96 resultados para IT intention to learn


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The Mathematics Teacher Education Collective (MTEC) — a self-study group based at the University of British Columbia, Canada — collaborates to enhance our pedagogical practice in mathematics teacher education through analysing, constructing, and reflecting on variations to assessment tasks. The theoretical framework underlying the establishment of the MTEC is based on Lave and Wenger’s (1991) view of learning through a Community of Practice (CoP). “Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly” (Wenger-Trayner, 2011, http://wenger-trayner.com/theory/). Three characteristics are viewed as crucial to the CoP: domain, community, and practice. The shared domain for MTEC is a commitment to gaining a deeper understanding of practice as mathematics teacher educators. In particular, as members we are interested in better understanding the role and development of tasks for learning to teach mathematics. As a community MTEC engages “in joint activities and discussions, [that] help each other, and share information” (Wenger-Trayner, 2011, http://wenger-trayner.com/theory/), with the goal to build relationships that provide members with opportunities to learn from one other. MTEC members are practitioners in the field. The success of the MTEC is based on the sharing, evaluation and critical reflection of assessment tasks and pedagogical approaches refined by the CoP.


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This Report concerns capacity development in the economic and public sectors of PNG. In particular, it focuses on the use of advisers to develop the capacity of PNG counterparts in economic and public sector agencies. Such advisers were funded by the Government of Australia and completed or commenced their placements during the period 2006–2013. The research was commissioned by (then) AusAID and commenced in mid-2012. It was completed in mid-2014 under the auspices of Australian Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade. The project was overseen by the Economic and Public Sector Program administered by Coffey International. The research addressed several research questions about adviser-counterpart placements: What are the advisers’ and counterparts’ views of the success or otherwise of their partnerships in achieving their placements’ stated aims? What approaches were adopted to enable counterparts to learn what was required to fulfil their placements’ aims? What were the main things learned by counterparts? What can be understood from these experiences and how might capacity development be improved? What were the main enablers of and impediments to the success of the placements? What have been the outcomes of the introduction of other modalities of capacity development including short-term consultants, twinning arrangements, targeted training, grants and research? Do these modalities provide increased efficiencies and effectiveness compared to adviser-counterpart placements? What are the main improvements that can be made to ensure the success of future adviser-counterpart placements? What do major stakeholders in PNG conclude from the evidence produced by this study about the impact and success of adviser-counterpart placements? What may be asserted from the evidence of the worth or otherwise of adviser-counterpart placements and other capacity development modalities undertaken since 2006? What suggestions or recommendations may be made for the future?


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New paradigms in science education are focused on moving towards a sustainable society, meaning redefining the educational practices and developing new methods in order to establish better relationships among individuals, groups, and the society. Being able to reflect upon developing new pedagogic strategies, that support collective action, is crucial to favour social change. Education in the twenty-first century should be based on critical and social theories of the environment and development, in order to link the prospects for sustainability to new forms of economy, social welfare, governance and education (Barraza et al., Environ Educ Res 9(3):347-357, 2003). The nature of contemporary knowledge and knowledge construction demands increasing collaboration and communication between once isolated disciplines. Curriculum integration can reduce curriculum fragmentation, promoting a better awareness of the way different forms of knowledge work and contribute to collaborative knowledge construction, stimulating a critical and a reflexive perspective in their learners. This chapter will focus on the pedagogic strategies used in a research project aiming to provide potential young scientists from rural communities of Mexico and Alaska with a unique opportunity to learn more about their own local knowledge whilst gaining a better understanding of how it intersects with global processes. The project has helped students make cognitive links between their scientific knowledge and life experience, and has established affective and behavioral links which have intensified the ways in which they value their environment, culture, traditions and communities (Tytler et al. 2010; Bodenhorn, Learning about environmental research in a context of climate change: an international scholastic interchange (pilot project). Final report. BASC (Barrow Arctic Science Consortium)). The conjunction of collaborative, interdisciplinary work and multiple pedagogic strategies applied in this specific educational practice has shown the potential of implementing research group initiatives in science education. We believe that educational approaches that create spaces for students to work together towards a goal defined as a common good, can contribute significantly to develop effective science programs in schools.


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An alphabet app designed by Deakin University researchers specialising in literacy education, IT and graphic design to support children beginning to learn letter-sound relationships using research into memory retention. Tested with Australian primary school students, the ‘form-taking’ images used in this app have been found to be more effective at assisting children to learn common letter-sound relationships than images that are not form-taking (e.g. integrated images). A to Z Safari offers engaging mini-games to explore and reinforce letter-sound relationships, along with a password-protected admin/data area where students’ progress and gameplay statistics are recorded – data which can be emailed directly to the teacher. A to Z Safari has not been designed to replace classroom activities, but was designed as an electronic application to complement them. An A3-sized alphabet chart accompanies the app in the teacher area so that teachers can print the charts out to place on their students’ tables for their reference outside of game play.


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Given the increasing rate of global mobility, it is important to have a greater understanding ofthe factors that influence intentions for expatriate careers. Guided by the Career ConstructionTheory and Intelligence Theory, this study takes the view that self-initiated expatriation as aform of global mobility is an adaptive vocational behavior driven by an individual's self-regulatorycapacity to thrive in another country and work to build one's career. This study positsthat individuals who want to work overseas rely mainly on their adaptive resources to developtheir careers. Additionally, career adaptability, as a self-regulatory competency, is posited to bereinforced by an individual's intercultural capability (i.e., cultural intelligence). To test these assertions,data were collected in a sample of university students (n = 514) in the Philippines, acountry reported to have high rates of overseas migration for economic and career-related reasons.Career adaptability was found to be positively and significantly related to overseas careerintentions. In addition, cultural intelligence was found to moderate the said relationship. Theseresults offer the groundwork for understanding the earlier stages of expatriate careers and, inparticular, how the intention to have a career in another country is developed and influencedby the interaction between the self-regulatory characteristics and intercultural capability ofindividuals.


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Polymorphism describes two or more distinct, genetically determined, phenotypes that co-occur in the same population, where the rarest morph is maintained at a frequency above the mutation rate (Ford 1945; Huxley 1955). In a recent opinion piece, we explored a new idea regarding the role of genetic architectures and morph interactions in colour polymorphisms and how this can negatively affect population performance (Bolton et al. 2015). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Forsman (2016) thoroughly discusses the current evidence for polymorphisms enhancing population performance and critiques the validity of the definitions of polymorphism we use in our original paper. We respond by clarifying that the negative consequences of polymorphisms that we discussed are likely to be most pertinent in species that have a particular set of characteristics, such as strong sexual or social interactions between morphs and discrete genetic architectures. Although it was not our intention to redefine polymorphism, we do believe that there should be further discussion about refining or characterizing balanced polymorphisms with respect to the degree of morph sympatry, discreteness of traits and their underlying genetic architecture, and the types of selection that drive and maintain the variation. The latter describes whether polymorphism is primarily maintained by external factors such as predation pressure or internal factors such as interactions with members of the same species. The contribution of Forsman (2016) is useful to this discussion, and we hope that our exchange of opinions will inspire new empirical and theoretical ideas on the origin and maintenance of colour polymorphisms.