87 resultados para place identities


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How do teachers make sense of ethnic and classed differences? Frequently students from non-mainstream cultures and of lower socio-economic status are constructed in the literature and through practice as ‘deficit’ and consequently become marginalised. A range of short-term, ‘quick fix’ policy and curriculum approaches have aimed to address the ‘problems’ of those ‘othered’ from the mainstream due to their perceived difference. These have had little effect on improving educational results for students of specific ethnic and/or class backgrounds whose outcomes remain below the national average.

Poststructural theories offer opportunities to think about how teachers are positioned within discourses of identity. Our research (and others’) suggests the need for teachers to interrogate their assumptions about class and culture and how these are played out in their pedagogical relationships with students.

In this paper we report on a small research project that investigates the professional practices and personal beliefs of teachers. Empirical data from this study will build knowledge about how difference is constructed and diversity is ‘taken up’ by teachers as they engage with secondary students who have Language Backgrounds Other Than English and who are economically disadvantaged.


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There are many different versions of partnerships between teachers and academics and both authors have themselves been involved in various collaborations with classroom teachers. This paper is concerned with the construction of teacher identity within such collaborative partnerships. We will focus on the problematic nature of some of these partnerships by examining the discourses that construct teachers as 'resistant', or 'unwilling' in accounts of collaborative work that was not necessarily successful. In particular we will ask: Why are the relationships seen to be problematic? In whose terms are they problematic? This critique of existing discourses within accounts of collaborative partnerships will allow a rethinking of the relations between teachers and academics. In the conclusion to this paper we will attempt to answer the question: What are the features of particular relationships that can produce shifts in discourses so that teachers are 'truly' located and positioned as collaborative partners?


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A special seminar on the cultural significance of mapping across European and indigenous representational systems of being and place.


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‘Race’, socio-economic status, gender and ethnicity are theorised as fluid, dynamic and interconnected categories of identity within post-structural theories. Understanding identities as socio-culturally constructed offers opportunities to think differently about how teachers and teacher education students position themselves and are positioned within these discourses. In Australia, where the teaching profession is overwhelmingly Anglo-Australian (Rizvi 1992; Santoro et al, 2001), mono-lingual and of middle-class background, Australian students are becoming far more linguistically and culturally diverse. Since engagement with teachers who ‘know’ their students, (Delpit, 1995) and the communities from which they come is a major predictor of successful educational outcomes, the growing disparity between teachers’ and students’ cultural and classed experiences is of concern. While teacher education programs focus on developing the attributes in new graduates to work productively with difference, the actualities of doing so are problematic.

This paper reviews some current Australian, North American and United Kingdom approaches to working with student teachers’ constructs of self in terms of ethnicity, ‘race’ and class in order to problematise taken-for-granted ideas of ‘normal’. It considers debates that surface around ‘individuality’ versus ‘collective’ differences; additionally, some of the resistances and dilemmas that emerge when ‘white’, middle class students are asked to rethink their own positionality are examined. Questions regarding what constitutes productive ways to teach inclusive and transformative pedagogies are raised in light of current theory and practice.


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On the evening of Wednesday 13th September 2006, Solemn Vespers began in the historic 13th century chapel of Merton College Oxford, in much the same way as it would have done at the very first sung Vespers in this beautiful space, designed for the classical Roman liturgy already very well established in its language and forms when this chapel was first built 400 years before the English Reformation. For the next four days, the Roman liturgy, through Lauds, Solemn High Mass, Vespers and Compline, were celebrated in a place that – apart from one Novus Ordo Mass in English – had not seen the glories of this Liturgy celebrated in Latin since the mid 1500s. For those of us present at the 11th International Colloquium of the International Centre for Liturgical Studies (CIEL) dedicated to “The Genius of the Roman Liturgy: Historical Diversity and Spiritual Reach”, this was not just an incredibly moving experience, though it was certainly this, but an affirmation of the timelessness and spiritual heritage of the Latin liturgy.


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Il caso della riqualificazione di Piazza Vittorio, ormai divenuta luogo storico dell'immigrazione a Roma, è un esempio delle sfide che si pongono oggi alle metropoli multietniche ed un'ottima occasione per riflettere sul significato che questo tipo di interventi assume per l'identità culturale della città e dei suoi abitanti, vecchi e nuovi. Lo studio proposto in questo volume chiama in causa la nozione di cultural built heritage, cioè il retaggio culturale di cui è testimone l'architettura, per mostrare quanto e come l'ambiente costruito dagli interventi architettonici ed urbanistici contribuisca a rappresentare, dunque a raccontare ed organizzare, sia lo spazio, sia gli scambi che in esso hanno luogo, sia le identità di coloro che lo abitano. È il primo volume della collana "Squarci. Mobilità dell'uomo, del suo pensiero e delle sue opere", presentata dal curatore Claudio Rossi in un'ampia introduzione. All'interno di "Squarci" si vuole proporre un percorso di studi e ricerche corredati da un dvd. L'occhio della telecamera - attraverso interviste o la realizzazione di docu-film - arricchisce la ricerca con nuove dimensioni d'analisi, che aggiungono elementi di comprensione e talvolta spingono a riconsiderare i risultati stessi delle indagini svolte. È quanto accade per "Mostafa, il mercato trasferito ed altre storie. La trasformazione di Piazza Vittorio a Roma", scritto e diretto da Emanuele Svezia


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The intersections between raced and gendered identity, treating identity-formation as a function of biological, cultural and ideological codifications that cannot be readily disentangled is assessed by an analysis of the novel Looking for Alibrandi. This novel embodies this intersection of identity politics in ways that suggest that rethinking multiculturalism and whiteness also mean rethinking gender.


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