208 resultados para Institutional adoption


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The book publishing industry has been revolutionised by the technological innovations created by the Internet. Electronic book (e-book) devices such as Kindle by Amazon, Nook by Barnes and Noble and the iPad by Apple are relatively new technological innovations that will change the way individuals purchase and read books. The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that will lead to a person adopting an e-book device. In this paper, a social cognitive theoretical framework is utilised to understand an individual’s intention to adopt an e-book device like the Kindle, Nook or iPad. A conceptual model is proposed, which focuses on the antecedents to a person’s adoption behaviour and is empirically tested through a survey of Australian youths. A portion of the conceptual model is supported. This suggests that marketing has an effect on a person’s intention to adopt an e-book device, which is mediated by their entrepreneurial orientation. The conceptual model proposed and tested has implications for the e-book industry as it demonstrates the internal and external environmental factors that influence adoption behaviour. The paper highlights for the book industry the important areas of e-commerce and m-commerce and how technological innovations are influenced by environmental factors. More recently, m-commerce has increased in usage as people can buy an electronic book via their e-book device anywhere in the world. E-book devices are a mobile device that people adopt in different ways depending on environmental factors


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The banking industry has globalised as a result of the many technology innovations created by the internet. The electronic commerce (e-commerce) industry is a result of these technological innovations that have revolutionised the way both consumers and businesses conduct business. In the past decade, banks have encouraged the use of e-commerce and most people are now comfortable conducting their banking online. More recently, mobile commerce (m-commerce) has started to gain momentum and an increasing amount of people are conducting their banking on mobile phone devices instead of through the internet. Mobile banking is a technological innovation that people adopt in different ways depending on internal and external environmental influences. In this paper, a social cognitive theoretical framework is adopted to understand an individual’s intention to adopt mobile banking. A conceptual model is proposed, which helps to explain how environmental influences affect an individual’s intention to adopt mobile banking. Implications for mobile banking and m-commerce industry are stated along with suggestions for future research on technological innovations.


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In this article, the authors trace the emergence of an institutional discourse of ethical research and interrogate its effects in constituting what ethical research is taken to be and how ethical researchers are configured. They illuminate the dissonance between this regime of truth and research practice and the implications for the injunction to respect others, illustrating their case with instances from their interview study with anorexic teenage girls. The authors propose that conceptualising the regulation of research ethics as an institutional discourse opens up the possibility for asserting counterdiscourses that place relational ethics at the center of moral decision making in research.


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This article critiques the notion of a cross-national convergence of institutional and policy responses to science-based technologies. The continued significance of institutional legacies is demonstrated through a comparative analysis of strategies for the biopharma industry in two radically different settings: India and the European Union (EU). Tensions are evident in both the EU ‘high’ route and the mixed strategy pursued in India. State promotion of biopharma is seen in India as a pathway to economic development, framed by a vision of India as a global power. Here, the ‘low’ route of cost advantages is combined with a ‘global’ rhetoric of innovation, modeled on US experience, and uneven forays into advanced R&D. The pursuit of product innovation was reinforced by India’s adoption of TRIPS-mandated intellectual property rights. In the EU, the aim is an integrated policy and regulatory approach to sustain and legitimize European integration, with the ultimate intent of overtaking the USA.


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Ubiquitous and mobile computing has increased the level of social connectedness. In an era where technology has permeated into spaces of work, play and socializing, social influence has become an important consideration. The operationalization of the social influence construct in the technology adoption and use literature often assumes singular technology use contexts and purposes. We question whether social influence, as operationalized in IS, is reflective of the utilitarian, hedonic and social environment that many individuals operate in. We propose a framework to consider social influence more inclusively, drawing on differences in referent power and levels of expertise. We outline our research approach within the demographic segment of young working professionals. Research in this area is necessary to improve theoretical explanations of adoptive behavior of these technologies. We hope to contribute by suggesting a richer, more encompassing operationalization of the social influence construct for future IS research.


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This exploratory research study contributes to answering two related research questions. First it identifies the key influences that seem to be driving and constraining the adoption of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and XML/Web Services and secondly it adduces some evidence to confirm that these influences significantly differ from those found by IS researchers in the adoption of other innovations in organisations. The key drivers were found to include improved agility, reuse and [open standards enabled] interoperability. None of these map easily to factors identified in previous Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) related IS research. In spite of standards being originally seen as strengths, it was found that the lack of IT industry agreement on the next generation of Web Services standards is now emerging as a perceived constraint. Variants of the ‘network effect’ such as partner push and client drag were also found to be influential.


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This paper examines an individual’s entrepreneurial adoption decisions to use mobile banking for both business and social reasons. A conceptual model based on social cognitive theory is developed to explain an individual’s propensity to adopt mobile banking. The theoretical framework examines how advertising, experience, perceived risk, learning inclination, and entrepreneurial proclivity influence a person’s intention to use mobile banking. This paper stresses the role of financial risk in determining a person’s intention to use mobile banking and whether their entrepreneurial nature is influenced by their experience and advertising they are subjected to about the advantages or disadvantages of mobile banking. This paper ties together research on technological innovation with entrepreneurship and learning studies. The author stresses the importance for financial institutions to market the innovativeness of mobile banking whilst addressing security concerns. The impact of a person’s social environment through personal contacts and acquaintances underpins social cognitive theory and helps to understand the motives for a person adopting mobile banking. The paper integrates mobile banking literature with current thinking on the importance of entrepreneurship and learning influences to how a person adopts a technological innovation.


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Electronic books (e-books) are rapidly gaining popularity as a technological innovation that will change the way people read books. A social cognitive perspective to understand how a person adopts an e-book device is utilised in this paper to empirically test the results of a survey. A portion of the conceptual model is supported by the results of the survey that demonstrates the importance of an individual's ethics and entrepreneurial orientation to the adoption behaviour they have about e-book devices. This paper highlights for practitioners the importance of focusing on marketing the ethical and innovativeness of e-book devices.


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Spatial, social and academic journeys undertaken between Taiwan and Australia for doctoral education are the focus of reflection here. The discussion centres on the authors’ experiences of, on the one hand, the development of a Faculty of Education’s doctoral pedagogies in the early 2000s to reflect its international PhD candidature profile – especially from Taiwan – and, on the other, of Taiwanese doctoral candidates’ journeys through their PhDs in the Faculty. The authors write from their particular perspectives: Evans as an Australian academic and a manager of doctoral studies, and Liou as a Taiwanese academic pursuing her doctorate in an Australian university. The article considers the Australian and Taiwanese doctoral contexts between which the students transited. The institutional pedagogical strategies, from pre-enrolment to completion, are examined as waypoints on the doctoral journey for both staff and candidates.


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Over the last few decades, countries belonging to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) all had to revise their intellectual property systems. These revisions resulted at first from bilateral pressure of major trading partners such as the US and EU, then from the WTO-TRIPS Agreement and more recently from bilateral Free Trade Agreements. To observe the IP developments in ASEAN over this period is interesting, because this group of countries covers developed (Singapore), developing as well as least developed countries. All countries had to reform their outdated laws from the colonial era in very short time. However, in comparison to the early 1980s, important differences with regards to intellectual property policies have emerged in recent years.

This article will briefly sketch the developments in individual ASEAN countries and after that examine some broader trends in law making, IP administration, enforcement and the court system. It concludes that the ASEAN enlargement process has created a very diverse picture with regards to IP. With the fast pace of the legislative development, countries have been struggling to keep up with the creation of the institutional and administrative framework. Progress in the ASEAN harmonisation process has been limited. Statistics indicate that some of the new laws have been reasonably well received at the domestic level, while the patent sector remains foreign dominated.


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For the past 30 years, beginning with the seminal work of Herbert Marsh in Australia and New Zealand, institutions of higher education have developed internal practices and procedures to collect and analyse student evaluations of teaching and learning. However, the question remains: has this development resulted in the achievement of institutional goals that maximise learning across all teaching contexts? As is the case in many other countries, a recent review of Australian national student evaluation data failed to conclude that student evaluations have improved overall teaching. However, these data have made student perceptions of teaching and learning more salient in the minds of tertiary educators. Certainly, teaching staff are aware of the impacts of student evaluations on informed decision-making, such as the continuation or discontinuation of courses, and on their promotion processes. This paper will review student evaluation practices according to criteria used in change theories, such as the transtheoretical change model (TTM). TTM construes organisational change as a process involving progress through a series of five stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. This paper will focus on organisational and behavioural outcomes that can be linked to the use of student data. It will recommend strategies for better aligning evaluation results to the stages of change.


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An Australian institutional case study is presented on the evaluation approach being adopted for the implementation of a new online learning environment. Well conceived and inclusive evaluation is seen as essential for the quality management of online learning environments. The focus is on identifying and reconciling the informational needs of various stakeholder groups in the institution, and developing a plan of action covering the key period of implementation. The significant judgements required to carry out evaluation in a multi-campus environment cannot be under-estimated. This is particularly the case given the more recent move to devolving resources and responsibility for the successful implementation of the environment to faculties in the institution concerned. It calls for a more sophisticated conception and set of practices around distributed leadership, as aided by institutions‘ teaching and learning centres. A set of strategic recommendations are offered to help with the evaluation task.