85 resultados para policy makers


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Currently, traditional development issues such as economic stagnation, poverty, hunger, and illness as well as newer challenges like environmental degradation and globalisation demand attention. Sustainable development, including its economic, environmental and social elements, is a key goal of decisionmakers. Optimal economic growth has also been a crucial goal of both development theorists and practitioners. This paper examines the conditions under which optimal growth might be sustainable, by assessing the costs and benefits of growth. Key environmental and social aspects are considered. The Ecol-Opt-Growth-1 model analyses economic–ecological interactions, including resource depletion, pollution, irreversibility, other environmental effects, and uncertainty. It addresses some important issues, including savings, investment, technical progress, substitutability of productive factors, intergenerational efficiency, equity, and policies to make economic growth more sustainable—a basic element of the sustainomics framework. The empirical results support growing concerns that costs of growth may outweigh its benefits, resulting in unsustainability. Basically, in a wide range of circumstances, long term economic growth is unsustainable due to increasing environmental damage. Nevertheless, the model has many options that can be explored by policy makers, to make the development path more sustainable, as advocated by sustainomics. One example suggests that government supported abatement programs are needed to move towards sustainable development, since the model runs without abatement were infeasible. The optimal rate of abatement increases over time. Abatement of pollution is necessary to improve ecosystem viability and increase sustainability. Further research is necessary to seek conditions under which alternative economic growth paths are likely to become sustainable.


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Growth in the number of international students studying in English language countries has slowed in recent years and this development has generated extended debate amongst university managers and policy makers. In these discussions much attention has focussed on whether the slow down is to be explained by currency realignments, visa requirements, the quality of education, or the increasing competitiveness of the international education market. But what has attracted little attention is the fact that when parents and students choose in which country they will purchase a foreign education their choice is commonly influenced by the level of security that is perceived to characterise the range of options. What security means can take many forms and in this paper we focus on income security. Drawing on interview data from 9 Australian universities, we clarify the sources of international student income, the extent to which these students experience income security/insecurity, how they cope with income difficulties and/or ensure finances do not become a serious problem, and whether the nature of the information provided by governments and universities helps explain the extent of income insecurity manifest amongst international students in Australia. We argue that a significant proportion of international students studying in Australia do experience income insecurity and suggest that for both moral and economic reasons the government and the university sector should pay increased attention to this aspect of student need.


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The proposed volume aims to provide useful insights on the use of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in natural resource management by examining a number of empirical applications for several countries and natural resources. There is increasing interest among researchers and policy makers in using MCDA to evaluate complex management issues and problems. While several books with empirical applications have been published, these applications are very recent. Evidence from major studies suggests that MCDA approaches to the management of water, forestry, wetland and other natural resources have substantially improved the design and implementation of natural resource and environmental policies. Using innovative approaches, such as MCDA, to manage complex natural systems will enhance our understanding and management of those systems. Stakeholder involvement is an important determinant of successful resource management, and MCDA provides a useful and effective framework for getting stakeholders involved in resource management decisions. Despite the general acceptance of the role of MCDA in natural resource management, problems remain in applying these techniques. Problems include difficulties in applying the techniques, eliciting required information, lack of suitable measures for environmental variables, and development of innovative methods to simplify the use of MCDA. The proposed book examines several applications of MCDA for several countries (Australia, USA and Europe) and natural resources, including forestry, water resources and vegetation.


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With the advent of widely-accepted eBusiness activities, many banks have floated dot.com entities to create a presence on the Internet and take advantage of its power and reach. Like many other businesses, banks expected an increase in market capitalisation as a result of their dot.com floats, perceived broadly as a measure of growing profitability. Despite the negative publicity that the recent spate of dot.com crashes has generated, banks seem to continue floating online spin-offs. Our exploratory study investigates this phenomenon, studying the drivers for change in the evolution of the banking sector, and the move towards electronic banking. We focussed on two economies – Australia and India – to aggregate the major factors in this evolution from the perspective of two disparate economies.

The paper describes our qualitative, document-based investigation of the Australian and Indian banking sectors, and subsequent quantitative analysis of the impact of dot.com floats on market capitalisation within this market sector. We then describe the effect of applying both Transaction Cost Economics to our findings, which indicates that the cost of transacting business has been reduced overall by the creation of dot.com entities; and “catch-up, fall-behind, forge ahead” theory to gain an economic perspective. The paper provides both practical assistance for banks in making decisions regarding e-portfolios, as well as for policy makers in the economies reviewed; and has the potential to contribute to academic research into eBanking more generally.


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The relationship between emerging trends in healthcare systems and the consequent research priorities will be explored.

Governments and policy makers in developed countries are increasingly focused on the management of chronic disease, reflecting demographic changes and shifts in the burden of disease. Systems of quality improvement and reward are increasingly based on performance in chronic disease management. There is some evidence that countries with well-developed systems of primary care, such as Australia, achieve better health outcomes at less cost. In the past 15 years, almost all developed countries have undergone some type of health care reform. There has been a major focus on reducing costs; often involving shifting services from secondary to primary care. While there are few international comparisons, most suggest a complex relationship between the strength of primary care within the overall health services system and good performance, particularly with regard to lower costs of care and particularly relevant measures of health.

Aims for 21st century health systems
What, then, are the issues which are shaping contemporary general practice in developed countries? There are several imperatives: Safety, effectiveness, patient-centredness, timeliness, efficiency and equity. A study by the Nuffield Trust (Dargie, 1999) projected the shape of healthcare for the first fifteen years of this century. The study identified six issues that need to be addressed in the process of formulating health systems policies:

• Peoples’ expectations and financial sustainability
• Demography and ageing
• Information and knowledge management
• Scientific advance and new technology
• Workforce education and training
• Systems performance and quality (efficiency, effectiveness, economy
and equity)

Each of these six issues requires innovative thinking and priority setting on the part of the health sector, such as the delivery of health services in new and creative ways. Furthermore, there is a clear need for a finely tuned research, development and evaluation strategies to match these goals.


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Physical activity (PA) has consistently been shown to improve ones' physical, social and mental health. Hence, the rationale for promoting regular physical activity is relatively straightforward. However, what is less clear from the literature is the mix of strategies, (i.e. 'what is working and why?'), to increase in physical activity levels within a population. Of particular interest to primary care is the concept of Physical Activity Prescription Programs (PAPPs) delivered by general practitioners (GPs).

Several examples of a PAPP exist within England, America, New Zealand and Australia. These all aim to encourage GPs to deliver physical activity advice to their patients effectively and in a timely manner. Notwithstanding, the authors of a recent review of published literature on PAPPs, reveal a deficit of evidence regarding the components for successful PA interventions.

This research through an ethnographic enquiry aims to build on the evidence formulated to date. Through a case study research design, the researcher has developed a methodology to define what is/is not working within this recent trend.

In two rural Divisions of GP, participants have been identified as key stakeholders in the implementation of a PAPPs. They are categorised according to three theoretical paradigms, namely, Policy Makers, Linkers and Adaptors. Following this the three paradigms will be studied on the contextual factors, the characteristics and behaviours of members within all three paradigms. The study has also further defined certain elements for investigation, these include the:
intention of the players
effort undertaken by players, and
effect of parties within.

Primarily qualitative data will be collected; through Desk Analysis (Policies, Strategic and Business plans), Site Visits (Participant Observation) and semi-structured interviews. This presentation defines a qualitative framework and methodology for investigating the outcome of programs that historically has been evaluated using quantitative measures. Hence, the author of this study aims to present a qualitative investigation and subsequent results, defining aspects of a PAPP that allow for successful and sustainable implementation.


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Game theory is a rapidly advancing approach to structure and understand complex management problems in the natural resources sector in both the developed and developing countries. Many natural resource problems are complex due to common property and public goods characteristics. Despite these limitations many researchers have used game theory to analyze water shed management, irrigation water management, grazing land management, and managing other ecological resources. The prisoner’s dilemma game has been widely used. The work of Runge shows that collective action is feasible if a critical mass of people can cooperate. The use of game theory is hindered by lack of information, paucity of empirical applications and the lack of interest by policy makers who wish quick answers to critical policy issues. The potential still remains high for game theory to be productively used both in developing and developed countries.


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Innovation is a prominent feature of current governmental discourse, and in whose name large amounts of public money is spent. Innovation in this context is valued because of its perceived potential to do things in new or better ways that creates desirable outcomes. In recent years, innovation in an educational context, has been identified among policy-makers as one of the key mechanisms by which significant and effective change is meant to be introduced and sustained. Yet based on research conducted over the last three years by the author and others, innovation’s potential to transform schooling in particular, is not being realised. The key issue impeding innovation’s potential in transforming educational practices lies in the basic but fundamental problem that the dominate ways of conceptualising innovation are largely inadequate. They neither accurately describe or capture the experience of innovative practices on the ground. Nor do they offer an adequate framework in which innovation as a process could be better managed. What is needed is a more rigorous and useful understanding of innovation that can pragmatically used by schools and others attempting to undertake innovation. Such an understanding would also assist policymakers in setting policy frameworks that actually encouraged and sustained innovative practices in education. This paper is a first step toward developing such a concept.


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This paper draws on the case study of a recent review of research literature on the influences (harms and benefits) on children and families of electronic media content and usage, undertaken on behalf of a Federal regulatory body (Australian Communications and Media Authority) by a multidisciplinary research team. Recent critiques of psychological studies of children and media have challenged the positivist social sciences to look outside of their own disciplinary warrants and to fully answer cultural studies critiques of ‘media effects’ research. Making connections outside the humanities in this case study involved making the rationales of communications and cultural studies methodologies available to those policy makers who normally may not consider such findings to be evidence-based or policy relevant. But it also involved providing a historical and institutional contextualization of positivist social and medical science findings, a contextualization not enabled by the underlying warrants and discourses of these disciplines. This paper focuses on those sections of the case study project concerned with psychological research on the effects of violent media and epidemiological and public health research on childhood obesity.


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Academic researchers, industry and policy-makers are increasingly using online panels as a means for data collection for their research. Online panels are frequently constituted by volunteers who can choose to accept offers to participate in research (cf. voluntary opt-in Cooper 2000). This research focuses on the importance volunteering as the primary reason as to why individuals decide to become panel members. In so doing, we tested the psychometric properties of Clary et al. 's (1998) Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI) making use of confirmatory factor analyses and ascertained that the dimensions exhibit adequate levels of reliability and validity in an online panel member's milieu.