225 resultados para educational research


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Practicing teachers and principals in selected Government schools in Victoria provided data on their levels of emotional intelligence and teacher efficacy beliefs. The data supported the theoretical expectation of a linkage between emotional intelligence and teacher self efficacy. Regression analyses showed that neither gender nor age moderated this relationship. However length of teaching experience and current status add significant direct effects on predicting teacher self efficacy but did not moderate the relationship between emotional intelligence and teacher self efficacy. These findings are significant as this now demonstrates a relationship between levels of emotional intelligence in teachers, their self efficacy beliefs and teacher effectiveness.


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This article investigates how certain doctoral practices come to count as scandalous and with what effects on universities. To do so, it engages with a number of recent media allegations that relate to doctoral practice in Australia and elsewhere. The analysis of these allegations is developed in terms of three broad categories, namely allegations of silliness in relation to thesis content, allegations of softness in relation to entry, rigour and assessment, and allegations of suspect conduct and/or credentials. The impact of such allegations on university governance is then addressed.


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Writing groups have developed in universities to assist academics to publish. Knowledge of these groups and their successes and challenges is valuable, and informs the wider academic writing community. However there is a paucity of research in this support area. This article will discuss writing groups from two other universities and report on the evolution of our writing group over a three-year period. It will then compare the characteristics of the three in terms of publishing acumen, collegiality, leadership and affect, and discuss emerging trends.


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When he was only twelve, Peter Jackson (director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy) cut fur strips from his mother's stole, and using wire he made a 20 cm model of King Kong. After a long incubation period for his ideas, he devised a modem version of the film King Kong. Research shows that the generation of new ideas (generative mental state) cannot exist at the same time as the non-generative/analytical mental state. This research has implications for technology educators who value creativity. We explored how an incubation period of non-focused thinking affected children's creative ideas for their technological products. Five teachers and 117 children from primary schools in a Victorian regional city and a semirural village participated in the study. The teachers factored in an incubation period that allowed time for the children's attention to wander in a relaxed and uncompetitive environment. We analyzed transcripts of teacher interviews and the children's written evaluations and drawings. We found a correlation between the incubation of ideas and the degree of creativity exhibited by the children. This key finding suggests that teachers of technology should take the incubation period into account in order to enhance creativity in the children's technology designs.


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LSAY is a research program that follows young Australians as they move through secondary school, into further education or training, and into the labour market and adult life. This website provides access to the electronic full text versions of LSAY research reports, from 1996 to present.


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Constructivism, as a set of theories about how learners learn, has been an important discourse in the educational research literature for a number of years. Interestingly, it has been far more visible in science education research than in environmental education research. This article considers conceptual change theory within constructivism as a contested concept, outlines differing expressions of constructivism in science education and environmental education, and argues for approaches to environmental education that adopt socially constructivist perspectives with respect to the character of the subject matter content as well as to learners' apprehension of such content. In considering implications for research, this perspective is juxtaposed with a recent United States Education Act, which prescribes a far more objectivist approach to educational research and which serves as a reminder that research itself is a powerful factor in shaping how we construct the nature of subject matter, learning and the implications of these for teaching practice.


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This study evolves from the broader educational research that indicates the characteristics of the student and the perceptions of the teaching/learning environment influence the quality of student learning. The model of learning developed in the paper is based on Biggs' (1987a) model of student learning together with the congruence model of vocational interests and work environments proposed by Holland (1985,1992). The model of learning was tested using a sample of 826 first year accounting students using structural equation modelling (SEM).

The findings provide substantive information about the learning approaches of students with vocational interests congruent with the task demands of a first year accounting course. Additionally, there is strong support for the association between student perceptions of the teaching/learning environment and approaches to learning. In particular the re specified model of student learning identifies the relationship between student perceptions of the appropriateness of workload and the adoption of a surface approach to learning.


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In this paper we will argue that the dominant discourse on young males 'at risk' focuses too narrowly on the adolescent and young adult years. There is a tendency to individualise, both practically and theoretically, behaviours that are thought to substantiate the application of this category. Against this backdrop, we report on a study undertaken with a group of 6-8 year old boys in a primary school setting. The research was compiled around the interactions of an 'affinity group' of five young males across a six-month period. Prominent in our discussion of this data will be, the contextual nature of behaviour and identity, the influential role of the peer group, and the desire to 'other' in defining the self. We conclude by considering some of the implications this work has for the way mainstream schooling is structured and practiced.


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Within the area of educational research that has its focus on individual differences, the concept of emotional intelligence and its study in relation to the professional lives of teachers has raised considerable interest over the past decade. This article reports on data from a new measure of emotional intelligence specifically related to situations in the teaching environment. The four underlying dimensions that are identified in this study appear to be a more relevant way of characterising emotional intelligence for those in the teaching profession than other conceptualisations of emotional intelligence. The article concludes with an examination of the contention that emotional intelligence is strongly connected to effective teaching practice


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Across Victoria, Early Childhood educators are incorporating technology experiences into the daily activities for their children. A small research project, which asked teachers to describe what they did and how they did it, has highlighted some interesting findings. This paper will describe case studies of four pre-school settings and some of the activities undertaken by the children - both as part of the formal program and through incidental play. It will consider these through a socia-cultural framework, noting how teachers used their understandings of play and children's cognitive development, to enhance children's understandings.


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When undertaking design and technology activities, children are provided with opportunities to create solutions to problems in new and innovative ways. There have been few studies which have looked closely at how primary aged children undertake technology activities and even fewer that have investigated children's language when undertaking a technology task. This paper reports on a research project that focused on children's thinking and also the language that the children used when they were involved in a design and technology activity. The findings suggest that there were several key ideas that the children focused on: the fun of the activity, the satisfaction of completing the task, the difficulty of problem solving and the interest in creating something 'new'.


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This paper emerges from a three year study within a core education subject in preservice teacher education classrooms in Australia. This ‘practitioner research’ (Zeichner, 1999) engaged the problematics of ‘teaching and learning‘ and ‘teacher and learner’ in a learner-centred, arts based curriculum. An abundance of storylines and positionings (Harré & van Langenhove, 1991, 1999; Harré & Slocum, 2003) were revealed; among them were storylines of ‘responsibility for teaching and learning’ and ‘risk taking in learning’
The paper provides accounts of how preservice teachers positioned themselves and others within these storylines. The shifts made by students of positioning and between storylines provide substantial argument for the use of leaner-centred, arts based curriculum. Account is also made of the ways participants persisted with positioning even when this jeopardized their own learning or that of others.


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Teaching and researching through art opens multiple, distinct and/or overlapping understandings with positionings that shift according to the angle of repose of the percipient. The performance of teaching includes both technical skills and professional knowledge that pervade the literature of teacher education and teacher learning. These are strongly linked to the weight of attention teachers give to standards and assessment. Teaching, however, is more than this twodimensional technicist construction. Seventy years ago Dewey (1934) identified the distinction between an assessment based education with narrowly defined objectives, and active, open ended constructivist approaches best exemplified in the arts.