246 resultados para Australian commercial building


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In this paper I explore some theoretical and practical possibilities for building new transnational and transcultural solidarities in postcolonial curriculum inquiry. I argue that building such solidarities requires a rethinking of the ways in which we perform and represent curriculum inquiry, so that curriculum work within a global knowledge economy does not merely assimilate national (local) curriculum discourses-practices into an imperial (global) archive. I draw on the initial stages of research on internationalisation, inclusivity, and innovative knowledge work conducted with colleagues at Deakin University, and elsewhere, which focuses on the possibilities of producing knowledge in transnational virtual spaces. This includes studies of the formation of new (and we hope more inclusive) transnational scholarly communities and constituencies, and of strategies to improve modes of intercultural communication that facilitate transnational knowledge work. I situate part of my discussion of these arguments and issues in the practicalities of establishing Transnational Curriculum Inquiry (TCI), an electronic open-access journal that is both a site for transnational scholarly conversations and a site for inquiry into the ways that electronic publishing procedures facilitate and/or constrain inclusive knowledge work and postcolonialist curriculum inquiry.


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Mass and length growth models were determined for male (n = 69) and female (n = 163) Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) collected at a breeding colony on Seal Rocks (38˚31′S, 145˚06′E), Bass Strait, in south-east Australia, between February and November during 1970–72. Growth was best described by the logistic model in males and the von Bertalanffy model in females. Asymptotic mass and length were 229 kg and 221 cm for males, and 85 kg and 163 cm for females. In all, 95% of asymptotic mass and length were attained by 11 years and 11 years, respectively, in males compared with 9 years and 5 years, respectively, in females. Males grew in length faster than females and experienced a growth spurt in mass coinciding with the onset of puberty (4–5 years). The onset of puberty in females occurs when approximately 86% of asymptotic length is attained. The rate of growth and sexual development in Australian fur seals is similar to (if not faster than) that in the conspecific Cape fur seal (A. p. pusillus), which inhabits the nutrient-rich Benguela current. This suggests that the low marine productivity of Bass Strait may not be cause of the slow rate of recovery of the Australian fur seal population following the severe over-exploitation of the commercial sealing era. Sternal blubber depth was positively correlated in adult animals with a body condition index derived from the residuals of the mass–length relationship (males: r2 = 0.38, n = 19, P < 0.001; females: r2 = 0.22, n = 92, P < 0.001), confirming the validity of using such indices on otariids. Sternal blubber depth varied significantly with season in adult animals. In males it was lowest in winter and increased during spring prior to the breeding season (r2 = 0.39, n = 19, P < 0.03) whereas in females it was greatest during winter (r2 = 0.05, n = 122, P< 0.05).


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The aim of the e-Chatter project was to facilitate the opportunity for Australian teacher education students to be involved in an authentic learning environment with international participants from culturally diverse settings, and for the international students to have the opportunity to be involved in an interactive English language program with first language English speakers. In the 2007 pilot project, participants were engaged in an online discussion on the topic of Australian Culture/Pakistani Culture/Iranian Culture respectively. Discussion was conducted in English and led by Deakin based students on an online learning environment which was a website dedicated to this project. The teacher education students were required to focus their attention on ‘Creating Effective Learning Environments’. They were required to develop and articulate their personal and professional perspectives on creating and managing learning environments with specific reference to online learning environments. This paper represents work in progress in the e-Chatter case study particularly from intercultural and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) perspectives.


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It is widely recognized that support is critical to graduate nurse transition from novice to advanced beginner-level practitioner and to the integration of neophyte practitioners into safe and effective organizational processes. Just what constitutes support, however, and why (if at all) support is important, when, ideally, support should be given, by whom, how, and for how long, have not been systematically investigated. Building on the findings (previously reported) of a yearlong study that had, as its focus, an exploration and description of processes influencing the successful integration of new graduate nurses into safe and effective organizational processes and systems, the findings presented in this article strongly suggest that support is critical to the process of graduate nurse transition, and that integration into “the system” is best provided during the first 4 weeks of a graduate nurse transition program and thereafter at the beginning of each ward rotation; that “informal teachers” and the graduate nurses themselves are often the best sources of support; and that the most potent barriers to support being provided are the untoward attitudes of staff toward new graduates. Drawing on the overall findings of the study, a new operational definition of support is proposed and recommendations are made for future comparative research on the issue.


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Be Active Eat Well (BAEW) was a multifaceted community capacity-building program promoting healthy eating and physical activity for children (aged 4–12 years) in the Australian town of Colac.
To evaluate the effects of BAEW on reducing children's unhealthy weight gain.
BAEW had a quasi-experimental, longitudinal design with anthropometric and demographic data collected on Colac children in four preschools and six primary schools at baseline (2003, n=1001, response rate: 58%) and follow-up (2006, n=839, follow-up rate: 84%). The comparison sample was a stratified random selection of preschools (n=4) and primary schools (n=12) from the rest of the Barwon South Western region of Victoria, with baseline assessment in 2003–2004 (n=1183, response rate: 44%) and follow-up in 2006 (n=979, follow-up rate: 83%).
Colac children had significantly lower increases in body weight (mean: -0.92 kg, 95% CI: -1.74 to -0.11), waist (-3.14 cm, -5.07 to -1.22), waist/height (-0.02, -0.03 to -0.004), and body mass index z-score (-0.11, -0.21 to -0.01) than comparison children, adjusted for baseline variable, age, height, gender, duration between measurements and clustering by school. In Colac, the anthropometric changes were not related to four indicators of socioeconomic status (SES), whereas in the comparison group 19/20 such analyses showed significantly greater gains in anthropometry in children from lower SES families. Changes in underweight and attempted weight loss were no different between the groups.
Building community capacity to promote healthy eating and physical activity appears to be a safe and effective way to reduce unhealthy weight gain in children without increasing health inequalities.


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1. Numerous studies have determined the foraging areas of marine apex predators and investigated their relationship to oceanographic features. Most of these, however, have concentrated on surface-feeding seabirds or epipelagic-foraging marine mammals and there is little information on habitat selection in benthic divers.

2. Satellite telemetry was used during the winters of 2001-2003 to determine the foraging areas of 48 female Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) from four breeding sites in northern Bass Strait whose colonies together represent > 80% of the total species population.

3. All individuals foraged over the shallow continental shelf of Bass Strait supporting earlier studies that suggested the species is an exclusively benthic forager. Individual females showed a high degree of foraging site-fidelity and several foraging 'hot spot' areas could be identified.

4. Analysis of habitat use indicated that individuals selected areas with depths of 60-80 m significantly more (λ = 0.216, P<0.001) than any other bathymetric class. There was also evidence for foraging areas being influenced by SST, with individuals selecting regions of 16.0-16.8 C SST (λ = 0.008, P<0.01), but not surface chlorophyll-a concentration (P> 0.05).

5. Temporal analysis of at-sea movements indicated, due to their primarily benthic foraging mode, the areas frequented by female Australian fur seals did not overlap substantially with areas targeted by commercial fisheries. An exception to this was in far eastern Bass Strait where the Otter Trawl component of the Commonwealth Trawl Sector is highly active over the continental shelf and encompasses the areas frequented by females from The Skerries colony.


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The unnaturally dark pigmentation of cultured Australian snapper Pagrus auratus can be improved through dietary astaxanthin supplementation and by holding fish in tanks with a white background. The practical application of these  laboratory-based findings was examined with two experiments to establish if the advantages of transferring fish to light coloured tanks before harvest could be achieved on-farm using white cages and to determine the effects of fish density on skin colour. For the first experiment, snapper (mean TL=29.7 cm) were transferred from a commercial snapper sea cage to black or white netted cages and fed diets supplemented with unesterified astaxanthin (supplied as Lucantin® Pink, BASF) at 0 or 39 mg kg−1 for 42 days. Skin colour was measured using the CIE L* (black–white), a* (green–red), b* (blue–yellow) colour scale. Snapper held in white netting cages became significantly lighter (higher L* ) than snapper held in black cages; however, values were not as high as previous laboratory-based studies in which snapper were held in white plastic-lined cages. Snapper fed astaxanthin displayed significantly greater a*and b* values, and total carotenoid concentrations after 42 days. In addition, total carotenoids were higher in fish from black than white cages. The second experiment was designed to investigate whether density reduced the improvements in skin colour achieved by holding fish in white coloured cages and whether cage colour affected stress. Snapper (mean weight=435 g) were acclimated to black cages and fed 39 mg kg−1 astaxanthin for 44 days before transferring to black or white plastic-lined cages at 14 (low), 29 (mid) or 45 (high) kg m−3 for 7 days after which time skin colour, plasma cortisol and plasma glucose concentrations were measured. Skin lightness (L* ) was greater in snapper transferred to white plastic-lined cages with the lightest coloured fish obtained from the lowest density after 7 days. Density had no effect on plasma cortisol or glucose levels after 7 days, although plasma cortisol was elevated in snapper from black cages. For improved skin colouration we recommend feeding unesterified astaxanthin at 39 mg kg−1 for approximately 6 weeks and transferring snapper to white plastic-lined cages or similar at low densities for short periods before harvest rather than producing fish in white netting sea cages subject to biofouling.


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This paper applies established testing methods used to discover the ventilation performance of various residential building envelope construction in Australia. Under the definition of 'ventilation performance' we imply the building envelope leakage (or infiltration) the living space air change rates, the volumetric flow rates and the pathways of air flow between subfloor, room volume and roof spaces. All of the methods applied and discussed here are on-site, evidencebased performance of actual structures as tested by the Mobile Architecture & Built Environment Laboratory and Air Barrier Technologies.


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The study reported in this paper involves a comparison of Resnik & Stern’s (e.g., 1977) information cue usage in websites registered in two commercial domains of the World Wide Web (Web)—.com (global domain managed by VeriSign) and .com.au (a country domain, auDomain, managed by the Australian Domain Name Administrator—AUDA). The hypothesised higher use of information cues by digital marketers with .com registered domain names relative to .com.au registered domain names is not supported. Examination of the audited websites in the two-domain comparison confirms that the Web provides a richer marketing communication medium than other media analysed in a meta-analysis of 117 datasets by Abernethy & Franke (1996). The study is important given the acknowledged influence of advertising information on consumer responses to ads and the brands they relate, to both in traditional and new media (Aaker & Stayman, 1990; Brown & Stayman, 1992; Bruner & Kumar, 2000).


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an information technology [IT] enabled approach to managing design data in the AEC/FM (Architecture, Engineering and Construction/ Facilities Management) industry. BIM enables improved interdisciplinary collaboration across distributed teams, intelligent documentation and information retrieval, greater consistency in building data, better conflict detection and enhanced facilities management. Despite the apparent benefits the adoption of BIM in practice has been slow. Workshops with industry focus groups were conducted to identify the industry needs, concerns and expectations from participants who had implemented BIM or were BIM “ready”. Factors inhibiting BIM adoption include lack of training, low business incentives, perception of lack of rewards, technological concerns, industry fragmentation related to uneven ICT adoption practices, contractual matters and resistance to changing current work practice. Successful BIM usage depends on collective adoption of BIM across the different disciplines and support by the client. The relationship of current work practices to future BIM scenarios was identified as an important strategy as the participants believed that BIM cannot be efficiently used with traditional practices and methods. The key to successful implementation is to explore the extent to which current work practices must change. Currently there is a perception that all work practices and processes must adopt and change for effective usage of BIM. It is acknowledged that new roles and responsibilities are emerging and that different parties will lead BIM on different projects. A contingency based approach to the problem of implementation was taken which relies upon integration of BIM project champion, procurement strategy, team capability analysis, commercial software availability/applicability and phase decision making and event analysis. Organizations need to understand: (a) their own work processes and requirements; (b) the range of BIM applications available in the market and their capabilities (c) the potential benefits of different BIM applications and their roles in different phases of the project lifecycle, and (d) collective supply chain adoption capabilities. A framework is proposed to support organizations selection of BIM usage strategies that meet their project requirements. Case studies are being conducted to develop the framework. The results of the preliminary design management case study is presented for contractor led BIM specific to the design and construct procurement strategy.


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Faunal atlases are landscape-level survey collections that can be used for describing spatial and temporal patterns of distribution and densities. They can also serve as a basis for quantitative analysis of factors that may influence the distributions of species. We used a subset of Birds Australia’s Atlas of Australian Birds data (January 1998 to December 2002) to examine the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of 280 selected species in eastern Australia (17–37°S and 136–152°E). Using geographical information systems, this dataset was converted into point coverage and overlaid with a vegetation polygon layer and a half-degree grid. The exploratory data analysis involved calculating species-specific reporting rates spatially, per grid and per vegetation unit, and also temporally, by month and year. We found high spatio-temporal variability in the sampling effort. Using generalised linear models on unaggregated point data, the influences of four factors – survey method and month, geographical location and habitat type – were analysed for each species. When counts of point data were attributed to grid-cells, the total number of species correlated with the total number of surveys, while the number of records per species was highly variable. Surveys had high interannual location fidelity. The predictive values of each of the four factors were species-dependent. Location and habitat were correlated and highly predictive for species with restricted distribution and strong habitat preference. Month was only of importance for migratory species. The proportion of incidental sightings was important for extremely common or extremely rare species. In conclusion, behaviour of species differed sufficiently to require building a customized model for each species to predict distribution. Simple models were effective for habitat specialists with restricted ranges, but for generalists with wide distributions even complex models gave poor predictions.


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : Australian research shows that most GP registrar supervisors lack confidence to support registrar research projects and themselves have little or no research experience. Assisting registrars to develop critical thinking skills and an understanding of research methods sufficient to enable active use of these tools in general practice is one of the curriculum statements in the RACGP Training Program Curriculum. A University Department of Rural Health (UDRH) and a General Practice Education and Training (GPET) organisation formed a partnership to: Engage basic term registrars in group research and concurrent research skills training program; Improve research skills, confidence, and knowledge; and Contribute research findings relevant to general practice.

Methods : Registrars' initial research knowledge and confidence was measured by a questionnaire. In addition to a final focus group, feedback via evaluation forms was sought from the 11 registrars and two GPET supervisors at the conclusion of each research training session.

Principal findings : Approaches

Implications :
Research skills development training and involvement in research can be successfully integrated into a GP vocational training program.


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This paper canvasses current proposals by Australian education departments for capacity building, school renewal, situated learning, resilience and ‘wellness’ in the Principalship, and the reflections and responses of current Principals.