154 resultados para primary health


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Background : The benefits of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs are well established. Despite these benefits their utilisation remains sub-optimal, with an average of 24% of eligible cardiac patients attending outpatient CR programs across Victoria.
Aims & rationale/Objectives : The objectives of this study were to (a) identify local barriers and enablers to the uptake of hospital-based CR programs, and (b) identify preferred alternatives for the delivery of CR.
Methods : Six hospital-based CR programs within the region agreed to participate in this study. A consecutive series of patients referred to the programs were surveyed by the CR coordinators to identify the local barriers and enablers influencing CR program attendance. In addition, focus groups with CR participants and health professionals were conducted at two hospitals in order to ascertain their views on current programs, suggestions for improvements and alternative methods of CR delivery.
Principal findings : Survey data was obtained from a total of 97 patients referred to the CR programs during the study period, 27 (28%) females and 70 (72%) males. Main reasons given for CR non-attendance were related to distance to travel, cost of petrol, reliance on others for transport and lack of interest or motivation to attend. For CR attenders, main enablers included encouragement by family, medical and other health professionals, and having someone else to drive them. Suggestions for alternative methods of CR delivery included more programs in outlying communities, home and GP based programs, telephone support and a patient manual or workbook.
Discussion : The results of this study provide valuable information for designing strategies to increase utilisation of existing CR programs as well as pilot testing alternative modes of CR program delivery for cardiac patients in rural areas unable to access hospital-based CR.
Implications : These findings suggest that many of the barriers identified could be addressed by a more creative use of existing resources and the provision of CR services in primary care settings.
Presentation type : Poster


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : To document the practice of initial cohorts receiving the Graduate Diploma in Rural General Practice
Methods : With the co-operation of the National Rural Faculty (NRF) of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), a census by questionnaire was conducted on 279 graduates. The response rate was 70%.
Principal findings : The target doctors are young (65% < 40 years old). Under half (42.3%) have completed Advanced Rural Skills terms in >1 discipline. Of the total 272 posts recorded from 174 respondents, the most popular advanced skill is anaesthetics, followed by obstetrics. The ARSP increased confidence in 96.3% of respondents. Two thirds of doctors trained in a procedural skill remain practicing procedural General Practice.
Discussion : The GDRGP was the qualification developed to recognise competency gained as a result of a series of rural training initiatives begun within the RACGP Training Program in 1992. Its delivery has continued under the new GPET Training Program. Outcomes from the range of initiatives leading to the GDRGP are currently emerging in an environment which has seen significant changes within vocational training, and within the context of a rising focus on indemnity. Doctors who undertook this training have mostly retained procedural practice. In addition, RACGP rural initiatives successfully achieved increase confidence prior to rural work in advanced areas of practice, with >95% reporting an increase.
Implications : Changes within vocational training were accelerated without analysis of existing initiatives such as the GDRGP. Funding for the GDRGP was, as a result, withdrawn prematurely. These changes also saw the entrant of a second College with an interest in rural procedural practice. This research show that the GDRGP offers, and offered, a clear vocational pathway that will guide a doctor to a career as a rural doctor, and provide them with the advanced skills they need to practice confidently in the bush. It is important to capitalise on past success before deconstructing professional concepts of practice further.
Presentation type : Paper


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : This paper examines the extent to which different models of community pharmacist continuing education (CE) are evidence-based. It also describes the impact of varying education models on attendance and attitudes within the profession.

Methods : A literature review was conducted to establish principles that should be applied to health professional education, and pharmacy in particular. Interviews were conducted with representatives from four organisations involved in the education of pharmacists to understand their current models. Four focus groups were held with community pharmacists to understand their educational experiences and attitudes.

Principal findings : The purpose of CE is to improve the clinical performance of health practitioners. Literature examining outcomes from CE underlines the importance of adult learning principles. Focus groups supported the view that consideration of these principles is beneficial. These principles, including problem-based learning, clinical applicability, relevance, and active involvement in the learning process, are currently incorporated into educational models to varying extents. Access problems such as cost, distance, insufficient flexibility in delivery, and poor promotion of educational opportunities prevent many pharmacists from taking responsibility for their own learning. A lack of appropriate assessment by some registering authorities is counterproductive to achieving CE outcomes in clinical practice. Participants already engaged in continuing professional development (CPD) agreed with the principles of its introduction.

Discussion : Optimising outcomes from CE requires considerable input from numerous stakeholders. The recent introduction of mandatory pharmacist CPD across Australia should encourage an individual focus on learning outcomes. Focus group participants are likely to be education enthusiasts and may not represent the views of the entire profession.

Implications : This study identifies the need for a system-wide approach for achieving outcomes from CE. It is therefore advisable that a coordinated strategy be developed by all stakeholders for education delivery so as to optimise the impact of CE.


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : To identify barriers to the full implementation of new guidelines regarding school canteen menus launched by The Victorian Education Department in May 2004.
Methods : A self-administered questionnaire was sent to principals, business mangers and canteen managers of 13 secondary schools in South West Victoria covered by The Greater Green Triangle area (response rate 59%). The questions explored the canteen's role, operation, staffing and profits; existence and content of canteen policy; enablers and barriers to the sale of healthier foods; introduction and promotion of healthier foods; and perceived implications of banning less healthy foods.
Principal findings : The study identified several barriers to implementing healthy menus in school canteens, these being largely consistent with those found in other studies. The majority of schools reported they were making attempts to follow the guidelines for school food services, but were experiencing difficulty in proceeding to full implementation. The barriers identified through the study were student preference for less healthy options, concerns about profitability, lack of policy or its active communication and promotion at the school level and competition from other food outlets.
Discussion : There was evidence that healthy foods had not been actively promoted, suggesting that identification of student preferences as a barrier was based on perception rather than observation. The Victorian guidelines are effectively voluntary, with no accountability measures in place.
Implications : Research needs to be conducted to provide reliable and tested information about factors which impact on student choice. Schools would benefit from specialised assistance to formulate business plans for contemporary canteens selling healthy food and a clarification of government policy.
Presentation type : Poster


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : The objectives of this workforce and service enhancement project include: (i) establishing the magnitude of podiatry needs; and (ii) developing a model that can be used to enhance podiatry workforce and podiatry services.
Methods : Surveys to podiatrists and health agencies to determine vacancies, waiting lists, work practices and recruitment methods. Desktop analysis of predictive data for burden of disease and population changes per local government area (LGA). Meetings with podiatrists and their professional association, health care agencies, universities, and Local and State Governments.
Principal findings : Results showed
Long podiatry waiting lists (up to 12 months)
Podiatry vacancies and service gaps
Absence of qualified foot assistants
A high chronic disease burden
A population age mix that is predicted to change dramatically over the next 25 years in favour of those who are 60 years of age or older
Ineffective recruitment methods
The workforce enhancement model that emanated from the meetings with the steering group includes podiatrists as well as auxiliaries such as foot-care assistants who work together in an interprofessional model of care that expands across the region. In addition to training foot-care assistants and the development of a podiatry teaching clinic to enhance student placement, the model builds onto a current continuous professional development program for allied health professionals.
Discussion : Although the allied health workforce (including podiatry) is playing an increasingly important role in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, rural areas in particular are disadvantaged by recruitment and retention problems. The podiatry workforce shortage is compounded by ageing populations. Age is associated with increased podiatry usage due to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis.
Implications : A strategic plan developed in consultation with stakeholders aims to improve rural podiatry services in a sustainable manner. The project will be implemented when adequate funding is allocated this year and will be evaluated on its impact on services.
Presentation type : Paper


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PowerPoint presentation


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Background : Optimising the use of electronic data offers many opportunities to health services, particularly in rural and remote areas. These include reducing the effect of distance on access to clinical information and sharing information where there are multiple service providers for a single patient. The increasing compilation of large electronic databases of patient information and the ease with which electronic information can be transferred has raised concerns about the privacy and confidentiality of such records.
Aims & rationale/Objectives : This review aims to identify legal and ethical standards for areas of electronic governance where a lack of clarity may currently impede innovation in health service delivery.
Methods : This paper describes best practices for storage and transfer of electronic patient data based on an examination of Australian legislative requirements and a review of a number of current models. This will firstly allow us to identify basic legal requirements of electronic governance as well as areas of ambiguity not fully addressed by legislation. An examination of current models will suggest recommendations for best practice in areas lacking sufficient legal guidance.
Principal findings : We have identified the following four areas of importance, and shall discuss relevant details:
1) Patients' right of ownership to electronic patient records. 2) Custodial issues with data stored in centralised health care institutions 3) IT Security, including hierarchical level access, data encryption, data transfer standards and physical security 4) Software applications usage.
Discussion : Our examination of several models of best practice for the transfer of electronic patient data, both in Australia and internationally, identifies and clarifies many unresolved issues of electronic governance. This paper will also inform future policy in this area.
Implications : Clarification will facilitate the future development of beneficial technology-based innovations by rural health services.
Presentation type : Poster


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : To measure the prevalence of overweight, obesity and the metabolic syndrome in rural Australia.</p>

Methods :Two cross-sectional population surveys of chronic disease risk factors were carried out in rural Victoria (Corangamite Shire) and South Australia (Limestone Coast) in 2004-05. For both surveys, a stratified random sample of the population aged 25 to 74 years was drawn from the electoral roll. The surveys comprised a self-administered questionnaire, physical measurements and laboratory tests.</p>

Principal findings : A total of 841 individuals had complete questionnaire, health check and measured MetS data. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 75% in males and 64.7% in females defined by BMI. Using waist circumference, the prevalence of overweight and obesity was higher in females (72.9%) than in males (63.2%). The overall prevalence of obesity of was 30.1% when defined by BMI, but 44.8% when defined by waist circumference. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to NCEP ATP III 2005 criteria was 29.0% in males and 28.5% in females. According to IDF criteria, the prevalence for males and females were 30.5% and 36.3%, respectively. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and central (abdominal) obesity, hyperglycaemia, hypertension, and hypertriglyceridaemia increased with age.

Discussion : The prevalence of overweight and obesity, in particular central obesity, in rural Australia is very high as is the prevalence of metabolic syndrome.

Implications : Urgent population wide action is required to turn this trend around and regular monitoring of the trends in response to such action is essential.


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Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of a decision aid for prenatal testing of fetal abnormalities compared with a pamphlet in supporting women's decision making.
Design A cluster randomised controlled trial.
Setting Primary health care.
Population Women in early pregnancy consulting a GP.
Methods GPs were randomised to provide women with either a decision aid or a pamphlet. The decision aid was a 24-page booklet designed using the Ottowa Decision Framework. The pamphlet was an existing resource available in the trial setting.
Main outcome measures Validated scales were used to measure the primary outcomes, informed choice and decisional conflict, and the secondary outcomes, anxiety, depression, attitudes to the pregnancy/fetus and acceptability of the resource. Outcomes were measured at 14 weeks of gestation from questionnaires that women completed and returned by post.
Findings Women in the intervention group were more likely to make an informed decision 76% (126/165) than those in the control group 65% (107/165) (adjusted OR 2.08; 95% CI 1.14–3.81). A greater proportion of women in the intervention group 88% (147/167) had a 'good' level of knowledge than those in the control group 72% (123/171) (adjusted OR 3.43; 95% CI 1.79–6.58). Mean (SD) decisional conflict scores were low in both groups, decision aid 1.71 (0.49), pamphlet 1.65 (0.55) (adjusted mean difference 0.10; 95% CI −0.02 to 0.22). There was no strong evidence of differences between the trial arms in the measures of psychological or acceptability outcomes.
Conclusion A tailored prenatal testing decision aid plays an important role in improving women's knowledge of first and second trimester screening tests and assisting them to make decisions about screening and diagnostic tests that are consistent with their values.