143 resultados para Education, Medical, Graduate


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The Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Education (SETE) project (2010- ) investigates, as a priority, how well equipped teacher education graduates are to meet the requirements of diverse school settings. This paper outlines notions of diversity as reflected in large-scale longitudinal data sets including quantitative teacher and principal surveys (n=5,000+), national audit of teacher education programs (n=500+), and analysis of data from intensive case studies which track 170 graduate teachers through the first three years of their teaching career.

The storylines that emerge highlight the significance of context for teacher education and illustrate the diversity and complexity of contexts in which Graduate teachers find themselves employed.
Diversity is mapped firstly in terms of geography and location (rural/urban/remote), school size, sector, and student demographics including SES; secondly we track the variety of pathways into teaching; and finally, we examine the diversity of ways in which graduates are employed and the impact of said employment status on the way in which they are able to enact the learnings from their initial teacher education program.


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The paper examines the manner in which to review an undergraduate degree in construction management using a top-down approach known as “Constructive Alignment”. The research addresses not only the perceived teaching problems, but it also discusses the methods used to rejuvenate the course in a manner that aligns with the graduate outcomes. However, it was also clear that teaching staff were not especially aware of the need to address the course learning outcomes. This highlighted the need for teaching staff to be involved in a process of constructive alignment to embed the course learning outcomes within their subjects, while also addressing the teaching issues involved with assessment. This process provided an opportunity to determine the incremental skill and knowledge development, both within the subjects, as well as between subjects across the course. The paper concludes with the production of a conceptual framework, which can be used to assist with the alignment of professional standards, course outcomes and graduate attributes into a discipline-specific degree program.


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Like many educational institutions, Deakin University has embraced the challenge of developing curricula to ensure that graduates are environmentally literate and competent to address sustainability in professional practice. Despite an abundance of literature pertaining to the link between human health and environmental degradation, the development of health-related education for sustainability curriculum has been slow. Health promotion, an integral aspect of health professional training in Australia, is considered an area of practice well suited to the action of sustainability. This article highlights the findings of a pilot project that explored which graduate-level health promotion competencies and principles for practice can be transferred to action on sustainability. Methodologically, this study offers a participatory action research process enhanced with case study design principles. Findings from the four case studies highlight that health promotion competencies are compatible with action on sustainability. The article also illuminates the themes in the literature about the value of mutually reinforcing pedagogies associated with education for sustainability and work-integrated learning. The article contributes to discussion in an emerging area of health curriculum, namely, health-related education for sustainability. It posits that health promotion is an area of the health curriculum that can support the development of competencies at the nexus between health and sustainability.


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This paper reports on a study that took a cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional approach to investigate postgraduate student expectations and experiences in internationalised and globalised higher education. The researchers drew on Giddens’ theory of structuration1. They explored the way samples of specialist medicine trainees in the UK and pre-service teacher education students in Australia identify and make meaning of their circumstances in an era that is increasingly characterised by greater internationalisation of the student body and more globalised curricula. In this paper, we discuss some of the tensions students reported encountering, and propose several ways in which such tensions might be counteracted.


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This article reports on a study into student teachers’ perceptions about their professional development during practicum. Framed within a symbolic interactionist perspective, the study examined to what extent, and how effectively, one group of student teachers was able to integrate theory and practice during a three-week practicum in the first year of their degree. The context for this mixed methods study was a Master of Teaching, graduate-level entry programme in the Faculty of Education at an urban Australian university. Although there is a strong field of literature around the practicum in pre-service teacher education, there has been a limited focus on how student teachers themselves perceive their development during this learning period. Further, despite widespread and longstanding acknowledgement of the ‘gap’ between theory and practice in teacher education, there is still more to learn about how well the practicum enables an integration of these two dimensions of teacher preparation. In presenting three major findings of the study, this paper goes some way in addressing these shortcomings in the literature. First, participants in this study largely valued both the theoretical and practical components of their programme, which stands in contrast to the commonly identified tendency of the student teacher to privilege practice over theory. Second, opportunities to integrate theory and practice were varied, with many participants reporting the detrimental impact of an apparent lack of clarity around stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities. Third, participants overwhelmingly supported the notion of linking university coursework assessment to the practicum as a means of bridging the gap between, on the one hand, the university and the school and, on the other hand, theory and practice.


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In this paper we take up Chang's (2004) challenge to apply Mead's theory of emergence in sociological inquiry. Largely overlooked by scholars, this theory is shown to prove explanatory in one field where limited solutions have been found to date. Specifically, the theory sheds light on how the theory-practice gap is created and sustained in pre-service teacher education. The argument is that under current institutional arrangements the trainee/beginning teacher encounters different and oft-times conflicting environmental, social and cultural conditions in the two 'fields of interaction' (Mead, 1934: 249) of their training program, namely, the on-campus pre-service program and the school. The argument draws on interview and focus group data collected via a study of first-year graduate teachers of an Australian pre-service teacher education program. We conclude that the Meadian mechanisms of role taking and self-regulated behaviour within the two environmental fields of interaction inhibit the trainee/beginning teacher from exercising the power of agency to implement theory learned at university in practice in the classroom. In this sense Mead's theory of emergence predicts the obduracy of the gap between theory and practice in teacher education.


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The development of capacities of creativity has long been important in creative arts education (Morgan, 2012) and is increasingly becoming important to other fields in higher education (McWilliam and Haukka, 2008, Csikszentmihalyi, 2006, Edward, McGoldrick & Oliver, 2006). To develop such capabilities at least two factors need to be addressed: defining 'creativity' and thinking about how to teach it. This paper has two aims; firstly to consider the idea that creativity is a process (Morgan, 2012) of changing habits (Koestler, 1964, McWilliam and Sandra Haukka, 2008) that is inherently traumatic (Peirce, 1940) because it involves taking risks with habits which have previously proven useful and comforting. The centrality of trauma and risk raises concerns if creativity is to become a standard graduate attribute; concerns for students asked to take risk and the concern that the university is traditionally adverse to risk-taking. Secondly, a technique for teaching how to be creative derived from Russian Formalism is considered. Ostranenie, or making strange might be deployed with the aim of teaching students a technique for habit breaking


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Background : Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality in Australia. While there is well-established evidence for the use of VTE prophylaxis in hospital inpatients, adherence to such guidelines is poor. Aim : The aim of the present study is to assess the impact of education and system change on improving rates of VTE prophylaxis in hospital inpatients. Methods : We performed four consecutive audits of inpatient medical records of a regional hospital service over 2 years. The audits aimed to test the impact of serial interventions at increasing the appropriate use of VTE prophylaxis (based on risk assessment). The interventions were (i) staff education and (ii) a process change that mandated a prophylaxis decision by modifying the National Inpatient Medication Chart with ‘VTE avoidance’ preprinted in the first medication box. Results : Our results from the baseline study showed that of the 236 medical inpatients reviewed, 80% were at high risk of VTE. Of this high-risk cohort, 34.9% (confidence interval (CI) 28–42%) had appropriate prophylaxis decisions. Post the education intervention, 43.2% (CI 37–49%) of the high-risk cohort received appropriate VTE prophylaxis, an improvement of 8.3% (CI −1% to 18%) from baseline. With the subsequent introduction of a process change, 82.1% (CI 66–92%) of the high-risk cohort received appropriate prophylaxis, an improvement of 47.2% and 38.8% (CI 24–54%) when compared with baseline and education respectively. Retention rates at 11 months postsystem change were 73% (CI 55–86%). Conclusions : This study therefore concluded that while education has an impact on rates of appropriate VTE prophylaxis, it is system change that has the most marked and sustained effect.


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In this paper, we challenge the current focus on ‘best practice’, graduate teacher tests, and student test scores as the panacea for ensuring teaching quality and argue for ways of thinking about evidence of quality beginning teaching outside and beyond the current neoliberal accountability discourses circulating in Australia and other countries. We suggest that teacher educators need to reinsert themselves as key players in the debates around quality beginning teaching, rather than being viewed as a source of the problem. To enable teacher educators to assume accountability for quality beginning teachers, we propose the framework of a capstone teacher performance assessment—a structured portfolio called the Authentic Teacher Assessment (ATA)— and examine examples of these assessments through the lens of critical discourse analysis. As a measure of ‘readiness to teach’, the ATA is compared with supervising teachers’ assessments of preservice teachers. We argue that structured portfolios that include artefacts derived from preservice teachers’ practice in classrooms along with graduate teacher self assessments provide a stronger accountability measure of effec- tive beginning teaching and demonstrably address the current anxiety regarding ‘evi- dence’. We suggest that such an approach should be reliable enough to be ‘read’ by external assessors (and moderated across other teacher education institutions). Rigor- ous research on a national basis is called for in order to develop and implement a structured portfolio as rich evidence of graduates’ quality and readiness to teach.