202 resultados para Wool hygral expansion


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The Co2+ sorption of two wool powders was investigated using its radioisotope 57Co (T1/2=271.8 days and γ=122.1 and 136.5 keV) as a tracer. The effects of the type of buffer, the pH value, the contact time and the initial concentration of Co2+ on the sorption behaviour of wool powders were studied. The Co2+ releasing ability of wool powders and the re-use of wool powders to sorb Co2+ were also examined. The optimum sorption of Co2+ by the powders occurred at pH 8 in phosphate buffer and pH 10 in ammonium sulphate buffer. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to study the changes in chemical structure of the wool after exposure to both buffer solutions. Compared to the untreated wool fibre, the fine wool powders showed rapid sorption rates and high sorption capacities for Co2+. Co2+ ions were recovered after exposing the Co2+ loaded wool to HCl (0.1 M) and buffer at pH 3 (glycine/sodium chloride). After releasing Co2+ ions from wool powders, the efficiency of wool powders re-used to sorb Co2+ was 80% of that of the fresh wool powders. It is concluded from this study that wool powder can be used as an efficient sorbent to remove and release Co2+ from solution.


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Ultrasonics has the potential to reduce the cost and environmental impact of textile processing. This work investigates the effects of utrasonic irradiation during wool scouring on fibre surface properties and fibre dyeing rate. A range of ultrasonic frequencies were used in the scouring bath to examine the forms of fibre cuticle damage. It was shown that ultrasonically scoured wool underwent some modifications of the fibre surface structure which resulted in a higher rate of dye uptake by the fibres, when compared with the conventionally scoured wool. The lower the ultrasonic frequency the more sever was the cuticle damage to wool during scouring, hence the higher the fibre dye uptake.


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To improve yarn quality in ring spinning frame, this paper examines transposal spinning with the movable balloon control ring. The left-transposal spinning and the right-transposal spinning were experimented to spin two yarns; after installing the movable balloon control ring, the two methods were respectively used to spin two other yarns again. All the experiments were on the same ring frame and the raw material was wool/polyester blend roving with a ration of 30/70. The main quality indexes of the four yarns were tested and analyzed, including hairiness, tensile property, evenness and usual faults. The results show that the yarn spun by the left-transposal spinning has a better quality than the right-transposal spinning, and after adding the movable balloon control ring, the improvement of yarn hairiness strength and evenness, as well usual faults, is very obvious. So, in the advantage of transposal spinning, the method of installing the movable balloon control ring can improve some deteriorative problems and make yarn quality better. In addition, the method gives new insight into energy efficiency. The research in this field in on the way and the result is in accord with the Low-carbon Economy.


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Fibre related research in Australia is entering a new era. In May 2010, the former Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Kevin Rudd, announced a $37 million grant under the Education investment Fund (EIF) scheme to establish the Australian Future Fibres Research and Innovation Centre (AFFRIC) at Deakin University’s Geelong Campus. This is $102 million joint initiative between Deakin University, CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) and the Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (VCAMM). Wool related research fits within two of the four program areas under AFFRIC: green natural fibres and functional fibrous materials. Selected examples of our recent wool related research are discussed, with a focus on the work involving researchers at Deakin University.


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The superfine wool-powder was prepared by ball and jet milling. According to FZ/T 01021-92 method the bacteriostatic property of the wool-powder was tested. The results showed that wool-powder had excellent antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus (MRSA), and the antibacterial rate of E. coli could reach 85% and the MRSA could exceed 70%. The IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis were used to discuss the antibacterial properties of superfine wool-powder.


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on fibre production and quality were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia from 1981 to 1984. Separately grazed sheep produced the most total clean fibre/ha at each SR. Mixed-grazed treatments produced amounts of clean fibre/ha similar to the arithmetic mean of sheep and goat treatments at 7.5/ha (21.9 versus 21.3 kg/ha), 10% more at 10/ha (28.3 versus 25.3 kg/ha, P < 0.05) and 7% more at 12.5/ha (31.6 versus 29.6 kg/ha, P < 0.10). Clean wool production/head was affected by AS and SR but not year. Clean mohair production was affected by SR and year but not AS. Variation in mean fibre diameter (MFD) accounted for 67 and 71%, respectively, of the variation in clean wool and clean mohair production/head. There was an AS SR interaction for clean fibre production/t pasture. Growth rate of mohair was highest in autumn and least in summer. In each season, an increase in the SR reduced the clean mohair growth rate. Growth rate of wool was highest in spring and least in summer. Wool and mohair MFD were affected by an AS SR interaction. Mohair MFD was also affected by year and season. At 10/ha, wool from mixed-grazed sheep had a greater MFD than wool from separately grazed sheep (20.2 versus 18.9 μm) and mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1 μm coarser than separately grazed goats. At 12.5/ha mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1.9 μm finer than separately grazed goats. Mohair MFD was predicted by a multiple regression that included average liveweight for the period of fleece growth, season of growth (summer 1 μm finer than winter) and year (range 1.27 μm). Mohair MFD increased 4.7 μm/10 kg increase in average fleece-free liveweight (P = 6.4 10-14). Fleece-free liveweight alone accounted for 76.4% of the variation in mohair MFD. There was an AS SR interaction for the incidence of kemp and medullated fibres; under severe grazing pressure their incidence was suppressed. This experiment indicated that the principles associated with the effects of SR on wool production on annual temperate pastures apply to mohair production. Mixed grazing of Merino sheep and Angora goats produced complementary and competitive effects depending on the SR. Angora goats should not be grazed alone or mixed-grazed with sheep on annual temperate pastures at SR greater than that recommended for Merino sheep.


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Comfort is one of the most important aspects of clothing, especially for next-to-skin garments such as shirts and trousers for summer. Sensorial comfort has a strong relationship with both the mechanical and surface properties of apparel fabric. A comfortable textile material should have properties of softness, smooth surface or texture, be pleasant to touch and very flexible. When assessing fabric handle subjectively, the assessor usually strokes the fabric surface with one or several fingers and squash the fabric gently in hand. Thus, the perception of such handle includes complex parameters of compression, tactile sensation and textural effect. In this work, we attempted to use a simple technique of objectively evaluating fabric softness related properties, by measuring the force required to pull a fabric strip through a series of parallel pins (the pulling force). We also subjectively rated the fabric handle. The correlation analysis showed very good agreement between the fabric pulling force and subjective hand rating.


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Conventional aqueous scouring of greasy wool promotes wool felting and can be energy and water intensive. Ultrasonic wool scouring could be an alternative technology to minimise the negative impact, provided that the cleaning efficiency and fibre quality are not compromised. This study  examined the influence of ultrasonic irradiation frequency and ultrasonic power variations on wool scouring performance at different liquor ratios. Scoured fibre, residual ash content, residual grease content, whiteness and yellowness were evaluated. The impact of liquor degassing on wool scouring effectiveness was studied. Fibre surface damage was also assessed in this work. It was observed that while there was no significant influence of ultrasonic frequency on the whiteness or yellowness of the scoured fibres, wool scoured at frequencies of 28 kHz and 80 kHz had more grease and dirt removed than that scoured at 45 kHz. Low ultrasonic power and degassed bath liquor increased wool grease removal ability. Ultrasonic treatment caused scale cracking/peeling in some wool fibres. More severe cuticle damage was observed in fibres scoured at the lower frequency. This damage resulted in increased dye uptake by the fibres.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the suitability of natural and chemically treated wool fibres for use in water treatment and in the separation of constituents for monitoring contaminants in water.

Experimental work was carried out to determine the ability of natural and treated wool fibres to remove these constituents from water,

This study provided information on the characteristics of the wool fibre as a medium in water treatment.


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Natural wool/cellulose blends were prepared in an ionic liquid green solvent, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCl) and the films were formed subsequently from the coagulated solutions. The wool/cellulose blend films show significant improvement in thermal stability compared to the coagulated wool and cellulose. Moreover, the blend films exhibited an increasing trend of tensile strength with increase in cellulose content in the blends which could be used for the development of wool-based materials with improved mechanical properties, and the elongations of the blends were considerably improved with respect to the coagulated films of wool and cellulose. It was found that there was hydrogen bonding interaction between hydroxyl groups of wool and cellulose in the coagulated wool/cellulose blends as determined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The ionic liquid was completely recycled with high yield and purity after the blend film was prepared. This work presents a green processing route for development of novel renewable blended materials from natural resource with improved properties.


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A convenient method for measuring the clean colour (Y and Y-Z) and photostability Δ(Y-Z) of small samples of fleece wool (0.5 g) is described. Scoured wool samples are compressed to a constant density in disposable polymethyl methacrylate spectrophotometer cells and the wool colour is measured using a standard textile laboratory reflectance spectrophotometer. Packing scoured wool into cells ensures that the irradiated fibre surface is robust and individual fibres are unable to move relative to one another during irradiation and measurement. A UVB (280–320 nm) source was used to ensure all samples regardless of initial yellowness were yellowed following exposure and photobleaching was avoided. An apparatus capable of irradiating up to 48 scoured wool samples in one batch is described. The precision of photostability measurements was assessed and the relative error in Δ(Y-Z) was 5.7%. An initial study on 75 fleece wool samples with a high range of initial yellowness showed a moderate linear correlation (R2 = 0.68) between initial yellowness and Δ(Y-Z).


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This study determines how levels of various trace metals in wool and the colour of the fibre change as a result of sunlight exposure and treatment with chelating compounds during wool growth. Twenty-four yearling Merino sheep were clipped on the shoulders and rumps and fitted with sheep coats modified with transparent patches. Patches over the shoulder wool (one per sheep) were either polyethylene (PE) that transmits ultraviolet light or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that excludes ultraviolet light. The rump wool on each sheep was treated either with a copper chelator treatment (kojic acid or methyl gentisate in aqueous alcohol) or aqueous alcohol only. For 12 of the sheep the rumps were exposed to sunlight through PE patches while rump wool on the other sheep was covered by the sheep coat. Wool was harvested after 11 weeks’ growth with yellowness (Y-Z) and individual mineral contents measured using the same clean wool sample. Sunlight exposure through PE patches caused a mean increase in Y-Z to 9.1 (shoulder) or 9.5–10.1 (rump) from a base level of 7.1–7.2 (shoulder) or 7.0–7.6 (rump) in wool protected by the sheep coat. In contrast, there was no significant change in Y-Z for the PVC patch (shoulder). Therefore, it appears that ultraviolet light damage caused the increased Y-Z. Most of the trace metals analysed increased in the shoulder wool exposed to sunlight but the paired differences for PVC were lower than PE. It appears that changes in fibre caused by sunlight exposure (especially ultraviolet light) facilitate adsorption of minerals from the environment, including the animal’s own suint. Application of the chelating compounds to the rump wool caused pronounced yellowing of the wool with Y-Z increase being most pronounced for kojic acid. Copper levels in the wool were reduced by kojic acid and methyl gentisate while calcium levels were increased by kojic acid and reduced by methyl gentisate. It is not clear from these findings whether minerals and copper in particular contribute to yellowing of wool. However, the different effects of sunlight and chelation on mineral contents in wool shown may well relate to alternative mechanisms of discoloration (i.e. photoyellowing versus bacterial).


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This research studied the use of ultrasonic irradiation during wool cleaning with an aim to improve the cleaning process and reduce its impact on the environment. The research found that ultrasonic cleaning reduced energy, detergent and chemicals consumption, reduced fibre entanglement and had no significant effect on fibre properties.