149 resultados para LARGE-STRAIN DEFORMATION


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Scanning white beam X-ray microdiffraction has been used to study the heterogeneous grain deformation in a polycrystalline Mg alloy (MgAZ31). The high spatial resolution achieved on beamline 7.3.3 at the Advanced Light Source provides a unique method to measure the elastic strain and orientation of single grains as a function of applied load. To carry out in-situ measurements a light weight (~0.5kg) tensile stage, capable of providing uniaxial loads of up to 600kg, was designed to collect diffraction data on the loading and unloading cycle. In-situ observation of the deformation process provides insight about the crystallographic deformation mode via twinning and dislocation slip.


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Multiscale modelling of stress and strain partitioning in DP steel was carried out using both realistic microstructure-based RVE models as well as stochastic microstructures generated by Monte Carlo method. The stochastic microstructure models were shown to resemble that of realistic microstructures, enabling research on the specific aspects of the microstructure that could be difficult to control and study during experimental work. One such feature of the realistic microstructures studied in this work was the grain size and microstructure morphology. The microstructures were generated with varying average grain sizes while all other parameters, such as boundary conditions, material properties and volume fractions of martensite and ferrite were kept constant. It is found that the effect of grain size is much more pronounced during the initial localisation of the plastic deformation at and around the interface of the phases. In addition, the decrease in ductility and increase in strength of the DP steels are directly related to the refinement of grain sizes of each phase and the stress-strain partitioning in between them.


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In recent years, advanced high strength steels (AHSS) have been used in a wide range of automotive applications; they may have property variations through the thickness and the properties may also be dependent of prior processing including pre-straining. In order to model forming processes precisely using, for example, finite element analysis, it is important that material input data should adequately reflect these effects. It is known that shape defects in roll forming are related to small strains in material that has undergone prior deformation in a different strain path. Much research has already been performed on the change in the Young’s Modulus once a steel sheet has been plastically deformed,however many of these tests have only been conducted using tensile testing, and therefore may not take into account differences in compressive and tensile unloading. This research investigates the effect of tensile pre-straining on bending behaviour for various types of material;in bending, one half of the sheet will load and unload in compression and hence experience deformation under a reversed stress. Four different materials were pre-strained in tension with 1%, 3%, 7%, 11% and 25% elongation. Using a free bending test, moment curvature diagrams were obtained for bending and unloading. The results showed that the characteristics of the moment curvature diagram depended on the degree of pre-straining; more highly strained samples showed an earlier elastic-plastic transformation and a decreased Young's Modulus during unloading. This was compared to previous literature results using only tensile tests. Our results could influence the modeling of springback in low tension sheet operations, such as roll forming.


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Background: The development of new diagnostic technologies for cerebrovascular diseases requires an understanding of the mechanism behind the growth and rupture of cerebral aneurysms. To provide a comprehensive diagnosis and prognosis of this disease, it is desirable to evaluate wall shear stress, pressure, deformation and strain in the aneurysm region, based on information provided by medical imaging technologies. Methods: In this research, we propose a new cyber-physical system composed of in vitro dynamic strain experimental measurements and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation for the diagnosis of cerebral aneurysms. A CFD simulation and a scaled-up membranous silicone model of a cerebral aneurysm were completed, based on patient-specific data recorded in August 2008. In vitro blood flow simulation was realized with the use of a specialized pump. A vision system was also developed to measure the strain at different regions on the model by way of pulsating blood flow circulating inside the model. Results: Experimental results show that distance and area strain maxima were larger near the aneurysm neck (0.042 and 0.052), followed by the aneurysm dome (0.023 and 0.04) and finally the main blood vessel section (0.01 and 0.014). These results were complemented by a CFD simulation for the addition of wall shear stress, oscillatory shear index and aneurysm formation index. Diagnosis results using imaging obtained in August 2008 are consistent with the monitored aneurysm growth in 2011. Conclusion: The presented study demonstrates a new experimental platform for measuring dynamic strain within cerebral aneurysms. This platform is also complemented by a CFD simulation for advanced diagnosis and prediction of the growth tendency of an aneurysm in endovascular surgery.


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Two distinct substructures were produced in a Ni-30Fe austenitic model alloy by different thermomechanical processing routes. The first substructure largely displayed organized, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, resulting from the deformation at a strain just before the initiation of dynamic recrystallization (DRX). By contrast, the second substructure was more random in character and exhibited complex subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations, formed through DRX. During the post-deformation annealing, the latter substructure revealed a rapid disintegration of dislocation boundaries leading to the formation of dislocation-free grains within a short holding time, though the former largely preserved its characteristics till becoming replaced by growing statically recrystallized grains.


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The microstructure evolution and softening processes occurring in 22Cr-19Ni-3Mo austenitic and 21Cr-10Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steels deformed in torsion at 900 and 1200 °C were studied in the present work. Austenite was observed to soften in both steels via dynamic recovery (DRV) and dynamic recrystallisation (DRX) for the low and high deformation temperatures, respectively. At 900 °C, an "organised", self-screening austenite deformation substructure largely comprising microbands, locally accompanied by micro-shear bands, was formed. By contrast, a "random", accommodating austenite deformation substructure composed of equiaxed subgrains formed at 1200 °C. In the single-phase steel, DRX of austenite largely occurred through straininduced grain boundary migration accompanied by (multiple) twinning. In the duplex steel, this softening mechanism was complemented by the formation of DRX grains through subgrain growth in the austenite/ferrite interface regions and by large-scale subgrain coalescence. At 900 °C, the duplex steel displayed limited stress-assisted phase transformations between austenite and ferrite, characterised by the dissolution of the primary austenite, formation of Widmanstätten secondary austenite and gradual globularisation of the transformed regions with strain. The softening process within ferrite was classified as "extended DRV", characterised by a continuous increase in misorientations across the sub-boundaries with strain, for both deformation temperatures.


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Integrating rechargeable battery cells with fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites is a promising technology to enable composite structures to concurrently carry load and store electric energy, thus significantly reducing weight at the system level. To develop a design criterion for structural battery composites, rechargeable lithium polymer battery cells were embedded into carbon fibre/epoxy matrix composite laminates, which were then subjected to tensile, flexural and compressive loading. The electric charging/discharging properties were measured at varying levels of applied loads. The results showed that degradation in battery performance, such as voltagea and energy storage capacity, correlated well with the applied strain under three different loading conditions. Under compressive loading, battery cells, due to their multilayer construction, were unable to prevent buckling of composite face sheets due to the low lateral stiffness, leading to lower compressive strength that sandwich panels with foam core.


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In this research work we developed a new laboratory based transmission X-ray diffraction technique to perform in-situ deformation studies on a far more regular basis that is not possible at large scale synchrotron and neutron facilities. We studied the deformation mechanisms in light weight magnesium alloys during in-situ tensile testing.


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Development of a digital material representation (DMR) model of dual phase steel is presented within the paper. Subsequent stages involving generation of a reliable representation of microstructure morphology, assignment of material properties to component phases and incorporation of the model into the commercial finite element software are described within the paper. Different approaches used to recreate dual phase morphology in a digital manner are critically assessed. However, particular attention is placed on innovative identification of phase properties at the micro scale by using micro-pillar compression tests. The developed DMR model is finally applied to model influence of micro scale features on failure initiation and propagation under loading conditions.


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The mechanical behaviour of Fe-18Mn-0.6C-1Al (wt%) TWIP steel was modelled in the temperature range from room temperature to 400°C. The proposed constitutive model was based on the Kocks-Mecking-Estrin (KME) model. The model parameters were determined using extensive experimental measurements of the physical parameters such as the dislocation mean free path and the volume fraction of twinned grains. More than 100 grains with a total area of ~300μm2 were examined at different strain levels over the entire stress-strain curve. Uniaxial tensile deformation of the TWIP steel was modelled for different deformation temperatures using a modelling approach which considers two distinct populations of grains: twinned and twin-free ones. A key point of the work was a meticulous experimental determination of the evolution of the volume fraction of twinned grains during uniaxial tensile deformation. This information was implemented in a phase-mixture model that yielded a very good agreement with the experimental tensile behaviour for the tested range of deformation temperatures. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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'Heterogeneous twinning' is defined as plastic deformation due to the formation and progress of twins resulting in surface wrinkles on the deforming part when the initial grain size is relatively large compared to the typical size of the part. In the case of a Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel with an initial grain size of ~160. m, the heterogeneous twinning generated visible wrinkles, an orange peel effect, under medium uni-axial strains. The heterogeneous twinning did not occur in the material subjected to high shear strains. The complications resulting from this phenomenon on strain hardening characterization of the TWIP steels using two commonly used mechanical tests, tensile and torsion are discussed along with some experimental aspects of heterogeneous twinning. © 2014.


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The flow curve behaviour and microstructure evolution of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) through uniaxial hot compression was investigated at 850 °C and a strain rate of 0.1/s. Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) was employed to characterize the microstructure and crystallographic texture development for different thermomechanical conditions. The stress-strain curves of CP-Ti alloy under hot compression displayed a typical flow behaviour of metals undergoing dynamic recrystallization (DRX), which resulted in grain refinement. The critical strain for the onset of DRX was 0.13 using the double differentiation analysis technique. It was also revealed that the texture was markably altered during hot deformation. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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The microstructure evolution of martensitic Ti-6Al-4V alloy was investigated through uniaxial hot compression at 700°C and a strain rate of 10-3 s-1. A combination of scanning electron microscopy observation in conjunction with high resolution electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) was used to characterize the microstructure in detail. The development of the microstructure displayed continuous fragmentation of martensitic laths with increasing strain (i.e. continuous dynamic recrystallization), concurrently with decomposition of supersaturated martensite resulting in the formation of equiaxed grains. At a strain of 0.8, an ultrafine equiaxed grained structure with mostly high angle grain boundaries was successfully obtained. The current work proposes a novel approach to produce equiaxed ultrafine grains in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy through thermomechanical processing of a martensitic starting microstructure. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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The present work investigated the evolution of strain-induced NbC precipitates in a model austenitic Fe-30Ni-Nb steel deformed at 925 °C to a strain of 0.2 during post-deformation holding between 3 and 1000 s and their effect on the reloading flow stress. The precipitate particles preferentially nucleated on the nodes of the periodic dislocation networks constituting microband walls. Holding for 10 s resulted in the formation of fine, largely coherent NbC particles with a mean diameter of ∼5 nm, which displayed a cube-on-cube orientation relationship with austenite and caused the maximum increase in the reloading steady-state flow stress. A further increase in the holding time from 30 to 1000 s led to the formation of semi-coherent, gradually coarser and more widely spaced particles with a mean diameter of 8 nm and above, which led to a gradual decrease in the reloading steady-state flow stress. The holding time increase resulted in progressive disintegration of the dislocation substructure and dislocation annihilation through static recovery processes, which was also reflected by the measured softening fractions. The precipitate particle shape changed during post-deformation annealing from elliptical to faceted octahedral and subsequently to tetra-kai-decahedral. © 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.