297 resultados para ADOLESCENT


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The thesis study was a cross-cultural comparison of the biopsychosocial predictors of body image perception and ideals among 294 Australian and 101 Fijian adolescents. The results demonstrated similarities across cultural groups, but parents, peers and the media were stronger influences for Fijians. These findings have implications for body image intervention programs.The portfolio presented a thorough review of the evidence for the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) treatment option for adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD). Four case studies are presented.


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Explores in depth the experiences of registered nurses caring for female patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa on adolescent wards in public hospitals in Victoria. The philosophy of Husserl and the procedural steps of analysis developed by Paul Colaizzi were the basis for investigating and extracting the essence of the lived experiences of participants.


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Objective This study investigated the association of residential density with overweight among adolescents in an urban area of China.

Methods Using multistage proportional sampling methods, a population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Nanjing between September and November 2004 (n=2375; mean age=13.9+/-1.0 years old; 46.2% boys; survey response rate=89.3%). Body mass index was calculated from self-reported body weight and height. Overweight, the main outcome variable, was defined as a BMI >/=85 percentile value for age- and gender-specific reference data according to the recommendation for Chinese adolescents. The primary explanatory variable was the residential density of the urban districts. Mixed-effects logistic regression models were used for the analysis.

Results Students in the higher and middle tertiles of residential density had a 2.17-fold (95% CI 1.41 to 3.33) and 1.89-fold (95% CI 1.22 to 2.92) higher likelihood of being overweight, respectively, compared with those in the lower tertile. The associations were slightly attenuated but still significant after adjusting for time spent in recreational physical activity and sedentary behaviour (viewing TV and sitting for academic study).

Conclusions Residential density was positively associated with overweight among urban Chinese adolescents. Our findings warrant further research examining attributes of urban environments associated with adolescents' obesity in China and potential mechanisms between them.


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Adolescents of low socio-economic position (SEP) are less likely than those of higher SEP to consume diets in line with current dietary recommendations. The reasons for these SEP variations remain poorly understood. We investigated the mechanisms underlying socio-economic variations in adolescents’ eating behaviours using a theoretically derived explanatory model. Data were obtained from a community-based sample of 2529 adolescents aged 12–15 years, from 37 secondary schools in Victoria, Australia. Adolescents completed a web-based survey assessing their eating behaviours, self-efficacy for healthy eating, perceived importance of nutrition and health, social modelling and support and the availability of foods in the home. Parents provided details of maternal education level, which was used as an indicator of SEP. All social cognitive constructs assessed mediated socio-economic variations in at least one indicator of adolescents’ diet. Cognitive factors were the strongest mediator of socio-economic variations in fruit intakes, while for energy-dense snack foods and fast foods, availability of energy-dense snacks at home tended to be strong mediators. Social cognitive theory provides a useful framework for understanding socio-economic variations in adolescent's diet and might guide public health programmes and policies focusing on improving adolescent nutrition among those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage.


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Aims To examine the importance of family management, family structure and father–adolescent relationships on early adolescent alcohol use.

Design Cross-sectional data was collected across 30 randomly selected Australian communities stratified to represent a range of socio-economic and regional variation.

Setting Data were collected during school time from adolescents attending a broad range of schools.

Participants The sample consisted of a combined 8256 students (aged 10–14 years).

Measurements Students completed a web-based survey as part of the Healthy Neighbourhoods project.

Findings Family management—which included practices such as parental monitoring and family rules about alcohol use—had the strongest and most consistent relationship with alcohol use in early adolescence. Adolescents reporting higher family management were less likely to have drunk alcohol in their life-time, less likely to drink alcohol in the preceding 30 days and less likely to have had an alcohol binge. Adolescents reporting emotionally close relationships with their fathers were less likely to have drunk alcohol in their life-time and less likely to have had an alcohol binge in the preceding fortnight.

Conclusions Findings indicate that family management practices may contribute to alcohol abstinence in adolescents. Furthermore, emotionally close father–adolescent relationships may also foster abstinence; however, fathers’ drinking behaviours need to be considered.


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Evidence on interventions for preventing unhealthy weight gain in adolescents is urgently needed. The aim of this paper is to describe the process evaluation for a three-year (2005-2008) project conducted in five secondary schools in the East Geelong/Bellarine region of Victoria, Australia. The project, 'It's Your Move!' aimed to reduce unhealthy weight gain by promoting healthy eating patterns, regular physical activity, healthy body weight, and body size perception amongst youth; and improve the capacity of families, schools, and community organisations to sustain the promotion of healthy eating and physical activity in the region.

The project was supported by Deakin University (training and evaluation), a Reference Committee (strategic direction, budgetary approval and monitoring) and a Project Management Committee (project delivery). A workshop of students, teachers and other stakeholders formulated a 10-point action plan, which was then translated into strategies and initiatives specific to each school by the School Project Officers (staff members released from teaching duties one day per week) and trained Student Ambassadors. Baseline surveys informed intervention development. Process data were collected on all intervention activities and these were collated and enumerated, where possible, into a set of mutually exclusive tables to demonstrate the types of strategies and the dose, frequency and reach of intervention activities.

The action plan included three guiding objectives, four on nutrition, two on physical activity and one on body image. The process evaluation data showed that a mix of intervention strategies were implemented, including social marketing, one-off events, lunch time and curriculum programs, improvements in infrastructure, and healthy school food policies. The majority of the interventions were implemented in schools and focused on capacity building and healthy eating strategies as physical activity practices were seen by the teachers as already meeting students' needs.

While substantial health-promoting activities were conducted (especially related to healthy eating), there remain further opportunities for secondary schools to use a whole-of-school approach through the school curriculum, environment, policies and ethos to improve healthy eating, physical activity and healthy body perceptions in youth. To achieve this, significant, sustained leadership will be required within the education sector generally and within schools specifically.


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Women who experienced psychiatric disorder during adolescence reported a 5̃-fold increased risk for depressive symptoms during pregnancy and during the postnatal period. A number of other adolescent and pre-conception risk factors, such as persistent stress and hormonal volatility, were also found to be implicated in the development of perinatal depression. Four case studies of children with profound and pervasive attachment-related disturbances are presented in the portfolio in order to highlight the shortcomings of the current diagnostic criteria for reactive attachment disorder in infancy or early childhood.


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Adolescent substance abuse is a prevalent problem and family interventions are increasingly used to prevent this problem and to assist family coping. The effectiveness of a prevention-focussed family intervention was evaluated within a randomised school trial for its secondary impacts on improving parental mental health and family functioning.


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This study evaluated the effectiveness of a healthy body image program. In total, 421 adolescent boys completed a five-session intervention program or a wait list control group. There were no differences between the intervention and the control group at post-intervention or any of the follow-up times. Boys in the intervention group who were one standard deviation above the mean on body dissatisfaction at baseline, demonstrated a reduction in negative affect in the intervention group at post-test and 6 months follow-up. Prevention programs need to target boys who are at risk of adopting health risk behaviors, rather than being universally applied.


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This study used a psychosocial framework to investigate the relationships between BMI, body dissatisfaction, body change behaviors and mental health/behavioral problems amongst a sample of 513 Malay, Indian and Chinese adolescent boys and girls in Malaysia who completed questionnaires assessing these variables. Expected gender differences were not found in relation to body dissatisfaction or engagement in strategies to increase weight, but boys reported greater engagement in strategies to increase muscles. Relationships between body dissatisfaction and engagement in body change behaviors and mental health/behavioral problems varied across race and gender. These findings suggest that the psychosocial framework is a useful way to conceptualise body dissatisfaction and related behaviors, and that caution should be exercised in generalising findings across gender and culture.


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Objective To examine associations between parenting styles, family structure and aspects of adolescent dietary behaviour.

Cross-sectional study.

Secondary schools in the East Midlands, UK.

Subjects Adolescents aged 12–16 years (n 328, 57 % boys) completed an FFQ assessing their consumption of fruit, vegetables, unhealthy snacks and breakfast. Adolescents provided information on parental and sibling status and completed a seventeen-item instrument measuring the general parenting style dimensions of involvement and strictness, from which four styles were derived: indulgent, neglectful, authoritarian, authoritative.

After controlling for adolescent gender and age, analysis of covariance revealed no significant interactions between parenting style and family structure variables for any of the dietary behaviours assessed. Significant main effects for family structure were observed only for breakfast consumption, with adolescents from dual-parent families (P < 0·01) and those with no brothers (P < 0·05) eating breakfast on more days per week than those from single-parent families and those with one or more brother, respectively. Significant main effects for parenting style were observed for all dietary behaviours apart from vegetable consumption. Adolescents who described their parents as authoritative ate more fruit per day, fewer unhealthy snacks per day, and ate breakfast on more days per week than those who described their parents as neglectful.

The positive associations between authoritative parenting style and adolescent dietary behaviour transcend family structure. Future research should be food-specific and assess the efficacy of strategies promoting the central attributes of an authoritative parenting style on the dietary behaviours of adolescents from a variety of family structures.