134 resultados para Literary object


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This thesis examines looking in literary and filmic representations to discover its aims and capacities beyond the conventional interpretations of the act as voyeurism.


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This article considers the relation between L'Etranger and Caligula, with Camus' philosophical discourse. It aims at mediocra firma between the idea that the literary 'absurds' just illustrate Camus' philosophy; and the idea that they are wholly autonomous from that philosophy. Following threads from Camus' own responses to Melville, du Gard and others, we argue that Meursault and the crazed emperor Caligula are not illustrations of the absurd, let alone Camusian ethical ideals. They embody 'temptations' to forms of philosophical suicide and murder Camus systematically opposed in his philosophical writings, whose paradigm in The Rebel is the Marquis de Sade. Rather than rebelling against the unjust irrationality of the world, these figures (either passively or actively) become agents of this irrationality. Camus the man, or his thinking, should not be identified with them, as such, any more than Shakespeare should be identified with his Iago, or sundry other villains.


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The purpose of this study is to prove the convergence of the simultaneous estimation of the optical flow and object state (SEOS) method. The SEOS method utilizes dynamic object parameter information when calculating optical flow in tracking a moving object within a video stream. Optical flow estimation for the SEOS method requires the minimization of an error function containing the object's physical parameter data. When this function is discretized, the Euler-Lagrange equations form a system of linear equations. The system is arranged such that its property matrix is positive definite symmetric, proving the convergence of the Gauss-Seidel iterative methods. The system of linear equations produced by SEOS can alternatively be resolved by Jacobi iterative schemes. The positive definite symmetric property is not sufficient for Jacobi convergence. The convergence of SEOS for a block diagonal Jacobi is proved by analysing the Euclidean norm of the Jacobi matrix. In this paper, we also investigate the use of SEOS for tracking individual objects within a video sequence. The illustrations provided show the effectiveness of SEOS for localizing objects within a video sequence and generating optical flow results.


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Deformation is the direct cause of heritage object collapse. It is significant to monitor and signal the early warnings of the deformation of heritage objects. However, traditional heritage object monitoring methods only roughly monitor a simple-shaped heritage object as a whole, but cannot monitor complicated heritage objects, which may have a large number of surfaces inside and outside. Wireless sensor networks, comprising many small-sized, low-cost, low-power intelligent sensor nodes, are more useful to detect the deformation of every small part of the heritage objects. Wireless sensor networks need an effective mechanism to reduce both the communication costs and energy consumption in order to monitor the heritage objects in real time. In this paper, we provide an effective heritage object deformation detection and tracking method using wireless sensor networks (EffeHDDT). In EffeHDDT, we discover a connected core set of sensor nodes to reduce the communication cost for transmitting and collecting the data of the sensor networks. Particularly, we propose a heritage object boundary detecting and tracking mechanism. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that our EffeHDDT method outperforms the existing methods in terms of network traffic and the precision of the deformation detection.


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Object segmentation is widely recognized as one of the most challenging problems in computer vision. One major problem of existing methods is that most of them are vulnerable to the cluttered background. Moreover, human intervention is often required to specify foreground/background priors, which restricts the usage of object segmentation in real-world scenario. To address these problems, we propose a novel approach to learn complementary saliency priors for foreground object segmentation in complex scenes. Different from existing saliency-based segmentation approaches, we propose to learn two complementary saliency maps that reveal the most reliable foreground and background regions. Given such priors, foreground object segmentation is formulated as a binary pixel labelling problem that can be efficiently solved using graph cuts. As such, the confident saliency priors can be utilized to extract the most salient objects and reduce the distraction of cluttered background. Extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms 16 state-of-the-art methods remarkably on three public image benchmarks.


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Melancholia as the invasive presence of an objectRussell GriggIn this chapter I extend Freud’s analysis of mourning, which, I argue, is flawed by being viewed only from the psychological angle. I then turn to melancholia, and argue that Freud’s comparison of mourning and melancholia is misleading. I point out that, as Freud himself recognises, the attack upon the self in melancholia is too devastating for it to be fully understood as internalised aggression against the object, and so some other explanation of the origins of melancholia needs to be found. I then argue for the thesis that the melancholic suffers from the invasive presence of an object and not, as Freud’s work suggests, from an inability to accept the loss of an object. The chapter finished with an examination of Lacan’s related theses on depression and sadness, and examine the connections between mourning and melancholia and what Lacan calls “moral feebleness”.


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Research on celebrity and public persona derives from fundamentally interdisciplinary sources. Although at its core, the study of public personality has been the object of investigations by those more closely associated with media and communication, the key disciplines of sociology, cultural studies, literary studies, political science, social psychology, and even anthropology and history have been part of its analysis. Celebrity identifies the “extra-textual” dimensions of the famous, in which the lives of the renowned are followed, read, and reported. It is a public celebration of individuality that is (but not exclusively) connected to consumer culture and democratic capitalism. Through these larger cultural tropes celebrity has had its strongest affiliations with the contemporary entertainment industries, particularly in terms of how they are covered by the media and the press for further value beyond the cultural forms that are often the origins of stardom—the public individual’s performances in fields such as film, television, sport, and popular music. Celebrity is a site of celebration and derogation in any culture: these public individuals are truly exalted and given a status beyond others, but they are also ridiculed for their believed-to-be unearned credentials for having such a public platform and voice. Moreover, the study of celebrity and public persona is also an investigation into the connection between the populace and these public personalities, where parasocial relations most evident in fandom identify how celebrities embody audiences with an affective connection that is truly powerful in contemporary culture. That power of embodiment and connection that celebrities possess is subsequently exploited by the media industries to promote and sell new connected cultural products. Identifying celebrities as part of a spectrum of public personas links the study of celebrity to the investigation of the celebrated and famed in a variety of professions and fields well beyond entertainment. Thus, the term persona is used in these studies of public personalities to acknowledge the mask that is deployed to present a public version of the self for this external consumption and reading by an audience, a collective, a network, a nation, a citizenry, or a community. Research into public personas has led to related studies of political leadership, self-branding, notoriety in business, and reputation management, and research delves into the presentation of the public self by greater portions of the populace in online cultures. Celebrity and public persona is a field in which research aims to investigate the significance and meaning of various versions of the public self in both contemporary culture and historically.


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Many poets and writers have used Venice and, to a lesser extent, the Veneto as a creative topos. There is both the writing that might be said to belong to the Italian/Venetian literary tradition, as well as the non-Italian tradition of writing Venice, a phenomenon that spans English literature, in particular, from William Shakespeare’s time, to the Romantic period and into the present day. This paper explores my relationship to this creative topos and the writers and writing that are associated with it. In particular, it focuses on the notion of literary nomadism: a method for interacting with the literature of Venice and the Veneto that allows me to find intersections between my own work and that which already exists in a broad historical and literary terrain. Moving between and across the literatures of this region, I argue that it is possible to find multiple points of reference that guide and inform my own poetic responses to it, and which reflect my own subjective nomadism and in-between-ness. By taking such an approach I am able to map my hybrid, transnational and transcultural identity into this space, in order to locate myself—and my writing—in the ‘imagined terrain’ I have chosen as a creative topos.


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An exploration of the fiction of Australian author Tim Winton, investigating his popular and literary appeal.


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Scholarship on Louisa Lawson and the Dawn has necessarily often focussed on the important and wide-ranging achievements of her feminist work for women's legal, social and political rights. Indeed, as Audrey Oldfield notes, "Louisa Lawson was one of the most important figures in the New South Wales woman suffrage movement" (261). However, I want to focus here on the periodical publishing context of the Dawn as a means of pointing to further discussions of Lawson's significance as a poet. Megan Roughley has noted that the Dawn "was a forum for political causes, especially the movement for the emancipation and enfranchisement of women, and, as importantly to Louisa, the temperance movement" (ix), with influential articles appearing on a wide range of important issues including divorce reform. Yet, Lawson's construction of the Dawn was also highly literary from its first issue, with editorial choices and literary references reflecting her awareness of political and feminist literary culture. In addition to references such as the above quotation from Tennyson, Lawson included an epigraph from Joseph Addison's play Cato in the list of contents: "A day, an hour, in virtuous liberty, is worth a whole eternity in bondage." Citing Addison, a significant figure in the American Revolution, demonstrates Lawson's linking of radical class politics with feminism, as well as highlighting the importance of literary dialogues to Lawson's publishing work. Likewise, the concerns of Lawson's poetry are clearly situated within a continuing female tradition, and Lawson's poetry, when examined in the feminist literary context of the Dawn, reveals a radical and sophisticated poetics.