16th floor hotel window, this sonic poem is a plea for the intimately spoken word. As cockatoos rise in the white siren sky, two lovers confront love and time in a halting conversation inside a placeless shelter.
This performance work is a poetic and musical experimentation with ideas from the philosopher Alain Badiou. The intersection of political and amorous truth procedures thought to form the subject matter of many novels is extended upon by presenting such an intersection via the crossing of genres of music, sound art, poetry, prose and theatre. This collaborative venture forms a continuing experiment with the idea that music does not simply form a corollary with words and their representation in sound, but rather explores ways in which music can form an antagonistic relationship to the spoken word.
'Conversation in an air raid shelter' was originally presented as a live performance at Double Dialogues Conference: 'The 21st century - The Event, The Subject, The Artwork', Fiji, 2012 and the audio recording appears in Double Dialogues Issue 16, Spring 2013 with an accompanying discursive article 'Love, Politics, Time'. It is available on CD and Youtube. It was also performed at the Torquay Literary Festival in 2013. A discussion of its process by Josephine Scicluna features on a video currently in production by Deakin University for a new unit on creativity in the Bachelor of Arts program.