110 resultados para psychical suffering


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Anecdotal evidence indicated that some kindergartens in the Geelong region were suffering from significant absenteeism or children arriving late or leaving early. Some educators felt that this was linked to the status of Health Care Card Holders. The research project analysed kindergarten attendance records to determine if there was evidence to support the educators’ beliefs. Data did support some of the conjecture. Researchers then undertook interviews with Educators and parents to investigate possible reasons for irregular attendance.


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Sidney Lumet’s influential film The Pawnbroker (1964) is one of the earliest films to consider the encounter between Holocaust narratives and low-income, urban American racial minorities. As much concerned with contemporary ‘race relations’ in the United States as it is with the Nazis’ persecution of Europe’s Jews, the film intertwines the story of Holocaust survivor Sol Nazerman with the social tensions of 1960s America, represented in his relationship with the young Puerto Rican shop assistant Jesus Oritz. The film stylistically juxtaposes raw footage of concentration camp existence with dismal images of New York slum life. Against these backdrops, the protagonist’s climactic ‘silent scream’ emblematically merges the repressed trauma of the survivor with the filmmaker’s interest in race relations, a theme that has undergone various transformations in a number of films since. One film that contemporizes this encounter is Richard LaGravenese’s Freedom Writers (2007). As opposed to the tragic outcome of the pawnbroker’s induction into urban America, here the Holocaust is a redemptive tool that permits inner-city Black and Latino youth to contextualize their own suffering. After reading The Diary of Anne Frank, this group of ‘at-risk’ sophomores to inspired to collaborate on an ultimately successful effort to bring Miep Geis, the woman who sheltered Anne Frank, to speak at their high school. Foregrounded by the 1992 Los Angeles riots, gentiles teacher Erin Gruwell and savior Miep Geis transform the Holocaust from an amplified parallel of American slums into an event that permits the children of American postcoloniality to triumph in spite of their socio-economic circumstances. Underlining the tension between the Jewish specificity and unprecedented nature of the Holocaust, and the need to generate Holocaust narratives that intersect with intrinsically racialized American narratives, such films have significant implications for how collective memories of suffering are constructed and contested.


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After the 1963 earthquake, which is said to have destroyed seventy-five per cent of the urban fabric, Skopje, capital city of the Republic of Macedonia (then in Yugoslavia) became a centre of architectural activity. The United Nations held a limited competition for the reconstruction of Skopje, inviting four foreign firms and four Yugoslavian firms to participate. Tange's submission received sixty per cent of the first prize, co-operating with Yugoslav architects to develop the design idea. What can this project tell us about modernism re-inscribed in Japan, and the kinds of internationalism that the United Nations constructed? Japanese Metabolism, of which Tange was a pioneer, heralded Japan as a new centre for innovation in architecture; a new nationalism re-oriented the suffering after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Tange developed and realised in Skopje the striking planning ideas he began in his Tokyo Bay proposal. This article examines Tange's master plan for Skopje. It argues that his key elements, the City Wall and the City Gate, exemplify Tange's drive for a new vision in the context of destruction, and that these remain definitive elements today even in the context of a messy transition from a communist to a capitalist society.


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Purpose This paper describes the translation, cultural adaption, and psychometric evaluation of a German version of the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ™), a widely used generic instrument assessing a wide range of proximal outcomes of self-management programs.

Methods The translation was carried out according to international standards and included forward and backward translations. Comprehensibility and content validity were tested using cognitive interviews with 10 rehabilitation inpatients. Psychometric properties were examined in rehabilitation inpatients (n = 1,202) with a range of chronic conditions. Factorial validity was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis; concurrent validity was explored by correlations with comparator scales.

Results The items of the German heiQ™ were well understood by rehabilitation inpatients. The structure of the eight heiQ™ scales was replicated after minor adjustment. heiQ™ scales had higher correlations with comparator scales with similar constructs, particularly mental health concepts than with physical health. Moreover, all heiQ™ scales differentiated between individuals across different levels of depression.

Conclusion The German heiQ™ is comprehensible for German-speaking patients suffering from different types of chronic conditions; it assesses relevant outcomes of self-management programs in a reliable and valid manner. Further studies involving its practical application are warranted.


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Asset-based community development (ABCD) is a highly participatory approach to development that seeks to empower communities to draw on tangible and social community assets to manage their own development. The strength of ABCD is its ability to facilitate people imagining their world differently, resulting in action to change their circumstances. Previous research has shown international non-government organisations have found highly participatory, community-led approaches to development to have been particularly effective forms of poverty mitigation and community empowerment within Myanmar, even before the current reforms, which is surprising given the restrictive socio-political context created by authoritarian rule by a regime with an international reputation for human rights violations. 

This paper documents ABCD programs within Myanmar, one of the poorest countries in Asia suffering major underdevelopment and ranking poorly across a wide range of socioeconomic indicators. It explores the operation, effectiveness and reasons behind the success of ABCD programs in this environment, and reflects on the role of outsiders in ABCD in the light of underlying theory and this contemporary experience. This research draws largely on recent field interviews and personal experience working in this sector within Myanmar, as well as surveying a number of evaluation reports which have been made publically available.


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Limited research has addressed factors associated with psychological distress following disasters among non-Western populations. The 2004 tsunami affected 1.7 million people across South Asia and Africa, with considerable variations in trauma-related outcomes. Pretraumatic and peritraumatic conditions associated with trauma-related symptoms in 305 Sri Lankan adult survivors (28% male, aged 18-83 years; mean = 39.9 years; standard deviation = 15.3), clinically assessed 1 month posttsunami, were evaluated retrospectively. Outcome measures were total scores on 11 trauma-related symptoms. Multivariate linear regression analyses tested for associations between pretraumatic and peritraumatic conditions and symptom scores, with peritraumatic conditions adjusted for pretraumatic variables. Pretraumatic conditions of female gender, employment, prior health and social issues, and substance use and peritraumatic conditions of loss of family, witnessing the tsunami, or suffering an injury were associated with trauma-related symptoms. The findings facilitate understanding cultural contexts that define risk factors associated with trauma-related symptoms in Sri Lankans, which are critical for developing culturally appropriate interventions.


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This paper responds critically to Ronald Srigley’s groundbreaking 2011 study Albert Camus’ Critique of Modernity. Srigley’s book reasserts Camus’ credentials as a deeply serious thinker, whose literary and philosophical oeuvre was dedicated to rethinking modernity on the basis of critical reassessments of theWest’s entire premodern heritage. Yet we challenge whether Camus was ever, even in his final writings, so uncompromisingly anti-modern as Srigley contends. Srigley’s attempt to present Camus as committed to a return to the Greeks, on the basis of a total critique of modernity as deleteriously post-Christian, forces him to occlude important distinctions in Camus’ thought: those between unity and totality, rebellion and revolution. By contrast, we compare Camus’ defence of modern rebellion with Blumenberg’s argument in The Legitimacy of the Modern Age: finding justification for this rebellion in the deep problem faced by Christian theology of resolving the ‘problem of evil’. Finally, we suggest that Srigley overplays the extent of Camus’ ‘Hellenic’ critique of the Christian heritage (notably its ethical commitment to protecting the weak), in contrast to Christian theodicy and eschatology, which serve to rationalize avoidable suffering.


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This thesis examines how the principle of The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) has influenced international responses to large scale human suffering. Examining atrocities in Darfur and Libya, this examination finds that rather than occupy ends of a spectrum of choice between prevention and reaction, responses elicited by R2P were fluid.


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Patient safety is a global imperative aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of preventable adverse events in healthcare. This study has demonstrated how effective nursing surveillance and successful everyday nursing performance can bridge ‘gaps’ in the system of care, mitigate errors, and protect patients from suffering otherwise preventable harm.


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This article argues that police studies should draw on the sociology of punishment to better understand state pain-delivery. Whereas penal theorists commonly assess the pain and punishment of inmates in relation to wider social sentiments, police theory has yet to regard police violence and harm in the same fashion. As a result, police scholars often fail to address why the damage caused by public constabularies, even when widely publicized, is accommodated and accepted. Adapting the idea of ‘punitiveness’ from penal theory allows some explanation of how the public views injury and suffering caused by the police by illuminating the emotions and sentiments their actions generate.


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Laws in Belgium and the Netherlands permit euthanasia and assisted suicide for seriously ill children who experience "constant and unbearable suffering" – they have the capacity to request death by lethal injection if they convey a "reasonable understanding of the consequences" of that request. The child's capacity to understand death is therefore a prerequisite to the implementation of the request. However, modern neuro-psychological and fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) studies of the relationship between the neuro-anatomical development of the brain in human beings and their emotional and experiential capacity, demonstrates that both are not fully developed until the early 20s for girls and mid-20s for boys. Unlike Belgium and the Netherlands, the clinical and legal implications of the immaturity of the brain on medical decision-making of minors, in particular life and death decisions, have been implicit in the Australian courts' approach to the refusal of life-saving and life-sustaining treatment by minors. This approach is exemplified by X v Sydney Children's Hospitals Network [2013] NSWCA 320 (and a series of earlier cases).


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The genesis of severe fatigue and disability in people following acute pathogen invasion involves the activation of Toll-like receptors followed by the upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines and the activation of microglia and astrocytes. Many patients suffering from neuroinflammatory and autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and systemic lupus erythematosus, also commonly suffer from severe disabling fatigue. Such patients also present with chronic peripheral immune activation and systemic inflammation in the guise of elevated proinflammtory cytokines, oxidative stress and activated Toll-like receptors. This is also true of many patients presenting with severe, apparently idiopathic, fatigue accompanied by profound levels of physical and cognitive disability often afforded the non-specific diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome.


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Platelet serotonin type 2A receptor (5-HT2A) sensitivity changes have previously been documented in depression, although it is unclear if this represents a stable trait marker of the illness, or whether it represents an acute state marker of depression that would change with treatment. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be a useful intervention to separate out trait and state marker status avoiding the potential confounding effects of pharmacotherapy on receptor function. Using spectrofluorometry, the platelet 5HT2A, receptor sensitivity as reflected by the intracellular calcium response to serotonin stimulation, was measured every week in patients suffering from major depression and undergoing ECT. There was a significant drop in the platelet response to serotonin stimulation over a course of ECT, with an associated progressive decrease in Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression (HAM-D) scores. This may suggest either decreased sensitivity of platelet 5HT2A receptors as a mechanism of action of ECT, or changes in second messengers such as the inositide phospholipid system. This suggests that the enhanced sensitivity of platelet 5HT2A receptors may be a state marker of major depression.


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 Kinect has been increasingly applied in rehabilitation as a motion capture device. However, the inherent limitations significantly hinder its further development in this important area. Although a number of Kinect fusion approaches have been proposed, only a few of them was actually considered for rehabilitation. In this paper, we propose to fuse information from multiple Kinects to achieve this. Given the specific scenario of users suffering from limited range of movements, we propose to calibrate depth cameras in multiple Kinects with 3D positions of joints on a human body rather than in a checkerboard pattern, so that patients are able to calibrate Kinects without extra support. Kalman filter is applied for skeleton-wise Kinect fusion since skeleton data (3D positions of joints) and its derivatives are preferred by physiotherapists to evaluate the exercise performance of patients. Various preliminary experiments were conducted to illustrate the accuracy of proposed calibration and fusion approach by comparing with a commercial Vicon system®, confirming the practical use of the system in rehabilitation exercise monitoring.


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Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a well-recognised extra-intestinal manifestation of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Despite the widespread support for anticoagulant prophylaxis in hospitalised IBD patients, the utilisation and efficacy in clinical practice are unknown. Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and clinical features of VTE among hospitalised IBD patients and ascertain whether appropriate thromboprophylaxis had been administered. Methods: All patients with a discharge diagnosis of Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis and VTE were retrospectively identified using International Classification of Diseases, tenth revision codes from medical records at our institution from July 1998 to December 2009. Medical records were then reviewed for clinical history and utilisation of thromboprophylaxis. Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney test and either χ2 tests or Fisher's exact tests. Results: Twenty-nine of 3758 (0.8%) IBD admissions suffered VTE, 13 preadmission and 16 during admission. Of these 29 admissions (in 25 patients), 24% required intensive care unit and 10% died. Of the 16 venous thrombotic events that occurred during an admission, eight (50%) did not receive anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis and eight (50%) occurred despite thromboprophylaxis. Most thromboembolism despite prophylaxis occurred post-intestinal resection (n = 5, 63%). Conclusion: Thromboprophylaxis is underutilised in half of IBD patients suffering VTE. Prescription of thromboprophylaxis for all hospitalised IBD patients, including dual pharmacological and mechanical prophylaxis in postoperative patients, may lead to a reduction in this preventable complication of IBD. © 2014 Royal Australasian College of Physicians.