136 resultados para lithium ion batteries


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Composite electrolytes of the lithium-ion-conducting ceramic Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 and polyetherurethane/lithium triflate polymer electrolyte have been prepared. Microscopy has shown that adhesion between the ceramic and polymer phases is poor, with gaps up to 1 μm at the interface. When dry, the composites are no more conductive than the pure polymer electrolyte. Exposing the samples to the vapour of solvents such as DMF, acetonitrile or water produces a significant increase in conductivity, over and beyond simple plasticization of the polymer. Pretreating the ceramic with a compatibilizing agent improves adhesion at the interface with the polymer, but decreases overall conductivity in the case investigated.


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Zwitterionic compounds such as those based on 1-butylimidazolium-3-(n-butanesulfonate) have previously been shown to have positive effects on the transport properties of polyelectrolytes. The addition of the zwitterion has been found to, in some cases, increase the dissociation of the lithium ion and enhance the conductivity by almost an order of magnitude. In this work, we report the effects of adding the above-mentioned zwitterion into the polyelectrolyte gel system poly(lithium methacrylate-co-N,N-dimethyl acrylamide); the anionic group being a stronger base leads to different behaviour for this copolymer compared to previous work. Polyelectrolyte gels based on dimethyl sulfoxide and polyether solvents were investigated to determine the breadth of applicability of the zwitterion in improving lithium ion transport. Impedance spectroscopy and pulse field gradient-NMR diffusion indicate an increase in the number of available charge carriers with zwitterion addition in some gel systems, however, the effect is not universal.


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The electrochemistry of lithium is investigated in a number of electrolytes that consist of a lithium salt dissolved in a combined ionic liquid-organic diluent medium. We find that ethylene carbonate and vinylene carbonate improve electrochemical behaviour, while toluene and tetrahydrofuran are less promising.We also present insights into the electrode passivation caused by these diluents in an ionic liquid electrolyte during lithium cycling. We observe that during lithium cycling those electrolytes with carbonate based diluents are the most able to utilise their previously reported improved lithium ion diffusivities. Conversely, tetrahydrofuran, the most promising diluent of those studied in terms of its known ability to increase lithium ion diffusivity is found not to be as advantageous as a diluent. It appears that the poor electrochemical interfacial properties of the tetrahydrofuran electrolyte prevented the realisation of the benefits of the high solution lithium ion diffusivity.


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Exploring high performance cathode materials is essential to realize the adoption of Li-ion batteries for application in electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. FeF3, as a typical iron-based fluoride, has been attracting considerable interest due to both the high electromotive force value of 2.7 V and the high theoretical capacity of 237 mA h g_1 (1e_ transfer). In this study, we report a facile lowtemperature solution phase approach for synthesis of uniform iron fluoride nanocrystals on reduced graphene sheets stably suspended in ethanol solution. The resulting hybrid of iron fluoride nanocrystals and graphene sheets showed high specific capacity and high rate performance for iron fluoride type cathode materials. High stable specific capacity of about 210 mA h g_1 at a current density of 0.2 C was achieved, which is much higher than that of LiFePO4 cathode material. Notably, these iron fluoride/ nanocomposite cathode materials demonstrated superior rate capability, with discharge capacities of 176, 145 and 113 mA h g_1 at 1, 2 and 5 C, respectively.


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A number of transition metal nitrides and oxynitrides, which are actively investigated today as electrode materials in a wide range of energy conversion and storage devices, possess an oxide layer on the surface. Upon exposure to ambient air, properties of this layer progressively change in the process known as "ageing". Since a number of electrochemical processes involve the surface or sub-surface layers of the active electrode compounds only, ageing could have a significant effect on the overall performance of energy conversion and storage devices. In this work, the influence of the ageing of tungsten and molybdenum oxynitrides on their electrochemical properties in supercapacitors is explored for the first time. Samples are synthesised by the temperature-programmed reduction in NH3 and are treated with different gases prior to exposure to air in order to evaluate the role of passivation in the ageing process. After the synthesis, products are subjected to controlled ageing and are characterised by low temperature nitrogen adsorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Capacitive properties of the compounds are evaluated by performing cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge and discharge measurements in the 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte. © 2014 the Partner Organisations.


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Electrolytes of a room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL), trimethyl(isobutyl)phosphonium (P111i4) bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (FSI) with a wide range of lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) salt concentrations (up to 3.8 mol kg−1 of salt in the RTIL) were characterised using a combination of techniques including viscosity, conductivity, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). We show that the FSI-based electrolyte containing a high salt concentration (e.g. 1:1 salt to IL molar ratio, equivalent to 3.2 mol kg−1 of LiFSI) displays unusual transport behavior with respect to lithium ion mobility and promising electrochemical behavior, despite an increase in viscosity. These electrolytes could compete with the more traditionally studied nitrogen-based ionic liquids (ILs) in lithium battery applications.


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We report on the thermal, structural and conductivity properties of the organic ionic plastic crystal (OIPC) N-methyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium dicyanamide [C1mpyr][N(CN)2] mixed with the sodium salt Na[N(CN)2]. The DSC thermal traces indicate that an isothermal transition, which may be a eutectic melting, occurs at ~ 89 °C, below which all compositions are entirely in the solid phase. At 20 mol% Na[N(CN)2], this transition is the final melt for this mixture, and a new liquidus peak grows beyond 20 mol% Na[N(CN)2]. The III- > II solid-solid phase transition continues to be evident at ~- 2 °C. The microstructure for all the mixtures indicated a phase separated morphology where precipitates can be clearly observed. Most likely, these precipitates consist of a Na-rich second phase. This was also suggested from the vibrational spectroscopy and the 23Na NMR spectra. The lower concentrations of Na[N(CN)2] present complex 23Na MAS spectra, suggesting more than one sodium ion environment is present in these mixtures consistent with complex phase behavior. Unlike other OIPCs where the ionic conductivity usually increases upon doping or mixing in a second component, the conductivity of these mixtures remains relatively constant and above 10- 4 S cm- 1 at ∼ 80 °C, even in the solid state. Such high conductivities suggest these materials may be promising to be used for all solid-state electrochemical devices.


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The incorporation of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) electrospun nanofibres within N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate, [C2mpyr][BF4] was investigated with a view to fabricating self-standing membranes for various electrochemical device applications, in particular lithium metal batteries. Significant improvement in mechanical properties and ionic conduction was demonstrated in a previous study, which also demonstrated the remarkably high performance of the lithium-doped composite material in a device. We now seek a fundamental understanding of the role of fibres within the matrix of the plastic crystal, which is essential for optimizing device performance through fine-tuning of the composite material properties. The focus of the current study is therefore a thorough investigation of the phase behaviour and conduction behaviour of the pure and the lithium-doped (as LiBF4) plastic crystal, with and without incorporation of polymer nanofibres. Analysis of the structure of the plastic crystal, including the effects of lithium ions and the incorporation of PVDF fibres, was conducted by means of synchrotron XRD. Ion dynamics were evaluated using VT solid-state NMR spectroscopy. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was employed to gain insights into the molecular interactions of doped lithium ions and/or the PVDF nanofibres in the matrix of the [C2mpyr][BF4] composites. Preliminary measurements using PALS were conducted to probe structural defects within the pure materials. It was found that ion transport within the plastic crystal was significantly altered by doping with lithium ions due to the precipitation of a second phase in the structure. The incorporation of the fibres activated more mobile sites in the systems, but restricted ion mobility with different trends being observed for each ion species in each crystalline phase. In the presence of the fibres a strong interaction observed between the Li ion and the pyrrolidinium ring disappeared and formation of the second phase was prevented. As a result, an increased number of mobile lithium ions are released into the solid solution structure of the matrix, simultaneously removing the blocking effect of the second phase. Thus, ion conduction was remarkably improved within the Li-doped composite compared to the neat Li-doped plastic crystal.


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The poly(N1222)xLi1-x[AMPS] ionomer system with dual cations has previously shown decoupled Li ion dynamics from polymer segmental motions, characterized by the glass transition temperature, which can result in a conductive electrolyte material whilst retaining an appropriate modulus (ie. stiffness) so that it can suppress dendrite formation, thereby improving safety when used in lithium metal batteries. To understand this ion dynamics behavior, molecular dynamics techniques have been used in this work to simulate structure and dynamics in these materials. These simulations confirm that the Li ion transport is decoupled from the polymer particularly at intermediate N1222+ concentrations. At 50 mol% N1222+ concentration the polymer backbone is more rigid than for higher N1222+ concentrations, but with increasing temperature Li ion transport is more significant than polymer or quaternary ammonium cation motions. Here we suggest an ion hopping mechanism for Li+, arising from structural rearrangement of ionic clusters that could explain its decoupled behavior. Higher temperatures favor an aggregated ionic structure as well as enhancing these hopping motions. The simulations discussed here provide an atomic-level understanding of ion dynamics that could contribute to designing an improved ionomer with fast ion transport and mechanical robustness.


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Ionic liquids (ILs) form a novel class of electrolytes with unique properties that make them attractive candidates for electrochemical devices. In the present study a range of electrolytes were prepared based on the IL N-methyl-N-propylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) amide ([C3mpyr][NTf2]) and LiNTf2 salt. The traditional organic solvent diluents vinylene carbonate (VC), ethylene carbonate (EC), tetrahydrofuran (THF) and toluene were used as additives at two concentrations, 10 and 20 mol%, leading to a ratio of about 0.6 and 1.3 diluent molecules to lithium ions, respectively. Most promisingly, the lithium ions see the greatest effect in the presence of all the diluents, except toluene, producing a lithium self-diffusion coefficient of almost a factor of 2.5 times greater for THF at 20 mol%. Raman spectroscopy subtly indicates that THF may be effectively breaking up a small portion of the lithium ion–anion interaction. While comparing the measured molar conductivity to that calculated from the self-diffusion coefficients of the constituents indicates that the diluents cause an increase in the overall ion clustering. This study importantly highlights that selective ion transport enhancement is achievable in these materials.


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Lithium ion conducting ceramics based on the lithium aluminium titanium phosphate (LATP) NASICON structure have been prepared with various substitutions of the phosphorous. The effect of the processing method has been shown to be the key factor in determining the conductivity, both bulk and grain boundary, as well as the conductivity trends observed as a function of substitution.


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The copolymerization of lithium 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonate (LiAMPS) with N,N ′-dimethylacrylamide has yielded polyelectrolyte systems which can be gelled with an ethylene carbonate/N ′,N ′-dimethylacetamide solvent mixture and show high ionic conductivities. 7Li linewidth and relaxation times as well as 1H NMR diffusion coefficients have been used to investigate the effect of copolymer composition as well as copolymer concentration in the gel electrolyte with respect to ionic transport and polyelectrolyte structure. It appears that ion association is likely even in the case of low lithium salt concentration; however a rapid exchange exists between the associated and non-associated lithium species. Beyond 0.2 M of LiAMPS, both the conductivity and solvent diffusion reach a plateau, whilst lithium ion linewidth and spin-spin relaxation are suggestive, on average, of a less mobile species. The thermal analysis data is also supportive of this association effectively leading to a form of phase separation on the nanoscale, which gives a lower overall activity of lithium ions in the solvent rich regions beyond about 0.2 M of LiAMPS, thereby leading to an increase in the final liquidus temperature of the binary liquid solvent from –9 to +5°C.


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Nano-particle oxide fillers including TiO2, SiO2 and Al2O3 have previously been shown to have a significant affect on the properties of polymer electrolytes, especially those based on polyether–lithium salt systems. In some cases, conductivity increases of more than one order of magnitude have been reported in crystalline PEO-based complexes. In this work, we report on the effects of TiO2 on a completely amorphous polyether-based system to remove the complication of multiple phases presented by the semi-crystalline nature of PEO. Multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has shown that the lithium ion environment is changed by the addition of filler. Vibrational spectroscopy shows that the filler influences the disordered-longitudinal acoustic modes (DLAM) in the case of an amorphous polyether and suggests an interaction between the filler surface and the polymer. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy indicates an increase in free volume upon addition of filler to an amorphous polyether–salt complex, coinciding with an apparent increase in polymer mobility as determined from 1H T2 NMR measurements. Impedance spectroscopy has shown clear evidence of an inter-phase region that may be more or less conductive than the bulk polymer electrolyte itself. The data support a model which includes conduction through an interfacial region in addition to the bulk polymer


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The ionic liquid, IL, dependence of the mid-point potential of the ferrocene|ferrocenium, Fc0/+, couple versus the decamethylferrocene|decamethylferrocenium, DmFc0/+, couple was studied in eleven ILs and in dichloromethane with added IL as the supporting electrolyte. The difference in mid-point potential between Fc and DmFc indicates that Fc0/+ couple is clearly dependent on the IL structure. A variation of about 0.100 V over the range of ILs studied under neat conditions and by ca. 0.050 V when studied in dichloromethane is reported. Meanwhile, a variable potential shift ranging from 0.014 to 0.082 V was observed when data was compared in these two systems (ILs vs. dichloromethane). The effect of water and lithium ion on the Fc0/+ and DmFc0/+ redox potential was also evaluated and found to be minimal.