87 resultados para shifted keystream


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Hybrid composite membranes have great potential for desalination applications since water transport can be favorably promoted by selective diffusion at the interface between matrix and reinforcement materials. In this paper, graphene oxide nano-sheets were successfully incorporated across 200nm thick poly(amide) films by interfacial polymerization to form novel thin-film composite membranes. The impact of the graphene oxide on the morphology, chemistry, and surface charge of the ultra-thin poly(amide) layer, and the ability to desalinate seawater was investigated. The graphene oxide nano-sheets were found to be well dispersed across the composite membranes, leading to a lower membrane surface energy and an enhanced hydrophilicity. The iso-electric point of the samples, key to surface charge repulsion during desalination, was found to be consistently shifted to higher pH values with an increasing graphene oxide content. Compared to a pristine poly(amide) membrane, the pure water flux across the composite membranes with 0.12wt.% of graphene oxide was also found to increase by up to 80% from 0.122 to 0.219L·μm·m-2·h-1·bar-1 without significantly affecting salt selectivity. Furthermore, the inhibitory effects of the composite membrane on microbial growth were evaluated and the novel composite membranes exhibited superior anti-microbial activity and may act as a potential anti-fouling membrane material.


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Medical practice has rapidly shifted towards an 'evidence-based' approach. While there are acknowledged clear benefits to this, a number of pitfalls are frequently not appreciated. Perhaps the most important limitation is the extent to which the current body of data is inadequate for many common clinical decisions. Algorithms risk being developed, frequently by third parties, without acknowledgement of these limitations and with substantial implications for clinical independence and the quality of patient care. This paper discusses potential problems of the evidence-based approach and suggests possible guidelines for the management of clinical decisions given the limitations of data-based guidelines.


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In 2007, I asked for a show of hands of people who ‘might consider online dating as a way of finding a partner’. Not a single hand went up and the lecture theatre was stony silent. The same question, some five years later resulted in a significant show of hands and a buzz of chatter. Something had changed and perceptions around online dating had shifted. Nielsen Research last year found most Australians (51 per cent) had either tried online dating or would consider doing so. RSVP and eHarmony claim to have 2 million members and more than 4 million people have apparently joined RSVP since it was launched 17 years ago. Online dating is experiencing significant growth in Asia as well, with the number of new web services (some, like ‘Muslima’, are tightly focused) growing exponentially. Online dating is a global phenomenon. This paper will use current media studies research literature and data from conversations with university students in Australia and Indonesia to explore how the changing world of online dating is helping/hindering young people as they shape and develop identity, represent themselves in the virtual world and ultimately, how they find love on line.


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Nur Rahmah Hidayati is an Indonesian who studied at the University of Wollongong in 2010-2012. She studied on an ADS Scholarship. Despite having studied Nuclear Chemical Engineering while in Indonesia, she shifted to studying Medical Physics during her time in Australia, and completed her Masters degree in this field. The interview was conducted in English by Dr. Jemma Purdey and Prof. David Lowe, both of Deakin University on 28 April 2014. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photo.


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We report results of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of an industrially-relevant, exemplar triacylglycerol (TAG), namely tristearin (TS), under aqueous conditions, at different temperatures and in the presence of an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate (SDBS). We predict the TS bilayers to be stable and in a gel phase at temperatures of 350 K and below. At 370 K the lipid bilayer was able to melt, but does not feature a stable liquid-crystalline phase bilayer at this elevated temperature. We also predict the structural characteristics of TS bilayers in the presence of SDBS molecules under aqueous conditions, where surfactant molecules are found to spontaneously insert into the TS bilayers. We model TS bilayers containing different amounts of SDBS, with the presence of SDBS imparting only a moderate effect on the structure of the system. Our study represents the first step in applying atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to the investigation of TAG-aqueous interfaces. Our results suggest that the CHARMM36 force-field appears suitable for the simulation of such systems, although the phase behaviour of the system may be shifted to lower temperatures than is the case for the actual system. Our findings provide a foundation for further simulation studies of the TS-aqueous interface.


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Composite biomaterials provide alternative materials that improve on the properties of the individual components and can be used to replace or restore damaged or diseased tissues. Typically, a composite biomaterial consists of a matrix, often a polymer, with one or more fillers that can be made up of particles, sheets or fibres. The polymer matrix can be chosen from a wide range of compositions and can be fabricated easily and rapidly into complex shapes and structures. In the present study we have examined three size fractions of collagen-containing particles embedded at up to 60% w/w in a poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) matrix. The particles used were bone particles, which are a mineral-collagen composite and demineralised bone, which gives naturally cross-linked collagen particles. SEM showed well dispersed particles in the PVA matrix for all concentrations and sizes of particles, with FTIR suggesting collagen to PVA hydrogen bonding. Tg of membranes shifted to a slightly lower temperature with increasing collagen content, along with a minor amount of melting point depression. The modulus and tensile strength of membranes were improved with the addition of both particles up to 10 wt%, and were clearly strengthened by the addition, although this effect decreased with higher collagen loadings. Elongation at break decreased with collagen content. Cell adhesion to the membranes was observed associated with the collagen particles, indicating a lack of cytotoxicity.


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Angela Carter described herself as being in the “demythologisingbusiness” (“Notes”, 38) and in her 1984 novel Nights at the CircusCarter’s interrogative scope is both broad and complex. The wingedaerialiste Fevvers and the rag-bag of circus freaks with whom shejourneys evoke the Rabelaisian carnivalesque that Bakhtin cites as apowerful challenge to the spatial, temporal, and linguistic fixities of themedieval world. The transformative and regenerative potential ofRabelais’ grotesque is evident in Nights' temporal setting, whichforegrounds the possibilities of birth through death. Set at the “fagend” of the nineteenth century (19), the characters are witness tohistory on the cusp as “[t]he old dying world gives birth to the newone” (Bakhtin, 435). Here Carter has shifted the point of historicalregeneration from Rabelais’ subversion of the Neo-Platonic medievalcosmology to, rather hopefully, symbolize the demise or at least thederailment of the Age of Reason, industrial progress, Imperialism, andtheir respective ideologies of misogyny. For Fevvers and Walser theexcess of the carnivalesque prompts a crisis of subjectivity thatsignals both the redundancy of restrictive ideologies of demarcationand hierarchy, but also the playful possibilities of corporeal fluidity andreferential relativism.


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Purpose: The present study examined the effects of repetitive hopping training on muscle activation profiles and fascicle–tendon interaction in the elderly. Methods: 20 physically active elderly men were randomly assigned for training (TG) and control groups (CG). TG performed supervised bilateral short contact hopping training with progressively increasing training volume. Measurements were performed before the training period (BEF) as well as after 2 weeks (2 W) and 11 weeks (11 W) of training. During measurements, the gastrocnemius medialis–muscle (GaM) fascicle and its outer Achilles tendon length changes during hopping were examined by ultrasonography together with electromyographic (EMG) activities of calf muscles, kinematics, and kinetics. Results: At 2 W, the ankle joint stiffness was increased by 21.0 ± 19.3 % and contact time decreased by 9.4 ± 7.8 % in TG. Thereafter, from 2–11 W the jumping height increased 56.2 ± 18.1 % in TG. Simultaneously, tendon forces increased 24.3 ± 19.0 % but tendon stiffness did not change. GaM fascicles shifted to shorter operating lengths after training without any changes in their length modifications during the contact phase of hopping. Normalized EMG amplitudes during hopping did not change with training. Conclusions: The present study shows that 11 W of hopping training improves the performance of physically active elderly men. This improvement is achieved with shorter GaM operating lengths and, therefore, increased fascicle stiffness and improved tendon utilization after training. Based on these results, hopping training could be recommended for healthy fit elderly to retain and improve rapid force production capacity.


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The concept of the public intellectual has always been a somewhat contestedterm. This article serves as both an introduction to the debates around what it constitutes and an entry point into how the new media environment is producinga different configuration of the public intellectual. Through key thinkers who have addressed the idea of the public intellectual internationally and those who havefocused on the Australian context, this essay positions the arguments made bythe authors in this special issue. Via a short case-study of TED, the conferenceand online idea-spreading phenomenon, it argues that the contemporary moment is producing and privileging a different constellation of experts as celebrities that match the exigencies of online attention economy. A shifted conception of the public intellectual is beginning to take shape that is differently constituted, used and situated, and this article helps to define the parameters for further discussion of these transformations.


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BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that women are failing to meet guidelines for nutrition, physical activity, and weight gain during pregnancy. Interventions to promote a healthy lifestyle in pregnancy demonstrate mixed results and many are time and resource intensive. mHealth-delivered interventions offer an opportunity to provide trusted source information in a timely and cost-effective manner. Studies regarding women's and health professionals' views of mHealth in antenatal care are limited.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore women's and health professionals' views regarding mHealth information sources and interventions to assist women to eat well, be physically active, and gain healthy amounts of weight in pregnancy.

METHODS: A descriptive qualitative research approach employed focus groups and in-depth interviews with 15 pregnant or postpartum women and 12 in-depth interviews with health professionals including two from each category: obstetricians, general practitioners, midwives, dietitians, physiotherapists, and community pharmacists. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematically analyzed.

RESULTS: Women uniformly embraced the concept of mHealth information sources and interventions in antenatal care and saw them as central to information acquisition and ideally incorporated into future antenatal care processes. Health professionals exhibited varied views perceiving mHealth as an inevitable, often parallel, service rather than one integrated into the care model. Four key themes emerged: engagement, risk perception, responsibility, and functionality. Women saw their ability to access mHealth elements as a way to self-manage or control information acquisition that was unavailable in traditional care models and information sources. The emergence of technology was perceived by some health professionals to have shifted control of information from trusted sources, such as health professionals and health organizations, to nontrusted sources. Some health professionals were concerned about the medicolegal risks of mHealth (incorrect or harmful information and privacy concerns), while others acknowledged that mHealth was feasible if inherent risks were addressed. Across both groups, there was uncertainty as to who should be responsible for ensuring high-quality mHealth. The absence of a key pregnancy or women's advocacy group, lack of health funds for technologies, and the perceived inability of maternity hospitals to embrace technology were seen to be key barriers to provision. Women consistently identified the functionality of mHealth as adding value to antenatal care models. For some health professionals, lack of familiarity with and fear of mHealth limited their engagement with and comprehension of the capacity of new technologies to support antenatal care.

CONCLUSIONS: Women exhibited positive views regarding mHealth for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in antenatal care. Conversely, health professionals expressed a much wider variation in attitudes and were more able to identify potential risks and barriers to development and implementation. This study contributes to the understanding of the opportunities and challenges in developing mHealth lifestyle interventions in antenatal care.


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Fire is an integral part of savanna ecology and changes in fire patterns are linked to biodiversity loss in savannas worldwide. In Australia, changed fire regimes are implicated in the contemporary declines of small mammals, riparian species, obligate-seeding plants and grass seed-eating birds. Translating this knowledge into management to recover threatened species has proved elusive. We report here on a landscape-scale experiment carried out by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) on Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary in northwest Australia. The experiment was designed to understand the response of a key savanna bird guild to fire, and to use that information to manage fire with the aim of recovering a threatened species population. We compared condition indices among three seed-eating bird species-one endangered (Gouldian finch) and two non-threatened (long-tailed finch and double-barred finch)-from two large areas (> 2,830 km2) with initial contrasting fire regimes ('extreme': frequent, extensive, intense fire; versus 'benign': less frequent, smaller, lower intensity fires). Populations of all three species living with the extreme fire regime had condition indices that differed from their counterparts living with the benign fire regime, including higher haematocrit levels in some seasons (suggesting higher levels of activity required to find food), different seasonal haematocrit profiles, higher fat scores in the early wet season (suggesting greater food uncertainty), and then lower muscle scores later in the wet season (suggesting prolonged food deprivation). Gouldian finches also showed seasonally increasing stress hormone concentrations with the extreme fire regime. Cumulatively, these patterns indicated greater nutritional stress over many months for seed-eating birds exposed to extreme fire regimes. We tested these relationships by monitoring finch condition over the following years, as AWC implemented fire management to produce the 'benign' fire regime throughout the property. The condition indices of finch populations originally living with the extreme fire regime shifted to resemble those of their counterparts living with the benign fire regime. This research supports the hypothesis that fire regimes affect food resources for savanna seed-eating birds, with this impact mediated through a range of grass species utilised by the birds over different seasons, and that fire management can effectively moderate that impact. This work provides a rare example of applied research supporting the recovery of a population of a threatened species.


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Plasticity or evolution in behavioural responses are key attributes of successful animal invasions. In northern Australia, the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) recently invaded semi-arid regions. Here, cane toads endure repeated daily bouts of severe desiccation and thermal stress during the long dry season (April-October). We investigated whether cane toads have shifted their ancestral nocturnal rehydration behaviour to one that exploits water resources during the day. Such a shift in hydration behaviour could increase the fitness of individual toads by reducing exposure to desiccation and thermal stress suffered during the day even within terrestrial shelters. We used a novel method (acoustic tags) to monitor the daily hydration behaviour of 20 toads at two artificial reservoirs on Camfield station, Northern Territory. Remarkably, cane toads visited reservoirs to rehydrate during daylight hours, with peaks in activity between 9.00 and 17.00. This diurnal pattern of rehydration activity contrasts with nocturnal rehydration behaviour exhibited by adult toads in their native geographical range and more mesic parts of Australia. Our results demonstrate that cane toads phase shift a key behaviour to survive in a harsh semi-arid landscape. Behavioural phase shifts have rarely been reported in invasive species but could facilitate ongoing invasion success.