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To assess the contribution of back-translation and expert committee to the content and psychometric properties of a translated multidimensional questionnaire.

Study Design and Setting
Recommendations for questionnaire translation include back-translation and expert committee, but their contribution to measurement properties is unknown. Four English to French translations of the Health Education Impact Questionnaire were generated with and without committee or back-translation. Face validity, acceptability, and structural properties were compared after random assignment to people with rheumatoid arthritis (N = 1,168), chronic renal failure (N = 2,368), and diabetes (N = 538). For face validity, 15 bilingual people compared translations quality with the original. Psychometric properties were examined using confirmatory factor analysis (metric and scalar invariance) and item response theory.

Qualitatively, there were five types of translation errors: style, intensity, frequency/time frame, breadth, and meaning. Bilingual assessors ranked best the translations with committee (P = 0.0026). All translations had good structural properties (root mean square error of approximation <0.05; comparative fit index [CFI], ≥0.899; and Tucker–Lewis index, ≥0.889). Full measurement invariance was observed between translations (ΔCFI ≤ 0.01) with metric invariance between translations and original (lowest ΔCFI = 0.022 between fully constrained models and models with free intercepts). Item characteristic curve analyses revealed no significant differences.

This is the first experimental evidence that back-translation has moderate impact, whereas expert committee helps to ensure accurate content.


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Games require balance to be fair and enjoyable. In two player combat settings balance can be achieved by ensuring that both units are equally capable. The possibility of alliances changes the nature of balance when additional players are introduced. One approach to achieving balance is to use a domination loop between agents in a rock, scissors, paper style approach. This paper investigates whether such loops exist within the existing rules of game combat. Search processes within the attribute space of the game units are used to identify loops within an existing game architecture. A dominance metric is used to identify cycles where the victory is achieved by a clear threshold. Cycles with up to 5 players are demonstrated, although larger cycles require more effort to find. Use of models of game play and attribute space search are recommended as a mechanism for balancing games of this format.


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Human disturbances of wildlife, such as tourism, can alter the activities of targeted individuals. Repeated behavioural disruptions can have long-term consequences for individual vital rates (survival and reproduction). To manage these sub-lethal impacts, we need to understand how activity disruptions can influence bioenergetics and ultimately individual vital rates. Empirical studies of the mechanistic links between whale-watching boat exposure and behavioural variation and vital rates are currently lacking for baleen whales (mysticetes). We compared minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata behaviour on a feeding ground in the presence and absence of whale-watching boats. Effects on activity states were inferred from changes in movement metric data as well as the occurrence of surface feeding events. Linear mixed effects models and generalised estimation equations were used to investigate the effect of whale-watching boat interactions. Measurement errors were quantified, and their effects on model parameter estimates were investigated using resampling methods. Minke whales responded to whale-watching boats by performing shorter dives and increased sinuous movement. A reduction in the probability of observing longer inter-breath intervals during sinuous movement showed that whale-watching boat interactions reduced foraging activity. Further, the probability of observing surface feeding events also decreased during interactions with whale-watching boats. This indicates that whalewatching boats disrupted the feeding activities of minke whales. Since minke whales are capital breeders, a decrease in feeding success on the feeding grounds due to whale-watching boats could lead to a decrease in energy available for foetus development and nursing on the breeding grounds. Such impact could therefore alter the calving success of this species.


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To protect from privacy disclosure, the social network graph is modified in order to hide the information that potentially be used to disclose person's identity. However, when the social network graph is changed, it is a great challenge to balance between the privacy gained and the loss of data utility. In this paper, we address this problem. We propose a new graph topological-based metric to improve utility preservation in social network graph anonymization. We compare the proposed approach with the amount-of-edge-change metric that popularly used in most of previous works. Experimental evaluation shows that our approach generates anonymized social network with improved utility preservation.


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Feeding behaviour is an expression of an animal’s underlying nutritional strategy. The study of feeding decisions can hence delineate nutritional strategies. Studies of Drosophila melanogaster feeding behaviour have yielded conflicting accounts, and little is known about how nutrients affect feeding patterns in this important model species. Here, we conducted two experiments to characterize nutrient prioritization and regulation. In a choice experiment, we allowed female flies to self-regulate their intake of yeast, sucrose and water by supplying individual flies with three microcapillary tubes: one containing only yeast of varying concentrations, another with just sucrose of varying concentrations, and the last with just water. Flies tightly regulated yeast and sucrose to a constant ratio at the expense of excess water intake, indicating that flies prioritize macronutrient regulation over excess water consumption. To determine the relative importance of yeast and sucrose, in a no-choice experiment, we provided flies with two microcapillary tubes: the first with one of the 28 diets varying in yeast and sucrose content and the other with only water. Flies increased total water intake in relation to yeast consumption but not sucrose consumption. Additionally, flies increased diet intake as diet concentration decreased and as the ratio of sugar to yeast equalized. Using a geometric scaling approach, we found that the patterns of diet intake can be explained by flies prioritizing protein and carbohydrates equally and by the lack of substitutability between the nutrients. We conclude by illustrating how our results harmonize conflicting results in the literature once viewed in a two-dimensional diet landscape.


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DDoS attacks are one of the major threats to Internet services. Sophisticated hackers are mimicking the features of legitimate network events, such as flash crowds, to fly under the radar. This poses great challenges to detect DDoS attacks. In this paper, we propose an attack feature independent DDoS flooding attack detection method at local area networks. We employ flow entropy on local area network routers to supervise the network traffic and raise potential DDoS flooding attack alarms when the flow entropy drops significantly in a short period of time. Furthermore, information distance is employed to differentiate DDoS attacks from flash crowds. In general, the attack traffic of one DDoS flooding attack session is generated by many bots from one botnet, and all of these bots are executing the same attack program. As a result, the similarity among attack traffic should higher than that among flash crowds, which are generated by many random users. Mathematical models have been established for the proposed detection strategies. Analysis based on the models indicates that the proposed methods can raise the alarm for potential DDoS flooding attacks and can differentiate DDoS flooding attacks from flash crowds with conditions. The extensive experiments and simulations confirmed the effectiveness of our proposed detection strategies.


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From 1996 to 2012, the mass-rearing facility at Camden (NSW, Australia) has been producing Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae). During this time, the facility has regularly recorded fly quality parameters, creating a unique data set that provides an invaluable opportunity to evaluate the interrelationships among standard quality control (QC) parameters and test for redundant QC variables. Here, we conducted an exploratory data analysis to reveal relationships among the QC parameters. We found that pupal weight, adult lifespan, and longevity under nutritional stress (i.e., survival duration without food or water) had distinct monthly trends, suggesting that these QC parameters are sensitive to seasonal conditions. Furthermore, emergence percentage, flight ability, and adult lifespan were adversely affected by the dyeing/handling/irradiation process associated with sterile insect releases. Using a multivariate approach and controlling for monthly and yearly patterns, we showed that pupal weight and egg hatch are consistently negatively related and that percentage male and emergence rates are consistently negatively related. These results suggest that these correlation pairs measure similar quality information and hence one QC variable from each pair could be dropped. Flight ability was not strongly correlated with any of the QC variables, suggesting that this QC variable remains a useful QC metric. Finally, the longevity under nutritional stress QC appears to be fairly insensitive to QCs and we suggest that it should be replaced by the standard mortality under stress test.


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To evaluate subjective ocular comfort across the day with three silicone hydrogel daily disposables (SHDDs) in a group of adapted lens wearers. Masked subjects (asymptomatic or symptomatic of end-of-day (EOD) dryness with habitual lenses) wore three SHDDs: DAILIES TOTAL1 (DT1), Clariti 1day (C1D), or 1-DAY ACUVUE TRUEYE (AVTE), each for 3 days. On day 2, wearing time (WT) and comfort ratings after insertion, at 4, 8, and 12 hours, and at EOD were recorded. Because not all subjects wore lenses for 12 hours, comfort was analyzed across the day (up to 8 hours, 8 to 12 hours), and a new variable (“cumulative comfort” [CC]) was calculated for EOD. One hundred four subjects completed the study (51 asymptomatic, 53 symptomatic). The two groups had different WTs (mean WT, 14.0 and 12.7 hours, respectively; p < 0.001). Ocular comfort was rated higher in the asymptomatic group throughout the day (p < 0.001). One hundred four subjects wore all three SHDDs for at least 8 hours, whereas 74 (45 asymptomatic, 29 symptomatic) subjects wore them for 12 hours or longer. Comfort ratings were higher with DT1 (least square means [LSM] = 91.0) than with C1D (LSM = 86.5; p < 0.001) and AVTE (LSM = 87.7; p = 0.011) for the first 8 hours and lower with C1D compared with DT1 (p = 0.012) from 8 to 12 hours. Mean EOD (± SD) comfort with the C1D lens was 72 ± 21, lower than both DT1 (mean, 79 ± 17; p = 0.001) and AVTE (mean, 78 ± 21; p = 0.010). Mean CC was higher in the asymptomatic group (mean, 1261 ± 59) compared with that in the symptomatic group (mean, 1009 ± 58; p < 0.001) and higher for DT1 (mean, 1184 ± 258) than C1D (mean, 1094 ± 318; p = 0.002) and AVTE (mean, 1122 ± 297; p = 0.046). All three SHDDs had average WTs of 12 hours or longer for 1 day. Comfort during the first 12 hours was highest with DT1 (similar to AVTE between 8 and 12 hours) and lowest with C1D. End-of-day comfort was lowest with C1D, and CC was highest for DT1. Cumulative comfort may be a valuable new metric to assess ocular comfort during the day.


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 This study tests a number of theoretical predictions based on subjective wellbeing (SWB) Homeostasis Theory. This theory proposes that SWB is actively maintained and defended within a narrow, positive range of values around a 'set-point' for each person. Due to homeostatic control, it is predicted to be very difficult to substantially increase SWB in samples operating normally within their set-point-range. However, under conditions of homeostatic defeat, where SWB is lower than normal, successful interventions should be accompanied by a substantial increase as each person's SWB returns to lie within its normal range of values. This study tests these propositions using a sample of 4,243 participants in an Australian Federal Government Program for 'at-risk' adolescents. SWB was measured using the Personal Wellbeing Index and results are converted to a metric ranging from 0 to 100 points. The sample was divided into three sub-groups as 0-50, 51-69, and 70+ points. The theoretical prediction was confirmed. The largest post-intervention increase in SWB was in the 0-50 group and lowest in the 70+ group. However, a small increase in SWB was observed in the normal group, which was significant due to the large sample size. The implications of these findings for governments, schools and policy makers are discussed.


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Complexity is increasingly the hallmark in environmental management practices of sandy shorelines. This arises primarily from meeting growing public demands (e.g., real estate, recreation) whilst reconciling economic demands with expectations of coastal users who have modern conservation ethics. Ideally, shoreline management is underpinned by empirical data, but selecting ecologically-meaningful metrics to accurately measure the condition of systems, and the ecological effects of human activities, is a complex task. Here we construct a framework for metric selection, considering six categories of issues that authorities commonly address: erosion; habitat loss; recreation; fishing; pollution (litter and chemical contaminants); and wildlife conservation. Possible metrics were scored in terms of their ability to reflect environmental change, and against criteria that are widely used for judging the performance of ecological indicators (i.e., sensitivity, practicability, costs, and public appeal). From this analysis, four types of broadly applicable metrics that also performed very well against the indicator criteria emerged: 1.) traits of bird populations and assemblages (e.g., abundance, diversity, distributions, habitat use); 2.) breeding/reproductive performance sensu lato (especially relevant for birds and turtles nesting on beaches and in dunes, but equally applicable to invertebrates and plants); 3.) population parameters and distributions of vertebrates associated primarily with dunes and the supralittoral beach zone (traditionally focused on birds and turtles, but expandable to mammals); 4.) compound measurements of the abundance/cover/biomass of biota (plants, invertebrates, vertebrates) at both the population and assemblage level. Local constraints (i.e., the absence of birds in highly degraded urban settings or lack of dunes on bluff-backed beaches) and particular issues may require alternatives. Metrics - if selected and applied correctly - provide empirical evidence of environmental condition and change, but often do not reflect deeper environmental values per se. Yet, values remain poorly articulated for many beach systems; this calls for a comprehensive identification of environmental values and the development of targeted programs to conserve these values on sandy shorelines globally.


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Images published on online social sites such as Facebook are increasingly prone to be misused for malicious purposes. However, existing image forensic research assumes that the investigator can confiscate every piece of evidence and hence overlooks the fact that the original image is difficult to obtain. Because Facebook applies a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)-based compression on uploaded images, we are able to detect the modified images which are re-uploaded to Facebook. Specifically, we propose a novel method to effectively detect the presence of double compression via the spatial domain of the image: We select small image patches from a given image, define a distance metric to measure the differences between compressed images, and propose an algorithm to infer whether the given image is double compressed without referring to the original image. To demonstrate the correctness of our algorithm, we correctly predict the number of compressions being applied to a Facebook image.


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Adaptive filters are now becoming increasingly studied for their suitability in application to complex and non-stationary signals. Many adaptive filters utilise a reference input, that is used to form an estimate of the noise in the target signal. In this paper we discuss the application of adaptive filters for high electromyography contaminated electroencephalography data. We propose the use of multiple referential inputs instead of the traditional single input. These references are formed using multiple EMG sensors during an EEG experiment, each reference input is processed and ordered through firstly determining the Pearson’s r-squared correlation coefficient, from this a weighting metric is determined and used to scale and order the reference channels according to the paradigm shown in this paper. This paper presents the use and application of the Adaptive-Multi-Reference (AMR) Least Means Square adaptive filter in the domain of electroencephalograph signal acquisition.


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The effect of chromate on metastable pitting of AA7075-T651 as determined via potentiostatic polarisation is reported. A systematic study of metastable pitting and its correlation with stable pits was conducted in various concentrations of sodium chromate (Na2CrO4), revealing the metastable pitting rate was able to provide a quantitative metric for pitting corrosion. The size and number of metastable pits decreased significantly in the presence of chromate. The present study is intended as a general baseline for the assessment of future chromate replacement technologies, as elaborated herein. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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A search in the literature reveals that mathematical conditions (usually sufficient conditions) for the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) models to satisfy the monotonicity property have been developed. A monotonically-ordered fuzzy rule base is important to maintain the monotonicity property of an FIS. However, it may difficult to obtain a monotonically-ordered fuzzy rule base in practice. We have previously introduced the idea of fuzzy rule relabeling to tackle this problem. In this paper, we further propose a monotonicity index for the FIS system, which serves as a metric to indicate the degree of a fuzzy rule base fulfilling the monotonicity property. The index is useful to provide an indication whether a fuzzy rule base should (or should not) be used in practice, even with fuzzy rule relabeling. To illustrate the idea, the zero-order Sugeno FIS model is exemplified. We add noise as errors into the fuzzy rule base to formulate a set of non-monotone fuzzy rules. As such, the metric also acts as a measure of noise in the fuzzy rule base. The results show that the proposed metric is useful to indicate the degree of a fuzzy rule base fulfilling the monotonicity property.


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Static detection of malware variants plays an important role in system security and control flow has been shown as an effective characteristic that represents polymorphic malware. In our research, we propose a similarity search of malware to detect these variants using novel distance metrics. We describe a malware signature by the set of control flowgraphs the malware contains. We use a distance metric based on the distance between feature vectors of string-based signatures. The feature vector is a decomposition of the set of graphs into either fixed size k-subgraphs, or q-gram strings of the high-level source after decompilation. We use this distance metric to perform pre-filtering. We also propose a more effective but less computationally efficient distance metric based on the minimum matching distance. The minimum matching distance uses the string edit distances between programs' decompiled flowgraphs, and the linear sum assignment problem to construct a minimum sum weight matching between two sets of graphs. We implement the distance metrics in a complete malware variant detection system. The evaluation shows that our approach is highly effective in terms of a limited false positive rate and our system detects more malware variants when compared to the detection rates of other algorithms. © 2013 IEEE.