146 resultados para return to work


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Puxty et al. (1994) claim that professional accountants are induced to act ethically through two aspects of their socialisation, the education process, and the influence of work experience and role models who show what it means to be ethical. The education of accountants is not simply a matter of becoming technically competent, it is also a process of internalising accepted norms of professional conduct. Student accountants learn acceptable behaviour by learning the principles of good conduct in their education, and receiving advice and observing what significant others do in the workplace. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of the work environment on accounting students moral reasoning and development by comparing the DIT P-scores of accounting students pre and post cooperative education. Cooperative eduction is an industry placement program where students are required to work in commerce and industry for one year. Findings indicate that DIT P-scores decrease during cooperative education suggesting that accounting students, whilst in the work environment, do not reason according to their capability as measured by their pre-test scores.


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Students are now experiencing opportunities in practice education where their learning is facilitated by professionals of varied backgrounds thus leading to issues of how to assess student performance while on placement. Educators have had to re-think the way in which students’ performance is assessed and to integrate the key graduate attributes of critical reflection, self and peer assessments and feedback. Using recommendations by Mason (1999) in relation to a collaborative group model for workplace learning and ‘The Self-Directed Learning Model’ by Gaiptman and Anthony (1989) the Occupational Wellness and Life Satisfaction (OWLS) program encourages students to reflect on their experiences in an environment of self and peer evaluation, focussing on the process of learning rather than purely on outcomes. Students are required to complete a self and peer assessment of their learning using a nationally recognised fieldwork evaluation instrument and develop a practice portfolio consisting of learning contract and supporting evidence for their self-assessment. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected via a questionnaire to alumni. The most frequently identified skills that were valued by respondents were autonomy and independence. Other benefits identified were facilitation of self directed learning, and ability to problem solve with colleagues and to share learning. In a higher education environment where lifelong learning and the ability to work collaboratively are valued graduate attributes, a focus on peer and self assessment within the context of work integrated learning contributes to graduates who are well placed to work in both traditional and newer and emerging areas of practice.


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Mammary gland involution requires co-ordination of milk production, immune responses, apoptosis and remodeling. Initiation and progression of each of these components involves integral control by the mammary gland. Although cell-based culture models and genetically manipulated animals have shed light on these processes, the factors controlling each step in the involution cascade are still poorly understood. The fur seal displays a unique lactation phenotype. During the lactation cycle the mammary gland downregulates milk production and initiates an immune response but fails to initiate the apoptotic phase of involution, allowing the female fur seal to undertake long foraging trips of up to 28 days between suckling bouts. Upon return to shore the female continues feeding her pup following resumption of lactation and milk production. Expression profiling of genes involved in this lactation cycle provides valuable tools for investigation of the factors responsible for the initiation of apoptosis at involution.


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Secondary Schools have been involved in Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Education for many years. What, when and how this is done has always been difficult to assess. Programs come and go as governments react to public concerns and teachers and schools are expected to implement initiatives that are often reactions to public outcries. Teachers decide what they will teach and how they will teach it.  Last year I returned to work on a new initiative after a near 20-year break. I was surprised by the lack of change that had taken place over this period. There was still a lack of focus in schools, teachers were still reluctant to teach about it and ‘best practice’ appeared to be little different to that developed and implemented twenty years earlier. 

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the experience of teachers and students involved in a pilot of the Respectful Relationships curriculum materials trialled in Victoria in 2010. Using data collected from teachers and students as part of research to update the materials this paper explores the usefulness of the materials for teaching about GBV in secondary schools.


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'Nothing is less reliable, nothing is less clear today than the word "archive",' observed Jacques Derrida in his book Archive Fever, a Freudian Impression (1996). This paper reflects on the unsettling process of establishing (or commencing) the Melbourne Workers Theatre archive, which is part of the ARC funded AusStage project. It does so with reference to Derrida's account of archive fever, which he characterises as an 'irrepressible desire to return to the origin, a homesickness, a nostalgia for the return to the most archaic place of absolute commencement' (91). In short, the paper uses Derrida's commentary on questions of memory, authority, inscription, hauntology and heritage to identify some of the philosophical and ethical aporias I have enountered while working on the AusStage project. The paper pays particular attention to what Derrida calls the spectral structure of the archive, and stages a conversation with the ghosts that haunt the digitised Melbourne Workers Theatre documents. It also unpacks the logic of Derrida's so-called messianic account of the archive, which 'opens out of the future' thereby affirming the future-to-come, and unsettling the normative notion of the archive as a repository for what has passed.


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In Zavoj, a mountainous village in the Republic of Macedonia, the Day of the Holy Mother is the most significant day in the village's ritual calendar. Over the last two decades the festival has been transformed due to emigration, but importantly, many Zavoj emigrants return to the village for the festival. Added to this are several other celebrations related to holy days that take place in the village. The focus of this paper will be the Mala Sveta Bogorodica (minor Holy Mother) festivity, and the sacred sites on the Old Zavoj Road. A very active church committee draws together the emigrants and produces a new type of village community and new types of social practices. Parallel to this, is the dramatic transformation of the architecture of the village. From data of recent field work, this paper will explore the emigrant gathering in Zavoj, and why the village becomes a place for the celebration of holy days after migration.


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The population in Geelong Region is expected to keep growing. In order to work towards a better future of the region, it is essential to understand the feelings and needs of local communities and empower them in the community affairs. This study used an innovative technique – peoplemap – to investigate local communities’ sense of place. The primary objective of the investigations was to reveal the sense of place of Geelong Region. Local residents (N=166) in Geelong Region were interviewed face-to-face about how they identify themselves, what they love, what they want, and how empowered they feel. This paper reports the sense of place of three areas of Geelong Region: Ocean Grove, Bannockburn and Teesdale, and Corio-Norlane. Thematic analyses revealed the sense of place of these three areas, and identified their similarities and differences. The results of this study have several implications for government policy makers, planners and designers. This study contributes to the sense of place research, in that civic action was found to be a valid dimension of sense of place.


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This paper investigates three areas of priority for rural teacher education: work integrated learning (WIL); attraction and retention of teachers to rural areas; and the potential challenges and benefits of community based partnerships to address these areas of need. The data on which this paper is based focuses on a Victorian project around six case studies that explored the research and scholarship of teaching graduates to be work ready for the needs of rural and regional communities. The project also aimed to explore how preservice teacher education can develop and better support pre-service teachers (PSTs) through rural and regional community-based WIL experiences.
The project investigated what sort of support PSTs undertaking WIL experiences in rural and regional communities need in order to develop positive attitudes and understandings in relation to working in a rural/regional community. Consideration was also given to how support from the university, school,
supervising teacher and broader local community enhances or detracts from the PST’s experience of WIL in rural and regional areas. In order to explore these issues in this paper the authors will outline some recommendations with regards to ways in which teacher education programs may enhance the experiences of stakeholders involved in rural and regional WIL experiences, including PSTs, supervising teachers, university teacher educators and community members.
The project’s underlying conceptual framework of place, productivity and partnerships will be explained in terms of its overlapping dimensions of community, creativity and capital in order to reconceptualise preservice teacher education in local, rural and regional and global contexts as adaptive community-based work integrated learning within a knowledge economy.
The final discussion will make recommendations on how universities and other identified stakeholders can better facilitate WIL and enhance stakeholder engagement in rural and regional areas in order to equip PSTs
and classroom teachers to work creatively together in productive partnerships to meet the future demands of local rural and global contexts of change in a knowledge economy.


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In this paper we present the findings of a group problem-solving task involving eight randomly selected students. The focus of this study was to identify and explore students' application of generic skills, cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills, innovative thinking and engineering disciplinary knowledge. While this was the main aim of this study, we also used the findings of this study to triangulate the findings of a broader study which aims to identify and explore students' perceptions of problem based learning (PBL) in first year electrical engineering. The broader qualitative study of learners in a problem based engineering context will identify, explore and report on the factors that influence student learning behaviours and their attitudes as future engineers. Studying the learning cultures from the students' view point in a diverse student group should provide evidence to further theorize about the models of self-regulation in autonomous learners. For this group problem solving activity, we designed a problem (advanced lift controller system) and allowed students one hour to work on a solution for this problem. The eight students from a number of actual PBL groups were divided into two groups depending upon their availability. Both groups were given the same problem. The researcher played the role of a facilitator and collected the data simultaneously. Students were given access to books relevant to the problem, computer access and access to the Internet. They were also provided with links to sample websites such as the University's electronic library and other technology related websites on the World Wide Web. The activity was designed such that students were not required to arrive at a definite outcome. However, they were asked to brainstorm ideas, and as a group, to decide on ways that they would obtain and share information and to formulate and suggest possible innovative solutions to the problem. Data for this activity was collected by means of observation. The activity was audio and video recorded in order to help revisit the data at any stage. At the time this study was conducted, students had completed two PBL units in their first year of an electronic and electrical engineering undergraduate degree course. This study also provided insight into students' attitudes and their behaviours towards learning in a group setting, learning approaches and outcomes, different responses to the heterogeneity of the students in the group, and their responsibility and accountability in an autonomous learning setting such as PBL.


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At present, exposure of a rodent to the odour of a predator is one of the most common animal models of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite this, the model remains incompletely characterized, particularly in regard to within subject assessment of major PTSD-like behaviours. In an attempt to redress this situation, we have extensively characterized the two broad categories of behaviour that are considered to characterize PTSD, that is sensitized behaviours such as social withdrawal and hypervigilance and conditioned behaviours such as avoidance of trauma linked cues. Specifically, we determined the presence and duration of both conditioned and sensitized behaviours, in the same cohort of animals, after three exposures to predator odour. Conditioned fear was assessed on the basis of inhibition of locomotor activity upon return to context 2, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after the last odour exposure session. To assess the impact on sensitization behaviours, we monitored acoustic startle responses and social interaction behaviour 4, 9, 16, 23, and 30 days after the last exposure session. In addition to examining the behavioural consequences associated with odour exposure, we also determined the key brain regions that were activated using ΔFosB immunohistochemistry. Our results show that the two groups of behaviours thought to characterize PTSD (conditioned and sensitized) do not travel together in the predator odour model, with clear evidence of enduring changes in conditioned fear but little evidence of changes in social interaction or acoustic startle. With regard to associated patterns of activity in the brain, we observed that odour-exposed animals exhibited significantly higher numbers of FosB-positive nuclei in only the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a finding that can be viewed as being consistent with the observed behavioural changes.


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Background : Classical Pavlovian fear conditioning has been widely used in preclinical studies to gain insights into anxiety-related disorders. In this study we examined whether pre-existing behavioral differences, and/or behavioral differences displayed during fear induction, predict the severity of the conditioned fear response that can develop after an episode of psychosocial conflict.

Methods : Prior to conditioning, male rats (intruders) were behaviorally assessed using the novel environment exploration and defensive burying tests. These animals were subsequently placed in the territory of an older male (resident) that invariably attacked the intruder.

Results : Upon return to this territory 24 h later, intruders moved less than controls and produced more distress vocalizations, indicating conditioned fear to context. Additionally, analyses revealed that both pre-existing behavioral differences, and the animal’s response during social conflict, predicted the magnitude of the subsequent conditioned fear response. Specifically, animals that engaged in higher levels of novel environment exploration, that exhibited a greater number of defensive burying behaviors, and that demonstrated higher levels of fighting and guarding during social conflict, displayed less evidence of conditioned fear.

Conclusion :
These findings show that the behavioral variability existent within a normal outbred population can predict the magnitude of the conditioned fear response.


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The aim of the current study was to generate socially conditioned fear in two different strains of rat (Wistar, W and Sprague Dawley, SD) using social conflict, in order to investigate whether the magnitude of the conditioned fear responses in each strain was related to behaviour exhibited prior to or during fear induction (i.e. social conflict). On day one of the study, all intruders were assessed for exploratory activity in a novel environment. Twenty four hours following the novel environment test the locomotor activity of the intruders was assessed, while they underwent a single familiarisation exposure to the arena in which the conflict was subsequently to occur in. Twenty-four hours following familiarisation, intruders underwent either a 10 min social conflict or sham conflict session. One day later we examined the response of the intruders when they were returned to the vacant resident's cage. Upon return to the conflict context, we examined the intruder's ultrasonic distress vocalisations and the extent to which locomotor activity was inhibited. We found that W rats displayed significantly more immobility (i.e. conditioned fear) upon return to context than did SD rats (p < 0.05). Importantly, we observed that the differences in the two strains behaviour upon return to context appeared to be related to their quite different patterns of coping behaviour. The results of the current study indicate that preclinical between-strain comparisons potentially have much to offer in regard to understanding the basis of resilience to social stress.


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In recent years, various forms of group work have been introduced in university courses across various subject domains, including construction management courses. Although the use of group work in higher education has sound pedagogical reasons and advantages, group work has its own drawbacks. Therefore, the acceptance by students and the success of group work critically depend on a fair and credible assessment of the group process. In this paper, the implementation of different approaches to peer assessment (PA) of individuals’ contributions to group projects in two core units in an undergraduate construction management course in an Australian university is reported. The effectiveness of the adopted PA approaches have been evaluated and validated by students. It has been found that contrary to doubts of the sufficiency of a simplistic approach to PAs, the fairness of a PA approach does not necessarily depend on its complexity. Besides, voluntary group discussions, learning and collaboration are found to aid in improving each of the group’s camaraderie. Hence, it is recommended that academics should develop both a structured methodology to progressively encourage group members to work cohesively in teams and effective PA approaches that measure individual member’s contribution.


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Contemporary Australia is a country of ongoing migration and increasing cultural diversity which is reflected in its arts practices. This article considers the views held by Australian pre-service music education student teachers and their tertiary music educators about their perceptions concerning artists-in-schools programs in school music. This discussion reports on data collected for a study undertaken in Melbourne, Victoria, Intercultural Understandings of Pre-Service Music Education Students (2005–2009). Fifty-three interviews were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The findings provide insight into teachers’ recognition of the need for artists-in-schools programs. In particular the ways in which teachers can link theory to practice, fill in omissions in their own knowledge, skills and understandings, and heighten student understandings of multicultural musics. The promotion and provision of multicultural music education is essential at all levels of education. This can be achieved by the inclusion of diverse culture bearers, artists-in-schools, and community engagement to work with both teachers and their students.


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In both policy and practice, collusion is a perplexing area of academic integrity. Students are expected to learn to work collaboratively in university courses, yet are often required to submit assessment tasks as individuals whilst in group-work situations. This paper discusses the tension between 'collaboration' and 'collusion' in group-work and the consequences for crossing the line. Adopting a theoretical framework from Bourdieu's work (Bourdieu and Passeron, 1971; Bourdieu, 1991) on symbolic power, the notion of legitimate voice and intertextuality, this paper outlines the effects on the academic identities of 17 students found 'guilty' of collusion in one Australian university. In addition, 34 staff involved in formal disciplinary procedures were interviewed. The findings indicate that collusion is a fraught notion and not approached systematically across the university, nor with any degree of confidence by staff or students. The delineation between 'acceptable collaboration' and 'collusion' appears to be founded in shifting sands, with negative attitudes towards collaborative tasks being the main lesson learned by students.