108 resultados para meat and bone meal


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Exercise during growth may increase peak bone mass; if the benefits are maintained it may reduce the risk of fracture later in life (1). It is hypothesised that exercise will preferentially enhance bone formation on the surface of cortical bone that is undergoing bone modeling at the time (2). Therefore, exercise may increase bone mass accrual on the outer periosteal surface during the pre- and peri-pubertal years, and on the inner endocortical surface during puberty (3). An increase in bone formation on the periosteal surface is, however, more effective for increasing bone strength than medullary contraction (4). While exercise may have a role in osteoporosis prevention, there is little evidential basis to support this notion. It is generally accepted that weight-bearing exercise is important, but it is not known how much, how often, what magnitude or how long children need to exercise before a clinically important increase in bone density is obtained. In this thesis, the effect of exercise on the growing skeleton is investigated in two projects. The first quantifies the magnitude and number of loads associated with and in a moderate and low impact exercise program and non-structured play. The second project examines how exercise affects bone size and shape during different stages of growth. Study One: The Assessment of the Magnitude of Exercise Loading and the Skeletal Response in Girls Questions: 1) Does moderate impact exercise lead to a greater increase in BMC than low impact exercise? 2) Does loading history influence the osteogenic response to moderate impact exercise? 3) What is the magnitude and number of loads that are associated with a moderate and low impact exercise program? Methods: Sixty-eight pre-and early-pubertal girls (aged 8.9±0.2 years) were randomised to either a moderate or low impact exercise regime for 8.5-months. In each exercise group the girls received either calcium fortified (-2000 mg/week) or non-fortified foods for the duration of the study. The magnitude and number of loads associated with the exercise programs and non-structured play were assessed using a Pedar in-sole mobile system and video footage, respectively. Findings: After adjusting for baseline BMC, change in length and calcium intake, the girls in the moderate exercise intervention showed greater increases in BMC at the tibia (2.7%) and total body (1.3%) (p ≤0.05). Girl's who participated in moderate impact sports outside of school, showed greater gains in BMC in response to the moderate impact exercise program compared to the low impact exercise program (2.5 to 4.5%, p ≤0.06 to 0.01). The moderate exercise program included -400 impacts per class, that were applied in a dynamic manner and the magnitude of impact was up to 4 times body weight. Conclusion: Moderate-impact exercise may be sufficient to enhance BMC accrual during the pre-pubertal years. However, loading history is likely to influence the osteogenic response to additional moderate impact exercise. These findings contribute towards the development of school-based exercise programs aimed at improving bone health of children. Study Two: Exercise Effect on Cortical Bone Morphology During Different Stages of Maturation in Tennis Players Questions: 1) How does exercise affect bone mass (BMC) bone geometry and bone strength during different stages of growth? 2) Is there an optimal stage during growth when exercise has the greatest affect on bone strength? Methods: MRI was used to measure average total bone, cortical and medullary areas at the mid- and distal-regions of the playing and non-playing humerii in 47 pre-, peri- and post-pubertal competitive female tennis players aged 8 to 17 years. To assess bone rigidity, each image was imported into Scion Image 4.0.2 and the maximum, minimum and polar second moments of area were calculated using a custom macro. DXA was used to measure BMC of the whole humerus. Longitudinal data was collected on 37 of the original cohort. Findings: Analysis of the entire cohort showed that exercise was associated with increased BMC and cortical area (8 to 14%), and bone rigidity (11 to 23%) (all p ≤0.05). The increase in cortical bone area was associated with periosteal expansion in the pre-pubertal years and endocortical contraction in the post-pubertal years (p ≤0.05). The exercise-related gains in bone mass that were accrued at the periosteum during the pre-pubertal years, did not increase with advanced maturation and/or additional training. Conclusion: Exercise increased cortical BMC by enhancing bone formation on the periosteal surface during the pre-pubertal years and on the endocortical surface in the post-pubertal years. However, bone strength only increased in response to bone acquisition on the periosteal surface. Therefore the pre-pubertal years appear to be the most opportune time for exercise to enhance BMC accrual and bone strength


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The major polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in the western diet is linoleic acid (LA), which is considered to be the major source of tissue arachidonic acid (AA), the principal precursor for the vaso-active eicosanoids via the cyclooxygenase enzymatic pathway. However, dietary AA may contribute significantly to tissue levels of AA in humans, leading to an increase in the production of eicosanoids, particularly the platelet aggregating, vasoconstricting, thromboxane (TXA2), hence increasing thrombosis risk. The aims of this study were to determine the extent to which dietary AA contributed to prostacyclin (PGI2) and TXA2 production in vivo and whether dietary long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA have a modulating influence on the metabolism of AA to these vaso-active eicosanoids. A gas chromatography -mass spectrometry (GCMS) method for urinary PGI2-M determination and a tandem GCMS/MS method for urinary TXA2-M determination were perfected for use within our laboratory (with the assistance of Dr Howard Knapp, University of Iowa and Professor Reinhard Lorenz, Ludwig Maximilian's University, Munich, respectively). An initial animal study compared the in vitro production of PGI2 by aorta segments with the whole body in vivo production of PGI2 in rats fed ethyl arachidonate or the ethyl ester of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), at levels many times higher than encountered in human diets. During AA feeding both measures of PGI2 increased, although in vitro TXA2 production was not affected. EPA feeding lowered in vitro TXA2 and in vivo PGI2. Prior to determining the effects of AA and LC n-3 PUFA in humans, a study was carried out to determine the AA and LC n-3 PUFA content of foods and from these, an estimate of the mean daily intake of AA and other LC PUFA. Eggs, organ meats and paté were found to be the richest sources of AA. Of the meat and fish analysed, white meat was found to be relatively rich in AA but poor in LC n-3 PUFA. Lean red meat, particularly kangaroo had similar LC n-3 PUFA and AA content. Fish, although rich in AA, had extremely high levels of LC n-3 PUFA. The calculated mean daily intakes of AA in Australian adults was 130mg (males) and 96mg (females). For total LC n-3 PUFA intake, the mean daily values were 247mg (males) and 197mg (females). Two human pilot studies involving dietary intervention trials examined the effects of dietary AA and AA plus long chain n-3 PUFA on thrombosis risk, gauged by the change in the ratio of PGI2 / TXA2 as well as alterations to other recognised risk factors, such as lipoprotein lipids and platelet aggregation. The desired dietary amounts of AA and LC n-3 PUFA were achieved in the first study by combining food items with known levels of each fatty acid. In the second study, where a diet with approximately equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA was being examined, kangaroo meat was consumed, following a low-fat vegetarian diet used as a baseline. Diets rich in AA alone (~500mg/day) increased plasma phospholipid (PL) AA levels, PGIi and TXA2 production. When foods containing equal quantities of AA and EPA (∼500mg/day of each) were fed to subjects PGI2 increased, with no change in TXAs production. Low fat vegetarian diets lowered PGI2 production, the level of which was reestablished by an AA rich diet (∼300mg AA/day + ∼260mg/day LC n-3 PUFA) of kangaroo meat. However, TXA2 production was not altered. A final, larger human dietary intervention trial then examined the effects of diets relatively rich in AA alone, AA plus LC n-3 PUFA and LC n-3 PUFA, on the ratio of PGI2/TXA2- The dietary sources of these fatty acids were white meat, red meat and fish, respectively. Each contained a mean level of AA of ∼140mg/day, with varying LC n-3 PUFA levels (59, 161 and 3380mg/day, respectively). Neither meat diet altered PGI2 or TXA2 production significantly, despite increasing serum PL AA levels. The fish diet resulted in a decrease in the serum and platelet PL AA/EPA ratio and TXA2 production, thus increasing the PGI2 / TXA2 ratio. These results would indicate that stores of AA in the body are sufficiently high to have effectively saturated the cyclooxygenase pathway for production of both PGI2 and TXA2, thus making any small change in the plasma level of AA due to 'normal' dietary levels, inconsequential. However, as seen in the rat study and the two pilot studies higher dietary levels of AA can increase both PGI2 and TXA2 production. Increases in platelet levels of EPA and DHA were associated with a decrease in TXA2 production, or the maintenance of a constant TXA2 level, while AA tissue levels and PGI2 production increased. This suggests a possible inhibitory effect of LC n-3 PUFA on the metabolism of AA to TXA2, particularly in platelets. From these short term studies, conducted over 2-3 week periods, it can be concluded that diets rich in lean meats can raise plasma AA levels but do not affect TXA2 or PGI2 production, hence are not pro-thrombotic. Diets rich in long chain n-3 PUFA from fish, raise plasma EPA and DHA levels, lower TXA2 production and are anti-thrombotic. Diets which combine equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA appear to increase PGI2 production while keeping TXA2 production constant. In order for these LC PUFA to have a significant effect on eicosanoid production the dietary intake of these fatty acids through foods such as red meat or white meat would have to be higher than average current Australian consumption levels.


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Current orthopaedic biomaterials research mainly focuses on developing implants that could induce controlled, guided and rapid healing. In the present study, the surface morphologies of titanium (Ti) and niobium (Nb) metals were tailored to form nanoporous, nanoplate and nanofibrelike structures through adjustment of the temperature in the alkali treatment. The in vitro bioactivity of these structures was then evaluated by soaking in simulated body fluid (SBF). It was found that the morphology of the modified surface significantly influenced the apatite inducing ability. The Ti surface with a nanofiber-like structure showed better apatite inducing ability, than the nanoporous or nanoplate surface structures. A thick dense apatite layer formed on the Ti surface with nanofiberlike structure after 1 week soaking in SBF. It is expected that the anofibre-like surface could achieve good apatite formation in vivo and subsequently enhance osteoblast cell adhesion and bone formation in vivo.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the major dietary patterns of two age cohorts of women, to determine to the extent to which the dietary patterns differ between the cohorts and to assess whether they vary according to sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics and patterns of nutrient intake.

Dietary intake was assessed using an 80-item food frequency questionnaire for women aged 50–55 years (n=10 150; ‘middle age’) in 2001 and aged 25–30 years (n=7371; ‘young’) in 2003, from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Factor analysis using principal component extraction was used to identify dietary patterns, and a pattern score was calculated from the consumption of the food items identified with each dietary pattern. Associations between the dietary pattern scores and sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics and nutrient intakes were investigated using regression analysis.

Results: Six dietary patterns were identified and were labelled: cooked vegetables; fruit; Mediterranean-style; processed meat, meat and takeaway; reduced fat dairy; and high-fat and sugar foods. Regression analysis revealed that healthier dietary patterns were significantly associated with other favourable health-related behaviours, higher socioeconomic status and living in urban areas (P-values <0.05).

In spite of differences in the level of consumption of individual food items, the similarity in dietary patterns across two generations of women suggests that policies and interventions to improve diet should focus on social and economic factors and general health-related behaviour rather than different age groups.


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Maintaining low body weight for the sake of performance and aesthetic purposes is a common feature among young girls and women who exercise on a regular basis, including elite, college and high-school athletes, members of fitness centres, and recreational exercisers. High energy expenditure without adequate compensation in energy intake leads to an energy deficiency, which may ultimately affect reproductive function and bone health. The combination of low energy availability, menstrual disturbances and low bone mineral density is referred to as the ‘female athlete triad’. Not all athletes seek medical assistance in response to the absence of menstruation for 3 or more months as some believe that long-term amenorrhoea is not harmful. Indeed, many women may not seek medical attention until they sustain a stress fracture.
This review investigates current issues, controversies and strategies in the clinical management of bone health concerns related to the female athlete triad. Current recommendations focus on either increasing energy intake or decreasing energy expenditure, as this approach remains the most efficient strategy to prevent further bone health complications. However, convincing the athlete to increase energy availability can be extremely challenging.
Oral contraceptive therapy seems to be a common strategy chosen by many physicians to address bone health issues in young women with amenorrhoea, although there is little evidence that this strategy improves bone mineral density in this population. Assessment of bone health itself is difficult due to the limitations of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to estimate bone strength. Understanding how bone strength is affected by low energy availability, weight gain and resumption of menses requires further investigations using 3-dimensional bone imaging techniques in order to improve the clinical management of the female athlete triad.


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Both serum leptin and bone mineral density are positively correlated with body fat, generating the hypothesis that leptin may be a systemic and/or local regulator of bone mass. We investigated 214 healthy, nonobese Australian women aged 20-91 yr. Bone mineral content, projected bone area, and body fat mass were measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and fasting serum leptin levels by RIA. Associations between bone mineral content (adjusted for age, body weight, body fat mass, and bone area) and the natural logarithm of serum leptin concentrations were analyzed by multiple regression techniques. There was a significant positive association at the lateral spine, two proximal femur sites (Ward's triangle and trochanter), and whole body (partial r2 = 0.019 to 0.036; all P < 0.05). Similar trends were observed at the femoral neck and posterior-anterior-spine. With bone mineral density the dependent variable (adjusted for age, body weight, and body fat mass), the association with the natural logarithm of leptin remained significant at the lateral spine (partial r2 = 0.030; P = 0.011), was of borderline significance at the proximal femur sites (partial r2 = 0.012 to 0.017; P = 0.058 to 0.120), and was not significant at the other sites. Our results demonstrate an association between serum leptin levels and bone mass consistent with the hypothesis that circulating leptin may play a role in regulating bone mass.


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For most people in Australia, the primary source of vitamin D is casual exposure to sunlight. Hypovitaminosis D has been reported for high-risk populations, but little has been documented for women of all ages living in the community. Using cross-sectional data, we aimed to describe physical and behavioural characteristics associated with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) for such women and to determine the association of serum 25OHD with hypertension and bone health. Serum 25OHD, parathyroid hormone (PTH), blood pressure, bone mineral density (BMD) and anthropometry were measured in a random sample of 861 women aged 20–92 years enrolled in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study, set in a temperate region at latitude 38–39°S. Lifestyle factors (including diet, smoking, medication use, socio-economic status, residence, education, occupation, and physical activity) were documented by questionnaire. In season-adjusted models for women aged 20–54 years, physical activity and living with a partner were independently and positively associated with serum 25OHD; associations with weight and waist–hip ratio were negative. Among older women, physical activity, vitamin D intake and urban dwelling were positively associated with serum 25OHD; age, weight and smoking were negative. Compared with the lowest tertile, those in the highest serum 25OHD tertile were less likely to have elevated serum PTH (adjusted OR = 0.25, 95% CI 0.16–0.41) and high blood pressure (adjusted OR = 0.40, 95% CI 0.22–0.72), and more likely to have normal hip and spine BMD (adjusted OR = 1.65, 95% CI 1.08–2.52). In multivariable models adjusting for season, age, weight (and height), BMD was associated with serum 25OHD at the spine, hip and whole body; no associations were detected at the forearm and no other characteristics were identified as confounders. Factors associated with high vitamin D status generally reflected healthy body habitus and active lifestyles. In contrast, excessive weight and smoking were associated with poorer vitamin D status. Women with high vitamin D were less likely to have elevated PTH, hypertension or bone deficits than women with poor levels.


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Background: There is evidence to suggest that β-blockers used in the management of cardiovascular disease may also modulate bone metabolism and reduce bone fragility.

Aim: The study aimed to determine the association between β-blocker use, serum markers of bone turnover and bone loss in early postmenopausal women.

Subjects and methods: In this observational study, we evaluated β-blocker exposure in association with serum levels of C-telopeptide and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, and rates of bone loss. β-blocker use, concomitant therapy and lifestyle were documented for 197 women (50–59 years), 175 of whom had changes in whole body bone mineral density monitored over a 2–year period.

Results: Twenty-four β-blocker users were identified at baseline. After controlling for concomitant use of hormone therapy, C-telopeptide levels were 6.7% lower among β-blocker users (p = 0.02). No association was detected between bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and β-blocker use. Analysis of 15 β-blocker users and 152 non-users identified 2 years post-baseline showed that levels of C-telopeptide but not bone-specific alkaline phosphatase were predictors of adjusted rates of bone loss (p = 0.008 and p>0.05, respectively). Adjusted rates of bone loss were −0.001 ± 0.026 g cm−2 over 2 years for the users and −0.004 ± 0.025 g cm−2 over 2 years for non-users, but this difference was not significant.

Conclusion: β-blockers might suppress bone resorption with relative preservation of bone formation. A study with greater power is required to determine whether β-blocker use is associated with lower rates of bone loss.


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Background: Increasing prevalence of obesity and overweight in the Western world, continue to be a major health threat and is responsible for increased health care costs. Dietary intervention studies show a strong positive association between saturated fat intake and the development of obesity and cardiovascular disease. This study investigated the effect of positional distribution of palmitic acid (Sn-1, 2 & 3) of palm oil on cardiovascular health and development of obesity, using weaner pigs as a model for young children.

Methods: Male and female weaner piglets were randomly allocated to 4 dietary treatment groups: 1) pork lard (LRD); 2) natural palm olein (NPO); 3) chemically inter-esterified PO (CPO) and 4) enzymatically inter-esterified PO (EnPO) as the fat source. Diets were formulated with 11% lard or with palm olein in order to provide 31% of digestible energy from fat in the diet and were balanced for cholesterol, protein and energy across treatments.

Results: From 8 weeks onwards, pigs on EnPO diet gained (P < 0.05) more weight than all other groups. Feed conversion efficiency (feed to gain) over the 12 week experimental period did not vary between treatment groups. Plasma LDL-C content and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio in pigs fed natural PO tended to be lower compared to all other diets. The natural PO lowered (P < 0.02) the plasma triglyceride (TG) content relative to the lard or EnPO diets, but was not different from the CPO diet. The natural PO diet was associated with lower (P < 0.05) saturated fat levels in subcutaneous adipose tissue than the CPO and EnPO diets that had lower saturated fat levels than the lard diet. Female pigs had lower lean and higher fat and fat:lean ratio in the body compared with male pigs. No difference in weight gain or blood lipid parameters was observed between sexes.

Conclusions: The observations on plasma TG, muscle and adipose tissue saturated fatty acid contents and back fat (subcutaneous) thickness suggest that natural palm oil may reduce deposition of body fat. In addition, dietary supplementation with natural palm oil containing palmitic acid at different positions in meat producing animals may lead to the production of meat and meat products with lower saturated fats. An increase in fat content and a decrease in lean content in female pigs resulted in an increased body fat:lean ratio but gender had no effect on blood lipid parameters or insulin concentrations.


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Purpose: Body structure and physical development must be addressed when preparing junior athletes for their first season in a senior competition. The aim of this preliminary study was to measure the extent of the assumption that final year junior Australian Football (AF) athletes are at a physical mismatch to their senior counterparts.

Methods: Twenty-one male participants (17.71 ± 0.27 y) were recruited from one state based elite junior AF competition and forty-one male participants (22.80 ± 4.24 y) were recruited from one club competing in the senior elite Australian Football League (AFL), who were subsequently divided into two groups; professional rookies aged 18-20 y (19.44 ± 0.70 y; n = 18) and professional seniors aged 21+ y (25.43 ± 3.98 y; n = 23). Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scans of all participants were completed.

Despite being an average 6.0% and 6.1% lighter in total weight and lean mass respectively, no significant difference was found between the elite junior athletes and their professional AFL rookie counterparts. However, significant differences were demonstrated in comparison with the professional AFL senior athletes (P < .01). Both professional AFL groups demonstrated greater than 0.3 kg total bone mineral content (BMC) than the elite junior athletes (P < .01) and significantly greater segmental BMC and bone mineral density (BMD) results (P < .05).

Conclusion: While the results identify the differences in body composition of the elite junior athletes, development in a linear fashion is noted, providing useful information for the creation of age appropriate expectations and training programs.


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The scientific literature related to vitamin D and bone health in older adults is extensive.

This article aims to summarise key practice points regarding vitamin D and bone health in older adults, relevant to general practitioners, and to provide an overview of the background literature to enable GPs to appreciate the extent of the supporting evidence.

Vitamin D supplementation can prevent falls, particularly in the vitamin D deficient elderly. However, adequate vitamin D levels and dietary calcium intake are needed for effective primary fracture prevention with greatest benefits occurring in the elderly with vitamin D deficiency and/or low dietary calcium intakes. For secondary fracture prevention, ie. preventing further fractures in the elderly who have already sustained a fragility fracture, specific anti-osteoporosis treatment is necessary. However, to maximise the benefits of these medications, vitamin D deficiency should be corrected and adequate dietary calcium consumed.


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Development of new biodegradable implants and devices is necessary to meet the increasing needs of regenerative orthopedic procedures. An important consideration while formulating new implant materials is that they should physicochemically and biologically mimic bone-like properties. In earlier studies, we have developed and characterized magnesium based biodegradable alloys, in particular magnesium-zirconium (Mg-Zr) alloys. Here we have reported the biological properties of four Mg-Zr alloys containing different quantities of strontium or calcium. The alloys were implanted in small cavities made in femur bones of New Zealand White rabbits, and the quantitative and qualitative assessments of newly induced bone tissue were carried out. A total of 30 experimental animals, three for each implant type, were studied, and bone induction was assessed by histological, immunohistochemical and radiological methods; cavities in the femurs with no implants and observed for the same period of time were kept as controls. Our results showed that Mg-Zr alloys containing appropriate quantities of strontium were more efficient in inducing good quality mineralized bone than other alloys. Our results have been discussed in the context of physicochemical and biological properties of the alloys, and they could be very useful in determining the nature of future generations of biodegradable orthopedic implants.


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Orthotopic or intracardiac injection of human breast cancer cell lines into immunocompromised mice allows study of the molecular basis of breast cancer metastasis. We have established a quantitative real-time PCR approach to analyze metastatic spread of human breast cancer cells inoculated into nude mice via these routes. We employed MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells genetically tagged with a bacterial β-galactosidase (Lac-Z) retroviral vector, enabling their detection by TaqMan® real-time PCR. PCR detection was linear, specific, more sensitive than conventional PCR, and could be used to directly quantitate metastatic burden in bone and soft organs. Attesting to the sensitivity and specificity of the PCR detection strategy, as few as several hundred metastatic MDA-MB-231 cells were detectable in 100 μm segments of paraffin-embedded lung tissue, and only in samples adjacent to sections that scored positive by histological detection. Moreover, the measured real-time PCR metastatic burden in the bone environment (mouse hind-limbs, n=48) displayed a high correlation to the degree of osteolytic damage observed by high resolution X-ray analysis (r 2=0.972). Such a direct linear relationship to tumor burden and bone damage substantiates the so-called `vicious cycle' hypothesis in which metastatic tumor cells promote the release of factors from the bone which continue to stimulate the tumor cells. The technique provides a useful tool for molecular and cellular analysis of human breast cancer metastasis to bone and soft organs, can easily be extended to other cell/marker/organ systems, and should also find application in preclinical assessment of anti-metastatic modalities.


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Purpose – There is increasing interest in the domestic preparation of food and with the postulated health benefits of “cooking from scratch”. The purpose of this paper is to examine the demographic and food preparation associations of this term in order to examine its operational value. Design/methodology/approach – A national online survey was conducted during 2012 in Australia among 1,023 domestic food providers, half of whom were men. Questions were asked about cooking from scratch, demographic characteristics, food preparation practices and interest in learning about cooking. Findings – Three quarters of the sample reported they often or always “cooked from scratch” (CFS). More women than men always CFS; fewer 18-29 year olds did so often or always but more of the over 50s always did so; fewer single people CFS than cohabiting people. No statistically significant ethnic, educational background or household income differences were found. High levels of cooking from scratch were associated with interest in learning more about cooking, greater use of most cooking techniques (except microwaves), meat and legume preparation techniques, and the use of broader ranges of herbs, spice, liquids/ sauces, other ingredients and cooking utensils. Research limitations/implications – In future work a numerical description of the frequency of cooking from scratch should be considered along with a wider range of response options. The data were derived from an online panel from which men were oversampled. Caution is required in comparisons between men and women respondents. The cross-sectional nature of the sample prevents any causal attributions from being drawn from the observed relationships. Further replication of the findings, especially the lack of association with educational background should be conducted. Originality/value – This is the first study to examine the associations of demographic characteristics and cooking practices with cooking from scratch. The findings suggest that cooking from scratch is common among Australian family food providers and signifies interest in learning about cooking and involvement in a wide range of cooking techniques.


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Due to their differing etiologies and consequences, it has been proposed that the term "sarcopenia" should revert to its original definition of age-related muscle mass declines, with a separate term, "dynapenia", describing muscle strength and function declines. There is increasing interest in the interactions of sarcopenia and dynapenia with obesity. Despite an apparent protective effect of obesity on fracture, increased adiposity may compromise bone health, and the presence of sarcopenia and/or dynapenia ("sarcopenic obesity" and "dynapenic obesity") may exacerbate the risk of falls and fracture in obese older adults. Weight loss interventions are likely to be beneficial for older adults with sarcopenic and dynapenic obesity but may result in further reductions in muscle and bone health. The addition of exercise including progressive resistance training and nutritional strategies, including protein and vitamin D supplementation, may optimise body composition and muscle function outcomes thereby reducing falls and fracture risk in this population.