208 resultados para Peers


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Schools are now urged to make every child matter. In this paper we present the case of the Coalfields Alternatives to Exclusion (CATE) strategy in which pupils at risk of permanent exclusion are offered the opportunity to start afresh in a new school. Without the stigma of exclusion, pupils are able to develop new relationships with peers and teachers and enhance self-esteem. We argue that this system of managed moves, despite some difficulties and challenges, offers an insight into the ways in which feelings of mattering can be translated into new behaviours and intentions. This we suggest provides pupils with a positive opportunity to resume their education and to be genuinely included in the life of their new school.


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Bullying is a serious problem in schools. This paper reports on a project in which the authors worked with a group of secondary students in an innovative school in the north of England to research issues of bullying and safety. The student researchers used photographs to stimulate conversations with focus groups of their peers. The data showed that while there was little serious bullying in the school, there was an everyday practice of name-calling, isolation, and physical hassling associated with the formation and maintenance of a hierarchy of sub-cultural groupings in the school. The students’ research not only challenges the notion of bullying as necessarily involving a perpetrator and victim, but also offers a lens through which to examine the imbrication of educational differentiation via setting, testing and choice with youth identification practices. It is suggested that this project also has implications for the ways in which one understands and works for inclusion.


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Girls should increasingly participate in the health benefits of team sports learning opportunities. Boys need to not neglect academic learning goals in favour of team sports rewards that are highly valued by peers. Co-curricularly disengaged boys need to participate in co-curricular learning activities that provide opportunities for boys to succeed.


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Using international concepts of best practice, the research showed that Thai student teacher's practicum is enhanced if there are systematic and sustained opportunities to participate in reflective discussion with peers and lecturers. The research used the Buddhist concept of Kalayanamitr as a metaphor for the relationship between professional practice and reflection on that practice. This research sets new directions for teacher education and educational research in Thailand.


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Emotional intelligence includes one's ability to identify, use, understand and manage emotions. This thesis indicates that, when compared to peers with no convictions and those with violent convictions, adolescent sexual offenders have lower levels of emotional intelligence in general and, that, in particular, they had problems identifying, using and managing their emotions.


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The thesis found that men received information about the ideal male body from perceived media messages and peers through encouragement, teasing, or modelled behaviours. Body mass index (BMI) also influenced participant's perceptions of their body-image and the strategies they used to change their shape. Sexual partners generally held positive views of men's body shape and weight. The portfolio examines the barriers experienced by individuals with co-occuring disorders within the current treatment system, by analysing four case studies.


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The thesis study was a cross-cultural comparison of the biopsychosocial predictors of body image perception and ideals among 294 Australian and 101 Fijian adolescents. The results demonstrated similarities across cultural groups, but parents, peers and the media were stronger influences for Fijians. These findings have implications for body image intervention programs.The portfolio presented a thorough review of the evidence for the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) treatment option for adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD). Four case studies are presented.


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This study investigated the social context in which the learning of mathematics occured. It examined the practices of schools and mathematics in order to identify the ways in which they contributed to the construction of social difference. Accordingly, this study was concerned with how schools and mathematics classrooms contribute to working-class students lack of success in mathematics. The differences that occurred in these practices could be seen to contribute to the different outcomes likely to occur in the later years of schooling. It was argued that these differences mean that students from middle-classes would be more likely to undertake and be successful in the study of mathematics than their working-class peers.


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Examines Australian nationalism from the 1890s onwards through the interaction between cultural stereotypes of the feminine and issues of identity, citizenship and political constructions of "democracy". The employment of an idealised masculine aesthetic as catalyst to creating an imagined state was compared in Australia and Wilhelmine Germany.


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Background: Underpinning the Department of Human Services (DHS) “Future directions for Victoria’s maternity services” strategy in Victoria, are the principles of achieving the right balance between primary level care and access to appropriate levels of medical care by making the best use of the complementary skills of midwives, GPs and obstetricians. Planning new models of care have exposed a need to upskill many clinicians in providing evidence based pregnancy care. A statewide education program conducts 1 day workshops to multidisciplinary forums in Victoria. The program content is developed with each service and simulation activities are incorporated in the workshop to provide a realistic environment for practising skills related to the implementation of clinical practice guidelines.

Post workshop surveys are completed anonymously by participants using a five point Likert scale to evaluate their experiences in peer learning, the use of simulation, reflective practice and communication skills training. Open ended responses were analysed thematically.

Results: In 2007, 14 workshops were conducted with 254 clinicians attending. The survey response rate was 80%. Participants responded ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that the workshop: enhanced their ability to access current pregnancy care research and information 193/ 204(95%), challenged them to think more broadly 192/204(94%), provided an opportunity to reflect on their communication skills during the simulation actives 197/201 (96%) and provided a valuable opportunity for observing the communication skills of their peers 197/ 201(98%).

Conclusion: Providing opportunities for peer learning in pregnancy education is valuable and the use of simulation can play an important role in overcoming barriers to implementing guidelines.


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Femoral (or groin) injecting is an emerging public health challenge to all drug-related services within the UK. Recent work in the area has proposed that groin injecting in the UK has moved from being a ‘risk boundary’ to an ‘acceptable behaviour’. This article uses data from 10 in-depth qualitative interviews with service users from a supervised injectable opiate treatment service in South London to report on pathways to, and reasons for, groin injecting. Our findings indicate that even though groin injecting constitutes a risk boundary for some injectors, the practice is no longer heavily stigmatised and is perceived by some to be an acceptable risk. Narratives also pointed to the importance of peers in the initiation of groin injecting. Interviewees described the groin as a site of ‘last resort’ in contrast to ‘convenience’ groin injectors described in some previous research. We conclude that it might be helpful to distinguish between convenience and last resort groin injectors and support the call for innovative interventions which aim to reduce modelling of groin injection and which promote social norms supportive of using peripheral injecting sites.


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This paper reports on robotic and haptic technologies and capabilities developed for the law enforcement and defence community within Australia by the Centre for Intelligent Systems Research (CISR). The OzBot series of small and medium surveillance robots have been designed in Australia and evaluated by law enforcement and defence personnel to determine suitability and ruggedness in a variety of environments. Using custom developed digital electronics and featuring expandable data busses including RS485, I2C, RS232, video and Ethernet, the robots can be directly connected to many off the shelf payloads such as gas sensors, x-ray sources and camera systems including thermal and night vision. Differentiating the OzBot platform from its peers is its ability to be integrated directly with haptic technology or the 'haptic bubble' developed by CISR. Haptic interfaces allow an operator to physically 'feel' remote environments through position-force control and experience realistic force feedback. By adding the capability to remotely grasp an object, feel its weight, texture and other physical properties in real-time from the remote ground control unit, an operator's situational awareness is greatly improved through Haptic augmentation in an environment where remote-system feedback is often limited.


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Despite early diagnosis, early fitting of more advanced sensory aids, early intervention, and intensive educational management, many children with severe to profound hearing loss are delayed in their acquisition of spoken language compared with their peers with normal hearing. More...Some of the greatest challenges facing educators of deaf children include determining where to focus intervention in order to maximise benefit, and establishing the most effective strategies for the development of age-appropriate language. The experimental research in this book examined the relationship between hearing, speech production, and vocabulary knowledge, and investigated the contributions of these factors to the overall speech perception performance of deaf children. This research also investigated the areas in which intervention would be most beneficial, and examined the effects of different types of intervention on the development of spoken language and speech perception skills in deaf children. The evaluation, analysis and intervention methods reported in this book provide an experimentally validated program for improving speech perception, speech production and spoken language skills of deaf children.


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This thesis explored cognitive function in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome. Counter to what has been found in adults, adolescents with CFS performed as well as their peers on demanding tests of executive function, information processing, memory and attention. The results suggest that CFS might impact differently on the developing brain. The portfolio used a case study approach to examine the effectiveness and utility of Finn's Therapeutic Assessment model in four clients.


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This thesis investigated factors that facilitate successful engagement with psychiatric treatment among young patients experiencing first-onset psychosis. The results revealed the importance of the treatment setting and key relationships in achieving engagement. Service delivery implications include the need for a social relationship model between clinicians, patients, and their peers.