204 resultados para Migrant irrégulier


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Introduction. Meeting the needs of migrant groups in Europe requires cross-culturally valid questionnaires, a substantial challenge to researchers. The Rose Angina Questionnaire (RAQ) is an important measure of coronary heart disease prevalence. It consists of seven items that collectively yield a diagnosis of angina. It has been shown to perform inconsistently across some ethnic groups in Britain. This study aimed to assess the need for modifying the RAQ for cross-culturally valid use in the three main ethnic groups in Scotland.

Methods. Interviews were carried out with Pakistani Punjabi speakers (n=26), Chinese Cantonese speakers (n=29) and European-origin English speakers (n=25). Bilingual project workers interviewed participants and provided translation and commentary to the English-speaking researcher. Participants were asked about general and cardiovascular health beliefs and behaviours, and about attitudes to pain and chest pain. They were also asked to comment on their understanding of an existing version of the RAQ in their language.

Results. No dominant themes in the cultural construction of health, pain or cardiovascular knowledge emerged that may significantly influence RAQ response between language groups. Problems were encountered with the Punjabi and Cantonese translations of the RAQ. For example, the translation for “chest” was interpreted by some Pakistani and fewer Chinese women to mean “breasts”. “Walking uphill” was translated in Chinese as “walking the hill”, without stipulation of the direction, so that some Cantonese speakers interpreted the question as meaning walking downhill. In addition, many Chinese interpreted RAQ items to be referring to breathlessness rather than chest pain due to ambiguous wording.

Conclusion. Existing Punjabi and Cantonese versions of the RAQ should be modified before being used in multi-ethnic surveys. Current versions are unlikely to be yielding data that is comparable across groups. Other language versions also require similar investigation to study the cardiovascular health of Europe’s migrant groups.


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Moving beyond the limitations of the ‘space-as-container’ ontology (Gotham, 2003), this paper offers Bakhtinian (dialogical) perspective on the use of cultural-semiotic spaces, in particular with regard to the production of new transcultural meanings and hybrid literacy practices as a result of interaction between differences. From this perspective cultural-semiotic space is not a neutral backdrop against which literacy practices unfold, but rather it is in the constant process of change due to the struggle between centrifugal and centripetal forces that operate on the level of spatial and textual politics – that is, between the processes of cultural and textual uniformization and local fragmentation. Given the dialogical nature of space and its relations to cultural identities of migrant and minority students and their literacy practices, the paper argues for rethinking literacy studies in multicultural conditions. This task becomes more urgent in the current educational era of standards, accountability and classroom pedagogies that are not attuned to the particularities of students’ intertextual practices and emergent transcultural places in which they live.


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This article re-examines Gani's (1998) findings on the determinants of migrant flows from Fiji to New Zealand by employing the bounds testing procedure to cointegration, within an autoregressive distributive lag framework. The main findings are that in the long run all variables are statistically insignificant, although correctly signed with the exception of the unemployment differential. In the short run, in sharp contrast to Gani's (1998) findings, political instability is consistently the most important determinant of migration flows while the standard of living and real wage differentials are statistically insignificant across all specifications.


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The thesis examines the 'preservation' of Lithuanian national and cultural identity among migrant groups in Australia, comparing postwar migrants with people who have arrived since 1970. It argues that cultural identity is a flexible, evolving concept, negotiated in relation to the social, economic and political circumstances of the migrant.


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This research explored the effect of cultural identity on the character of neighbourhoods in Melbourne's western suburbs. The study revealed that migrant cultural identity is expressed in neighbourhoods with diverse cultural groups although it was found to be shaped by the dominant perception of suburban character.


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Highlights the existence of other factors in the local museum context that can be proactively addressed to help ensure local museums are not under-utilised resources in under-resourced communities. The potential benefits of more constructive relationships between museums and communities are established, via a case study of a specific relationship - the Museum of Victoria and the Victorian Pacific migrant community(ies).


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The Small Island Developing States (SIDS)1 in the Pacific, spread out over an area of 30 million square kilometres of ocean, and home to over 9 million people, face a complex and unique set of development challenges. As small, highly open economies they are particularly susceptible to external shocks, including fluctuations in import prices and export earnings in particular. Remoteness from major ports and export markets, low levels of connectivity with the outside world and susceptibility to natural hazards further complicate matters and have resulted in the Pacific islands being amongst the most vulnerable economies in the world. In spite of their increasing integration into global markets, most face further challenges owing to very limited absorptive capacities, limited resources, inadequate technology, lack of infrastructure and poor economic management and institutional capabilities. As a consequence, economic growth and related outcomes in most remain heavily reliant on external resources, typically including at least one of aid, migrant remittances, and foreign direct investment (FDI) (AusAID 2008 and McGillivray et al. 2008). The particular constraints and growth challenges of Pacific SIDS are too often overlooked in the development research literature. Moreover, the policy debate on how to promote and achieve growth in the Pacific islands can benefit from a deeper understanding of the nature and consequences of these often unique, combination of constraints. This Focus is devoted to development challenges facing these islands, specifically relating to the achievement of economic growth, and draws on five papers that were presented or tabled at the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) ‘Fragility and Development’ research project meeting held in Fiji in December 2006.


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The study explored how African migrant communities living in North-West Melbourne, Australia, conceptualise and interpret the Australian food system from an intergenerational perspective and how this impacts on their attitudes and beliefs about food in Australia. Using a qualitative approach that involved 15 adolescents and 25 parents, the study found significant intergenerational differences in four themes that characterised their new food environment: (1) an abundance of cheap and readily available processed and packaged foods, (2) nutrition messages that are complex to gauge due to poor literacy levels, (3) promotion of a slim body size, which contradicts pre-existing cultural values surrounding body shapes and (4) Australian food perceived as being full of harmful chemicals. In order to develop effective culturally competent obesity prevention interventions in this sub-population, a multigenerational approach is needed.


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This study documented the parenting styles among African migrants now living in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and assessed how intergenerational issues related to parenting in a new culture impact on family functioning and the modification of lifestyles. A total of 10 focus group discussions (five with parents and five with 13–17-year-old children; N = 85 participants) of 1.5–2 hours duration were conducted with Sudanese, Somali and Ethiopian migrant families. The analysis identified three discrete themes: (i) parenting-related issues; (ii) family functioning and family relations; and (iii) lifestyle changes and health. African migrant parents were restrictive in their parenting; controlled children's behaviours and social development through strict boundary-setting and close monitoring of interests, activities, and friends; and adopted a hierarchical approach to decision-making while discouraging autonomy among their offspring. Programmes seeking to improve the health and welfare of African migrants in their host countries need to accommodate the cultural and social dimensions that shape their lives. Such programmes may need to be so broad as to apply an acculturation lens to planning, and to assist young people, parents and families in addressing intergenerational issues related to raising children and growing up in a different social and cultural milieu.


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This study documented the parenting styles among African migrants now living in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and assessed how intergenerational issues related to parenting in a new culture impact on family functioning and the modification of lifestyles. A total of 10 focus group discussions (five with parents and five with 13–17-year-old children; N = 85 participants) of 1.5–2 hours duration were conducted with Sudanese, Somali and Ethiopian migrant families. The analysis identified three discrete themes: (i) parenting-related issues; (ii) family functioning and family relations; and (iii) lifestyle changes and health. African migrant parents were restrictive in their parenting; controlled children's behaviours and social development through strict boundary-setting and close monitoring of interests, activities, and friends; and adopted a hierarchical approach to decision-making while discouraging autonomy among their offspring. Programmes seeking to improve the health and welfare of African migrants in their host countries need to accommodate the cultural and social dimensions that shape their lives. Such programmes may need to be so broad as to apply an acculturation lens to planning, and to assist young people, parents and families in addressing intergenerational issues related to raising children and growing up in a different social and cultural milieu.


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This article examines the ‘vision splendid’ that existed for Australian migration following World War II. That vision (championed by the then Minister for Immigration, Arthur Calwell) was myopic, but is still pertinent to current debates on Australian Migration, particularly in the way that migrants were placed in categories of the desirable. This paper uses a particular migrant group, the Temple Society, to illustrate the concerns of 1940s immigration policy. This group was interned in Australia during World War II and underwent postwar investigations by the then newly formed Department of Immigration.


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From the late 1940s until the late 1970s Melbourne was home to a dynamic Greek cinema circuit made up of some 30 different inner-city and suburban venues operated by a handful of vertically integrated exhibition/distribution businesses. Dionysos Films was amongst the first Greek film exhibition/distribution companies to form in Australia and from 1949 until 1956 it operated with little significant competition, establishing the parameters for a diasporic Greek film circuit that stretched across regional and metropolitan Australia and into New Zealand. This article measures the shadow cast by Dionysos Films (and its charismatic proprietor Stathis Raftopoulos) over the history of Antipodean Greek film experiences and the implications that this neglected aspect of Australian and Greek film history has for our understanding of the national cinemas in both countries.


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When migrating to Australia Asian women bring with them birthing cultural beliefs and practices, many of which are different from the Australian medical and cultural understanding of reproduction. Such cultural differences may result in conflicts between clients and health care providers especially when the migrants have a poor knowledge of English. The research investigates the maternity care experiences of Asian migrants in Tasmania. The barriers that Asian migrants face in accessing maternity care services and the factors that affect their views towards maternity care were also explored. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. Ten women from different ethnic minorities were invited to semi-structured interviews. The qualitative data were analysed using grounded theory. Findings from the interviews were utilized to design a survey questionnaire. Of the 150 survey questionnaires posted, 121 questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests of independence were used to analyse the quantitative data. Asian migrants followed some traditional practices such as having good rest and eating hot food during the postpartum month. However, they tended to adapt or disregard traditional practices that were no longer applicable in the new environment including the practices of not washing or having a shower. Support is vital for women recovering after childbirth to prevent postnatal depression. Two main barriers migrant women face in accessing health care are language and cultural barriers. Country of origin, partner’s ethnicity, religion and length of stay in Australia are factors that shape the migrants’ views and attitudes towards and experience of maternity care. Providing interpreting services, social support for migrant women and improving the cross-cultural training for healthcare providers are recommended to improve available maternal care services. The factors that affect migrants’ view on maternity care should be taken into account when providing maternity care for Asian migrant women.


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1.  Within the broad field of optimal foraging, it is increasingly acknowledged that animals often face digestive constraints rather than constraints on rates of food collection. This therefore calls for a formalization of how animals could optimize food absorption rates.

2.  Here we generate predictions from a simple graphical optimal digestion model for foragers that aim to maximize their (true) metabolizable food intake over total time (i.e. including nonforaging bouts) under a digestive constraint.

3.  The model predicts that such foragers should maintain a constant food retention time, even if gut length or food quality changes. For phenotypically flexible foragers, which are able to change the size of their digestive machinery, this means that an increase in gut length should go hand in hand with an increase in gross intake rate. It also means that better quality food should be digested more efficiently.

4.  These latter two predictions are tested in a large avian long-distance migrant, the Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii), feeding on grasslands in its Dutch wintering quarters.

5.  Throughout winter, free-ranging Bewick's swans, growing a longer gut and experiencing improved food quality, increased their gross intake rate (i.e. bite rate) and showed a higher digestive efficiency. These responses were in accordance with the model and suggest maintenance of a constant food retention time.

6.  These changes doubled the birds’ absorption rate. Had only food quality changed (and not gut length), then absorption rate would have increased by only 67%; absorption rate would have increased by only 17% had only gut length changed (and not food quality).

7.  The prediction that gross intake rate should go up with gut length parallels the mechanism included in some proximate models of foraging that feeding motivation scales inversely to gut fullness. We plea for a tighter integration between ultimate and proximate foraging models.


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Objective : To assess the association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) status and obesity, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), the metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in ethnic minorities.

Methods : Databases searched were CINHAL with full text, Global Health, MEDLINE with full text, and PsycINFO from 1980 through 2010 (February). Studies were included if they 1) targeted immigrants from low- to high-income countries or ethnic minorities, 2) focused primarily on 25(OH)D and its relation to obesity, T2DM, and/or CVDs, and 3) were published in peer-reviewed journals. The influences of key confounders such as age, gender, and ethnicity on any observed relations were also assessed. Due to the heterogeneity of study characteristics, only a narrative synthesis was undertaken.

Results :
Ethnic minorities had significantly higher rates of vitamin D insufficiency (25[OH]D <50 nmol/L; children 43.6–48.7% versus 10%; adults 30.3–53% versus 13.7–26%) than their white counterparts. None of the studies reported a prevalence of obesity stratified by ethnicity. There was evidence supporting links between vitamin D deficiency and obesity-related chronic diseases, with 14 of 14 studies reporting a statistically significant result with a measurement of obesity, four of five for T2DM, four of five for CVDs, and one of one for the metabolic syndrome. However, the strength of the association varied across ethnic groups depending on the index used to measure adiposity, T2DM, and CVDs. Because most of the included studies were cross-sectional and there were variations in outcome measurements, it was not possible to determine the relative contributions of obesity or vitamin D insufficiency to CVD risk and risk of T2DM or which is the initial driver It is possible both have a role to play.

Conclusion :
Further research specific to migrant populations using randomized controlled trials are required to establish whether causal links between 25(OH)D and obesity-related chronic disease exist, and whether vitamin D supplementation could be valuable in the prevention or treatment of obesity-related diseases.