286 resultados para audit reporting


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The nature of a corporate takeover often leads to the contraction in the number of companies operating in a given industry classification, along with the contraction in the amount of formal financial statements produced by the companies in that industry. Since 1985 Australian diversified companies are required to break their operations down into industry and geographical segments, so it would be expected that companies which diversify their operations through a corporate takeover would be forerunners in the adoption of this relatively new accounting standard on segment reporting. While previous studies have both declared the benefits of segment reporting to report users, and exposed some preconceived problems of its application in practice, there has not been any work on the 'usefulness1 of segment reporting as a form of reporting that will compensate shareholder users for the information loss suffered during a corporate takeover. This study endeavours to determine this, by questioning shareholders of companies that have been involved in takeovers in a period subsequent to the application date of the segment reporting standard, and obtaining their views on the usefulness of the post-takeover segment reports produced by their companies. A link is discovered to exist between shareholder dissatisfaction with segment reporting and the non-practice of creating a new segment in the post-takeover annual report for the target acquired. The underlying assumption that the practice of new segment creation after a takeover is influenced by the type of takeover undertaken is supported by the study. Regardless of whether or not a company is diversified before the takeover, the findings show that a corporate acquirer in a takeover is less likely to create a new industry or geographical segment for the target acquired if they are involved in horizontal or vertical takeovers than if they are involved in diversified takeovers. In these situations, segment reporting is found to not compensate shareholders for the loss of information incurred by them in these types of takeovers.


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This study extends the literature on audit pricing by examining the relationship between audit fees and corporate governance factors, namely audit committee and CEO characteristics of 605 public-listed companies in Malaysia. The study specifically investigates the association between audit fees and the ethnicity attributes of the CEO (bumiputra or not) and audit committee members (i.e. proportion of bumiputra membership), as well as audit committee characteristics pertaining to the proportion of independent members, financial expertise and diligence. The findings indicate audit committee independence is significantly and positively associated with audit fees, while financial expertise has a negative association with audit fees. We however do not find any relationship between audit fees and audit committee diligence as measured by meeting frequency. In addition, the data also reveals that firms with bumiputra CEOs and bumiputra dominated audit committees hold significant and positive relationships with audit fees.


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This study assumes that evidence regarding audit quality can be derived from the level of earnings management reflected in reported abnormal or discretionary accruals. Given this assumption, audit quality is examined in the context of the 1997 Asian financial crisis using data from Malaysia. Examining audit quality in its association with earnings management across differential macroeconomic periods provides insights that may be otherwise masked. The period of the crisis is partitioned between pre-crisis (1994-1996), crisis (1997-1998) and post-crisis (1999). Using a robust approach to the measurement of abnormal accruals, the association of Big 5/non-Big 5 and Industry Specialist/Industry non-specialist auditors with both the levels of, and change in levels of, abnormal accruals is investigated across and within the crisis sub-periods from 1994-1999. Audit quality is found to be associated with abnormal accruals, and differentially so across macroeconomic period with greater constraint evident post-crisis.


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This study assumes that evidence regarding audit quality can be derived from the level of earnings management reflected in reported abnormal or discretionary accruals. Given this assumption, audit quality is examined in the context of the 1997 Asian financial crisis using data from Malaysia. Examining audit quality in its association with earnings management across differential macroeconomic periods provides insights that may be otherwise masked. The period of the crisis is partitioned between pre-crisis (1994-1996), crisis (1997-1998) and post-crisis (1999). Using a robust approach to the measurement of abnormal accruals, the association of Big 5/non-Big 5 and Industry Specialist/Industry non-specialist auditors with both the levels of, and change in levels of, abnormal accruals is investigated across and within the crisis sub-periods from 1994-1999. Audit quality is found to be associated with abnormal accruals, and differentially so across macroeconomic period with greater constraint evident post-crisis.


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This paper provides empirical evidence on the impact of audit committee characteristics on the extent of internal auditor’s contribution to financial statement audits in an emerging economy. Using a cross-sectional regression model, based on Felix, Gramling and Maletta’s (2001) study, it provides evidence of a positive relationship between internal auditor contribution to financial statement audits and three dimensions of audit committee characteristics: the proportion of independent audit committee members; the extent of audit committee members’ knowledge and experience in auditing, accounting, and finance; and the extent of audit committee review of IA proposal related to program, budget and coordination. A second model examines a relationship between internal audit contribution to financial statement audits and audit fees. However, the results did not yield a significant relationship between the two variables. These results are based on a unique data set comprised of publicly available data matched with survey data from chief internal auditors or financial controllers of 90 firms listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE).