83 resultados para recrystallization (metallurgy)


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This work evaluates the effect of co-existence of a large volume fraction of δ-ferrite on the hot deformation and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of austenite using comparative hot torsion tests on AISI 304 austenitic and 2205 duplex stainless steels. The comparison was performed under similar deformation conditions (i.e. temperature and strain rate) and also under similar Zener-Hollomon, Z, values. The torsion data were combined with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis to study the microstructure development. The results imply a considerable difference between DRX mechanisms, austenite grain sizes and also DRX kinetics of two steels. Whereas austenitic stainless steel shows the start of DRX at very low strains and then development of that microstructure based on the necklace structure, the DRX phenomena in the austenite phase of duplex structure does not proceed to a very high fraction. Also, the DRX kinetics in the austenitic steel are much higher than the austenite phase of the duplex steel. The results suggest that at a similar deformation condition the DRX grain size of austenitic steel is almost three times larger than the DRX grains of austenite phase in duplex steel. Similarly, the ratio of DRX grain size in the austenitic to the duplex structure at the same Z values is about 1.5.


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The effects of copper on as-cast structure, recrystallization and precipitation kinetics of strip cast low carbon steel were investigated. As-cast microstructure mainly consists of polygonal ferrite and Widmanstatten ferrite. Recrystallization responses were strongly dependent on initial microstructure and Cu content. Precipitation strengthening was observed in high copper content alloys.


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The effects of combined silicon and molybdenum alloying additions on microalloy precipitate formation in austenite after single- and double-step deformations below the austenite no-recrystallization temperature were examined in high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels microalloyed with titanium and niobium. The precipitation sequence in austenite was evaluated following an interrupted thermomechanical processing simulation using transmission electron microscopy. Large (~ 105 nm), cuboidal titanium-rich nitride precipitates showed no evolution in size during reheating and simulated thermomechanical processing. The average size and size distribution of these precipitates were also not affected by the combined silicon and molybdenum additions or by deformation. Relatively fine (< 20 nm), irregular-shaped niobium-rich carbonitride precipitates formed in austenite during isothermal holding at 1173 K. Based upon analysis that incorporated precipitate growth and coarsening models, the combined silicon and molybdenum additions were considered to increase the diffusivity of niobium in austenite by over 30% and result in coarser precipitates at 1173 K compared to the lower alloyed steel. Deformation decreased the size of the niobium-rich carbonitride precipitates that formed in austenite.


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In this study, a series of Ti-xNb-yMo (x = 5-40 wt.% in 5 wt.% increments; and y = 3, 5, 10 wt%) alloys were fabricated by powder metallurgy and studied with respect to their microstructures, compressive mechanical properties and hardness. Increases in Nb and Mo content led to decreases in compressive and yield strengths, elastic modulus and hardness of the sintered alloys. Among the studied alloys, Ti-10Nb-3Mo alloy exhibited the optimum combination of strength and ductility. Alloys with a lower amount of Nb (≤ 25 wt.%) and Mo (≤ 5 wt.%) developed Widmanstätten structure, while further increase in Nb and Mo additions led to the microstructure predominantly consisting of β phase with varying regions of α + β phase. The effects of sintering temperature on elastic modulus and hardness were also investigated for Ti-xNb-3Mo alloys.


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The ductility and plastic asymmetry of an as-annealed magnesium alloy plate were studied in compression through combined process of torsion and subsequent annealing by optical microscope and EBSD. The yield strength (YS) and ultimate compression strength (UCS) as well as the compression ductility (CD) were simultaneously raised by prior torsion at room temperature. The CD was further enhanced by subsequent annealing. Also, the torqued sample followed by annealing experienced a rising CD with the increase in prior strain, leading to the maximum true strain of 0.279, which is twice that of the as-annealed original one. The sample showed a largely reduced tension-compression yield asymmetry by subjecting to pre-torsion alone or combined with a subsequent annealing. The enhanced ductility and reduced asymmetry are attributed to the development of a gradient microstructure with refined grains, and also randomization of the weakened texture due to torsion and subsequent annealing.


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The development behaviors of ultrafine grains (UFGs) due to continuous dynamic recrystallization (cDRX) were investigated in hot compression of a Mg-4Y-2Nd-0.2Zn-0.5Zr alloy pretreated in solution and subsequently peak-aging. In the aging sample containing statically precipitated particles (SPPs), the occurrence of cDRX starts to take place at medium to high strains, and finally a stable size of UFGs are fully developed in a whole volume. In the as-solution sample with no SPPs, by contrast, the size of UFGs evolved increases rapidly at lower strains, slowly at medium strains and then finally shows a bimodal distribution in high strain. In the latter, smaller grains accompanying with an incomplete formation of UFGs are developed by any effect of dynamically precipitated particles (DPPs). The microtexture evolved is effectively randomized in the regions of UFGs, leading to the formation of a weaker texture. The tensile elongation of the aging sample, with SPPs and fully developed UFGs, was around 17.4%. This was much higher than that of the as-solution one, with no SPPs and incompletely developed UFGs, that was 11.8%, which might result from the more randomized texture due to fully developed UFGs.


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Hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of a coarse grain metastable beta titanium alloy (Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr) was investigated using uniaxial compression testing followed by a subsequent beta annealing treatment. Compression testing was carried out at 720 °C and strain rates between 0.001-10 s-1 on samples with beta annealed condition and aged microstructure containing high volume fraction of relatively large alpha precipitates. The peak load of the aged samples are higher than the non-aged specimens but they show rather similar steady state flow stress. The subsequent beta annealing treatment on the compressed aged samples leads to breaking down the ingot microstructure and formation of a fully recrystallized beta phase with massive grain refinement (order of millimeter to ∼100 μm). However, after annealing such grain refinement is not seen for the non-aged samples except at high strain rates that showed partial and local recrystallization.