104 resultados para success factors


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The aim of the research is to investigate factors that may explain success in elementary computer programming at the tertiary level. The first phase of the research included the identification of possible explanatory factors through a literature review, a survey of students studying introductory computing, a focus-group session with teachers of computer programming and interviews with programming students. The second phase of the research that was called the main study, involved testing the identified factors. Two different groups of programming students - one group majoring in business computing and another majoring in computer science - completed a survey questionnaire. The findings of the research are as follows. Gender is of little significance for business students but there is an adverse gender penalty for females in computer science. Secondary school assessment is inversely related to outcomes in business computing but directly influences outcomes in the first programming unit in the computer science course. As in prior research, previous knowledge and experience were demonstrated to matter, A range of other variables was found to be of little importance. The research suggests that different problem-solving techniques might be relevant in business compared with those of use in computer science.


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This paper presents the findings of research conducted by Scope in 2007-2009. It proposes a way of categorising the dominant modes or orientations to inclusion work in the disability sector in Australia and identifies the barriers and enablers to it. The research engaged with seventeen ‘inclusion workers’ or managers in Victoria and Perth, Western Australia and sought examples of successful practice along with the ingredients of success, and outcomes of the work. Coincidently, the majority of examples provided related to inclusion work with people with intellectual disability, and a minority of these relating to people with severe intellectual disability. This data was analysed to identify key organisational factors required for successful inclusion work. Most importantly, respondents were also asked to identify the outcomes of inclusion work for individuals with a disability and their families, as well as for services, and for the communities with whom they engaged. The paper offers a way of conceptualising the breadth of inclusion work, including work focused on presence and participation, as well as the larger scale activities of social engineering or social change. The paper presents key ingredients for successful organisational approaches to such work.


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Peregrine Falcon’s lifetime reproductive outputs are influenced more by the quality of the nest site than by the environmental landscape in which they live. The installation of a nest boxes significantly improves breeding outcomes. Uniquely, Victorian Peregrines use novel (non-cliff) nest sites and disperse considerably shorter distances to adopt these sites.


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 This thesis directly validated methods of estimating energetic gain and energetic expenditure in diving seals and sea lions. Results showed that head-mounted accelerometers and dive behaviour can predict foraging behaviour and energetic gain. In contrast, 3-dimensional body movement was unable to reliably predict energetic expenditure of diving pinnipeds.


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Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute significantly to national economies and employment levels and represent a viable source for inventions and innovations. The emergence of electronic commerce in the early 90's could provide different opportunities to the small business sector to overcome its inadequacies. However, in view of the electronic commerce/business (EC) literature in organizations in general and in SMEs specifically, EC research is scarce. Available research portrays a gloomy picture about EC uptake and use by SMEs. Therefore, this chapter attempts, by reviewing recent EC research, to depict an agenda for EC success in SMEs made up of ten influencing factors. Thus, an attempt is made to develop deeper understanding about the factors influencing EC success in SMEs. By following the suggested guidelines in this chapter, SMEs would be in a better position to assess the Viability o/the new EC perspective 10 their organizations. The same factors are highly important to researchers, SMEs, professionals (including educational institutions) and policymakers in driving SMEs and EC forward.


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Experience has shown that development NGOs typically do not succeed in transforming themselves into financially sustainable providers of financial intermediation services. The reasons for this failure are complex (see Dichter 1999). Nonetheless, the role that NGOs play as microfinance providers is important and the contribution they could make to poverty reduction would be greatly enhanced if they adhered to some simple but essential parameters of success.


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Using a theoretical framework extracted from thetechnological innovation theories, this research attempts to explain factors influencing the adoption and diffusion of telemedicine utilising the video conferencing technology (TMVC) for dermatology within health Waikato (HW) in New Zealand. Findings indicate weak presence of critical assessment into technological innovation factors prior to TMVC adoption. Factors such as complexity, compatibility, and trialability were not assessed extensively by HW and could have hindered its adoption. TMVC was mainly assessed according to its relative advantage and cost effectiveness. This is essential but should consider other important factors explained in this research. The successful diffusion of TMVC in the case study relied on its economical benefit and on its effectiveness as a diagnostic tool. This research highlights the importance of the product champion factor on the successful adoption and diffusion of TMVC.


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This paper proposes a new model – the Information Systems Acceptance (ISA) model - to explain and predict IS acceptance. Drawing on previous literature, and the results of a series of case studies, the ISA model integrates four sets of factors influencing IS acceptance: (i) technology characteristics; (ii) management actions; (iii) service quality; and (iv) system use, user satisfaction and system outcomes. These sets of factors are drawn from well-established frameworks. Building on established theories, the model incorporates previous research, overcomes some of the limitations associated with these individual theories, and assembles IS acceptance factors into a comprehensive and useable conceptual framework.


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Government policy in Australia is increasingly encouraging training organisations in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector to adopt flexible delivery approaches, but some researchers are sounding a note of caution. Evidence is emerging that Australian VET learners are not universally ready for flexible delivery, and this is reflected in high attrition rates and low pass rates. The literature on flexible delivery identifies a number of specific factors that can impact on the success of adult learners. However, there seems to be agreement that failure or dropout is not determined by a single factor, but by the interaction of a number of factors that build up over time. To understand these factors, we need to understand the learners - what their participation in education means to them, the context in which they are studying, and the numerous inter-connected factors that contribute to their failure to achieve a successful outcome. This paper discusses four case studies from a research project that followed up a small number of adult learners who enrolled in flexible delivery VET courses but did not achieve a successful outcome.


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Life history theory predicts that individuals make trade-offs between investment in current reproduction, future reproductive potential and success in order to maximise lifetime reproductive success (LRS). Factors that may influence LRS in seabirds include delayed maturity, small clutches, high adults survivorship and long life spans. Studies have shown that reproductive success of seabirds increases with age and experience. Australasian gannets are long-lived seabirds that typically commence breeding at five or six years of age. A small colony of gannets was monitored over 12 years. This study aimed to identify patterns of long-term individual breeding biology. Results indicate that nest site, pair bond duration, age and breeding experience are all important factors in reproductive success. Relationships were found between breeding success and several variables including breeding experience, pair bond duration and nest site quality. Identifying and understanding the factors that contribute to individuals’ reproductive success is of critical importance for future conservation and management of seabird species.


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Black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) is the main target species amongst the estuarine recreational fisheries of Victoria, Australia. The A. butcheri fishery is managed through legal-minimum length and daily bag limits. The success of this management strategy requires that the survival rate for released fish is high. This study used the most common angling practices to estimate post-release survival and identify influential factors for undersized A. butcheri in Victoria. In total 1557 and 923 A. butcheri were caught and monitored for initial (≤1 h) and delayed (72 h) survival, respectively. Fish were caught across 3 years, with each year separated into cold and warm water periods with 8 fishing trial days in total. Only 1 of the 266 controls used to assess confinement effects died. Total survival was 95% (S.E. ± 0.8%) for shallow- and 74% (S.E. ± 3%) for deep-hooked fish and decreased as fish length increased. A post-mortem (PM) procedure was developed and showed that throat and gill injuries were the most frequent cause of deep-hooking death. It revealed that 97% of hooks left in fish remained there after 72 h and identified hooking location inaccuracies recorded at the time of capture. Total survival for deep-hooked fish was 20% higher when hooks were left in the fish. Deep-hooked fish were more likely to bleed when hooks were removed and total survival was lower for fish that bleed (58%) than fish that did not bleed (80%). Shallow-hooking rates decreased as fish length increased and were higher during warm water compared to cold water trials. The high shallow-hooking and survival rates observed suggest that A. butcheri survival in the fishery would be high, but deep-hooking has the potential to undermine the management strategy. Determining the shallow-hooking rate in the fishery would help clarify the impact of these findings at the fishery level.


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Why do some entrepreneurs succeed while others fail in international competition? Perhaps it is better to turn the question around and ask, why is it that a particular country or economy becomes the home base for competitive globally-oriented entrepreneurs? What makes Australia a global leader in wine exports? How did New Zealand make it to global ranks in the creative industries? Why does Singapore have the most businessfriendly environment for entrepreneurs? Why is it “location, location, location”? One of the most powerful factors is the regulatory environment.

Asia-Pacific country-specific and region-specific regulations are diverse, and they seriously affect the climate for start-up entrepreneurs. They range from best-in-the world (e.g. Australia, New Zealand and Singapore) to the dreadful (Indonesia), according to the World Bank. Costs and profits can be affected as much by a government regulation as by a management decision. Fundamental entrepreneurial decisions--such as which lines of business to go into, which products and services to produce and introduce, which investments to finance, how and where to make goods and how to market them, and what prices to charge--are increasingly subject to governmental control.

In this short paper, we examine World Bank and Transparency International data on Asia-Pacific regulatory environments and make statements about how the economies compare to best practice. While I use data collected by other sources, I believe the added value comes through comparing and contrast the regulatory environments of our region in a justifiable and easily understood manner.


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Introduction. With the advent of effective medical treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED), there has been a reduced focus in recent years on the role of relationship in the development of this disorder.
Aim. This article examines the contribution of relationship factors to the success or otherwise of different treatment
approaches for ED.
Main Outcome Measures. The results of findings in the literature on the association between relationship factors and the development and maintenance of ED.
Methods. This article reviews and evaluates the literature that relates to the role of relationship factors in the development and maintenance of ED.
Results. The current review demonstrates that relationship dynamics are frequently dysfunctional among men with ED. Research demonstrates that addressing these problems is likely to improve the effectiveness of therapy. However, there have been limited studies conducted in this area; many of these studies are methodologically flawed, and so it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of these interventions.
Conclusions. There needs to be further research on the association between relationship factors and ED. Suggestions for future research that include combined medical and psychological interventions for ED are proposed.