124 resultados para PATIENT CARE TEAM


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Objective: To identify the practical human resource management (HRM) issues that may impact on job satisfaction, nurse retention and ultimately quality of patient care of the nurse unit manager's (NUM) role.
Background: NUMs are in the unique position within the healthcare industry to impact upon and effect large numbers of people, including nurses, doctors, patients and their families, and processes on a daily basis. More effective HRM practices could improve performance in terms of staff satisfaction, positive patient outcomes and the cost effectiveness of staff retention.
Method: Two focus groups, one group of nine NUMs and one group of five staff nurses, were conducted at an Australia public hospital. A descriptive phenomenological approach informed data generation and data analysis.
Results: The NUMs reported that they were not adequately trained in the skills required to effectively manage staff conflict such as manipulation and bitterness, requiring disciplinary intervention on an ongoing basis. The consequences included reduced staff morale, decreased staff satisfaction, increased stress to the NUM and ultimately retention issues for both the NUM and Unit staff.
Conclusion: This study highlights the potential impact of inadequate implementation and understanding of HRM policy and practice by NUMS on the front line. Further research is required to understand why this phenomenon exists and how it can be remedied.


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The Renal Access Nurse has recently become an integral member of the renal health care team in Australia. Research has shown that the introduction of a Renal Access Nurse into dialysis units enhances the referral process for new access, improves survival rates, and success of access creation. Australia has been relatively slow in the introduction of the role of the Renal Access Nurse. The USA, UK and Europe have been utilising Renal Access Nurses in renal units for many years and their roles are firmly entrenched.

The first Renal Access Nurse was introduced in Victoria in 2003, increasing to 7 in 2007. It was evident in 2006 that a networking system for Renal Access Nurses was needed in Victoria, so RAN-Vic was born.

RAN-Vic consists of 6 Renal Access Nurses from the major hubs in Melbourne and Geelong, thus covering a large part of the Victorian dialysis community through satellite units throughout the state.

The group meet quarterly, with the main goals being to network, share ideas, support each other with challenges arising from the new role, benchmark, undertake quality initiatives and education of renal nursing staff. By doing this, we hope to improve outcomes for patients, improve work practices pertaining to renal access, and further redefine the new role.

RAN-Vic is the first of its kind in Australia, providing care for renal access for the dialysis population throughout Victoria. We recommend for all states in Australia to consider forming a Renal Access Group to help improve renal access outcomes.


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Serious long-term recruitment and retention problems amongst rural health workers in Australiacontribute to inequitable health service access for rural Australians. In response, new healthcaremodels with flexible workforce roles are emerging including expanded-scope paramedic roles.

This research project was born from the view that expanding ambulance paramedics’ scope ofpractice offers the potential to improve patient care and the general health of the community.New healthcare models with flexible workforce roles are clearly needed in rural Australia andexpanded-scope paramedic roles are valuable innovations.


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This study aimed to describe the radiotherapy (RT) management and subsequent outcome in a cohort of patients with newly diagnosed glioma. Treatment details were obtained via a questionnaire completed by neurosurgeons, radiation and medical oncologists who treated patients diagnosed with glioma in Victoria during 1998–2000. Patients were identified by using the population-based Victorian Cancer Registry. Over the study period, data on 828 patients were obtained, of whom 612 (74%) were referred for consideration of RT. Radiotherapy was given to 496 patients as part of their initial treatment and to an additional 10 patients at the time of tumour recurrence or progression. The median age was 72 (16–85) years. Median overall survival (OS) was 9.2 (standard error (SE) 0.6) months for the entire group. Median OS was 29.1 (SE 8.0) and 7.4 (SE 0.4) months for all patients with histological confirmation of World Health Organization Grades III (anaplastic astrocytoma) and IV (glioblastoma multiforme) histology, respectively. A total of 47 different RT dose fractionation schedules were identified. This is the largest survey detailing management of glioma with RT, published to date. A marked variation in dose fractionation schemes was evident. While current best practice involves the use of chemotherapy in conjunction with RT for glioblastoma multiforme, advances in patient care may be undermined by this variation in the use of RT. Clinical trials relevant to an ageing population and evidence-based national clinical guidelines are required to define best practice.


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This thesis examined current perceptions and experiences of staff relating to threatening and assaultive patient behaviours in mental health and forensic settings. The research uncovered the interrelated nature of staff experiences of assault and perceived vulnerability, with the view to optimising patient care and staff wellbeing in psychiatric settings.


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Form a working group of renal vascular access nurses to develop peer reviewed, accessible, evidence based e-leaning modules related to vascular access principles and practice.

Key messages
Vascular access training and guidelines are often unit specific but the core principles of vascular access care are generally transferable. The vascular access e-learning module aims to utilize resources to minimize wasted time developing and keeping multiple individual vascular access training packages up to date.
Vascular access education is delivered from a variety of resources such as educators, senior staff and vascular access nurses. This e-learning module allows renal units the opportunity to provide a national learning package with general consensus on terminology and up to date evidence based practice.
Recently there has been a rise in the use of ultrasound to assess and perform image guided cannulation in vascular access to improve patient outcomes. There is only a small window of opportunity to provide education in ultrasound use. This module will provide education on this and other aspects of vascular access practices and patient care.

Implications for clinical practice
Implications include access to standardized learning packages based on current evidence based practice, eencouraging the utilization of new technology (e.g. Ultrasound observation and interpretation of results), reinforcing the underpinning knowledge of anatomy and physiology of vascular access, standardizing practice benefits to patients and nurses moving between dialysis units, improving accessibility by transitioning learning to smart phones and tablets and providing an opportunity for international collaboration related to vascular access e-learning concepts.


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The assessment and management of clients with mental illness is an important facet of providing emergency care. In Australian emergency departments, it is usually the generalist registered nurses* without adequate preparation in the assessment and care for clients with mental illness who conduct the initial assessment at triage. A search of the literature revealed a limited number of publications addressing the provision of triage and management guidelines to assist nurses to make objective clinical decisions to ensure appropriate care for clients with mental illness. This paper examines the need for such guidelines and reviews a number of mental health triage scales that have been evaluated for use in emergency departments. Findings show that these triage scales have led to improvements in staff confidence and attitudes when dealing with clients with mental health problems, resulting in improved outcomes for clients. Strengths and limitations of the evaluations have also been explored. Highlighted is the need for consideration of the inclusion of clients' reactions to the impact of this change to service delivery in future evaluations.


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Medical practice has rapidly shifted towards an 'evidence-based' approach. While there are acknowledged clear benefits to this, a number of pitfalls are frequently not appreciated. Perhaps the most important limitation is the extent to which the current body of data is inadequate for many common clinical decisions. Algorithms risk being developed, frequently by third parties, without acknowledgement of these limitations and with substantial implications for clinical independence and the quality of patient care. This paper discusses potential problems of the evidence-based approach and suggests possible guidelines for the management of clinical decisions given the limitations of data-based guidelines.


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Rare cancers collectively contribute a disproportionate fraction of the total burden of cancer. The oncology community is increasingly facing small numbers of patients with each cancer subtype, requiring cooperation and collaboration to complete multicentre trials that advance knowledge and patient care. At the same time, new insights into the biology of rare cancers have led to an explosion in knowledge and development of targeted agents. These insights and techniques are set to revolutionise the care of patients with cancer. However, drug development strategies and the availability of new agents for rare cancers are at risk of stalling owing to the ever-increasing complexity and costs of clinical trials. Finding solutions to these problems is imperative to the future of cancer care. We propose that a greater degree of risk sharing is needed than is currently accepted to enable the use of new methods with confidence, and to keep pace with scientific advancement.


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In the early 2000s, Information Systems researchers in Australia had begun to emphasise socio-technical approaches in innovation adoption of technologies. The ‘essentialist' approaches to adoption (for example, Innovation Diffusion or TAM), suggest an essence is largely responsible for rate of adoption (Tatnall, 2011) or a new technology introduced may spark innovation. The socio-technical factors in implementing an innovation are largely flouted by researchers and hospitals. Innovation Translation is an approach that purports that any innovation needs to be customised and translated in to context before it can be adopted. Equally, Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is an approach that embraces the differences in technical and human factors and socio-professional aspects in a non-deterministic manner. The research reported in this paper is an attempt to combined the two approaches in an effective manner, to visualise the socio-technical factors in RFID technology adoption in an Australian hospital. This research investigation demonstrates RFID technology translation in an Australian hospital using a case approach (Yin, 2009). Data was collected using a process of focus groups and interviews, analysed with document analysis and concept mapping techniques. The data was then reconstructed in a ‘movie script' format, with Acts and Scenes funnelled to ANT informed abstraction at the end of each Act. The information visualisation at the end of each Act using ANT informed Lens reveal the re-negotiation and improvement of network relationships between the people (factors) involved including nurses, patient care orderlies, management staff and non-human participants such as equipment and technology. The paper augments the current gaps in literature regarding socio-technical approaches in technology adoption within Australian healthcare context, which is transitioning from non-integrated nearly technophobic hospitals in the last decade to a tech-savvy integrated era. More importantly, the ANT visualisation addresses one of the criticisms of ANT i.e. its insufficiency to explain relationship formations between participants and over changes of events in relationship networks (Greenhalgh & Stones, 2010).


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AIM: To conduct a concept analysis of clinical practice contexts (work environments) that facilitate or militate against the uptake of research evidence by healthcare professionals in clinical practice. This will involve developing a clear definition of context by describing its features, domains and defining characteristics. BACKGROUND: The context where clinical care is delivered influences that care. While research shows that context is important to knowledge translation (implementation), we lack conceptual clarity on what is context, which contextual factors probably modify the effect of knowledge translation interventions (and hence should be considered when designing interventions) and which contextual factors themselves could be targeted as part of a knowledge translation intervention (context modification). DESIGN: Concept analysis. METHODS: The Walker and Avant concept analysis method, comprised of eight systematic steps, will be used: (1) concept selection; (2) determination of aims; (3) identification of uses of context; (4) determination of defining attributes of context; (5) identification/construction of a model case of context; (6) identification/construction of additional cases of context; (7) identification/construction of antecedents and consequences of context; and (8) definition of empirical referents of context. This study is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (January 2014). DISCUSSION: This study will result in a much needed framework of context for knowledge translation, which identifies specific elements that, if assessed and used to tailor knowledge translation activities, will result in increased research use by nurses and other healthcare professionals in clinical practice, ultimately leading to better patient care.


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This paper examines the vexed issue of conscientious objection and abortion. It begins by outlining the increasing claims to conscientious objection invoked by physicians in reproductive health services. After an examination of developments overseas, the paper turns to the acrimonious debate in Victoria concerning the conscience clause and the 'obligation to refer' contained in the Abortion Law Reform Act 2008 (Vic) ('ALRA'). This paper questions the interpretation by the Catholic Church that the clause breaches its right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. We argue that the unregulated use of conscientious objection impedes women's rights to access safe lawful medical procedures. As such, we contend that a physician's withdrawal from patient care on the basis of conscience must be limited to certain circumstances. The paper then examines international and national guidelines, international treaties and recommendations of treaty monitoring bodies, laws in other jurisdictions, and trends in case law. The purpose of this examination is to show that the conscientious objection clause and the 'obligation to refer' in ALRA is consistent with international practice and laws in other jurisdictions. Finally, the paper turns to the problematic interpretation of conscience and moral responsibility in the context of abortion. We believe that narrow interpretations of conscience must be challenged, in order to incorporate patients' rights to include the choice of abortion and other lawful treatments according to their conscience. We conclude that the conscientious objection provisions in ALRA have achieved the right balance and that there is no justifiable legal reason upon which opponents can challenge the law.


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Nurses are the largest group of healthcare professionals in hospitals providing 24-hour care to patients. Hence, nurses are pivotal in coordinating and communicating patient care information in the complex network of healthcare professionals, services and other care processes. Yet, despite nurses' central role in health care delivery, intelligent systems have historically rarely been designed around nurses' operational needs. This could explain the poor integration of technologies into nursing work processes and consequent rejection by nursing professionals. The complex nature of acute care delivery in hospitals and the frequently interrupted patterns of nursing work suggest that nurses require flexible intelligent systems that can support and adapt to their variable workflow patterns. This study is designed to explore nurses' initial reactions to a new intelligent operational planning and support tool (IOPST) for acute healthcare. The following reports on the first stage of a longitudinal project to use an innovative approach involving nurses in the development of the IOPST; from conceptualization to implementation.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To investigate what and how medication information is communicated during handover interactions in specialty hospital settings. BACKGROUND: Effective communication about patients' medications between health professionals and nurses at handover is vital for the delivery of safe continuity of care. DESIGN: An exploratory qualitative design and observational study. METHODS: Participant observation was undertaken at a metropolitan Australian public hospital in four specialty settings: cardiothoracic care, intensive care, emergency care and oncology care. A medication communication model was applied to the data and thematic analysis was performed. RESULTS: Over 130 hours of observational data were collected. In total, 185 (predominately nursing) handovers were observed across the four specialty settings involving 37 nurse participants. Health professionals communicated partial details of patients' medication regimens, by focusing on auditing the medication administration record, and through the handover approach employed. Gaps in medication information at handover were evident as shown by lack of communication about detailed and specific medication content. Incoming nurses rarely posed questions about medications at handover. CONCLUSIONS: Handover interactions contained restricted and incomplete medication information. Improving the transparency, completeness and accuracy of medication communication is vital for optimising patient safety and quality of care in specialty practice settings. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: For nurses to make informed and rapid decisions regarding appropriate patient care, information about all types of prescribed medications is essential, which is communicated in an explicit and clear way. Jargon and assumptions related to medication details should be minimised to reduce the risk of misunderstandings. Disclosure of structured medication information supports nurses to perform accurate patient assessments, make knowledgeable decisions about the appropriateness of medications and their doses, and anticipate possible adverse events associated with medications. In addition, benefits of patient and family member contributions in communicating about medications at handover should also be considered.