196 resultados para Patient-Centered Care


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There has been little investigation of the issues associated with caring for patients presenting for cardiac surgery with a comorbid diagnosis of diabetes although there is some evidence that the diabetes management is suboptimal. This study aimed to identify issues that patients and cardiac specialist nurses experience with the provision of inpatient services for people undergoing cardiac surgery who also have type 2 diabetes. A qualitative interpretive design, using individual interviews with patients and nurses, provided data about some of these issues. The study found that nurses had high levels of confidence in their cardiac care but little confidence in diabetes management. Patients described concerns about their diabetes care and treatment regimens. A 'typical journey' for a person with diabetes undergoing cardiac surgery was identified. The findings support the need to build increased capacity in specialist nurses to support diabetes care as a secondary diagnosis.


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Educational preparation for critical care nursing in Australia varies considerably in terms of the level of qualification resulting in a lack of clarity for key stakeholders about student outcomes.

The study aim was to identify and reach consensus regarding the desired learning outcomes from Australian post-registration critical care education programs as demonstrated through the graduate's knowledge, skills and attitudes.

A Delphi technique was used to establish consensus between educators, managers, clinicians and students regarding learning outcomes expected of graduates with a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level qualification in critical care nursing.

A total of 164 critical care nurses (66 clinicians, 48 educators, 32 managers and 18 students) participated and 99 questionnaires were returned in the first round (response rate 60%). Fifty-seven questionnaires were returned for Round 2 (response rate 58%).

Learning outcomes were obtained from the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Competency Standards for Specialist Critical Care Nurses. Some statements included more than one characteristic, and these were split to create learning outcomes with one characteristic per item. A survey of Australian higher education providers of critical care education provided additional learning outcomes, for a total of 73 learning outcomes for the first Delphi round.

Findings suggest that patient comfort, safety, professional responsibility and ethical conduct are deemed most important for all three levels of educational preparation. There was a lack of emphasis on clinical practice issues for all levels. Participants placed higher emphasis on learning outcomes related to complex decision-making, leadership, supervision, policy development and research for Graduate Diploma and Master level programs.

The findings have implications for curriculum development and the profession with regards to the level of educational preparation required of critical care nurses and suggest that further work is required before clear recommendations can be made for desired educational outcomes from critical care nursing programs in Australia.


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Reality Orientation (RO) was developed as a strategy to assist people with dementia to improve their orientation and everyday function. Although its efficacy has been extensively studied in long-term care facilities, its effectiveness has rarely been examined in acute care settings. The aim of this review was to examine the studies cited in systematic reviews of RO to determine the potential clinical usefulness and the feasibility of using RO in acute care settings. Based on this information, the authors make recommendations for future research in this area. The feasibility of implementing RO in acute care poses challenges because of the short time a patient is in hospital and their ability to participate given their acute medical condition. Although the efficacy and feasibility of using RO in acute care settings have not been sufficiently examined, its potential to improve care should not be ignored. A comprehensive and rigorous study is necessary to investigate the usefulness of RO in the acute care setting and to help establish clinical guidelines for dementia care in the context of acute care nursing.


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Aim and objectives: This article reports on the current discharge planning beliefs in relation to the co-ordination of the discharge planning process in the critical care environment in the health care system in the state of Victoria, Australia. As there is a paucity of previous studies examining discharge planning in critical care nursing knowledge about the phenomena is consequently limited. Background: The study reported here is part of a larger study exploring critical care nurses' perceptions and understanding of the discharge planning process in the health care system in the state of Victoria, Australia. While a number of different discharge planning models are reported in the literature there is no agreement on the most effective or the most efficient model. Design: An exploratory descriptive research design was used for this study. Methods: A total of 502 Victorian critical care nurses were approached to take part in the study. A total of 218 participants completed the survey, which represented a nett response rate of 43·4%. The data from the questionnaire were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Base 10.0. This allowed calculation of descriptive statistics and statistical analysis using chi-square test for goodness-of-fit.  Results: While just over half the participants reported that the discharge planning process in their unit was co-ordinated by a combination of personnel that included a nurse, just under half the participants believed that this was an appropriate model. Another key finding was of those participants who worked in critical care units using primary nursing, just over half responded that the bedside nurse/primary nurse co-ordinated the discharge planning process while just under half responded that a combination of health care team members, including a nurse, co-ordinated the process. Overall there was little support for the designated discharge planning nurse to co-ordinate the process. Conclusions: The findings presented here suggest critical care nurses need to examine who has the ultimate responsibility of co-ordinating the critical care patient's discharge plan irrespective of the nursing model employed within the critical care ward. There is the need to ensure that when discharge planning becomes everybody's responsibility it ultimately does not become no-one's responsibility. Relevance to clinical practice: If discharge planning practices are to be changed with the introduction of new discharge planning models in the critical care environment then it is important not only to know current practice but also the perceptions of critical care nurses in terms of who they believe should co-ordinate the discharge planning process.


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Background: Behavioral symptoms of dementia are common among residents in mainstream aged care settings, and have a substantial impact on residents and professional caregivers. This study evaluated the impact of individualized psychosocial interventions for behavioral symptoms through a small preliminary study.
Method: Interventions were delivered to a patient group of 31 psychogeriatric aged care residents who presented with behavioral symptoms of dementia that had failed to respond to pharmacological treatment approaches. Outcome data on severity of behaviors, health service utilization and staff burden of care were collected.
Results: A modest but significant reduction in staff ratings of the severity of aggressive and verbally agitated behavioral symptoms was found, with an associated reduction in their perceptions of the burden of caring for these patients. Reduced behavioral disturbance was associated with a reduction in the requirement for primary care consultations, and all participants were able to continue to reside in mainstream aged care facilities, despite an increase in the severity of dementia.
Conclusions: This study supported the use of individualized psychological strategies for behavioral symptoms at all stages of dementia. Methodological limitations of this preliminary study are discussed.


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Anecdotally, it has often been expressed by registered nurses (RNs) working within critical care environments that they are patient advocates. However, to date, little systematic research has been undertaken to validate this assertion. Thus this project, which explored the lived experience of RNs working within a critical care unit in a country area of Australia, was conceived.

The five participants of this study were all Division 1 RNs possessing a critical care certificate and a minimum of 4 years' nursing experience. Through their participation in an in-depth audiotaped interview they revealed a wealth of experiences and ideas about their involvement as patient advocates. The results of this research indicate that the phenomenon of nurse advocacy is a multi-faceted process and embraces many kinds of activities that nurses engage in on behalf of their clients.

The findings of this study indicate that some of the participants' experiences are congruent with elements of advocacy contained within the nursing literature and statements of professional nursing bodies. However, there are some findings in this study that are not consistent with available literature. For instance, these participants markedly reject the notion that advocacy is an inappropriate concept for nurses, despite suggestions in the literature that this is an inappropriate role. Instead they wholeheartedly embrace this role, asserting it as central to their practice. Further, although the literature identifies potential controversies regarding enactment of the role of advocacy, the participants of this study are silent on these matters. It is not known what this silence implies and, in light of the study findings, it is recommended that nursing organisations, theorists and clinicians consider whether it is worthwhile to more clearly confirm the nature and role of advocacy within Australian nursing.


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With the advances in health care technology, many surgical procedures are performed as day surgery cases. The provision of day surgery is considered to be a cost effective method of utilising resources, but it does challenge nurses to provide optimal patient care during the patient's short stay in hospital. Patient satisfaction is considered to be an important indicator of quality nursing care. This paper reports on an investigation aimed at assessing patient satisfaction with day surgery in an Australian metropolitan public hospital. One hundred and seven patients completed a recently developed survey assessing patient satisfaction with day surgery. The response rate was 41%. Waiting times, communication, pain management and discharge planning were major areas of patient dissatisfaction. Directions for improvement in day surgery services are discussed.


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Aim. This paper presents findings from a multi-method study exploring the process of care coordination in children's inpatient health care.

Background. Existing work on care coordination is typified by 'black-box' type studies that measure inputs to and outcomes of care coordination roles and practices, without addressing the process of coordination.

Method. Using questionnaires, interviews and observation to collect data in multiple sites in the United Kingdom and Denmark between 1999 and 2005, the study gathered the perceptions of staff and compared these with observed practice. Giddens' structuration theory was used to provide an analytical and explanatory framework.

Findings. Current care coordination practice is diverse and inconsistent. It involves a wide range of clinical and non-clinical staff, many of whom perceive a lack of clarity about who should perform specific coordination activities. Staff draw upon a wide range of different material and non-material resources in coordinating care, the use of which is governed by largely tacit and informal rules.

Conclusions. Care coordination can be usefully conceptualized as a 'structurated' process – one that is continually produced and reproduced by staff using rules and resources to 'instantiate' or bring about care coordination through action. Potentially negative implications of this are manifested in diversity and inconsistency in care coordination practice. However, positive aspects such as the opportunity this provides to tailor care to the needs of the individual patient can be realized.


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The nurse practitioner is emerging as a new level and type of health care. Increasing specialisation and advanced educational opportunities in nursing and the inequality in access to health care for sectors of the community have established the conditions under which the nurse practitioner movement has strengthened both nationally and internationally. The boundaries of responsibility for nurses are changing, not only because of increased demands but also because nurses have demonstrated their competence in varied extended and expanded practice roles. The nurse practitioner role reflects the continuing development of the nursing profession and substantially extends the career path for clinical nurses.

This paper describes an aspect of a large-scale investigation into the feasibility of the role of the nurse practitioner in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) health care system. The paper reports on the trial of practice for a wound care nurse practitioner model in a tertiary institution. In the trial the wound care nurse practitioner worked in an extended practice role for 10 months. The nurse practitioner practice was supported, monitored and mentored by a clinical support team. Data were collected relating to a range of outcomes including definition of the scope of practice for the model, description of patient demographics and outcomes and the efficacy of the nurse practitioner service.

The findings informed the development of clinical protocols that define the scope of practice and the parameters of the wound care nurse practitioner model and provided information on the efficacy of this model of health care for the tertiary care environment. The findings further suggest that this model brings expert wound care and case management to an at-risk patient population. Recommendations are made relating to ongoing research into the role of the wound care nurse practitioner model in the ACT health care system.


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Sedation protocols are increasingly being investigated as a method of achieving improved patient outcomes whilst guiding the decision making of both nursing and medical practitioners. However, only a limited number of studies have investigated the perceptions of staff towards a sedation protocol during its implementation. This study was designed to survey the perceptions of staff regarding the implementation of a sedation protocol in an Australian intensive care unit (ICU). Questionnaires were distributed to all multidisciplinary team members who had used the sedation protocol. The response rate was 50% (n=70). The questionnaire combined the use of visual analogue scales plus a comments section to obtain qualitative data.

The results revealed that staff perceived sedation management to be enhanced with the use of a protocol and therefore should be incorporated into routine clinical practice. Staff perceived that providing clear guidelines that facilitated decision making and assisted beginner practitioners enhanced sedation management. In addition, there was a perceived improvement in the patient outcomes, including a decrease in the frequency of over-sedation resulting in a reduced ICU stay.

Positive perceptions may assist in the introduction of other interventional protocols. Other protocols may target areas where variability in clinical decision making exists, despite research evidence that supports specific therapeutic interventions. Further studies addressing protocol implementation for clinical interventions are warranted in other ICU settings.


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Despite an ongoing acknowledgement in the literature that pain is a significant problem within the critical care environment, this issue has not been adequately addressed by critical care nurses. This paper examines strategies for changing pain management practices in critical care, including reviewing documentation practices, the utilisation of guidelines and algorithms to augment clinical decision making, and increasing educational opportunities available to critical care nurses. It is recommended that pain assessment be given a higher priority within the clinical context, particularly as inadequate pain assessment and management has been linked to increased morbidity and mortality within critical care. Importantly, critical care nurses need to not only be aware of research-based pain management practices, but also lead the way in implementation and continuous evaluation as a measure of decreasing patient pain in the future.


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Background : Optimising the use of electronic data offers many opportunities to health services, particularly in rural and remote areas. These include reducing the effect of distance on access to clinical information and sharing information where there are multiple service providers for a single patient. The increasing compilation of large electronic databases of patient information and the ease with which electronic information can be transferred has raised concerns about the privacy and confidentiality of such records.
Aims & rationale/Objectives : This review aims to identify legal and ethical standards for areas of electronic governance where a lack of clarity may currently impede innovation in health service delivery.
Methods : This paper describes best practices for storage and transfer of electronic patient data based on an examination of Australian legislative requirements and a review of a number of current models. This will firstly allow us to identify basic legal requirements of electronic governance as well as areas of ambiguity not fully addressed by legislation. An examination of current models will suggest recommendations for best practice in areas lacking sufficient legal guidance.
Principal findings : We have identified the following four areas of importance, and shall discuss relevant details:
1) Patients' right of ownership to electronic patient records. 2) Custodial issues with data stored in centralised health care institutions 3) IT Security, including hierarchical level access, data encryption, data transfer standards and physical security 4) Software applications usage.
Discussion : Our examination of several models of best practice for the transfer of electronic patient data, both in Australia and internationally, identifies and clarifies many unresolved issues of electronic governance. This paper will also inform future policy in this area.
Implications : Clarification will facilitate the future development of beneficial technology-based innovations by rural health services.
Presentation type : Poster


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Acutely ill patients are commonly found on general hospital wards; some of these are patients who have been recently discharged from an intensive care unit (ICU). These patients may require a higher level of care than other ward patients and, due to the acuity of their illness, are at risk of readmission to ICU. Research has indicated that patients readmitted to ICU have mortality rates up to six times higher than those not readmitted and are eleven times more likely to die in hospital. Numerous studies have retrospectively examined these readmissions but, despite this, there is still no clear indication of why ICU readmissions occur or what the common characteristics of readmitted patients are. This literature review examines the published studies on patients who have been readmitted to ICU. Further research is needed to explore why readmissions to ICU occur and the type of patient who is at greatest risk for readmission.


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In November 2002, in what stands as one of the most significant whistleblowing cases in the history of the Australian health care system, four nurses went public with concerns they had about the management of clinical incidents and patient safety at two hospitals in Sydney, New South Wales. The handling of this case and its aftermath raises important moral questions concerning the nature of whistleblowing in health care domains and the possible implications for the patient safety and quality of care movement in Australia. This paper presents an overview of the case, the moral risks associated with whistleblowing, and some lessons learned.