236 resultados para Best practice variable


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The present study was designed to examine the factors that motivate or act as barriers to disclosure of substance use by pregnant women. Participants included 10 midwives and 10 pregnant women who attended two ante-natal clinics at an Australian maternity hospital. One clinic specialized in women who were substance users and one clinic was specifically for young women (under 19 years of age). Midwives and pregnant women were interviewed in-depth about disclosure of substance use. Interview transcripts were analyzed, and the results revealed six main themes: practice style, assessment of substance use, practice environment and privacy, child protection issues, health of the baby, and continuity of care. The findings are discussed in relation to recommendations for best practice in midwifery care when working with pregnant women who use substances.


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The professional landscape in public relations is changing as new communication and social networking technologies are integrated into day-to-day professional practice. Whilst adoption of such technologies by public relations practitioners is certainly on the increase, their use can still be regarded as limited and application experimental to some degree. However, few could argue that these technologies will be increasingly important to public relations practice in coming years.
In this context, public relations educators must strive to deliver a contemporary curriculum reflective of industry expectations and best practice principles but which also provides students with exposure to new communication contexts and technologies.

The advent of persistent virtual worlds generated by Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) and Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) offer new realms for public relations practitioners and educators alike. Virtual worlds potentially provide public relations educators with novel but relevant training grounds for their students. These 3D worlds offer dynamic and authentic learning environments which have the capability to foster deep learning and engender a sense of community within a student cohort in a way that many computer-mediated classrooms sadly lack.

This paper will present the experiences of two tertiary educators’ journey towards a conceptual understanding of the persistent virtual world, Second Life, from a teacher perspective. The paper argues that the successful adoption of new online technologies like Second Life need not be inhibited by preferences for technology or prior ICT skills as long as teaching staff are given the necessary support and training by their institutions coupled with opportunity for familiarisation and experimentation.


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In 2006-7 the Australian government will invest $9.3 billion in state government and nongovernment educational facilities (DEST 20061). One area of particular interest to both government and school designers is maximising this investment through providing students with healthy and
productive indoor learning environments. The lack of post-occupancy evaluations carried out in schools (Lackney 2001) means that designers are reliant on “best practice” indoor environment quality guidelines developed primarily from scientific studies. The problem with scientific evaluation is that often the complexity of the influences upon student performance is simplified in order to gather information, rather than necessarily providing a more holistic and realistic explanation of any improved outcomes. This paper examines the scope of various studies of classroom indoor environment qualities that have thus far contributed to current understanding of their impact on student learning outcomes. The review demonstrates the lack of comprehensive research into the full range of influences on student performance and offers a better understanding of the limitations of knowledge about indoor environment qualities. This information provides valuable input to research development and post-occupancy evaluation that can better integrate the full range of influences upon students of school facilities and test the assumptions made about “best practice”.


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The 'internal reserve' distinguished world's best practice for the early garden suburb movement. These 'hidden' spaces were designed for a variety of reasons: to encourage the formation of community, promote safe play for children, offer sites for small-scale agricultural pursuits, address  topographic and drainage constraints, and facilitate conservation of natural features. They were a feature of progressive plans for British icon developments such as Hampstead Garden Suburb. As these plans travelled globally, however, the purpose of the internal reserve was less clear than their spatial form, and most languished as undistinguished, left-over spaces. The historical origins, development and demise of the internal reserve are surveyed, with a focus on the Australian experience against an Anglo-American backdrop.


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Purpose – The purpose of the study is to examine and describe the use of codes of ethics in the top 100 companies operating in the Swedish corporate sector. This paper reports on the responses of those companies that possessed a code of ethics.

Design/methodology/approach – A three-stage research procedure was used. First, a questionnaire was sent to the public relations managers of the top 100 companies operating in the Swedish corporate sector (based on revenue). Companies were asked to answer up to 29 questions and to supply a copy of their code of ethics. The second stage involved content analysis of the codes of ethics supplied by survey respondents. The third stage involved a more detailed follow-up of a smaller group of firms that appeared to be close to best practice. Findings for Stage 1 of the research are reported in this paper. The areas of questioning were: how common are codes of ethics? Who was involved in the development of these codes? What are the reasons for the codes? How are they implemented? Do companies inform internal and external publics of the codes? What are the prescribed benefits of the codes?

Findings – It would appear that business ethics has only recently become a topic of interest in corporate Sweden and that many companies are in the early stages of code development and assimilation into company policies. The incidence of codes in the population (of 100) suggested by this survey (56 per cent) is lower than a US study finding (in 1995) that over 84 per cent of comparable US companies had codes of ethics. It would appear that Sweden today lags behind the US situation of 1995. When one investigates the special measures to support the inculcation of ethical values at the organizational level, there appears to be some shortfall. The supporting measures of ethics committees, ethics training committees, ethics training, ombudsman, an ethical audit and procedures to protect whistleblowers appear to be under-utilized in companies that possess codes. This lack of utilization tends to suggest that companies in Sweden, as yet, either have not developed a high commitment to supporting business ethics in their corporations, or they may have developed other methods to support their codes in their organizations that they view are as beneficial as the traditional methods practised in other western industrial democracies.

Research limitations/implications – This research was limited to internal ethical expectations. The commitment to business ethics is usually explored in terms of internal ethical expectations, but the simultaneous consideration of the external ethical expectations in the marketplace (e.g. among suppliers and customers or other publics) is desirable. A dyadic approach considering a company's internal ethical expectations and the external ethical expectations of a company's business activities may give a more balanced and in-depth approach.

Practical implications – Evidence is now available to show that codes of ethics are well developed in many of Sweden's largest corporations: organizations that, from their responses, appear to see a diverse range of benefits in developing the area of business ethics. Companies are beginning to implement not only a code of ethics, but other complementary initiatives that reinforce the need for the culture of the organization to be ethical. Codes of ethics are perceived by organizations to have assisted them in their dealings in the marketplace and many companies use their ethical values to underpin their strategic planning process. It appears that many companies now see the formalisation of business ethics as an integral part of their commercial practices.

Originality/value – This study is the first one of its kind on codes of ethics in corporate Sweden. It will enable all sectors of Swedish business to benchmark their efforts against the major companies in the Swedish corporate sector.


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Consumption of hot chips is a convenience food in most countries. Unfortunately, these are high in fat and contribute to fat-related diseases in societies with a high fat consumption. There is substantial scope through best-practice deep-frying techniques for producing lower fat, high-quality chips. From a review of the literature, the main factors associated with a lower-fat content of chips are thick (>12 mm), straight cut chips; cryogenic freezing methods; low moisture content of potatoes (specific gravity >1.1); frying fat: chip volume ratio of 6:1; frying at optimal temperature (180 to 185°C) during cooking and turning the temperature down (∼140°C) and covering the vats during slack periods; vigorously shaking the basket and hanging it over the deep fryer to drain after frying; maintaining the quality of the frying fat by regularly skimming the cracklings, filtering the fat, and topping up the fryer with fresh fat; keeping the fat turnover <5 days; regular cleaning of frying equipment. It is important that all deep frying operators are adequately trained in these techniques. It is also important that the frying medium is low in saturated and trans fatty acids (<20%) because of their effects on blood lipids and low in linolenic acid (<3%) because it is readily degraded. The widespread implementation of best-practice deep-frying would reduce fat content of hot chips and thus lower overall fat consumption.


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Objectives: To collect baseline data on the fat content of hot chips, quality (degradation) of cooking fat, deep-frying practices and related attitudes in fast food outlets in New Zealand. To identify the key determinants of the fat content of chips and quality of cooking fat. Methods: A nationally representative sample of fast food outlets (n=150, response rate 80%) was surveyed between September 1998 and March 1999. Data collected included a questionnaire, observation of cooking practices and analysis of cooked chips and frying fat. Results: Only 8% of independent operators had formal training in deep frying practices compared with 93% of chain operators. There was a wide range of fat content of chips (5%-20%, mean 11.5%). The use of thinner chips, crinkle cut chips and lower fryer fat temperature were associated with higher chip fat content. Eighty-nine per cent of chain outlets used 6–10 mm chips compared with 83% of independent outlets that used chips ≥12 mm. A wide range of frying temperatures was recorded (136–233°C) with 58% of outlets frying outside the reference range (175–190°C). As indices of fat degradation, fat acid and polar compound values above the recommended levels occurred in 54% and 5% of outlets respectively. Operators seemed willing to learn more about best practice techniques, with lack of knowledge being the main barrier to change. Conclusions and implications: Deep frying practices could be improved through operator training and certification options. Even a small decrease in the mean fat content of chips would reduce the obesogenic impact of this popular food.


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A case study is presented of child sexual assault within a church community. How does a church community deal with the accusation of an adolescent female that-as a 13-year old-she was sexually victimised and assaulted by her then 18-year old boyfriend, five years her senior? Practical and pastoral issues, as well as ethical and legal concerns are addressed. Consideration is also given to the theological context of the church environments in which the situations arise. The implications for victims, perpetrators, leaders, and the church community of our actions-and failure to take appropriate action-are described, along with recommendations for prevention, and best practice in dealing with the sexual abuse of minors within church communities.


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This study draws on agency and institutional theory to examine the issue of internal audit’s independence through its relationship with components of corporate governance.

The internal audit function is actively considered as one of the four components of corporate governance, along with the board, management and external auditors. It serves this purpose by providing a range of services in its capacity of monitoring and consulting which is actively sought by the other components of corporate governance to satisfy their extended accountability requirements. The integrity of these services is, however, only assured if internal audit maintains its independent status. As such there is a “tension” resulting from the pressure to provide these value added services as perceived by the parties involved and maintaining its independence status.

Based on an extended survey with organisations in the Australian corporate sector, this study critically examines the results of the survey against existing literature and best practice guidelines to determine if internal audit functions operating under this tense environment are operating independently.

The results indicate an interesting analysis. While it indicates a somewhat trend in complying with best practice guidelines for maintaining independence, it also indicates that this is not consistently adhered to as organisations are able to operate in an environment that compromises internal audit independence. A main reason for this appears to be a mix of internal audit structural set ups brought about by a lack of statutory backing to provide for consistency in implementation of best practice guidelines for maintaining independence. This is exacerbated by internal audit being viewed as partner by these parties thus widening the “tension” gap between its advisory role and its independent status. A wider question emerges which questions the ability to maintain this independence concept under a partnership management environment. The concept of internal audit being an independent function as promulgated by the Institute of Internal Auditors through its definition of internal audit is seriously questioned under the totality of this environment.


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A range of stakeholders should inform planning processes if these processes are to be consistent with best practice principles. This paper examines the case of the 12 Apostles Visitor Centre, a tourism development which was proposed to be located in a National Park in Victoria, Australia. Limited opportunities were provided for meaningful stakeholder input during the planning phase. Despite the prevailing view amongst all major parties that some development of facilities would be appropriate, an absence of genuine consultation was experienced prompting a substantial redesign of the development concept as originally conceived (in 1996) and to project delays which postponed the commencement of the development into 2000 by which time a new State Government was in place.


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Background Enteral tubes are frequently inserted as part of medical treatment in a wide range of patient situations. Patients with an enteral tube are cared for by nurses in a variety of settings, including general and specialised acute care areas, aged care facilities and at home. Regardless of the setting, nurses have the primary responsibility for administering medication through enteral tubes. Medication administration via an enteral tube is a reasonably common nursing intervention that entails a number of skills, including preparing the medication, verifying the tube position, flushing the tube and assessing for potential complications. If medications are not given effectively through an enteral tube, harmful consequences may result leading to increased morbidity, for example, tube occlusion, diarrhoea and aspiration pneumonia. There are resultant costs for the health-care system related to possible increased length of stay and increased use of equipment. Presently what is considered to be best practice to give medications through enteral tubes is unknown.

Objectives The objective of this systematic review was to determine the best available evidence on which nursing interventions are effective in minimising the complications associated with the administration of medications via enteral tubes in adults. Nursing interventions and considerations related to medication administration included form of medication, verifying tube placement before administration, methods used to give medication, methods used to flush tubes, maintenance of tube patency and specific practices to prevent possible complications related to the administration of enteral medications.

Search strategy The following databases were searched for literature reported in English only: CINAHL, MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, Current Contents/All Editions, EMBASE, Australasian Medical Index and PsychINFO. There was no date restriction applied. In addition, the reference lists of all included studies were scrutinised for other potentially relevant studies.

Selection criteria Systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and RCTs that compared the effectiveness of nursing interventions and considerations used in the administration of medications via enteral tubes. Other research methods, such as non-randomised controlled trials, longitudinal studies, cohort and case control studies, were also included. Exclusion criteria included studies investigating drug–nutrient interactions or the bioavailability of specific medications.

Data collection and analysis Initial consideration of potential relevance to the review was carried out by the primary author (NP). Two reviewers independently assessed study eligibility for inclusion. A meta-analysis could not be undertaken, as there were no comparable RCTs identified. All data were presented in a narrative summary.

Results There is very limited evidence regarding the effectiveness of nursing interventions in minimising the complications associated with enteral tube medication administration in adults. The review highlights a lack of high quality research on many important nursing issues relating to enteral medication administration. There is huge scope for further research. Some of the evidence that was identified included that nurses should consider the use of liquid form medications as there may be fewer tube occlusions than with solid forms in nasoenteral tubes and silicone percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy tubes. Nurses may need to consider the sorbitol content of some liquid medications, for example, elixirs, as diarrhoea has been attributed to the sorbitol content of the elixir, not the drug itself. In addition, the use of 30 mL of water for irrigation when administering medications or flushing small-diameter nasoenteral tubes may reduce the number of tube occlusions.


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Aim. This systematic review aimed to determine the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of nursing interventions in minimising the complications associated with administering medication via enteral tubes in adults.
Background. Giving enteral medication is a fairly common nursing intervention entailing several skills: verifying tube position, preparing medication, flushing the tube and assessing for potential complications. If not carried out effectively harmful consequences may result leading to increased morbidity and even mortality. Until now, what was considered to be best practice in this area was unknown.
Design. Systematic review.
Methods. CINAHL, MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, Current Contents/All Editions, EMBASE, Australasian Medical Index and PsychINFO databases were searched up to September 2005. Reference lists of included studies were appraised. Two reviewers independently assessed study eligibility for inclusion. There were no comparable randomised-controlled trials; data
were presented in a narrative summary.
Results. Identified evidence included using 30 ml of water for irrigation when giving medication or flushing small-diameter nasoenteral tubes may reduce tube occlusion. Using liquid medication should be considered as there may be less tube occlusions than with solid forms in nasoenteral tubes and silicone percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes. In addition, nurses may need to consider the sorbitol content of some liquid medications, for example elixirs, as diarrhoea has been attributed to the sorbitol content of the elixir, not the drug itself.
Conclusion. The evidence was limited. There was a lack of high-quality research on many important issues relating to giving enteral medication.
Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses have the primary responsibility for giving medication through enteral tubes and need knowledge of the best available evidence. Some of the nursing considerations and interventions relating to this skill have been researched in the clinical area and have implications for practice. There is a need for further studies to strengthen these findings.


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Best-practice guidelines in the area of investigative interviewing of children specify the importance of using open-ended questions. However, use of open-ended questions per se does not maximise interview outcome; open-ended questions can vary markedly in quality. The aim of this study was to identify the nature of investigative interviewers' limitations when using open-ended questions, and to compare how representative these limitations are in three distinct interview paradigms. These interview paradigms include: (a) interviews in which trained actors played the role of a 5-6-year-old child; (b) interviews where 5-6-year-old children recalled an innocuous event that was staged in their school; and (c) actual field interviews where child witnesses aged 5 to 7 years recalled an abusive event. Overall, several common problems that would restrict children's opportunity to provide elaborate and accurate narrative accounts of events were identified and described. Our identification of these problems (using a dichotomous rating scale) was found to be consistent with an independent expert, and their presence was not limited to those interviewers who used a low frequency of open-ended questions. The implications of the findings for researchers and trainers in the area of investigative interviewing of children are discussed.


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Objective. Patellar tendinopathy (PT) is a common and significant clinical condition for which there are few established interventions. One intervention that is currently being used clinically to manage PT symptoms is the introduction of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS). The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical efficacy of LIPUS in the management of PT symptoms.

Methods. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted. Volunteers with clinically and radiologically confirmed PT were randomly allocated to either an active-LIPUS (treatment) or inactive-LIPUS (placebo) group. LIPUS was self-administered by participants for 20 min/day, 7 days/week for 12 weeks. All participants also completed a daily, standardized eccentric exercise programme based on best practice. Primary outcomes were change in pain during the participant's most aggravating activity in the preceding week, measured on 10 cm visual analogue scales for both usual (VAS-U) and worst (VAS-W) tendon pain.

Results. Out of 156 individuals who volunteered, 37 met the eligibility criteria and were randomized to either active-LIPUS (n = 17) or inactive-LIPUS (n = 20). Using an intention-to-treat analysis, VAS-U and VAS-W for the entire cohort decreased by 1.6 ± 1.9 cm (P < 0.01) and 2.5 ± 2.4 cm (P < 0.01), respectively. There were no differences between the active- and inactive-LIPUS groups for change in VAS-U (–0.2 cm; 95% CI, –1.5, 1.1 cm) (P = 0.74) or VAS-W (–0.5 cm; 95% CI, –2.1, 1.1 cm) (P = 0.57). A per-protocol analysis provided similar results.

These findings suggest that LIPUS does not provide any additional benefit over and above placebo in the management of symptoms associated with PT.


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This paper aims to establish and illustrate the levels of awareness of work-life balance policies within the surveying profession in Australia and New Zealand. The culture and characteristics of the Australian and New Zealand work force are to be identified. The key aspects included in work-life balance policies are to be illustrated and the perceived benefits for the surveying profession are to be noted. The paper seeks to posit that it is vital to comprehend the levels of awareness of work-life balance issues within the surveying profession first, so that benchmarking may occur over time within the profession and second, that comparisons may be drawn with other professions.
Design/methodology/approach – There is a growing body of research into work-life balance and the built environment professions. Using a questionnaire survey of the whole RICS qualified surveying profession in Australia and New Zealand, this paper identifies the awareness of work-life balance benefits within the surveying profession.
Findings – This research provides evidence that awareness of the issues and options is unevenly spread amongst professional surveyors in the region. With shortages of professionals and an active economy the pressures on existing employees looks set to rise and therefore this is an area which needs to be benchmarked and revisited with a view to adopting best practice throughout the sector. The implications are that employers ignore work-life balance issues at their peril.
Practical implications – There is much to be learned from an increased understanding of work-life balance issues for professionals in the surveying discipline. The consequences of an imbalance between work and personal or family life is emotional exhaustion, cynicism and burnout. The consequences for employers or surveying firms are reduced effectiveness and profitability and increased employee turnover or churn.
– Leading on from Ellison's UK surveying profession study and Lingard and Francis's Australian civil engineering and construction industry studies, this paper seeks to raise awareness of the benefits of adopting work-life balance policies within surveying firms and to establish benchmarks of awareness within the Australian and New Zealand surveying profession.