142 resultados para sweet clover


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Background – Satiation and satiety describe the events which lead to meal termination and the maintenance of hunger induced by physical and metabolic events following food ingestion. Fatty acids, components of dietary fat (triglyceride) may be important, if not essential components of satiation and satiety. Emerging evidence suggests fatty acid now constitutes a sixth taste modality and orally sensed fatty acids mediate unique cephalic and hormonal responses priming the body for fat digestion, and may contribute to sensory specific satiety. Once ingested, fatty acids are sensed in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) where they cause the release of hormones, stimulate the vagus and enter the blood stream where they act a number of organs (brain, liver) to influence satiety.
Objective – To review the role of fatty acids in sensory and metabolic satiation and satiety.
Design – Literature search and review of papers from the past decade on satiety, satiation, fat taste and fatty acids.
Outcomes – The physiological significance of gustatory fat detection is still unclear, but it may signal the nutritious content of fat similar to the tastes of sweet or umami which signal the presence of carbohydrate or proteins. Like other tastants, fatty acid taste sensitivity is thought to vary in the population and differences in sensitivity may influence dietary choice and fat intake. Fatty acid taste may contribute to sensory specific satiety as foods are eaten. Animal models have observed an inverse relationship between oral fatty acid sensitivity and fat consumption, which leads to obesity. Observations that the obese have heightened preferences for, and consume more fat than lean individuals questions whether such a relationship may also be apparent in humans. At the GIT, fatty acids are sensed by enterocytes and bind to receptors, transporters or ion channels where they initiate gut-brain communication over nutrient status through the vagus and cause the release of satiety hormones which lead to meal termination. Inefficient fatty acid sensing at either or both locations is thought to accompany the aetiology of obesity.
Conclusion – Variations in sensitivity to fatty acids may alter preferences and consumption of fats or hormonal responses to fat ingestion which influence sensory-specific, metabolic and subjective satiety.


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The present study investigated whether the most preferred balance between sweet and sour taste of children (n=50, 9.2±0.9 yrs of age) are related to their consumption of fruit. Taste preferences were measured with a rank-by-elimination procedure with seven sweet orangeades that differed in added citric acid (i.e. 0.009−0.065 M). Fruit consumption was assessed with a questionnaire that was completed by the children's parents. Results showed that boys' but not girls' most preferred balance between sweet and sour taste was positively correlated with their consumption of fruit: that is, the more added citric acid was preferred the more fruit was consumed. We conclude that preference for high concentrations of citric acid in a sweet context may be associated with the consumption of fruit in boys. In girls, the optimal balance between sweet and sour taste seems to be of less importance; their consumption of fruit may be more influenced by their parents, availability and health related motives.


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Skeletal muscle possesses a high degree of plasticity and can adapt to both the physical and metabolic challenges that it faces. An acute bout of exercise is sufficient to induce the expression of a variety of metabolic genes, such as GLUT4, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK-4), uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-? coactivator 1 (PGC-1). Reducing muscle glycogen levels before exercise potentiates the effect of exercise on many genes. Similarly, altered substrate availability induces transcription of many of these genes. The purpose of this study was to determine whether glucose ingestion attenuates the exercise-induced increase in a variety of exercise-responsive genes. Six male subjects (28 ± 7 yr; 83 ± 3 kg; peak pulmonary oxygen uptake = 46 ± 6 ml·kg–1·min–1) performed 60 min of cycling at 74 ± 2% of peak pulmonary oxygen uptake on two separate occasions. On one occasion, subjects ingested a 6% carbohydrate drink. On the other occasion, subjects ingested an equal volume of a sweet placebo. Muscle samples were obtained from vastus lateralis at rest, immediately after exercise, and 3 h after exercise. PDK-4, UCP3, PGC-1, and GLUT4 mRNA levels were measured on these samples using real-time RT-PCR. Glucose ingestion attenuated (P < 0.05) the exercise-induced increase in PDK-4 and UCP3 mRNA. A similar trend (P = 0.09) was observed for GLUT4 mRNA. In contrast, PGC-1 mRNA increased following exercise to the same extent in both conditions. These data suggest that glucose availability can modulate the effect of exercise on metabolic gene expression.


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Examines the recognition of and assistance for foreign insolvency proceedings offered by the US courts under the US Code Title 11 Ch.15 (Bankruptcy Code), with particular reference to the approach to determining a centre of main interests, leading to refusal of recognition of Cayman Islands proceedings, in Re Basis Yield Alpha Fund (Master) and Re Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Master Fund Ltd (In Provisional Liquidation). Suggests that the approach under Ch.15 is more restrictive than the previous approach in the US, noting examples from case law under the previous provisions.


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Background: The Pacific OPIC Project (Obesity Prevention In Communities) includes whole-of-community intervention programs in four countries (Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, Australia) aimed at reducing the prevalence of overweight and  obesity in youth.

Development of Action Plans
: At each intervention site, preliminary interviews  were conducted with youth to identify the potential socio-cultural barriers and  facilitators to healthy eating and regular physical activity in order to attain and sustain a healthy body size. This and other information was presented at a 2-day workshop with community stakeholders, including youth. The participants then prioritised the components for a draft action plan which was later consolidated through further community consultation.

Action Plan objectives
: Each action plan had two overall aims: to build  community capacity and to promote healthy weight. The first three objectives in each action plan were on capacity building, social marketing messages, and evaluation. Next were a set of four to five behavioural objectives with associated strategies involving programs, events, social marketing and environmental  change. Lastly, each site had one or two innovative or developmental objectives.

Progress: Interventions began in all sites from 2005, with the action plans guiding implementation priorities. The initial behavioural objective for targeting in Fiji was eating regular breakfast and meals throughout the day, for Tonga it was physical activity, and for Australia and New Zealand it was increasing water consumption and decreasing consumption of sweet drinks.

Conclusions: The action plans have provided the basis for community engagement in the project, the guide to the implementation of activities and the template for the evaluation plan.


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In this study the nutrition, growth and production of C. destructor was examined. Selected nutritional requirements of juvenile animals were determined under controlled conditions with the aim of developing a pelleted diet for use in hatcheries, nurseries and growout situations. The best developed diet was assessed for its potential as a supplementary feed for animals cultured in earthen environments. The protein requirements were first determined simultaneously with an evaluation of the effect of replacing animal protein (fishmeal) by soybean meal. Juveniles were reared communally for 59 d on isoenergetic diets containing 15-30% protein and graded levels of soybean meal (0-60%, of protein). When soybean meal was included at a level of 40-60%, growth was reduced relative to that achieved with control diets containing 15% and 20% protein, but this was not the case at a 20% soybean meal substitution level. A two-way interaction occurred between dietary protein and soybean meal content. Higher protein feeds enabled higher soybean meal inclusion levels without significantly affecting growth. Protein increases of 5% produced better growth at the 40% and 60% soybean meal substitution levels. This effect was less pronounced in the control and the 20% soybean meal diets. Carcass %protein increased and %lipid decreased as dietary protein increased. A similar effect occurred by increasing the soybean meal level to 60%. No obvious trend in carcass moisture, energy, and ash occurred. A protein requirement of 30% was apparent when fish meal and soybean meal were included in diets at levels of 20% and 24% (dry matter) respectively. Alternative protein sources to soybean meal were subsequently identified. Juveniles were maintained for 12 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 30% protein and differing in the primary source of protein used, with meat, snail, soybean, yabby, and zooplankton meals comprising the major protein ingredient. No significant difference occurred in mean weight (MW), percentage weight gain (%WG), SGR or survival among diets. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were low, with a minimum value of 0.95 for the snail-based diet. The apparent net protein utilisation (ANPU) varied from 29.6% (zooplankton-based diet) to 41.2% (snail-based diet). Carcass composition varied with diet, with the greatest difference occurring in carapace colour. Animals fed the zooplankton-based diet developed the strongest, most natural pigmentation. A new combination of previously used protein-based ingredients was subsequently tested with reference to two yabby species, Cherax albidus and Cherax destructor, that were grown simultaneously in identical conditions. Juvenile male animals were reared individually for 20 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 15% or 30% protein with fish meal, soybean meal, yabby meal and wheat products forming the basis of the diets. C albidus grew the fastest and utilised the food the most effectively. Carcass composition was influenced by diet with the 30% protein diet resulting in an increase in carcass protein and ash and a decrease in carcass lipid and energy relative to the low protein diet. Carcass moisture and calcium were not affected by diet. The intermoult period (IP) was highly dependent on the premoult weight (W) but the mean moult increment (WI, as weight) was independent of the PM. The orbital carapace length (OCL) and the abdominal length (ABL) %moult increments generally declined with an increase in PM whereas the propus length (PL) %moult increment generally increased. The IP, WI, %OCL, %ABL, and %PL moult increments varied according to diet and to species. Elevated dietary protein caused a reduction to the IP (for similar sized animals) by 11 d and 7 d and an increase to the WI by 85% and 81% in C. albidus and C destructor respectively. Dietary induced morphological changes also occurred. Animals of a standard OCL (both species) had significantly larger abdomens when fed the higher protein diet. Growth on the best developed diet was compared to the growth obtained on a natural diet of freshwater zooplankton. Juveniles were reared individually for 12 weeks on the two diets. The MW, %WG and SGR were higher for the zooplankton diet. Carcass composition was influenced by diet and the zooplankton fed animals had a higher carcass %protein, %lipid, %ash and %fibre content and were more richly pigmented than animals fed pellets. The IP and the WI were highly dependent on the PM and varied according to diet; feeding with zooplankton reduced the IP by 1.2 days and increased the WI by 13.7% compared to pellets. Nutrient digestibility was determined for the pelleted diets evaluated in the growth trials. Protein digestibility (PD) and dry matter digestibility (DMD), using chromic oxide (Cr2O3) as an exogenous marker, were high for all diets, at around 93% and 83% respectively. Ash digestibility varied considerably from 17% to 73% for the snail and yabby meal diets respectively. Crude fibre digestibility was around 50% and probably indicates cellulase activity. Alternative markers to Cr2O3 were evaluated. Ash was considered to be the most suitable alternative to Cr2O3, providing a reasonable, albeit lower, estimate of nutrient digestibility. Cr2O3 and ash were preferentially excreted whereas fibre was retained in the digestive system for a longer period, consequently, the collection of a particular fraction of the deposited faeces (late or early) substantially affected the digestibility coefficients. In earthen-based environments, animals fed the best developed diet were compared to animals cultured using a forage crop of clover (Trifolium repens). Three supplementary feeding strategies representing varying levels of management intensity were evaluated in a series of trials conducted in ponds and pond microcosms. Growth on pellets consistently exceeded that obtained with the forage crop, with final MW being 67-159% higher than that using clover and appeared to be the result of direct pellet consumption and from a pellet fertiliser effect (on the sediment). Within-pond DMD and PD were high and similar for each treatment (DMD = 51-58%; PD = 89-92%). In the control pond, DMD and PD increased with each successive flood. The faecal egestion rate (PER) decreased with each successive flood in all ponds, and is negatively related to animal weight and to foregut fullness (FF) according to power curves. FF was consistently lowest in the control pond. Mean FF was 48.5%, 62.3%, and 26.7% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. FF increased to the third flood in each pond. The foregut protein content was high in all samples and the mean values were 33.9%, 32.7% and 35.6% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. Foregut ash was highly variable within each pond and is inversely related to the foregut protein content. In the control and pellet ponds the highest foregut ash content occurred during flood 1. The culture system (aquaria or pond) strongly influenced the composition of the foregut content. The foregut of animals fed the manufactured diet (B2) in ponds contained approximately 176% more ash and 5% more protein than the foregut of animals fed in bare-bottom tanks. The FF of the tank fed animals was approximately 45% higher than the FF of pond fed animals after a similar feeding period. Base-line yields for extensive production systems appeared to be around 400kg ha-1. The supplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of approximately 635kg ha-1 (in ponds) to around 1086kg ha-1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-clover to tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets. Yabbies stocked into ponds at 15-20 m-2 with a mean weight of 2.67g and fed a 30% protein pelleted diet for 100 d, resulted in a yield of approximately 1117kg ha-1, but only 2% of the population were above a marketable size of 50g. The feed utilisation indices were better for animals reared on pellets in bare-bottom tanks than in earthen environments, indicating some degree of pellet wastage when natural feeds are simultaneously present. High apparent food conversion ratios and low protein efficiency ratios occurred when the forage crop was provided. A considerable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of the forage crop was either inefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. Sowing a forage crop into pond microcosms to which a pelleted diet was also provided, did not enhance growth performance. Pelleted feed inputs at a rate of approximately 129g m-2 to 198g m-2 (dry matter) and 38g -2 to 64g m-2 (protein) over 70-100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisation indices for animals reared in ponds and pond microcosms. Forage crop inputs of approximately 533g m-2 to 680g m-2 (as dry matter) or 84g m-2 to 177g m-2 (as protein) over a 70-100 d period produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Low inputs of dry matter (from 113-296g m-2) and protein (from 24-54g m-2) from clover were sufficient to maintain high growth rates in pond microcosms for around 28 d. In ponds, a very low level of 21g m-2 (dry matter) and 4.3g m-2 (protein) was sufficient for around 3 weeks. Forage depletion appeared to occur beyond week 3-4 and was probably a major growth limiting factor. The mean hepatosomatic index (HSI) was 9.44, 7.68, and 6.79 for the pellet, crop, and control ponds respectively. The relationship between hepatopancreas weight and overall animal weight was significantly different between treatments. The hepatopancreas of pellet-fed animals had the highest %lipid and lowest %ash, %protein, %carbohydrate and %moisture content. In terms of absolute quantities, the only major difference in hepatopancreas composition between treatments occurred for lipid and dry matter content. The hepatopancreas of the pellet-fed animals was a cream/cream-yellow colour and was very fragile, whereas in the other ponds it was a more ‘natural’ bright yellow colour and was structurally more robust. C. destructor has a capacious foregut, being approximately 5 times the volume of similar sized Penaeids. The foregut volume (V, ml) of the yabby is related to animal weight (W, g) according to V = 0.048 W0.9543. Animals that were starved for 96 h and then fed diet B2 were almost completely foil after 30 min. The ‘apparent enzymatic response’ of animals fed various natural and artificial diets in tanks was evaluated. Nutrient processing time and the enzymatic response following ingestion appeared to be regulated by the chemical and physical properties of the diet. For the natural feeds, foregut protein was 1.2% higher (for zooplankton) and up to 300% higher (for detritus) than dietary protein, whereas ash was 7.5% higher (zooplankton) and 46-63% lower (detritus) than dietary ash. For animals fed diet B2 after 48 h without food, FF was approximately half that of 96 h starved animals after a similar feeding period but foregut protein and ash contents were similar. Finally, the physiological and morphological attributes elucidated in this study are discussed with reference to the ecology of the yabby. High growth rates, excellent feed utilisation indices and high digestibility coefficients for a wide range of diet-types illustrate nutritional flexibility. A capacious foregut, a large hepatopancreas with a high energy storage capacity, the ability to partition and preferentially excrete the low nutrient value inorganic component of the diet, the capacity to alter body form, nutrient processing time and enzymatic secretions in relation to diet-type, and modified behaviour according to feed availability also demonstrate plasticity/adaptability/flexibility. The combined effect of these important characteristics ensures survival in environments that may be adverse and highly variable in terms of nutrient availability. Collectively the morphological and digestive traits elucidated in this study reflect the generalist-type nature of C destructor and indicate that a polytrophic classification still seems appropriate. Several priority areas for further nutrition research are identified and recommendations are made regarding the best-practices to use in the commercial culture of the yabby. Of paramount importance is the further clarification of the nutritional requirements and feeding preferences of animals in various phases of development.


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This thesis is a study of the establishment of the music curriculum in state-supported schools in South Australia from the beginnings of such schooling until 1920. There will be a discussion of issues to be explored and the method by which this investigation will proceed. A literature survey of relevant research will be included, after which there will be a sketch of the development of state-supported schooling in South Australia. Several broad themes have been chosen as the means of organising the historical material: the rationales offered for the inclusion of music in schooling, the methodologies, syllabi and materials of such music instruction, the provisions for teacher training in music, both preservice and as professional development for established teachers, and the place and function of music in schooling. Each of these themes will form the framework for a chronological narrative. Comparisons will be made with three neighbouring colonies/States concerning each of these themes and conclusions will be drawn. Finally, overall conclusions will be made concerning the initial contentions raised in this chapter in the light of the data presented. Although this study is principally concerned with the establishment of music in state-supported schooling, there will be a brief consideration of the colony of South Australia from its proclamation in 1836. The music pedagogical context that prevailed at that time will be discussed and this will, of necessity, include developments that occurred before 1836. The period under consideration will close in 1920, by which time the music curriculum for South Australia was established, and the second of the influential figures in music education was at his zenith. At this time there was a new school curriculum in place which remained essentially unchanged for several decades. As well as the broad themes identified, this thesis will investigate several contentions as it attempts to chronicle and interpret the establishment and development of music in state-supported schooling in South Australia up to 1920. The first contention of this thesis is that music in state-supported schooling, once established, did not change significantly from its inception throughout the period under consideration. In seeking a discussion of the existence and importance of the notion of an absence of change or stasis, the theory of punctuated equilibria, which identifies stasis as the norm in the evolutionary growth of species, will be employed as an insightful analogy. It should be recognised that stasis exists, should be expected and may well be the prevailing norm. The second contention of this thesis is that advocates were and continue to be crucial to the establishment and continued existence of music in state-supported schooling. For change to occur there must be pressure through such agencies as motivated individuals holding positions of authority, and thus able to influence the educational system and its provisions. The pedagogical method introduced into an educational system is often that espoused by the acknowledged advocate. During the period under consideration there were two significant advocates for music in state-supported schools. The third contention of this thesis is that music was used in South Australia, as in the other colonies/States, as an agent of social reform, through the selection of repertoire and the way in which music was employed in state-supported schooling. Music was considered inherently uplifting. During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the music selected for school singing carried texts with messages deemed significant by those who controlled the education system. The repertoire was not that of the receiving class but came from a middle class tradition of fully notated art music in which correct performance and notational reading were emphasised. A sweet, pure vocal tone was desired, as strident, harsh, speaking tones were perceived as a symptom of incipient larrikinism which was not desired in schooling. Music was seen as a contributor to good order and discipline in schooling.


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Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (Sweet Pittosporum) is a densely foliaged tall shrub or small tree, native to the wet forests of south east Australia, This species now functions as a serious environmental weed in a range of habitats in Australia and on other continents and islands throughout the temperate, sub-tropical and tropical zones. This study investigated some of the ecological causes and consequences of P. undulatum invasion across a range of habitat types in south east Australia. Key aspects of P. undulatum biology and ecology investigated in the current study include; patterns of morphological variation across the range of habitats occupied (as a measure of the species’ plasticity), dispersal ecology and seed germinability, population structure and spatial pattern, community relationships and the ecological impacts of invasion. Phenotypic plasticity is considerable in P. undulatum. No clear patterns of geographic variation emerged from a study of leaf morphological attributes across the current range of this species on mainland south east Australia. The pattern of morphological variation is particularly complex in Victoria, where the invasion of this species is most advanced. The species’ adaptability to a range of environments and environmental conditions will likely promote further range expansion. The abundant winter fruit crop produced by functionally female P. undulatum plants attracts a suite of generalist opportunistic frugivores, which feed on P. undulatum fruits and seeds at various stages of fruit dehiscence, thereby enhancing dispersal opportunities for this species. P. undulatum seed collected from natural and invasive populations, at two stages of fruit maturity and from the scats and pellets of dispersal agents, displayed high germinability. European Blackbirds and Pied Currawongs are implicated as the main avian dispersal agents of P undulatum in south east Australia. The broader ecological implications of developing relationships between invasive fleshy-fruited bird-dispersed plant species and adaptive frugivores are likely to be considerable. The distribution of P. undulatutn seedlings was significantly negatively correlated with adult conspecifics and significantly positively correlated with trees and shrubs of other genera. This pattern reflects the importance of both firugivorous dispersal agents and the species’ germination and establishment requirements, in shaping the contagious distribution pattern typical of this species. These analyses suggest that recruitment opportunities for conspecific seedlings are limited beneath the canopy of adult conspecifics. Densities of P. undulatum were on average, 2.7 times higher in invaded populations, compared to the natural populations sampled. A male-bias was evident in all populations and no relationships between reproductive activity and the density of seedlings and juveniles were evident. Invading populations of P. undulatum impose substantial changes on ecosystem-level properties and functions. Mean species richness and cover-abundance declined notably once P. undulatum cover-abundance exceeded 20% at the invaded sites and 60% at the natural sites sampled. The natural communities sampled displayed comparatively greater resilience to the competitive effects of P. undulatum, but community attributes were affected at high densities and cover-abundance of this species. The cover-abundance of herbs and grasses declined most substantially with increasing P. undulatum at invaded sites, whereas, at the natural sites sampled, the species’ structural analogues appeared to be most affected by increasing P. undulatum cover-abundance. This study has demonstrated that the ecological consequences of P. undulatum population expansion are substantial and contribute to changes in the composition and successional trajectory of affected communities. These processes ultimately lead to the loss and simplification of biodiversity values and the homogenisation of affected habitats. P. undulatum has the potential to emerge as one of south east Australia's most serious environmental weed species.


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Basic research has revealed that the chemical sensory world of children is different from that of adults, as evidenced by their heightened preferences for sweet and salty tastes. However, little is known about the ontogeny of sour taste preferences, despite the growing market of extreme sour candies. The present study investigated whether the level of sourness most preferred in a food matrix and the ability to discriminate differences in sour intensity differed between 5- to 9-year-old children and their mothers, by using a rank-by-elimination procedure embedded in the context of a game. Mothers also completed a variety of questionnaires and children were asked several questions to assess whether children's temperament and food preferences and habits related to sour preferences. The results indicated that, although every mother and all but two of the children (92%) were able to rank the gelatins from most to least sour, more than one-third (35%) of the children, but virtually none of the adults, preferred the high levels of sour taste (0.25 M citric acid) in gelatin. Those children who preferred the extreme sour tastes were significantly less food neophobic (P < 0.05) and tended to experience a greater variety of fruits when compared with the remaining children (P = 0.11). Moreover, the children's preference for sour tastes generalized to other foods, such as candies and lemons, as reported by both children and mothers. These findings are the first experimental evidence to demonstrate that sour taste preferences are heightened during childhood and that such preferences are related to children's food habits and preferences. Further research is needed to unfold the relationship between the level of sour taste preferred and the actual consumption of sour-tasting foods and flavors in children.