142 resultados para 390200 Professional Development of Law Practitioners


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Aim : In this paper, the first of 4 stages of a large study aiming to develop culturally and clinically valid clinical indicators to flag the achievement of mental health nursing standards of practice in New Zealand are described.

Methods :
A bicultural design was employed throughout the research project to ensure that nurses' views of practice and the cultural differences between New Zealand's indigenous Maori and non-Maori peoples could be identified. Accordingly, separate focus groups of Maori- and non-Maori-experienced mental health nurses were asked to develop lists of statementd reflective of the Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses' Standards of Practice in New Zealand.

Results : The focus group participants produces 473 statements, which were synthesized into 190 clinical indicator statements. In keeping with the bicultural research design, Maori and non-Maori data were analysed separately until the data were merged to provide a single set of indicator statements. Although both Maori and non-Maori groups wrote statements relevant to clinical practice, there was a difference in the way the 2 groups addressed cultural issues. The Maori focus group wrote statements about cultural issues for 4 of the 6 Standards of Practice, whereas the non-Maori focus group participants wrote statements about cultural issues for only the Standard focusing on cultural safety.

Conclusion :
The research design of this project in mental health nursing was unique in that it sought the perspectives of both indigenous and non-indigenous nurses about quality mental health nursing practice related to the professional standards of practice. The involvement of Maori and non-Maori mental health nurses enhanced the cultural and clinical validity of the study and the obtained from it. The bicultural approach adopted for the study highlights the need for more mental health nursing research involving indigenous partners.


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This paper outlines the professional development program used to introduce a learning repository at Deakin University. Providing appropriate, timely and effective professional development programs to support academic and other staff is one of the objectives of the Deakin University Teaching and Learning Functional Plan 2008. Our blended program combines web-based and face-to-face training with a wide variety of resources to support staff. Issues noted in the literature relating to the introduction and use of learning repositories informed the planning and development of our program. Challenges and issues we experienced at Deakin are also outlined.


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Background: The widespread and diverse models of professional standards for teaching raise questions with respect to the need to provide teachers with a pathway for continuing professional development balanced with the public nature of surveillance and accountability that may accompany standards. Ways of understanding technologies of power in relation to standards for
teaching gives us a new language and, in turn, new questions about the standards agenda in the physical education profession.
Purpose: To analyse how one health and physical education (HPE) teacher worked with Education Queensland’s (EQ) professional standards for teaching within the broader context of teacher professional development and renewal.
Participants and setting: An experienced HPE teacher working in an urban secondary school was the ‘case’ for this article. Tim was the only experienced HPE teacher within the larger pilot study of 220 selected teachers from the volunteer pool across the state.
Data collection: The case-study data comprised two in-depth interviews conducted by the first author, field notes from workshops (first author), teacher diaries and work samples, notes from focus groups of which Tim was a member, and electronic communications with peers by Tim
during the course of the evaluation.
Findings: Tim was supportive of the teaching standards while they did not have a strong evaluative dimension associated with technologies of power. He found the self-regulation associated with his reflective practices professionally rewarding rather than being formalised within a prescribed
professional development framework.
Conclusion: Tim’s positive response to the professional standards for teaching was typical of the broader pilot cohort. The concept of governmentality provided a useful framework to help map how the standards for teaching were received, regardless of teacher specialisation or experience.
We suggest that it is not until the standards regimes are talked about within the discourses of
power (e.g. codification for career progression, certification for professional development imperatives) that we can understand patterns of acceptance and resistance by teachers to policies
that seek to shape their performance.


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Objective: General practitioner recall of the 1992–96 'Stay on Your Feet' (SOYF) program and its influence on practice were surveyed five years post-intervention to gauge sustainability of the SOYF General Practice (GP) component.

Methods: A survey assessed which SOYF components were still in existence, current practice related to falls prevention, and interest in professional development. All general practitioners (GPs) situated within the boundaries of a rural Area Health Service were mailed a survey in late 2001.

Results: Response rate was 66.5% (139/209). Of 117 GPs in practice at the time of SOYF, 80.2% reported having heard of SOYF and 74.4% of those felt it had influenced practice. Half (50.9%) still had a copy of the SOYF GP resource and of those, 58.6% used it at least 'occasionally'. Three-quarters of GPs surveyed (75.2%) checked medications 'most/almost all' of the time with patients over 60 years; 46.7% assessed falls risk factors; 41.3% gave advice; and 22.6% referred to allied health practitioners. GPs indicated a strong interest in falls prevention-related professional development. There was no significant association between use of the SOYF resource package and any of the current falls prevention practices (all χ2 >0.05).

Conclusions and implications
: There was high recall of SOYF and a general belief that it influenced practice. There was little indication that use of the resource had any lasting influence on GPs' practices. In future, careful thought needs to go into designing a program that has potential to affect long-term change in GPs' falls prevention practice.


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In a small research project, using a qualitative approach we surveyed eleven pre-school teachers/coordinators asking them for information about the science experiences within their EC setting. We identified the opportunities they had for science professional development and clarified the level of their qualifications and those of a further 22 staff. In addition, we conducted four case studies to interrogate this further, and interviewed four early childhood educators asking for more detail about the science they provided and about their comfort in teaching science. The interviews revealed that although early childhood educators indicated that they provided a large number of varied experiences, often they were unsure of the science content or the science understanding. This limited their abilities to develop the activities further. Early childhood educators also indicated that whilst there was access to some science professional development, more would be welcome. The types of professional development which they felt would be most beneficial were "hands-on" play experiences - a "quick fix" approach. This presentation will discuss the findings of the research through a socio-cultural framework, noting some of the issues being raised in our discussions with the educators.


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A professional development (Summer School) with over two hundred teachers of English participating in the activity for over six months, was supported by an online social software website. The employment of Web 2.0 technologies to facilitate the delivery of the summer school was reasonably successful, but other benefits were realised. This poster presentation will show how scaffolded learning along with new experiences and knowledge, can potentially have added long-term value when sustained in an authentic, supportive learning environment.


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Aim. This observational study sought to investigate the process of evidence use by health professionals during development of evidence-based clinical management tools.

Background. Studies conducted to explore the process of research use are scarce and knowledge of this process is essential for our understanding of the influences on research use in practice.

Design. A qualitative, non-participant, observational design.

Methods. Behaviour and actions of two separate multidisciplinary teams were observed and audio-recorded during a combined total of seven meetings for the development of clinical management tools. Semi-structured, one-to-one interviews were conducted approximately half-way through the development process and following completion of the clinical management tools.

Results. Three major themes emerged from this research. First, the process of clinical management tool development and evidence use. Nurses assumed responsibility for coordination of development which focused on describing current practice. Second, the forms of evidence employed during the development process included the use of experiential knowledge, opinions and knowledge of the context, in addition to research evidence. However, reference to research evidence was limited and its incorporation into the instrument was infrequently observed. Third, the use of research evidence emerged with respect to how such evidence was employed.

Conclusion. This study focused on real-life discussion and decision-making that occurred between health professionals when developing evidence-based clinical management tools. Health professionals may have a tendency to rely on their professional experience and current practice in preference to seeking and applying relevant research evidence.

Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses have an important role to play in the development of multidisciplinary evidence-based clinical management tools, but to actively participate in this process they need to be familiar with the relevant research evidence and have the skills and confidence to integrate the evidence into practice.


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This paper extends the familiar concept of ‘journalism-as-storytelling’ into a description of some of its practical applications in a university and industry partnership resulting in a commercial training arrangement in early 2007. It describes the APN/USQ Professional Development Program for newspaper employees (with no formal journalism qualification) and exemplifies how print journalism courses may be adapted to teach narrative writing techniques. It demonstrates how foundation skills in journalistic practice may be incorporated into an adapted teaching model, suggesting that “the basics” of narrative writing should not be thought of as discrete components of journalism education. This argument is further supported by the description of a robust pedagogical approach informed by Mezirows’ transformative learning theory for a cross-disciplinary knowledge base.


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In the global market place the value of education takes on many meanings. In transnational education forums it relates to the market’s assessment (in dollar terms) of a qualification. But can we measure the value-addedness of tertiary education in existential terms? Can we measure the value that tertiary education provides to the enhancement of societies as a whole?

This study attempts to investigate what values are characteristic of Australian lawyers in their last year of law school. It is part of a larger longitudinal study, which aims to determine how values develop or degrade over time and what effect, if any, tertiary education can have in building and perpetuating ‘appropriate’ professional values? Results show that differing values sets do significantly predict behavioural choices on ethical questions presented to participants. The implications of results are discussed in the contexts of ethics education in a tertiary context, and applications for the professions.


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This action research project set out to develop the competence of senior personnal from a private vocational college in Thailand in the use of administrative computer systems. The findings demonstrate the critical significance of progressive incremental learning that is tailored to the professional personal needs of learners. Learner competence was found to be dependent upon the creation of an environment promoting learner confidence.


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This study consisted of four professional development investigations and a dissertation on professional development for academic staff at Rangsit University in Thailand. The dissertation includes professional development activities on the design and production of a CDROM. The research utilised some of the principles of action research.


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This study examines the influence of socialization on work-related norms (WORKNORM). We tested the hypothesis that organizational (ORGSOC) and professional socialization (PROFSOC) are antecedent influences on WORKNORM, employing a sample of 339 marketing practitioners. The results of covariance structural analysis indicate that ORGSOC and PROFSOC and WORKNORM are discriminant constructs within the tested model. The study also reveals that the influence of ORGSOC on WORKNORM is stronger than the influence of PROFSOC on these same norms. Because this social learning occurs in work-related activities, in organizations, and in professional life, it is important that managers appreciate that these three separate domains influence decision making under ethical conditions. The limitations of the study and future research directions are discussed.


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The sustainability of the sport industry is dependent upon skilled coaches. This thesis has demonstrated that unlike the corporate setting, career development in the profession of coaching is missing from both policy and practice. This omission was found to have profound detrimental impacts on sport industry sustainability and coaches' lives.