181 resultados para Synchronous distance education


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Deakin University has a long history of supporting distance education with technology. Such presentations have matured from a mix of remote-login/FTP/email in the 1980s through web mediated access in the 1990s to institution-wide learning management systems which are emerging currently. By the commencement of semester I, 2003, online teaching at the University will be supported by a single, institution-wide, learning management system, which is expected to support approximately 28,000 students, who will each be accessing up to 4 of some 1500 undergraduate and 700 postgraduate courses. In this paper we describe a model for online teaching of both on-campus and off-campus students in the Bachelor of Computing, using various technologies to support different aspects of online teaching and learning. This programme has been running in a web-mediated environment for over six years. Each year the administration of the programme has been modified in a reactive manner, based on student feedback and the identification of failure points during the previous semester, resulting in the model maturing over that time. We discuss how the changes have impacted the model, the academics involved in the teaching of the unit and the students' experience of learning in the online environment. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online teaching and learning, as well as some potential pitfalls and how to avoid them, or, at least, minimise their impact.


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When a student commences a course of study that includes an online component the initial feedback academics receive can reflect their fear of the online concept, their bias against the use of technology, as well as difficulties they may have encountered with using the supporting technologies rather than with online learning per se. In second semester 2002, an evaluation of an online unit in the B. Computing was conducted at the end of the semester to gain a better understanding of students’ perceptions of online learning as well as the effectiveness of the technologies that support these activities. We report some preliminary results from the evaluation. Initial indications are that poor first impressions are reflected in students’ perceptions of the overall online learning experience. We highlight some areas, normally considered outside the immediate domain of eLearning, that must be attended to in order to minimise the potential negative impact on students, maximise the benefits of learning online and improve the learning experience for students.


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This paper investigates the performance of 329 (173 on- and 186  off-campus) students enrolled in two structural mechanics units at Deakin University, a leader in engineering distance-education in Australia. The two units experience unacceptably high rates of failure. An analysis of the assignment, laboratory and examination marks is presented. Consideration is also given to the total marks. The results show that on-campus students perform better in structural mechanics than their off-campus counterparts. Plots of the student performance distributions for the three assessment methods are provided (for each unit) and high failure rates are linked to low examination marks. Students tend to perform best in assignments and worst in examinations. Parametric statistical tests show a correlation between the continuous assessment and examination marks. To motivate students to fully participate in continuous assessment tasks the authors therefore propose several changes to the assessment criteria and marking schemes.


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This paper reports on a study of how prospective and current MBA students (n = 699) made tradeoffs between tuition price and other variables in choosing a university program in the Australian market. Two price segments were identified: price-negative and price-positive. The price-positive segment constituted 13 per cent of the sample. The behaviour of the two price segments is interpreted in relation to the allocative and informational roles of price. Price-positive respondents were found to be more concerned with the reputational characteristics of universities and programs in making their choice. Age, enrolment mode, and residential state were found to be associated with segment membership. The results suggest that an MBA by distance education can be regarded as a prestige product for some market segments.


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Online discussion boards are being used increasingly by tertiary educators as a tool for encouraging greater student interaction and developing learning communities. In particular, educators who have adopted a learner centered, socio-constructivist approach to teaching have sought to facilitate collaborative learning in which students reflect upon and share their experiences and perspectives, and construct knowledge together through developing shared meanings. This paper presents the findings of an electronic survey of the perceptions of 70 distance education EFL and ESL students concerning a compulsory assessment item involving contribution to an online course discussion board. The study revealed that the majority of the students enjoyed the assessment item and agreed that posting to the online course discussion board had allowed them to achieve a range of cognitive and social learning outcomes, as well as to develop some important graduate skills. In particular, ESL students reported the benefits of posting to the discussion board in terms of sharing their experiences with others and reducing the feeling of isolation. Further, when considering social outcomes, ESL students perceive the discussion board provided them with an opportunity to meet and develop a closer relationship with other students in the course and encouraged them to keep up with their studies.


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The perspectives of instructors who teach both online and face-to-face in a higher education context have been compared in this study. The differences and similarities between their approaches, and the influences each modality has on the other have been explored, as well as possible differences in organizational cultures between the groups who were based in Canada and Australia. The trend to blended learning in higher education was an important outcome of the study.


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This paper considers the delivery and assessment strategies used in two structural mechanics units at Deakin University, a leader in distance education in Australia. The two units have had unacceptably high rates of student failure. Student perceptions of the delivery method were analysed and an investigation was carried out of the performance of 329 (173 on- and 156 off-campus) students enrolled in the two units. An analysis of the assignment, laboratory and examination marks is presented. Consideration is also given to the total marks. The results show that on-campus students performed better in structural mechanics than their off-campus counterparts. Plots of the distributions of student performance for the three assessment methods are provided (for each unit) and high failure rates are linked to low examination marks. Students tended to perform best in assignments and worst in examinations. Parametric statistical tests show a correlation between the marks obtained in continuous assessment and in examinations, and it is therefore proposed that, in order to improve performance, the students must be encouraged to participate fully in all aspects of the course. Many students were unenthusiastic about laboratory practical sessions and did not think they aided their understanding of the theoretical material. Motivation to participate is often dependent on the perceived relevance of a given task and its contribution to the total mark and, thus, to help motivate students to participate fully in the continuous assessment tasks, the authors propose several changes to the delivery methods, as well as to assessment criteria and marking schemes.


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Online discussion boards are increasingly being used by tertiary educators as tools for encouraging student interaction and for developing learning networks. In particular, educators who have adopted a socio-constructivist approach to teaching are keen to facilitate collaborative learning in which students share their experiences and perspectives, and construct knowledge together through shared meanings. In this paper, the findings from an electronic survey of 72 distance education students’ perceptions of an online discussion assessment item (ODAI) are presented. The study revealed that the majority of the respondents enjoyed the ODAI, and agreed that the online discussions had allowed them to achieve a range of cognitive and social learning outcomes, and to develop some important graduate skills.


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In the current era of eLearning with everything, distance education students have to not only master the intricacies of their discipline but also master sufficient information technology skills to access and use the eLearning environment. This article outlines some technology-relatedproblems that such students have to overcome in order to meet the online requirements of their studies


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Many Australian tertiary institutions provide support for academic staff in the design and development of online teaching and learning resources, often employing a centralised unit staffed with educational and instructional designers, multimedia and online developers, audio/video producers and graphic artists. It is not unusual for these units to have evolved from print-based distance education providers and consequently the design and development processes inherent within those units are often steeped in ‘traditional’ sequential instructional development models. We argue that these models are no longer valid for effectively working with academic staff given the dynamic nature of online learning environments and the diversity of skills to implement effective online learning. This paper therefore presents an extended instructional design model in which the development cycle for online teaching and learning materials uses a scaffolding strategy in order to cater for learner-centred activities and to maximise scarce developer and academic resources. The model also integrates accepted phases of the instructional development process to provide guidelines for the disposition of staff and to more accurately reflect the creation of resources as learning design rather than instructional design. It is a model that builds on instructional design processes and integrates concepts of team-based development, shared understanding and the development of relevant communities of practice.


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This paper presents an extended instructional design model in which the development cycle for online teaching and learning materials uses a scaffolding strategy in order to cater for learner-centred activities and to maximise scarce developer and academic resources.


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Within most universities there are central areas that assist with teaching and learning and, in the case of universities offering programs through distance education or flexible learning, there are also units that develop and or manufacture course material. As budget constraints squeeze universities and, with a plethora of choices in online and integrated learning, the usefulness of centralised learning resource units can be called into question. To ensure these units remain vital and can justify their budgets to their parent organisations they need to demonstrate delivery of customer value. What do faculty staff value from a central unit? What irritates students about their course materials? What are the most important services from the point of view of a head of school? This paper outlines the process followed by Learning Services at Deakin University to discover its customers’ value model. Customer value propositions and the removal of what irritates the customer are then used to drive strategic planning, service offerings and continuous process improvement.


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Deakin University has for all of its existence supplied its distance education students with packs of printed course material. Despite the growth of online education the demand for printed material continues to grow. Faced with the challenge of improving processes Deakin University has turned to a process mapping model and ithink software to help it dynamically model internal processes allowing for the monitoring of demand shifts to see when and where tension is occurring in the system. The software allows the user to modify resource allocations to graphically observe where and when the ‘bottle-necks’ and capacity gaps are occurring and to perform a series of ‘what-if’ scenarios to address these capacity issues. These results are then allowing the University to work out where the ‘sticking points’ are and to improve resource allocation and processes. While the printing part of the course materials development process has been the pilot, the University expects to model all course material development processes, including hard copy, multimedia and online, using the ithink software.