111 resultados para sex offender treatment


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The aim of this book is to describe, collate, and summarise a body of recent research, both theoretical and empirical, that explores the issue of treatment readiness in offender programming. The book is divided into three different sections.

The first section unpacks a model of treatment readiness and how it has been operationalised; the second section discusses how the construct has been applied to the treatment of different offender groups; and in the final section, some of the practice approaches that have been identified as holding promise in addressing low levels of offender readiness are discussed.


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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different dietary lipid sources, age and sex on the SFA and MUFA metabolism in broiler chickens using a whole body fatty acid balance method. Four dietary lipid sources (palm fat, Palm; soyabean oil, Soya; linseed oil, Lin; and fish oil, Fish) were added at 3% to a basal diet containing 5% Palm. Diets were fed to female and male chickens from day 1 to either day 21 or day 42 of age. The accumulation (percentage of net intake and ex novo production) of SFA and MUFA was significantly lower in broilers fed on Palm than in broilers fed on the other diets (85·7 v. 97·4 %). Conversely, β-oxidation was significantly higher in Palm-fed birds than the average of the other dietary treatments (14·3 v. 2·6 %). On average, 33·1% of total SFA and MUFA accumulated in the body were elongated, and 13·8% were Δ-9 desaturated to longer chain or more unsaturated metabolites, with lower proportions being elongated and desaturated for the Palm and Fish diets than for the Soya and Lin diets. Total in vivo apparent elongase activity decreased exponentially in relation to the net intake of SFA and MUFA, while it increased with age. Total in vivo apparent Δ-9 desaturase activity was not significantly affected by dietary treatment or age. Total ex novo production and β-oxidation of SFA and MUFA showed a negative and positive curvilinear relationship with net intake of SFA and MUFA, respectively. Sex had no effect on SFA and MUFA metabolism.


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There is increasing evidence that partners have a major role in treatment-seeking behavior for men with ED. This study investigated the motivations of 100 females for seeking medical treatment for their partner's ED. Semi-structured interviews focused on reasons for seeking treatment from the female's perspective. The themes that emerged from the data centered on the importance of sex in the relationship, with closeness and intimacy frequently being seen as more important than sex. The second major theme related to hopes that females had in relation to the medication, particularly in relation to increasing their partner's confidence and reducing his sexual frustration. Enhancement of the relationship as well as improving the female's own feelings of self-doubt and sexual frustration were also mentioned. The results of this study show the multi-faceted nature of the motivations that females express in terms of seeking help for their partner's ED.


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Research has suggested that child sex offenders hold thematically distinct cognitive distortions, which Ward and Keenan (1999) call Implicit Theories. The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate the relationship between offenders’ Implicit Theories and their personality related cognitions. The variables were measured using the Implicit Theory Questionnaire and Millon’s (1990) MCMI-III personality scales. Subjects were 28 male sex offenders against children serving a custodial sentence in New Zealand, who elected to participate in a treatment program. A majority of participants had personality scale scores that reached the clinical threshold. Results found that dependant, depressive and schizoidal personality patterns significantly correlated with Implicit Theories. Clinical and theoretical implications are discussed.


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A qualitative analysis of interview data with 41 rapists determined that five implicit theories (ITs) underlie rapists’ offense supportive beliefs/feelings/motives: (a) dangerous world (DW)—where men have feelings of generalized anger and/or resentment toward others; (b) women are dangerous—where men hold a set of attitudes that are hostile toward women; (c) women as sexual objects (WSO)—where women are seen as primarily sexual objects; (d) male sex drive is uncontrollable—where sexual urges are seen all consuming; (e) entitlement—where men feel that they can do exactly what they want. Consideration of whether DW or WSO ITs were present or absent indicated that three main groups could be identified: Group 1: violently motivated—presence of DW and/or absence of WSO; Group 2: sexually motivated—presence of WSO and/or absence of DW; Group 3: sadistically motivated—presence of DW and WSO. These results are discussed in terms of treatment needs of rapists.


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The concept of human rights is a moral (and legal) one that that is intended to safeguard provision of the social, economic, environmental, and psychological goods necessary for a dignified human life. Over the last 3 years, several papers on the implications of rights-based thinking for the assessment and treatment of offenders have appeared. In this paper, I draw from this work—in particular, the conceptual model developed by Ward and Birgden (2007)—and examine its practice recommendations and implications. First, I analyze the concept of dignity and its role in human rights thinking. Then the Ward and Birgden model of human rights is outlined and ethically justified. Finally, I discuss some of the major assessment and treatment consequences of this human rights approach.


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An innovative theory of the nature of cognition, the extended mind theory (EMT), has emerged recently in the cognitive science literature. According to the EMT, the boundaries of the mind extend beyond the boundaries of skull and skin, into the world beyond. My aim in this paper is to consider the practical implications of the EMT for therapists working with sex offenders' cognitive distortions. First, I provide an overview of the key assumptions of EMT. Secondly, I draw out the major implications of this novel theory of cognition for the assessment and treatment of cognitive distortions in sex offenders. Thirdly, to make the analysis more concrete, I discuss briefly how the treatment module of cognitive restructuring could proceed according to the EMT.


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The major aim of the current paper is to expand on the practice elements of the Good Lives Model-Comprehensive (GLM-C) of offender rehabilitation and to provide a detailed examination of its assessment and treatment implications. First we discuss the notion of rehabilitation and the qualities a good theory of rehabilitation should possess. Second, the principles, etiological assumptions, and general treatment implications of the GLM-C are briefly described. Third, we outline in considerable detail the application of this novel perspective to the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders. Finally, we conclude the paper with a summary of the major benefits we envisage the GLM-C bringing to the rehabilitation of sexual offenders.


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The rehabilitation of offenders is an evaluative and capability-building process and is concerned with promoting primary goods and managing risk. At the heart of this process is the construction of a more adaptive narrative identity and the acquisition of capabilities to enable offenders to secure important values in their postrelease environments. In this article, the authors examine the idea of narrative identity and its relationship to values and to assessment and treatment.


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The good lives model (GLM) is a strengths-based approach to offender rehabilitation in which treatment aims to equip offenders with the skills and resources necessary to satisfy primary goods, or basic human values, in personally meaningful and socially acceptable ways. The aim of the present research was to explore the practical utility of the GLM with a sample of released child molesters, and investigate the relationship between primary goods attainment and overall re-entry conditions (in terms of accommodation, social support and employment). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 child molesters at one, three and six months following their release from prison. As expected, participants endorsed the majority of GLM primary goods with high importance, and positive re-entry experiences were associated with increased goods attainment. Implications for clinicians, policy makers and society as a whole are discussed.


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Two experiments were conducted to investigate the efficacy of three androgens applied through immersion treatments on the sex ratio of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry. In experiment 1, 14 days post-hatching (DPH) larvae were exposed to a single immersion treatment in 17α-methyltestosterone (MT), 17α-methyldihydrotestosterone (MDHT) or 17α-ethynyltestosterone (ET) at 200, 600 and 1800 μg L−1 over 4 h (130 larvae per treatment). In experiment 2, Nile tilapia larvae were exposed to the higher androgen concentration (1800 μg L−1) applied as either a single immersion (14 DPH) or double immersion (10 and 14 DPH) over 4 h (125 larvae per treatment). Change in sex proportion within each experiment as well as between experiments was analysed by the chi-square test. In experiment 1, MT, MDHT and ET were equally effective in significantly increasing the proportion of males when applied at 1800 μg L−1 (86.0%, 90.0% and 86.7% respectively). At 200 μg L−1 none of the androgens altered sex ratio. At 600 μg L−1, only MDHT slightly, but significantly skewed the sex ratio towards males (73.0%). In experiment 2, a single immersion treatment at 14 DPH (1800 μg L−1) significantly increased the proportion of males, but at this time the response was significantly hormone dependent (MDHT, 100.0%; MT, 91.6%; ET, 76.9%). When compared with a single immersion, two-immersion treatments significantly increased the proportion of males in the MT-treated group (from 91.6% to 98.3%), decreased the proportion of males in the MDHT group (from 100.0% to 93.4%) and had no significant effect the ET-treated group (change from 76.9% to 82.5%). The overall comparison of the sex ratio among same treatments from different experiments (a single immersion in 1800 μg L−1) was not significantly different.


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Exposure of fish to stressors can elicit biochemical and organismal changes at multiple levels of biological organization collectively known as stress responses. The organismal (plasma glucose and cortisol levels) and cellular (hepatic hsp70) stress responses in fish have been studied in several species, but little is known about sex-related differences in these responses. In this study, we exposed sexually immature juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to bleached kraft mill effluent (BKME: 0%, 1%, and 10% v/v) for 30 days and then measured components of their organismal and cellular stress responses. Males exposed to 1% BKME had higher levels of plasma glucose than females. Plasma cortisol levels were unaffected in females exposed to BKME, but males exposed to 10% BKME had significantly higher levels of plasma cortisol relative to non-exposed males. While exposure to BKME did not affect hsp70 levels in males, females exposed to 1% BKME had higher levels of hsp70 relative to non-exposed and 10% BKME groups. Within any given treatment, females had higher levels of hsp70 relative to males. This study demonstrates that sex-related differences exist in commonly used indicators of stress in fish, and points out the importance of considering the sex of the fish in stress research.


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This study explored eating disorder risk factors and possible psychosocial predictors of this risk in overweight and obese treatment-seeking adolescents. Prior to commencing treatment 108 overweight and obese adolescents aged 11 to 17 years (M = 14.31, SD = 1.57; 55% female) completed self-report measures of psychosocial factors. Females reported elevated levels of bulimic tendencies, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness (p ≤ .001) and males reported elevated body dissatisfaction (p < .001). Age, sex and BMI-for-age z-score explained 15% (p < .001) of the variance in eating disorder risk and psychosocial predictors an additional 25%. Sex did not have a moderating effect on these relationships (p = .21). Among overweight and obese treatment-seeking adolescents, those experiencing lower self-esteem and elevated depression and anxiety symptomatology are at increased eating disorder risk. This highlights the need to consider psychosocial factors in preventing and treating overweight and obesity.


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This article considers the nature of the association between substance misuse and criminal behaviour and how this might inform the development of prison-based substance misuse treatment programs. The literature on what is known about the effectiveness of prison-based treatment is reviewed and the implications for correctional practice considered. It is concluded that prison-based substance misuse treatment should be considered a critical component of rehabilitation programming and that justice outcomes are likely to be improved when a number of program features are incorporated.


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Community attitudes toward offender reintegration, in particular sex offenders, were investigated. Findings revealed the public are more supportive of reintegrative policies than they are willing to be involved in the reintegration process. Predictors of reintegrative attitudes were also investigated with a belief in redeemability found to be the strongest predictor.