116 resultados para swd: Ubiquitous Computing


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Shared clusters represent an excellent platform for the execution of parallel applications given their low price/performance ratio and the presence of cluster infrastructure in many organisations. The focus of recent research efforts are on parallelism management, transport and efficient access to resources, and making clusters easy to use. In this thesis, we examine reliable parallel computing on clusters. The aim of this research is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing an operating system facility providing transport fault tolerance using existing, enhanced and newly built operating system services for supporting parallel applications. In particular, we use existing process duplication and process migration services, and synthesise a group communications facility for use in a transparent checkpointing facility. This research is carried out using the methods of experimental computer science. To provide a foundation for the synthesis of the group communications and checkpointing facilities, we survey and review related work in both fields. For group communications, we examine the V Distributed System, the x-kernel and Psync, the ISIS Toolkit, and Horus. We identify a need for services that consider the placement of processes on computers in the cluster. For Checkpointing, we examine Manetho, KeyKOS, libckpt, and Diskless Checkpointing. We observe the use of remote computer memories for storing checkpoints, and the use of copy-on-write mechanisms to reduce the time to create a checkpoint of a process. We propose a group communications facility providing two sets of services: user-oriented services and system-oriented services. User-oriented services provide transparency and target application. System-oriented services supplement the user-oriented services for supporting other operating systems services and do not provide transparency. Additional flexibility is achieved by providing delivery and ordering semantics independently. An operating system facility providing transparent checkpointing is synthesised using coordinated checkpointing. To ensure a consistent set of checkpoints are generated by the facility, instead of blindly blocking the processes of a parallel application, only non-deterministic events are blocked. This allows the processes of the parallel application to continue execution during the checkpoint operation. Checkpoints are created by adapting process duplication mechanisms, and checkpoint data is transferred to remote computer memories and disk for storage using the mechanisms of process migration. The services of the group communications facility are used to coordinate the checkpoint operation, and to transport checkpoint data to remote computer memories and disk. Both the group communications facility and the checkpointing facility have been implemented in the GENESIS cluster operating system and provide proof-of-concept. GENESIS uses a microkernel and client-server based operating system architecture, and is demonstrated to provide an appropriate environment for the development of these facilities. We design a number of experiments to test the performance of both the group communications facility and checkpointing facility, and to provide proof-of-performance. We present our approach to testing, the challenges raised in testing the facilities, and how we overcome them. For group communications, we examine the performance of a number of delivery semantics. Good speed-ups are observed and system-oriented group communication services are shown to provide significant performance advantages over user-oriented semantics in the presence of packet loss. For checkpointing, we examine the scalability of the facility given different levels of resource usage and a variable number of computers. Low overheads are observed for checkpointing a parallel application. It is made clear by this research that the microkernel and client-server based cluster operating system provide an ideal environment for the development of a high performance group communications facility and a transparent checkpointing facility for generating a platform for reliable parallel computing on clusters.


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Increasingly on the agendas of governments and educational leaders is an impetus to increase the number of computing devices in schools across Australia. There is much expected, promised and hoped for in developing 1:1 eLearning pedagogies, or ubiquitous approaches in ICTs. In 2008, the Intel Classmate PC 1:1 eLearning Project investigated the effects on classroom practices which arose from the provision of low-cost mobile learning devices for each student to use in a collaborative learning environment. The overall goal of the research was to provide evidence and understanding about the impact of 1:1 eLearning on student/teacher and student/student interactions, pedagogical and curriculum practices and student learning. This presentation draws from six primary school case studies, across three States of Australia. Significant successes and challenges were experienced across the diverse sites of these studies. Through these schools’ participation in this pilot study, five key factors have been identified as contributing to, or hindering the adoption and implementation of the devices. These included: ICT infrastructure, connectivity and hardware; Teacher attributes; Pedagogical and curriculum approaches; Teacher professional knowledge, and; School leadership.


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This paper presents an innovative fusion based multi-classifier email classification on a ubiquitous multi-core architecture. Many approaches use text-based single classifiers or multiple weakly trained classifiers to identify spam messages from a large email corpus. We build upon our previous work on multi-core by apply our ubiquitous multi-core framework to run our fusion based multi-classifier architecture. By running each classifier process in parallel within their dedicated core, we greatly improve the performance of our proposed multi-classifier based filtering system. Our proposed architecture also provides a safeguard of user mailbox from different malicious attacks. Our experimental results show that we achieved an average of 30% speedup at the average cost of 1.4 ms. We also reduced the instance of false positive, which is one of the key challenges in spam filtering system, and increases email classification accuracy substantially compared with single classification techniques.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of advances in pervasive computing.
– The paper provides a critical analysis of the literature.
Findings – Tools expected to support these advances are: resource location framework, data management (e.g. replica control) framework, communication paradigms, and smart interaction mechanisms. Also, infrastructures needed to support pervasive computing applications and an information appliance should be easy for anyone to use and the interaction with the device should be intuitive.
Originality/value – The paper shows how everyday devices with embedded processing and connectivity could interconnect as a pervasive network of intelligent devices that cooperatively and autonomously collect, process and transport information, in order to adapt to the associated context and activity


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Grid computing and service oriented architectures improve the way computational tasks are performed. Through this research a management system, utilising the autonomic characteristics of self discovery and negotiation, self configuration and self healing, was designed and implemented, ultimately removing the need for users to know the intricacies of these systems.


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The thesis examined early differences between girls and boys in their attitudes and social behaviour which might help explain why girls and women continue to reject computing. The behaviour of preschool children playing freely for three supervised sessions in either same-gender or mixed-gender pairs with a computerised robot was studied, and then their individual programming performance was measured. Conclusions were that social interaction and computer programming performance were not differentiated by gender. Mixed-gender pairs had a significant effect on both children's style of social interaction and their performance, an impact that was particularly negative for girls.


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The lack of women in the computing industry in Australia, and in many western countries, is a problem that has been recognised by academics, the industry and governments. Over the last 20 years there have been many attempts to redress this gender imbalance via intervention programs aimed at increasing female participation in computing education and ultimately the computing profession. However statistics show no improvement in the rate of participation of females in this industry and anecdotal evidence suggests that these intervention programmes have not been as successful or effective as was anticipated. Evaluation could determine the effectiveness of such programmes yet only limited evaluations appear in the literature about intervention programmes established to encourage females in computing. This research sought to investigate how these types of intervention programmes should be evaluated.


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This paper introduces a practical security model based on key security considerations by looking at a number of infrastructure aspects of Cloud Computing such as SaaS, Utility, Web, Platform and Managed Services, Service commerce platforms and Internet Integration which was introduced with a concise literature review. The purpose of this paper is to offer a macro level solution for identified common infrastructure security requirements. This model with a number of emerged patterns can be applied to infrastructure aspect of Cloud Computing as a proposed shared security approach in system development life cycle focusing on the plan-built-run scope.


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In an enterprise grid computing environments, users have access to multiple resources that may be distributed geographically. Thus, resource allocation and scheduling is a fundamental issue in achieving high performance on enterprise grid computing. Most of current job scheduling systems for enterprise grid computing provide batch queuing support and focused solely on the allocation of processors to jobs. However, since I/O is also a critical resource for many jobs, the allocation of processor and I/O resources must be coordinated to allow the system to operate most effectively. To this end, we present a hierarchical scheduling policy paying special attention to I/O and service-demands of parallel jobs in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems with background workload. The performance of the proposed scheduling policy is studied under various system and workload parameters through simulation. We also compare performance of the proposed policy with a static space–time sharing policy. The results show that the proposed policy performs substantially better than the static space–time sharing policy.


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The advent of commodity-based high-performance clusters has raised parallel and distributed computing to a new level. However, in order to achieve the best possible performance improvements for large-scale computing problems as well as good resource utilization, efficient resource management and scheduling is required. This paper proposes a new two-level adaptive space-sharing scheduling policy for non-dedicated heterogeneous commodity-based high-performance clusters. Using trace-driven simulation, the performance of the proposed scheduling policy is compared with existing adaptive space-sharing policies. Results of the simulation show that the proposed policy performs substantially better than the existing policies.


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The overall performance of a distributed system often depends on the effectiveness of its interconnection network. Thus, the study of the communication networks for distributed systems–which is the focus of this paper–is very important. In particular, we address the problem of fat-tree based interconnection networks performance modeling for multi-user heterogeneous multi-cluster computing systems. To this end, we present an analytical model and validate the model through comprehensive simulation. The results of the simulation demonstrate that the proposed model exhibits a good degree of accuracy for various system organizations and under different working conditions. On the basis of the validated model, we propose an adaptive assignment function based on the existing heterogeneity of the system to minimize multi-user environment overhead.


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Data perturbation is a popular method to achieve privacy-preserving data mining. However, distorted databases bring enormous overheads to mining algorithms as compared to original databases. In this paper, we present the GrC-FIM algorithm to address the efficiency problem in mining frequent itemsets from distorted databases. Two measures are introduced to overcome the weakness in existing work: firstly, the concept of independent granule is introduced, and granule inference is used to distinguish between non-independent itemsets and independent itemsets. We further prove that the support counts of non-independent itemsets can be directly derived from subitemsets, so that the error-prone reconstruction process can be avoided. This could improve the efficiency of the algorithm, and bring more accurate results; secondly, through the granular-bitmap representation, the support counts can be calculated in an efficient way. The empirical results on representative synthetic and real-world databases indicate that the proposed GrC-FIM algorithm outperforms the popular EMASK algorithm in both the efficiency and the support count reconstruction accuracy.