119 resultados para construction project teams


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In recent years, various forms of group work have been introduced in university courses across various subject domains, including construction management courses. Although the use of group work in higher education has sound pedagogical reasons and advantages, group work has its own drawbacks. Therefore, the acceptance by students and the success of group work critically depend on a fair and credible assessment of the group process. In this paper, the implementation of different approaches to peer assessment (PA) of individuals’ contributions to group projects in two core units in an undergraduate construction management course in an Australian university is reported. The effectiveness of the adopted PA approaches have been evaluated and validated by students. It has been found that contrary to doubts of the sufficiency of a simplistic approach to PAs, the fairness of a PA approach does not necessarily depend on its complexity. Besides, voluntary group discussions, learning and collaboration are found to aid in improving each of the group’s camaraderie. Hence, it is recommended that academics should develop both a structured methodology to progressively encourage group members to work cohesively in teams and effective PA approaches that measure individual member’s contribution.


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The construction industry has a number of unique characteristics, including a temporary organisational structure, and it is one of the most dangerous of all industries. Therefore, it is important for construction professionals to have a high level of professional ethics. However, the public standing of construction professional ethics may not be high and it attracts a lot of attention.

This paper investigates UK construction professionals' view on professional ethics. The issues which are investigated for quantity surveyors include their view on ethical behaviours, their ranking and rating of parties and constituencies when they face ethical dilemmas and their opinion on whether they think the ethical standards have declined over the last decade. The paper also outlined the UK construction managers' view on the ethical perception of other construction managers. In addition, the factors influencing the ethical decision making of the UK quantity surveyors and construction managers are also identified. Furthermore, the background of influence on the views of professional ethics is also outlined.

The research method of the project is through questionnaire survey, one set of questionnaires was sent to quantity surveyor and the other was sent to construction managers. The questions in the questionnaires are developed from the previous literature.


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The aim of the research outlined in this paper is to develop a best practice process model for building projects based on the use of an expert system. The CONstruction Best Practice System (CONBPS) focusses on projects which are based on the traditional procurement strategy, using the JCT 80 standard form of contract. The model clearly identifies the sequence of construction activities. It also identifies the roles and responsibilities of the major parties on the building team and the issues within the project cycle, which can prove critical to project success. The system incorporates many user-friendly functions, including the provision of multi-choice icons and the provision of an on-line help function. Besides, it also provides interim and final reports which are used to advise the participants on the success factors that they have ignored and to which aspects they should pay more attention. A framework was initially developed focussing on the whole design process with a full knowledge-based system developed for the Inception Stage. CONBPS can be used as a teaching/learning tool to assist teachers and students to better understand the construction process. Also, it could prove useful to project managers and all the participants in the construction process.


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The construction industry in the UK needs to improve its performance and provide clients with an improved level of satisfaction. The inefficient design and construction process is usually criticised as one of the main causes of poor performance.

A new construction process system, CONstruction Best Practice System (CONBPS), has been developed based on the use of an expert system. CONBPS is based on the traditional procurement strategy as it is probably the most popular procurement method in the UK and yet it is subject to most criticism. This model clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities of the major parties within the building team and identifies the activities and the key issues within the project cycle. The completed model reflects the full project cycle from inception to completion.

The prototype of this system has been demonstrated to the construction participants for their comments. The practitioners included architects, quantity surveyors, planning supervisors, private and public clients. The method of collecting data was through the use of semi-structured interviews.

Following feedback from practitioners, the CONBPS has been updated. This version is more robust; besides, it is more practical and user-friendly as it incorporates the comments from practitioners, who are also the potential users.

The primary aim of this paper is to discuss the development of the updated CONBPS. The improvement of the updated CONBPS includes the information for constructing the system, the computerised functions, system structure, knowledge representation structure and the system operation.


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This research provides a deeper insight into the performance of alliances for the construction of road, rail and water projects. The principle objective of alliances is to align team member expectations so that they work together for the benefit of the project. To date, this has been a challenge, and as such this makes alliances an innovative approach to procurement of infrastructure. The paper reports on a survey of 18 public infrastructure projects across Australia that utilized the alliance form of procurement. The results were based on alliance team interviews, which addressed the most critical management issues impacting on the performance of process. The research identified a sample of stakeholders form alliance leadership teams (ALT) and the alliance management teams (AMT) that had recently completed a major infrastructure projects. Results revealed that communication and trust between the ALT and AMT teams was a major issue that impacted on the effectiveness of the alliance. Furthermore, the research identifies several key factors that were necessary preconditions for successful alliances.


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Cost estimation process is undertaken to predict the total cost of the project. Studies indicate that one of the construction company failures in contracting is because of the uncertain, incorrect, and unrealistic cost estimation. Cost estimation process are heavily influenced by the complexity of the project, scale and scope of construction, market conditions, method of construction, site constraints, client’s financial position, buildability and the location of the project. However, there are other combinations factors that have not been studied thus far. Hence, this paper focuses on the review of other researchers’ findings in relation to cost estimation issues in the construction industry. Among the findings, it has been revealed that the cost estimation issues are related to accuracy, human factors, practical knowledge and insufficient cost data/information. The aim of this paper is to investigate these factors and determining other potential factors that may influence cost estimation process in the construction industry.


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The Pacific Islands Project (PIP), funded by AusAid and managed by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), has progressed through three phases from 1995 to 2010. During this time, it has sent over 520 teams to 11 Pacific Island Countries, providing over 60 000 consultations and some 16 000 procedures. In addition to this delivery of specialist medical and surgical services that were not previously available in-country, the project has contributed as a partner in capacity building with the Fiji School of Medicine and Ministries of Health of the individual nations. By 2011, Fiji School of Medicine, which began postgraduate specialist training in 1998, had awarded 51 doctors a diploma in surgery (1 year), 20 of whom had completed their Masters in Medicine (4 years). PIP was independently evaluated on completion of every phase, including the bridging Phase III (2006–2010). The project delivered on its design, to deliver services, and also helped build capacity. The relationship established with the RACS throughout the project allowed Pacific Island graduates to access the Rowan Nicks scholarship, and the majority of MMed graduates received International Travel Grants to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting. PIP has been a highly successful partnership in delivering and building specialist medical services. Although AusAid contributed some $20 million over 16 years, the value added from pro bono contributions by Specialist Teams, Specialty Coordinators and the Project Directors amounted to an equivalent amount. With the emergence of Pacific Island-trained specialists, PIP is ready to move into a new phase where the agendas are set, monitored and managed within the Pacific, and RACS fulfils the role of a service provider. A critical mass of Pacific Island surgeons has been trained, so that sub-specialization will be an option for the general surgeons of the larger island nations.


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This research is concerned with the comparative cost of building structural frames in Australia. The research has been undertaken to evaluate the cost performance of a number of technologies that are typically used in medium-rise commercial buildings of ten storeys. The research methodology is based on pricing a number of standard building frame designs in five Australian cities. The results represent the cost of producing the same building using different building construction designs. By utilising a standard model, project variables like building quality, ground conditions and access were eradicated, thereby facilitating an unbiased comparison of cost performance. The second stage of the research invoiced a focus group of industry experts who were asked to validate the results of the cost study. In addition, participants of the focus group were asked to comment on the preferred construction practice for each of the typical building designs. Results suggest that post-tensioned in situ concrete frames have the best cost performance for most buildings. However, other designs can have good cost performance under some circumstances. Findings suggest that the Australian construction industry has long cultural preference for the use of in situ concrete in structural frames.


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Construction projects have been criticised for low performance for many decades. One of the reasons for this situation is the temporary multi-organisation of the construction team; the ultimate reason may be due to the divergent background and specialist skills of the project team members. The aim of this paper is to investigate the different opinions of construction participants within the construction process. It focuses on the projects which use the traditional procurement strategy in the building sector as this process is often perceived as being far from efficient. The methodology used in this research is by interview; the targeted interviewees include architects, quantity surveyors, clients and planning supervisors. An expert system which has been developed to model the construction process, called the CONstruction Best Practice System (CONBPS), has been demonstrated and the participants’ comments sought. The findings are that different construction parties have different perceptions of the construction process and their understanding of each other’s role is ambiguous.


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The performance level of construction industry in the UK is generally considered to be low. The reasons for this situation are twofold, firstly due to the temporary organisational structure of construction team and secondly the inefficient construction process. Previous research in this area has focused on developing a generic model to represent the construction process. It is necessary to develop a process model, which clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities of the major parties on the building team and identifies the key issues within the project cycle. The method for presenting this model is by using an expert system. The primary aim of this paper is to discuss the development of the CONstruction Best Practice System (CONBPS). The theoretical framework of CONBPS and the development and evaluation of the system will be described. The future research will also be discussed. Finally, the advantage of this model will be identified.


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An imaginative arts project inspired by the Volcanic Plains region of Western Victoria will be showcased in Warrnambool this week where participants will also be able to experience the art of dry stone walling. The aim is to imagine the life of the stones and to re-perform and experience what it might have been like to work alongside a team of stonewallers from the late 1800's out in the fields producing about 30 meters of wall per day. This imaginary archaeology provides lesson in the doing of our ongoing relationship to the land and to place and place-making.


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The construction industry is plagued by the persistent, long-term problem of skill shortages and skill gaps, especially in construction management. Evidence indicates that the industry will not have enough flexible, qualified professionals able to exercise skills to match changing work requirements especially in new technology, over the coming decade. Upskilling existing workers and individuals with vocational education qualifications into higher education could provide an important solution to skill gap problems. Currently less than 16% of all individuals with vocational qualifications in construction undertake upskilling into higher education. This project investigated the factors that supported upskilling and transfer from VET to higher education (HE) in the construction industry. Interviews were conducted with 36 students who were upskilling from vocational education into higher education in eight Australian universities to elicit “enablers” of upskilling. The results, which identify a number of key enablers as seen through the eyes of students who have made the transition, provides the industry with insights into solving current and future skill gaps. These insights will benefit both the construction industry and the wider national population.


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Cost management includes planning and control, and constructability1 and prefabrication construction are two main design economics factors for early cost planning decision. Despite the fact that constructability and prefabrication have been considered in design and cost planning, there is no guarantee if the intention meets the expectation. This requires on-going control during construction stage. In fact, prefabrication construction has been encouraged for some years, application is not always positive. One of the reasons is its constructability. This paper investigates the appropriate research methodology to determine how design for prefabrication and constructability will contribute to cost planning through control and review during construction stage. Through a study of an Australian residential project using prefabrication in structural concrete, internal partitioning and internal fit-out, this research concludes that case study is a viable choice. Prefabrication construction does provide a positive impact on the major project objectives: time, cost and quality. Cost reduction is due to saving in time related preliminaries as a direct result of time reduction of onsite activities whilst quality is ensured due to better control of prefabricated components inside the factories. However, it can only be achieved after considering constructability: suitable materials choice, design for available skills, use of available plant, and clear communication. The keys are through plan at design phase and control in construction stage.


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The Measurement of Services and Supports (MOSS) project commenced in 2005, with the initial aim of developing and trialing a tool that would evaluate the outcomes of therapy and psychology services delivered by Scope’s Therapy, Psychology and Related Services teams (previously known as Specialist Services). There are a number of key drivers that have influenced the MOSS project from its inception. These include:
• Scope’s Strategic direction;
• The State Disability Plan 2002-2012 (Victorian Department of Human Services, 2002);
• A desire to provide evidence for funding bodies relating to the effectiveness of the support
delivered by Therapy, Psychology and Related Services; and
• A desire to ensure that Therapy, Psychology and Related Services support is based on evidence.