185 resultados para Moments of being


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Background. Physical education (PE) aims to enhance self-esteem, develop sporting interests and to encourage a physically active life-style. However, little is known about how a fear of negative evaluation (FNE), the socially evaluative aspect of social anxiety, affects children's attitudes to PE.

Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between perceived athletic competence and FNE within PE lessons, specifically looking at differences between boys and girls and primary and secondary schools.

Sample. The participants were 192 children in three primary schools (N=85, mean age=9.5±1.1 years) and two secondary schools (N=107, mean age=14.5±0.8 years) from rural areas of North Wales and the Midlands region of England.

The participants completed the Brief-FNE Scale and the Self-Perception Profile for Children immediately post-lesson on one occasion.

Results. Girls had higher FNE but lower perceptions of athletic competence than did boys. Older girls had higher FNE and lower perceived competence than the remaining three groups. Additionally, a significant and reverse but weak correlation was observed between girls' perceived athletic competence and FNE.

The findings suggest that girls with a high FNE report lower perceptions of their athletic competence. Individuals who are high in FNE behave in ways to avoid the prospect of being evaluated negatively. However, they may seek feedback from significant others as a signal that unfavourable evaluations have been avoided. Therefore, positive, encouraging feedback used in child-centred learning strategies may foster feelings of competence in boys and girls and could reduce the girls' social anxiety.


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The polymerization of lithium 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulphonic acid with N,N′-dimethylacrylamide has yielded polyelectrolyte gels which have the favourable property of being single ion conductors. The use of single ion conductors ensures that the transport number of lithium is close to unity. The mobility of the lithium ion is still quite low in these systems, resulting in low ionic conductivity. To increase ionic conductivity more charge carriers can be added however competing effects arise between increasing the number of charge carriers and decreasing the mobility of these charge carriers. In this paper the monomer ratio of the copolymer polyelectrolyte is varied to investigate the effect increasing the number of charge carriers has on the ionic conductivity and lithium ion and solvent diffusivity using pfg-NMR. Ion dissociators such as TiO2 nano-particles and a zwitterionic compound based on 1-butylimidazolium-3-(N-butanesulfonate) have been added in an attempt to further increase the ionic conductivity of the system. It was found that the system with the highest ionic conductivity had the lowest solvent mobility in the presence of zwitterion. Without zwitterion the mobility of the solvent appears to determine the maximum ionic conductivity achievable.


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According to dielectric spectroscopy measurements, ionic liquids (ILs) have rather modest dielectric constants that reflect contributions from distortion and electronic polarization caused by the molecular polarizability as well as the orientation polarization caused by the permanent dipole moment of the ions. To understand the relative importance of these various contributions, the electronic polarizabilities of 27 routinely used ionic liquid ions of different symmetry and size were calculated using ab initio-based methods such as HF and MP2. Using the Clausius–Mossotti equation, these polarizabilities were then used to obtain the electronic polarization contribution (εop) to the dielectric constants of six ionic liquids, [C2mim][BF4], [C2mpyr][N(CN)2], [C2mim][CF3SO3], [EtNH3][NO3], [C2mim][NTf2] and [C2mim][EtSO4]. Theoretical εop values were compared to experimental refractive indices of these ionic liquids as well as to those of traditional molecular solvents such as water, tetrahydrofuran (THF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and formamide. The dipole moments of the ions were also calculated, and from these it is shown that the molecular reorientation component of the dielectric constants of the ionic liquids consisting of ions with small or negligible dipole moments is quite small. Thus it is concluded that a contribution from a form of “ionic polarization” must be present.


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Purpose – The workplace is an ideal setting to promote physical activity. The purpose of this study is to examine associations with physical activity at and around the workplace.
Design/methodology/approach – Participants were recruited from a random sample of employed adults (n ¼ 1; 107) in capital cities and major regional centres in Australia. Self-reported barriers and participation in physical activity at and around the workplace were assessed. A multivariable logistic regression model adjusting for age, sex, occupational status, and overall physical activity assessed the odds of being active in this setting.
FindingsOf participants, 61 percent perceived being active in the workplace. Those who perceived their work colleagues and managers to be physically active, and those who indicated that their workplace provides facilities to support them being active had higher odds of being physically active at or around the workplace.
Research limitations/implications – A poor response rate, physically active sample and cross-sectional analysis prevent inferences about the causality of the findings.
Originality/value – The paper provides evidence of the potential for the multiple levels of influence on physical activity at and around the workplace.


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This note provides a comprehensive treatment on the design of functional observers for linear systems having a time-varying delay in the state variables. The designed observers possess attractive features of being low-order and delay-free and hence they are cost effective and easy to implement. Existence conditions are derived and a design procedure for finding low-order observers is given.


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Barak Obama, orator extraordinaire, the embodiment of the American success myth, 'global' prophet of the adoring masses and multi-media auratic figure, is the leading illustration of what is the expanded nexus of celebrity, spectacle and politics in the age of what Zygmund Bauman refers to as liquid modernity or 'the era of disembedding without re-embedding' (2001, p. 89). This is the era in which a traumatic sense of fear, uncertainty and transience defines one's relationship to the nation state, and social (media) centre, as they lose their economic singularity and cultural coherency and cohesiveness in a world system ever inter-connected and driven increasingly, incessantly by supra-corporate concerns and spectacular celebrity-based presentations. In this world of 'togetherness dismantled' (Bauman 2003, p. 119), the disenfranchised individual feels they cannot meet the trans-capital intensive, show reel-like, boundaryless world on solid ground. That adoration, or a liquefied definition of it, is key to this imagined and affective communion between Obama and those who adore him, suggests that there is a terrible wanting and simultaneous waning to those who look for such rootedness and the promise of deliverance in the celebrity political figure. This is a charismatic authority figure who promises this solidity yet streams in and out of material view, unable to fix or properly propagate their communion beyond triumphant spectacularism. Their 'lightness of being' (ibid, p. 123-9) is powerfully seductive and decidedly empty because it echoes the instantaneous (instant) way in which all lives are increasingly led. I will suggest that liquid celebrity is one of the cornerstones of liquid modernity, and Barack Obama is the epitome of this 'runniness'.


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John Dewey's 'religious attitude' has great potential for the educative development of children's spirituality. This is because it enables their spiritual understandings to become more intelligently composed - not just in a cognitive or hyper-rational sense, but as a way of being. This paper provides an outline of Dewey's approach, which is described as being democratic, inquiry based, and 'scientific'. Such an approach therefore offers a contrast to other more epistemologically focused curricula which attempt to educate a person's spirituality. In order to make the case for the potential educative value of such an attitude, a brief review of Dewey's approach to education shall be offered, in which the notions of inquiry, democracy, and 'science' shall be highlighted to make the case that such attributes might be necessary for spiritual education if the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization's goal of attaining world peace is to ever become possible.


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This paper examines the matter of Ireland in Buckley’s two memoirs, Cutting Green Hay (1983) and Memory Ireland (1985), and the poems of The Pattern (1979), in order to revisit critically the ways in which he constructs himself as a diasporic Irish-Australian, a participant in the most remote Gaeltacht. It raises questions of victimhood, of similar and different experience of being at the mercy of the land, and of his re-engineering of the place of the political in poetry. It argues that Buckley’s agonized positioning as Ireland’s ‘guest/foreigner/son’ was a project that was doomed by its utopianism, and that, obsessed as he became with Ireland, the angst within had little to do with ‘the Ireland within’ or without. The paper suggests that the poet’s slow and unacknowledged abandonment in his Irish period of a key tenet of modernism, its distrust of propaganda and the political, is in itself a new formation which had some continuity with the radicalism of his thinking during the formative years of the revolutionary catholic apostolate he led both at the University of Melbourne and nationally. It also points to the deployment of an ancient medieval Irish trope, that of the ocean (rather than a landmass) linking a dispersed community, as one of the ways the poetry effects a resolution of the issues of being ‘Irish’ in a remote country.


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1. The potential for seed dispersal by fish (ichthyochory) will vary among aquatic plants because of differences in seed size and morphology.

2. To examine how seed morphology influences the probability of dispersal by the common carp (Cyprinus carpio), we studied seed ingestion, retention time and subsequent egestion and germination of seeds of Sparganium emersum and Sagittaria sagittifolia, two aquatic plant species with similar sized but morphologically different seeds.

3. We compared dispersal probabilities between the two plant species, in which the probability of dispersal is assumed to be a function of the probabilities of seed ingestion, egestion and germination, and the dispersal distance is assumed to be a function of seed egestion rate over time.

4. We found that, although the soft seeds of S. sagittifolia had an approximately 1.5 times higher probability of being ingested by the carp than the hard seeds of S. emersum (83.15% ± 1.8% versus 56.16% ± 2.7%, respectively), the latter had an almost twofold higher probability of surviving the passage through the digestive tract (38.58% ± 2.7% versus 20.97% ± 1.5%, respectively). Patterns of seed egestion over time did not differ between the two plant species, despite the difference in seed morphology. Gut passage had a different effect on seed germination between plant species. Compared with non-ingested controls, seeds of S. emersum showed a 12.6% increase in germination and a 2.1 day acceleration in germination rate, whereas seeds of S. sagittifolia displayed a 47.3% decrease and 5.1 day delay, respectively.

5. Our results suggest that seed morphology affects the dispersal probability and postdispersal establishment, but not the dispersal distance, of aquatic plants that are dispersed by fish.


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We have reported previously that long-term participation of weight-bearing exercise is associated with increased QCT-derived cortical bone size and strength in middle-aged and older men, but not whole bone cortical volumetric BMD. However, since bone remodeling and the distribution of loading-induced strains within cortical bone are non-uniform, the aim of this study was to examine the effects of lifetime loading history on cortical bone mass distribution and bone shape in healthy community dwelling middle-aged and older men. We used QCT to assess mid-femur and mid-tibia angular bone mass distribution around its center (polar distribution), the bone density distribution through the cortex (radial distribution), and the ratio between the maximum and minimum moments of inertia (Imax/Imin ratio) in 281 men aged 50 to 79 years. Current (> 50 years) and past (13–50 years) sport and leisure time activity was assessed by questionnaire to calculate an osteogenic index (OI) during adolescence and adulthood. All men were then categorized into a high (H) or low/non impact (L) group according to their OI scores in each period. Three contrasting groups were then formed to reflect weight-bearing impact categories during adolescence and then adulthood: H–H, H–L and L–L. For polar bone mass distribution, bone deposition in the anterolateral, medial and posterior cortices were 6–10% greater at the mid-femur and 9–24% greater at mid-tibia in men in the highest compared to lowest tertile of lifetime loading (p < 0.01– < 0.001). When comparing the influence of contrasting loading history during adolescence and adulthood, there was a graded response between the groups in the distribution of bone mass at the anterior-lateral and posterior regions of the mid-tibia (H–H > H–L > L–L). For radial bone density distribution, there were no statistically significant effects of loading at the mid-femur, but a greater lifetime OI was associated with a non-significant 10–15% greater bone density near the endocortical region of the mid-tibia. In conclusion, a greater lifetime loading history was associated with region-specific adaptations in cortical bone density.


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Under-reporting (UR) of food intake is an issue of concern, as it may distort the relationships studied between diet and health. This topic has been scarcely addressed in children. The objective of the study was to assess the extent of UR in French children and investigate associated covariates. A total of 1455 children aged 3–17 years were taken from the nationally representative cross-sectional French étude Individuelle Nationale des Consommations Alimentaires (INCA2) dietary survey (2006–7). Food intake was reported in a 7 d diet record. Socio-economic status, sedentary behaviour, weight perception variables and food habits were collected by questionnaires. Weight and height were measured. Under-reporters were identified according to the Goldberg criterion adapted to children. Multivariate logistic regressions investigated the associations between UR and covariates. Rates of under-reporters were 4·9 and 26·0 % in children aged 3–10 and 11–17 years, respectively (P < 0·0001), without significant differences between boys and girls. Overall, UR was positively associated with a lower socio-economic status, overweight, skipping breakfast and dinner, a higher contribution of proteins to energy intake (EI), and a lower contribution of simple carbohydrates to EI. Under-reporters aged 3–10 years also had a higher sedentary behaviour and a lower snack-eating frequency. In adolescents, UR was also associated with a less-frequent school canteen attendance, a perception of being overweight, a wish to weigh less, and current and past restrictive diets. In conclusion, under-reporters differ from plausible reporters in several characteristics related to diet, lifestyle, weight status and socio-economic status. Therefore, it is important to consider this differential UR bias when investigating diet–disease associations in children.


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Background: People with an intellectual disability whose behaviours are perceived to be of serious harm to themselves or others are at risk of being subjected to restrictive interventions. Prevalence rates are difficult to determine, as most research is unable to draw on the results of population-level data.

Method: The current study reports on the use of chemical and mechanical restraint and seclusion in the State of Victoria, Australia, over a 12-month period.

Results: The majority of people included were subjected to chemical restraint. The use of restraint was found to be routine rather than a strategy of last resort. Consistent with findings in the UK and USA, those subjected to restrictive interventions were more likely to be young males with multiple disabilities, including autism.

Conclusions: Systemic policy and procedural developments are needed to address current use of restrictive interventions, together with a longitudinal study to evaluate the effectiveness, of alternative, non-restrictive strategies.


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Bones adapt to prevalent loading, which comprises mainly forces caused by muscle contractions. Therefore, we hypothesized that similar associations would be observed between neuromuscular performance and rigidity of bones located in the same body segment. These associations were assessed among 221 premenopausal women representing athletes in high-impact, odd-impact, highmagnitude, repetitive low-impact, and repetitive nonimpact sports and physically active referents aged 17–40 years. The whole group mean age and body mass were 23 (5) and 63 (9) kg, respectively. Bone cross sections at the tibial and fibular mid-diaphysis were assessed with peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT). Density-weighted polar section modulus (SSI) and minimal and maximal crosssectional moments of inertia (Imin, Imax) were analyzed. Bone morphology was described as the Imax/Imin ratio. Neuromuscular performance was assessed by maximal power during countermovement jump (CMJ). Tibial SSI was 31% higher in the high-impact, 19% in the odd-impact, and 30% in the repetitive low-impact groups compared with the reference group (P\0.005). Only the high-impact group differed from the referents in fibular SSI (17%, P\0.005). Tibial morphology differed between groups (P = 0.001), but fibular morphology did not (P = 0.247). The bone-bygroup interaction was highly significant (P\0.001). After controlling for height, weight, and age, the CMJ peak power correlated moderately with tibial SSI (r = 0.31, P\0.001) but not with fibular SSI (r = 0.069, P = 0.313). In conclusion, observed differences in the association between neuromuscular performance and tibial and fibular traits suggest
that the tibia and fibula experience different loading


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This literature review explored the extant literature to further our understanding of the experience of being a parent on dialysis.
Keywords used to search the literature were haemodialysis, hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease, end stage renal disease, parent and experience. Databases searched included CINAHL, Medline, Wiley/Blackwell, EBSCOHost, Web of Science, Pubmed, and ProQuest. Years included were 1999 to 2009. Seventeen primary research articles (sixteen qualitative, one mixed methods) met the search criteria with only one on parents undergoing dialysis.
The experience of the parent on dialysis has rarely been explored in the literature. Related research has indicated important themes including: restricted lives; relationships; adjustment; consequences and future outlook.
More should be known about challenges that face parents who receive dialysis. This review established an urgent need for further research to determine the experiences and needs of this population to provide empirical, person-centred nursing care.


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The ways that we have invented for knowing young people are governmentalised. This governmentalisation produces powerful incentives to conform to the rule-bound and institutionalised knowledge practices that institutions, government departments, corporations, and NGOs understand as being capable of telling truths about young people and about risk. I argue that knowledge practices in the social sciences should trouble what counts as truth, as evidence, and the ways in which these truths can be produced.

These interests will be examined through a discussion of the ways in which Tim Winton's novel Breath can be read as an allegorical tale about the terror of being ordinary: and of the teenage years as being a time in a life in which the fear of being ordinary compels Winton's key characters to seek out, sometimes stumble upon that which promises to make their's a life less ordinary. Here risk is something that breathes energy and purpose into lifeworlds that are dominated by the institutionalised ordinariness of family, school, and work. As an allegorical tale told from the vantage point of hindsight, Breath unsettles what it is that the social sciences can tell us about youth (as becoming) and risk (as mitigated by prudential foresight).