134 resultados para news media


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We present an agent-based system Intelligent Financial News Digest System (IFNDS) for analyzing online financial news articles and associated material. The system can abstract, synthesize, digest, and classify the contents, and assesses whether the report is favorable to any company discussed in the reports. It integrates artificial intelligence technologies including traditional information retrieval and extraction techniques for the news analysis. It makes use of keyword statistics and backpropagation training data to identify companies named in reportage whether it is, evaluatively speaking, positive, negative or neutral. The system would be of use to media such as clipping services, media management, advertising, public relations, public interest, and e-commerce professionals and government non-governmental bodies interested in monitoring the media profiles of corporations, products, and issues.


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Convergence is a major topic of discussion at professional and academic journalism conferences and seminars around the world. This book presents the insights of major players and academics in the field of convergence. Here is your chance to read what the experts think about one of the most significant changes that journalism faces. It should be on the desk of all managers keen to know where the future will take us, and on the reading list of every student of journalism and media.


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The possible shortage of applicants for principal positions is news in both Australia and abroad. We subject a corpus of predominantly US news article to deconstructive narrative analysis and find that the dominant media representation of principals' work is one of long hours, low salary, high stress and sudden death from high stakes accountabilities. However reported US policy interventions focus predominantly on professional development for aspirants. We note that this will be insufficient to reverse the lack of applications, and suggest that the dominant media picture of completely unattractive principals' work, meant to leverage a policy solution will perhaps paradoxically perpetuate the problem. This picture is also curiously at odds with research that reports high job satisfaction among principals. We suggest that there is a dominant binary of victim and saviour principal in both media and policy which prevents some strategic re-thinking about how the principalship might be different.


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The principal objective of this paper is to investigate how the arts are represented in the Australian print media. The research is conducted by means of textual analysis focusing on a number of case studies where arts stories appeared in the news pages of an Australian daily broadsheet newspaper. This paper argues that in these case studies the arts are represented in terms of a limited range of rhetorical frameworks. These frameworks help constitute public knowledge about the arts and their marginalised status in Australia. This paper offers a critique of current arts policy which fails to recognise the role of the media in reinforcing the marginalisation of the arts.


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The broadcast news industry has many questions about convergence and how best to operate in a world of rapidly changing digital technology. Some of the key issues the industry ponders are how to innovate in a climate of increased competition, how best to structure a converged media operation and how to produce quality journalism yet keep costs under control. This paper tracks the introduction of a "learning laboratory" at Ball State University in Indiana designed to answer these and other questions. The paper outlines the theories and concepts behind the development of a converged newsroom staffed by professionals and students in an immersion education program. It uses qualitative methods initially because these are most appropriate for the project at this stage of its development.


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The world was captivated when footage of a badly burnt koala taking water from a Victorian Country Fire Authority volunteer was taken with a mobile phone and broadcast to the world on YouTube in February 2009. When the story of ‘Sam the Koala’ was subsequently adopted by traditional broadcast and print media, recombinant themes were used to construct her story – from heroism, patriotism, villain v victim - even romance was incorporated to entertain and create audience appeal. This paper explores how ‘Sam the Koala’ became a defining news story in the coverage of Victoria’s Black Saturday bushfires and examines the power of narrative when cross pollination occurs between new and traditional media in the production of news. It is argued that Sam’s story is evidence of journalists adopting new approaches to storytelling in a bid to retain their legitimacy as the authoritative voice of news and information in an increasingly technologically driven society.


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Inspired by Vassalou (J Financ Econ 68:47–73, 2003), we investigate the contention that the Fama and French (J Financ Econ 33:3–56, 1993) model’s ability to explain the cross sectional variation in equity returns is because the Fama–French factors are proxying for risk associated with future GDP growth in the Australian equities market. To assess the validity of Vassalou’s findings, we augment the CAPM and the Fama–French model with a GDP growth factor and run system regressions of the GDP-enhanced models using the GMM approach. Our results suggest that news about future GDP growth is not priced in equity returns and that any ability that SMB and HML exhibit in explaining equity returns is not because they contain information about future GDP growth.


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This paper grew out of the authors’ interest in updating the journalism curriculum at AUT (Aukland University of Technology) to better reflect the impact of online media, including social media, on the work of journalists. The challenge for journalism educators is to remain relevant in rapidly changing news and education environments. Our study suggests that while the vast majority of students have some engagement with social media, particularly social networking, and are aware that it can be a powerful tool for journalists, they are still not entirely comfortable with its techniques and they are not experimenting with social media as a production platform as much as we first thought. In short, it appears that they do not have command of professional fluency with social media tools. In response to these findings we have begun to introduce some social media tools and processes directly into the units we teach, in particular: digital story-telling techniques; the use of Twitter and location-based applications; encouraging the ethical use of Facebook etc. for sourcing stories and talent for interviews; podcasting, soundslides and video for the Web, Dreamweaver, InDesign and PHP-based content management systems. We do not see the work to date as the end-point of the changes that we know are necessary, but we are acutely aware of the limitations (structural, institutional and financial) that suggest we should continue with this small-steps approach for the foreseeable future.


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Beckwith spoke on and conducted workshops on the use of digital media and dance within the classroom.

From the website http://ausdance.org.au/news/article/2011-dance-across-the-domains-2011 :
Dance Across the Domains (DADs) is an innovative program for teachers and educators to receive professional development from dance industry practitioners and leading dance teachers.

In 2011 the focus for the conference is “dance from many cultures”. A key feature of the conferences is exploring the ways dance can enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum, such as literacy, numeracy, humanities and ICT.

DADs is includes practical activities, theory-based sessions, peer observation, case studies, resource sharing and networking. The conference supports schools’ implementation of VELS domains and strand, provides curriculum advice and related support materials.Megan spoke on and conducted workshops on the use of digital media and dance within the classroom.